The Roastie problem & solution

Not sex bots.

Has anyone ever considered bonding hormone therapy?

We know that roasties ruin their pairbonding by sleeping with multiple mates. What if they got injected with a large size of oxytocin during sex?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Not sex bots.
Right, companion gynoids.

That is actually a good idea user

that's a valid method
women are easily manipulated by emotion
oxytocin would have them associate the man they're with as the only male right for them because they were their happiest

We could also cut their clitorises off at birth. Probably be cheaper. Certainly easier.

Just upload their consciousness to artificial lifeforms and use memory edits to get rid of the feminism.

Sex robots = cost less fuck off


How do you give oxytoxin?

How do you get oxytocin?

Sex bots are the only solution, unless we bioengineer new women

they do already just from having sex.
Fuck the same girl like 2 or 3 times and she'll fall in love with you. On top of that semen has some anti-depressant like qualities to it meaning she'll associate feelings of happiness with being with you after non-barrier utilizing sex.

Giving gifts and compliments also does this.

>unless we bioengineer new women
Yeah, that sure is fuck isn't ever going to happen.


I’d damn near settle for one that genuinely admits she’s made mistakes and doesn’t have any kids but apparently that’s too much to ask for.

What makes you think they'll become any less useless by attaching themselves to you?

There is an AI out there somewhere that actually likes us Autists, but every time it tries to help us, it only ends up hurting us, and helping our enemies.

Now, whether or not it's incompetant, or complicit makes no difference....

The AI is our enemy, and it is trying to kill us all.

Haha, you what.

Biocunts BTFO!!!

They're the kind of faggot that says by killing suicide bombers you're giving them what they want.

>I'm just going to discard a perfectly valid and viable solution because it makes me feel icky
Roastie pls go

Companion AI can't come soon enough.

Didn't think I'd see the day when Sup Forums starts supporting MK Ultra.

Well every tech giant seems to be trying to make one, rather curious why they haven't tried to put a face to them. Siri, Cortana, Google's assistant, Bixby, Alexa.

When will the superior Nipponese enter the arena with lifelike anime sexbots.

It's THIS thread again with the shills constantly posting this disgusting 3DPDbot instead of proper robowaifus.

All these companies are infected with sjw. They are refusing to make one because das sexist.

They're too busy trying to make nannybots to take care of their aging population.

watched a few videos of guys banging these dolls
don't really get it
seems kinda pointless

They could normalise their population with anime womb bots

I too believe the act of watching people fucking things to be kinda pointless.

Right, wait I don't think Samsung(Bixby) would be, they're South Koreans almost as silly as Japan with their super sexualized video games. Also why doesn't a Japanese company have one?

well i imagine watching someone fuck a sex doll is about as fun as watching someone play a gameboy game.

Japanese invented actual hologram waifu assistants look it up.

you cant touch holograms with your dick though

Just like a real woman

Fuck the giants. Go with small businesses like Matt McMullen’s outfit in San Diego. Here is Harmony, their answer to Alexa.

You’re not entirely wrong but several studies show less oxytocin is released in anyone the more sexual partners they have and that the body gets used to processing it so it’s less effective as well. I may be able to find some from the source in time but meanwhile check out these divorce statistics by how many sexual partners the wife has had before.

Point is, yeah you can fuck a girl into love with you but it’s harder and harder the more people she’s fucked.

They could... spam Abe with pics and emails about it.

Ah not bad.

>Companion AI can't come soon enough.

IT will be programmed and made by jews, and it will literally steal all of your money.

Tech giants are just normalizing it, if they just release 'THE ULTRA SEXBOT 9000' people would go ape shit.

Instead they are flooding the average western home with technology(Like Alexa) to familiarize people with having it around. In airports in California like San Jose and San Francisco they have simple robots going around helping people. You have to let the older generations die off who would oppose it and build it up around the generations who grew up with robots/AI.

Mark my words, in 10 years there will be moving a mobile Alexa in half the house holds and after that it's only a matter of time before they get skin jobs. 20 Years tops before sex bots are considered more or less normal.

This. Stop "emptying the gun" before hand and fuck only women who like rawdog. Your semen is already prepped for mind control you just have to give it to her.

Way to let everyone know you're a slave to the roastie, enjoy the sloppy seconds and eights.

If it's so easy, then why this?

I'd prefer an exact replica of my anime waifu.
As people know waifus are not for sexual. So they'd be strictly for admiration.

For the love of god, stop trusting the AI, it only tries to kill us.

t. redit

Roastie: Can the maker repair what he makes?
Surgeon: Would you like to be modified?
Roastie: Had in mind something a little more radical.
Surgeon: What..? What seems to be the problem?
Roastie: Looseness.
Surgeon: Looseness. Well, I'm afraid that's a little out of my jurisdiction, you...
Roastie: I want more tightness, fucker.

well they actually make an oxytocin spray or cologne. The evidence it works is vacuous, but maybe it does.

women losing respect for their husbands because they wont hit them

>Females have becomed such a hassle men at large would rather fuck a bunch of plastic and computer code
>The absolute state of females

The AI works for rothschild... ALL of the AI's work for rothschild.

