Power level: X

>Power level: X
>The scouter must be broken!
Why do they always assume it's broken? Isn't the entire point of the device so that combatants won't engage in deceptively powerful opponents? What is the point of having them if not for that use? They're essentially just a way to compare penis sizes at that point. Might as well make a device that displays a person's yearly household income too.
And they also explode too much. And nobody seems shocked by it. Space Pirate Samsung must have a monopoly.

>asking why dragon ball has shitty writing

Dramatic effect

So that Toriyama can asspull a power mid fight and you won't be surprised since his power level was never seen.

It would have been cool if sometimes the person's power level stayed really low but they still win because they know judo and make no excess movement.

What pissed me off even more is them never being able to hit each other effectively with energy blasts. It's like these tards can't lead their targets at all. Have they even played Quake?

I hated how Krillin had the most powerful attack in the entire series and only used it to cut off tails. He should've learned how to refine that shit into a smaller, more versatile attack. Like Goku did with the spirit bomb.

They probably didn't know about Saiyans powering up after near death experiences and how all the companions are way weaker.

Keep in mind that it was never outright stated that the Kienzan can cut through anything, people just assume it since it cut Freeza's tail. If it were more agile, I'm pretty sure we'd just see it getting broken in the manga, like what the anime did.

He cut kid Buu in half. And while sure, he can regenerate, damaging him still takes the same amount that would kill somebody without that regeneration of the same power level.

Scouters aren't really supposed to be used on people with power levels at levels above 20k or so

a power level that high basically puts you in the top 10 of strength in the universe at that point.
The reason they explode is because they are not designed to be able to read powerlevels that can raise, as that is an incredibly rare ability.
Think of a grandfather clock, what happens if you make the clock run 10 times faster than it was designed to? It will probably break.
That generation of Scouters are analog devices and not digital, essentially

youre forgetting that the only ones that broke were considered "old". remember them talking about getting new models.

Garbage and you don't understand what powerlevels are.

>That generation of Scouters are analog devices
Where are you pulling this bullshit?
Also, I'm pretty sure if a grandfather clock were to be made to run 10 times faster, one of the cogs would falter and it would just halt, not explode into a massive fucking ball of fire.

To add: they were always used to find prey/targets weaker than the user. Raditz used it to find Piccolo/Goku. Nappa and Vegeta used them again to find the Z fighters. Freeza's men used them to find the villages with dragonballs.

Really,,? Because mine is 400,000, faggot.

They did what I described in Blood Lad too.

I remember them saying that Goku and earthlings were diferent in how they can increase and hide their power levels, so a scouter never worked on them. The bad guys in the Namek and Frieza arc kept their power levels at an all time high and only Vegeta later learned how to manage it.

The scouters were mainly used to track down living beings on planets and radio.
Power levels were just a secondary option so they could target the strongest beings first.

Keep in mind the first scouters could only go up 20 000. Which is the power level of Elite fighters in Freeza forces. There was no point in going above that as there barerly were people above that level.

The old ones broke at 24,000, the newer ones break around 500,000.

Remember when Saiyan Saga Goku vs. Vegeta broke the scouter all the way at Kame House?

Super Buu was pierced by bullets and they lodged in Fat Buu when they bounced off Imperfect Cell and only stung kid goku. Buu's very soft relative to his power.

If I brought my $1000 shitbox on on of those HP measuring machines, and it said my shitbox had 2000HP, I would call bullshit

Are you talking about Wolf's Charisma?


>What is the point of having them if not for that use?

>Scouters aren't really supposed to be used on people with power levels at levels above 20k or so
was exercise not invented till the frieza saga?

why do they combust? what's inthere was explosive, then can just short out without exploding. unless it samples ki. .

>what is miscalibration
I work in quality assurance.

Sometimes I get highly unusual readings. Often times it's a calibration issue; in those cases, I have to re-calibrate the equipment then try again. Most of the time, this fixes the problem, and I'm happy with the new readings.

It's not unheard of for the weird readings to be legit, but that's quite often rare.

>tfw engineers have no respect for our equipment

Saiyans don't even believe in training. You are born to fight and if you survive you fight for another day.

it's a cartoon

Unless you're a mutant or training with gods you're not going to be stronger than a few hundred no matter how much you exercise.

It's literally collecting and measuring Ki, if the amount of Ki in the area spikes suddenly they get overloaded and pop, which is what fries them every single time if you pay attention.