/mbmc/ My Borders My Choice General - Happening Edition


Find your flag & print some of these fuckers:

Game Plan:
1. Posters go up Sunday Jan 21 at night on campuses & public spaces around the world!
2. Bonus points for putting them in feminism & SJW related areas: social science & psychology departments, women's & gender studies departments, office doors of feminist profs, etc.
3. Please do not commit vandalism or do anything illegal
4. Translations are available for over 25 countries
5. Only use the official versions of the poster:

Antifa is shitting themselves over this:
itsgoingdown.org/neo-nazis-Sup Forums-ready-new-poster-campaign-target-womens-studies-departments-campus-january-21st/

So is the SPLC:

but Ben Garrison has given MBMC the green light:

along with The Golden One, Peter Sweden, Jack Posobiec, Tara McCarthy, Millennial Woes, LA Werewolf & many more

Ignore shills, stick to the plan & only use the official versions from the main website:

Godspeed anons

Other urls found in this thread:


Pic in OP is my contribution, let’s see what you got.

Stop antagonising antfia les they chimp out and start murdering people


Also, how does printing history on printers work? I want to go to work early to print them off but I don’t want to get fired if the HR pig finds out.


just go to your local library

Post game tendies ready to go in the oven



>you must find a tolerant solution

Bump, already got my posters out. Good luck everyone

Good job user, your country thanks you

A certain university in Indiana has been hit.

this is cringe and makes the issue into a cute little joke
go back to fucking reddit

/leftypol/ out in full force tonight brothers, don't get yourself involved with this foolishness. Patience, the clock is ticking.

>p-pls don't post them!

>Blonde Eyebrows
>Blue Eyes
you guys fucked up

I didn't make the poster, but that's definitely not a fuck up. That's perfect, actually. It's the kind of detail that the (((media))) and batshit leftists will seize upon but that will actually make them look crazy by doing so. Similar phenomenon to the overall premise of IOTBW, in this respect.


how about you all call your local representatives every day to remind them that they have to protect this country

You should have cut them into the shape of a leaf instead of a circle.

Didn't think of it that way. Actually perfects it

ain't nobody got time for dat


This is a tremendous achievement. Each and every one of you fights for freedom.

This is the best birthday ever!


New Jersey here. I placed mine up around my local community college and one at a local mosque

We keep a history of who prints what going back years if it's through your account or computer in any way.

t. Corporate IT

I took several photos. Didn't take one of the mosque.

Important note: Make sure you check twitter and Facebook for the areas you put your posters up.

I want to put some stickers up tomorrow, but I'm paranoid about being caught on a surveillance camera. What should I do?

Australia needs one plz

Why do you worry about doing things that are legal?

Whisper side OP:
Download Whisper and post #MyBordersMyChoice w/ your country

adelaidefag here, putting them up at shopping centres

Go here: voat.co/v/mybordersmychoice/2342909

The australia one is there

Any Polish bros here tonight?


I go to school in southern California, and I fear that I may be expelled for "hate speech"

lmao, but who's got the dipping sauce?




>1. Make sure to wear a hat and a hoodie coat that will do a good job of keeping your face covered (and also the coat/hoodie helps distort your body shape)
>2. Don't wear clothes that you regularly wear or that you plan on wearing regularly in the future. This includes, perhaps most importantly, your shoes
>3. This is key: pull up google maps and try to plan out your basic route beforehand. Once you know exactly where you're going to go, then you won't have to pause much and/or look around. As a result, you can and should walk with your head down the whole time (head as far down as you can up to the point it makes you look odd).
>4. Since you have your route mapped out, you only have to look up for a very short period when you've arrived at the location that you (beforehand) decided you wanted to put poster(s) up. Ideally, you want to have prepared your flyers to be posted before you actually arrive at the spot. In other words, stop somewhere along the way and put tape on one, and then keep walking with it in your hand or under your shirt (i.e., hidden). Then get to the spot, lift your head up and look around in all directions to make sure no one is watching, quickly post, and move on
>5. Decide beforehand whether you want to (1) pick a small number of spots and bombard them with a lot of posters, or (2) pick a large number of spots and hit each with a smaller number of posters. The pros of the first strategy is that you probably spend less time actually posting flyers. The pros of the second strategy is that each occasion of flyer-posting is less risky
>6. Don't go to the dead center of campus if you think that part will be more risky.

bring a rubber mask in your bag.

