Gender Pay Gap

If a Gender Pay Gap exists, you cannot possibly
assert that Women are treated fairly be society.

What legislation is reasonable to ensure Women are?

Legalisation of sex slavery

Dem bitches are lucky we even let them work. Dey need to be at home cookin and cleanin.

There will always be a gender pay gap since leftists invented infinite genders.
>You just played yourselves commies.

How about the current legislation that prohibits discrimination based on gender? Pay gaps only exist because women are too lazy, coddled and generally retarded to do anything about them

>Force companies to pay women more than they are worth.
Women can't compete so the companies do not want to waste money just to make the leftist happy.

Equal work equal pay. I don't give a damn what field it is, women always churn out shit compared to men. Collectively, theres to be a lack of passion in the work a woman does vs a man
If a man could have a child, I'm certain the quality of it would be better than a child birthed by a woman.

guarantee that if you legalize prostitution pay gap will be mitigated.

gender pay gaps exist in various nations, but not because of sexism
the gaps exist because women are lazy and make ridiculously bad career choices (think of the sheer number of gender studies grads alone)

Nah, men would make more, no doubt about it

not only that, but most women want to work in community-service types of jobs that don't pay well. Most also want to have kids at some point. It's not that they are lazy, just that they choose to live their life a certain way. Men choose to attain wealth/status/stability.

how so?

>if you legalize prostitution pay gap will be mitigated
include the prostitutes who use marriage; you only have to include divorce settlements/alimony and the pay gap would flip to men making less

If you are a woman and you're not pursuing a high wage career, you are literally causing the wage gap, and would have to be a massive hypocrite to complain about it.

Hypothetically, it'd be a legal profession, so more men would enter that line of work. Not only as the prostitute, but as hookers managers (pimps) which are currently making more money than that run down hooker standing around on the corner or laying there taking it while the man (in this case, the customer) still manages to do most of the work

OP you seem like you're a nice person so I will answer you for real.

Price is a function of supply vs demand. Since men are bigger and stronger, and don't get pregnant, there will always be higher demand for an average hour of male labor than an average hour of female labor. Given that the supply of men and women is equal, there is a higher price for male labor.

The only way to calculate the "wage gap" without controlling for any variables, the selection of which variables being arbitrary, would be to add the total money earned by men and divide it by total men, and do the same for women. That is how you get the figure commonly cited of 77%.

If you were to increase the pay for women through legislation, you would see a subsequent drop in the hiring of women. This would maintain the 77% balance as the women still in the workplace would earn more, and the women outside earned 0.

Overall there is no answer to the pay gap that is consistent with the belief that men and women are exactly equal.

Didn't NYT do a study on the mythical wage gap and contribute the difference in pay to motherhood, not that women actually get paid less?

Why do I keep seeing so many threads with the Mom from "That 70s Show" in OP?

fewer hours worked/week (on average)
lesser qualifications/experience (made worse through time off for motherhood)

Fuck off or we will all convert to Islam

Why do so few women play video games? Is it because men don't let them play? Is it because they are less interested and committed? The same explanation is why women "get paid less", they simply don't aspire and are not attracted to the jobs in which a free market deems valuable. This is a very basic approach to understanding how the pay gap is false and another division tool of the left.

What does the sex pay gap look like at the bottom of the pay scale?

It's called the Equal Pay Act. If you can legitimately show you have been discriminated against for being a woman at work you can sue the fuck out of the company you work for. Fortunately, it's not an easy thing to prove, as your feelings are still not accepted as evidence in a courtroom.

>What legislation is reasonable to ensure Women are?
Affirmative action is the only way to ensure equal outcome. This is only if the conclusion that there is a wage gap is true.

Gender Pay Gap is a misnomer and a cheap delphi trick of semantics....and its also a false accusation, as if there was a collective conspiratorial intent to enforce this supposed inequality.
If you paid a woman less for the same job, that’d be illegal.
There's no
“Gender Labor Gap” – Men work more than women, more hours a week, retire later, work more years in their lives, men do higher risk high reward jobs and men more labor outside the workplace (home improvement anyone?)
No one mentions the Gender Death Gap? Women live longer than men
Where is the gender pay gap specifically and how has that number been determined?
Where is the distribution of wealth? (Ahhhh we see the real jew rearing his head here, this is a wealth redistribution scheme, guilt tripping into distribution, sorry jews, guilt doesnt work on this goy)
.......and really Why should this be remedied?
Why should I opt to knee cap myself to give women (anyone for that matter) a bigger share of income, that's counter-intuitive to capitalism
Women shouldn't make an equal amount because they have a vagina, they should make an equal amount because they provide an equal output.
I really despite this poodle-head woman she's the crust from a homeless crackhead niggers butthole

She's a jew?

Hello James Damore, you have been fired from Google for espousing common sense.

Never thought of it, but seems probable.

>If a Gender Pay Gap exists, you cannot possibly
>assert that Women are treated fairly be society.
lol okay bro

And then we went on to have a presidency that was essentially moderate Republican. How very odd.

Making them pass a test to get the job, if they pass the same test a man passes, they get paid the same thing. This is a reoccurring test to ensure that they are performing up to the quality of the position, if they are not, they may not be fired, but they will earn less, as they are not as valuable. Enough of this diversity shit. If we are supposed to all be the same, then we can't be giving people special privilege because they have a twat or dark skin. If a test to prove competence is racist or sexist, then the one proclaiming it is actually admitting some people aren't as good as others, in which case they shouldn't be hired.

No legislation needed at all. You get paid what you are worth, Women are worth less so get paid less.

yeah obama was a real moderate republican, pass the crack pipe tyrone i need to get on your level

I have this idea, that if we made everyone wear these big weights like a padlocked bag of metal pellets, the exact weight calculated to the person, and we'd have an earphone put in the ear of anyone remotely smart, and have it play extremely loud and distracting sounds every twenty seconds or so. oh and everyone above ordinary looks needs to wear a mask, as ugly as they are beautiful. I say we elect this woman as a....a handicapper general! in charge of ensuring that everyone is truly equal!

women are already the biggest free-riders in the economy, they can go fuck themselves

Repeal the 19th Amendment.


I know she is old af but I would love to bust a fat nut across her face.