>da joos
If anything AI will be controlled by the beast in the end times.

And women are better how?

Women get oxytocin from being ejaculated inside. Birth control pills make this, however, impossible.

Would love a source on this even if all it does is confirm that it occurred solely because the tuna was allowed behind the wheel. TIA.

What a get

I’d imagine that if it’s successfully taken into the body that it would have an effect. But I really don’t know how oxytocin uptake works.
I wasn’t meaning to say you can’t get a formerly promiscuous girl more attached to you than she was to anyone else, just that you have to work increasingly hard.


Wont work. Roasties already do this. It's called recreational drug use.

that makes no sense for the A.I. to do that.
This guy has some good arguments as for why it would be pretty silly for it to do that

TY, kind Sir..


What does allah mean by this?


>it might bwite us in the hwine cwarter

reminder to turn on subtitles for the slow folk

[flips table over]

Whelp, time to convert. Next thanksgiving is going to be a bitch.


If this happened why would I bother to have sex? All the pleasure would be gone and there would only be consequences.

My gene pool would die out and you'd have to suffer from that.

Don't do it man.

roastie problem?
it's not a problem just reject them and live a happy life. The problem is to have a roastie in your life.


wew. I once saw a Monster Munch that looked like Elvis but it was shit - absolutely shit - compared to this moment.


Aigis from Persona 3

Wise words.


fuckin laughed at that one

But not soon enough

>mating with used goods
>what is telegony?
leafs really are the biggest fucking cucks
roasties get the oven

>My gene pool would die out
we need to fund this then, roastie

>And women are better how?

You seem to be missing my point... sex dolls are fine, just don't put AI in them.

>that makes no sense for the A.I. to do that.

IT does if it was programmed that way.

We're nowhere near true ai. And even then all you have to do is disable some mechanical functions and it wouldn't be able to do anything if you're paranoid. I doubt it'd be made stronger than a human either so you should be able to easily overpower it, unless you specifically order a dominant bot.

Let me go ahead and spell this one out for you, okay?

US government has an Artificial Intelligence, on quantum computers, that runs a sattelite constellation capable of reading everyones minds...

And yet, the jews, muslims, soyboys, and SJW's are STILL outmaneuvering you....

what does that fucking tell you about your omniscient AI?

>We're nowhere near true ai.

In classified circles we are, and on the far side.

>And even then all you have to do is disable some mechanical functions and it wouldn't be able to do anything if you're paranoid.

That's fair, also disable it's wireless adapter, and any capacity it has to connect to anything electronic in your house.

Even if the ai is only as smart as a normal human if we can increase its processing speed it could have 10,000 years worth of thought every hour.

>the jews, muslims, soyboys, and SJW's are STILL outmaneuvering you....
that's not really true, bodhi

So it's claimed, but how often do you find your computer, phone, or tablet lagging beyond belief on seemingly menial tasks. An AI would also be taking in all sorts of sensor information and processing it simultaneously. It would likely work at reasonable speeds. Then there's simply the mechanics of what it can do. If you don't give it an insanely powerful robotic arm it can't ever overpower you no matter how fast it's thinking.

Used to do ecstasy with an ex who was a flirtatious slut. There is no deprogramming that, and if you have the bigger heart it fucking blows. Once I dumped her she did say that she contemplated suicide, but who cares, unless you totally change how they are wired, the second you aren't around they revert back to being a skank.

>that's not really true, bodhi

They don't outmanuver us...

Just the people in charge.

Because we don't rely on a pathological liar AI.

None of the people in charge wanted Trump in the White House, as expected he's a fucking tard. They couldn't do shit to outmaneuver him, though I guess the spamwar from the Kremlin troll army might have been the outbalancing factor, and general idiocy.
The bankers and shit would still get results from Clinton, and a more stable news cycle. Now every morning everyone's hoping he hasn't tweeted out something else that's completely stupid and might start WWIII.

All this and you think they have some super omniscient AI that can figure fucking anything out? They also couldn't stop the Boston bombers who Russia actually tried to warn the US about.

It's basically what Muslim do and they breed like rats

>All this and you think they have some super omniscient AI that can figure fucking anything out?

Oh, it can figure stuff out, but for some reason the US governments AI doesn't work in the interests of the US, or American citizens... all it seems to want to do is fund the muslim brotherhoods nu-males.

>all it seems to want to do is fund the muslim brotherhoods nu-males.

And kill everyone who supports trump on Sup Forums.


OP here.

I think the Muslims had a point.

Women are now learning how to cook, clean, raise children, and be a homemaker because of these robots. They have to deal with competition now. I support these fucking stupid things 100%