Spread the #mybordersmychoice campaign on gab ai


i don't believe those "conservative" women are any different than those leftist women. All women wan the same thing.

>7. On the off chance that you are caught in the act, it might be helpful to have a couple of the flyers ripped up in your pocket. That way, if they say they saw you in the act of putting them up, you can show them the ripped up ones and say you were tearing down flyers because you knew this was happening tonight. Generally speaking though, you shouldn't be required by law to empty your pockets just because they ask you to.

>8. As for the security cameras, having a hat and keeping your head down will get you a long way. If you want to be extra safe, try to think about where the cameras are actually placed on your campus. If you need to, pull up the Street View on Google Maps on your computer, and move around your campus. In most cases you'll be able to see if a building has a camera on the outside. Obviously, you then avoid those locations or otherwise work around them.

Generally speaking, I promise you, it's not as risky or scary as you think. After you do a couple, you'll quickly realize how unlikely it is you'll actually be caught (you've looked around and verified that no one is watching you, and it's pretty hard to make your face out, if you even did actually walk by a security camera). Instead, you'll get a rush from it to the point that you'll have a desire to go back out and do it again (or at least take part in the next round of flyer postings).

russian sleeper agent here, t-minus 3 hours until activation in central time zone

I can't go out tonight. What can I do to contribute?



Do not do this shit at work.

Do not do this shit at work.

Consider yourself warned.

> how about you all call your local representatives

Here's another one.

I have posted more contributions in this album.
Feel free to use these for collabs or something

>Yes goyim, attack your women. Tell the modest and respectable ones that they're no different than the ones dressed like vaginas.

We know what you're up to retards. It's a public forum. If i see any of you out and about putting these dogwhistles up, get running. All I gotta say...peace.

The revolution will not be televised. We will defend everyone from white supremacism and imperialism. Mexicans, LGBT, the poor, and other minorities will not be bombarded with hate or made feel unsafe on our watch.

solid tape job there. thats what you need

Just got back from posting at SCAD, what'd i miss?

Half-Polish half euro mutt here, but I got all the best parts of Polish genetics. Tonight is a good night.
Respect to eveyone that posts something.

checking it out now user!

Anooooooooons!!!! Help me draw people from other threads on Sup Forums and bring them here this is the most important thing happening on Sup Forums tonight!!!! We need more people!!! Massivity is the difference between being what the media paints us as and being what people see!!! We need these posters on every corner of the occident!!! Also send to similar-minded friends so they share it as well!! If each of us reaches a few people and tells them to do the same we exponentially increase our efforts!!! Do it anons!!! Fight light intelligent people!!! Also remember to reach out to normie places since we need to help sway their opinions and aren’t already indoctrinated like the liberals!

Just spread the word around other threads. Try seeing if Sup Forums wants to tag along.

Cheeki breeki, Ivan.

Good work user.

If you really can't, then go out tomorrow. As far as tonight goes, spread word about it on social media. Help support anons in these threads who have questions and whatnot, argue against shills trying to subvert, etc. Something is always better than nothing

You should save the mexicans from the cartels and the lgbt by taking their rope away you pussies lol

The only way you know how to fight is by ganging up on individuals and chimping out so you know you wont do shit

Which do you prefer a batshit insane liberal woman who is virtual signaling to destroy a nation or a conservative women who is virtual signaling to save a nation? One of reasons why women went to shit because men went to shit first. Kill yourself.

Immigration fucks over blacks.


It's another IOTBW.


empty threat from a tiny, weak coward
but recorded nonetheless
added to my large, growing collection of evidence against the left in their criminal, violent response to a peaceful poster campaign

>getting caught
KEK by who? the police, for doing something perfectly legal?

send your very best antifa
send everyone
commit 100% resources to it, I dare you
it won't even make a dent

you have less than one night in the middle of a cold winter to remove them, spread across 26+ countries, outnumbered more than 100 to 1 by the people putting them up, with no idea where they actually are except "on public spaces" (good luck) - and if you plan on violence, you are facing people much better at that than you, and it'll be in self defense so we have the legal greenlight whereas you do not (but it won't come to that anyway since you can't even drag your sorry asses out of bed in the morning)

you're fucked

!!!!!Stop! sperging!! with your punctuation!!!

nice work user. Major contribution

Apex kek

But fuck you I am le 100% blanc

Straight from the script.

Then go to other threads and redirect them here faggot.

I wish this board had border checks to keep faggots like you out.

Yes, do this. Pushing this on Sup Forums would be a great way to help out.

Controversial topic here so I'm not gonna put my name on it, but you could also go encourage people at T_D and/or answer questions they have about how to do it. A MBMC post was already stickied on T_D so it's not like we're keeping it quiet from them. Might as well give give them encouragement and answer their questions

I wanna do this in Kansas City but don't have my own printer.

lets get this in order!
We need:
Sup Forums (4 and 8 pol)
Sup Forums
All on deck correct?

Put them up on camera. Wave to the camera. Smile. Stick them on other posters and stickers if you're really worried.

son of a bitch lmao

check, got a post stickied by mods earlier:

check (but they're not very active right now):
8ch dot net/pol/res/11170373.html

need support with the rest

also VOAT, they love this - Ben Garrison himself tweeted a link to the main website on voat and all of voat went nuts:


Guys do you think we could push this for a week? I'm not againest putting up new ones after all mine get torn down tommarow.

Remember to also reach out to similar minded friends, these posters sell themselves. Sorry for mass reply it’s just it was important






bump good luck anons

Adding to this: remember also that most people don't give a shit what you're doing, and they don't know you. They have their own lives to get on with. They're not dumb enough to start a confrontation with a stranger. That's dangerous, when you don't know the person that you're putting on the defensive. Just do it, guys, you'll be fine. There's nothing to be afraid of. Have a goddamn real little adventure, get the adrenaline going a bit for once.

I wouldn't put up any legit nazi stuff or truly racist stuff, lest we give them ammo. Pro border stuff is good obv, but stuff like "black lives don't matter" is just fueling their cause.

eyyy u go to SCAD?

thats pretty neat, is it a good college? Ive been thinking about applying. Even bought a sweatshirt.

sure thing rabbi, ill get right on it
>pol is best friends
nobody will attempt to spin this into an open borders push, no sir

agreed, put up posters yourself, but convince 10 other people and now far more posters are going up than you could do alone
>t. guy who started MBMC lol


Take back our future!

Yes definitely as it gets momentum and more people want to post it!
But today is the difference between getting painted neo-nazis and being what people see

There's plenty of places that will print for you (staples, for example). If nothing else, your local library will have printers

of course not, which is why you should just stick to the plan:

1. Posters go up Sunday Jan 21 at night on campuses & public spaces around the world!
2. Bonus points for putting them in feminism & SJW related areas: social science & psychology departments, women's & gender studies departments, office doors of feminist profs, etc.
3. Please do not commit vandalism or do anything illegal
4. Translations are available for over 25 countries
5. Only use the official versions of the poster:

Put up about 15 an hour ago in the most liberal infested area possible (Atlanta / GSU / SCAD)

Put them up even in the very sketchy areas

Pulled over by a cop
but not for posting the shit
(for traffic violation)

can i get a (you) for my efforts atleast pls?

I have about 10 stickers left. You make me want to go out to put the rest up. It's too bad it's so foggy in my area, all surfaces damp. I might have to hunt for you inside and wait there for you to start shit with me.