Why did Killy shoot him even when he dindu nuffin? Was Killy a racist?

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Silicon life must die

Yes? He's literally programmed to wipe out silicon life forms


Silicon life attacks human indiscriminately, they deserved to to driven to extinction.


>Cibo was a robot all along
What? I thought her new body was stolen from a human clone factory.

Her old body was pretty much all robotic too.

she's trans-human

silicone life are post-human and maybe some special safeguards like Sanakan fall into that category

I've made a startling revelation

But as far I know she was a normal human with some enhancements, like those USB-like ports than even Killy has. Her last incarnation was the only one that was complete a complete robot.

Cibo was born human, she just transferred bodies so many times it's essentially unknowable. Also in the manga she stole her body from the clone factory in The Capitol whereas in the movie she had a machine make her a new better one.

I assumed you were talking about the movie from that character sheet. When Killy dug her out, pretty sure there were no organic parts.

Oh, I know, but aside the movie, in the manga she is represented with a more robotic body.

Who was she, again?

ignore all silly cone threads, destroy all silly cone posters

Who is Yanda supposed to be?

Everyone in BLAME! is human to some degree. AIs like safeguards and the governing agency are based on their human creators. Silicon Lifeforms are human criminals who went full retard with augs long ago, and have since become so different that the NetSphere no longer recognizes them as the same species.

It's been mentioned several times in the manga that, due to the sheer amount of time and technofuckery involved in the BLAME! world, even humans (as far as we can recognize them) have branched off into several species. The Bio Electric Corporation that Cibo is from are humans capable of uploading themselves to backup data and re-downloading into new bodies (evidenced by the fact that Killy scans Cibo differently from Silicon Life). The closest thing to vanilla humans in BLAME! are probably the Electro-Fishers, although they do have that ritual where they can drain some kind of organic data-gunk from the bodies of their dead.

When transhuman shit comes into play, the concept of humanity becomes arbitrary anyway. The only thing that really distinguishes a human in BLAME! is if the NetSphere recognizes you as one.


Apparently to Killy what Iko is to Dhomo. Who knows where she fucked off to.

That knight guy was so badass, it was pretty sad to see what happened to him.

>I assumed you were talking about the movie from that character sheet. When Killy dug her out, pretty sure there were no organic parts.
They talk about communication in the eyes. In the manga with the suit like killys and the fart ghost they meet Killy and they are freaking out how they cannot make or pick up any communication from Killys eyes. Plus there must be some sort of id Killy can pick up by looking at eyes since he is able to tell human and silicon life apart. Her eyes were working in the movie so that could tell her origin. Actually, origin is the better word.

>Netflix movie out
>Still no hope of doujins
>Forever without BLAME porn by raita

How is it sad? He got his memories back AND got to live with his waifu forever.

So she's directly in contact with The Authority? Did the Authority even exist at this point, or is the idea that Killy is an immortal super safeguard bolted on by Nihei afterwards?

Vol 1 is largely considered one-shot/ pilot material, which is why the tone is so different. Just think of it as Nihei playing around with the setting before finally settling on a direction to take the manga.

Then why did he saved that faggot at the end of the chapter

More likely a human that Killy allied with, and may have had contact with the Authority.

I think an actual Authority figure would have noticed that Killy's body was malfunctioning before Sanakan restored him.

Because he fulfilled his original mission of finding a human with the NTG. Before he completed it, he cannot take any chance or he risked what happened in volume 1 again. Eliminate all those that would prevent a human with NTG to connect with the Net Sphere, no exceptions. And now that he completed that mission, he is to maintain law and order within The City, which also means protecting Silicon Life as well.

>silicones recognize best girl

Actually, scratch that. He spoke with the Authority a few times before his encounter with Sanakan and they never seemed to concerned that Killy wasn't at peak functionality

While you're right, Dog Girl matters more than all the other anomalies in volume 1. She recurs four times, each in very short and cryptic ways. Unlike the sting rays, insectoid mutants, and the monster child, she keeps coming back very deliberately.

Probably because they can't do anything about it and they know he'll get the job done, one way or another.


yeah but you can't say all the time she was turned retarded playing dark souls where particularly enjoyable

What are the instances of her reappearing?

>best girl is best girl
As expected of the master

Time is convoluted in Toha Heavy Industries.

Maybe they also forgot, since it's been an ungodly long time. The databases aren't talking to each other anymore, so one branch doesn't know HQ is sending their most operator death machine and to check for defects upon receipt.

Killy is the Apex of the city. There's no one greater.

Time doesn't real in the gravity furnace exclusion zone, he could've been 10 billion years snuggling with her too.

Is it weird to see your daughter being raised next door by your ex?

I need to reread BLAME! sometime and pay more attention

He got his ass handed to him a number of times, sometimes by regular humans.

That's not best girl

quads speak.

Killy can scan people's genetic code by looking at their eyes. This is how he can tell if someone is a silicon creature, a human, a net terminal gene holder, or a safeguard.

>Asagi and Torako = Cibo and Sanakan
That... makes a lot more sense than I thought.

>Time doesn't real in the gravity furnace exclusion zone, he could've been 10 billion years snuggling with her too.

>I guess so just phase the fuck out of existence is just a tad hard to fully comprehend

Beginning of volume 9: Killy sees her in his dream.
Artbook page 84: "But, if that is so, who is the woman with the dog...?"
Artbook page 84-b: "When Killy was revived after being annihilated by the Level 9, he had a dream sequence before he was restarted. LOG.2/Memory of earth. In that dream, the woman and the dog were mostly symbolic. I think this obviously has some relevance to Dhomochevsky and Iko's creation scene. The woman is Iko and the dog corresponds to the coelacanth. ... In all the ways Killy is "born," that woman, just like Iko, is supporting him along with her dog."
Blame Gakuen: I don't remember which chapter, but she's in it.

>raita porn

One more to satisfy my autism

Yeah, vol1 chapters can be really early days of Killy. He even doesn't know the government agency then. Or, Nihei didn't hit upon the idea then.

Somebody post timescales. Like, the elevator ride was over 100 years, right?

80 years, as I recall.

No way, he only was defeated by other high-level safeguards. I don't even remember him being beaten by silicon creatures.

>beaten up AND bullied

If it weren't for Cibo, he was pretty much defeated. They were even laughing at him.

Yeah, and then those were BTFO by some kid.

Well, fair enough. Those creatures that could reflect the GBE shots were OP as fuck, though.

Ivy and Maeve had them on the ropes until Seu and Mensab showed up

Wasn't "some kid", it was a unique monstrosity with bullshit regenerative powers.

Well, it was a kid. I didn't say it was a human kid.

It was probably a high-level Safeguard in disguise, like Sanakan in the electro-fisher village.

When Nihei started the series, it was considered one shot series for a year. There's no rigid setting or overall plot. Government agency and exterminators are not separated. After a year, they decided to develop Blame! into a long term series. Around that time, Cibo was introduced and Government agency became a good guy.

>lying in public

We need more Sanakan worshipping.

How many times Killy lost his right arm? How many times Cibo died? How many years passed since the first chapter?

To be fair, that was early on before he remember he wasn't a normal human and couldn't understand all the info that was flashing in his eyes.

I would like to think that it was something else besides Safeguard or Silicon Life. That with The City so big, there is bound to be something that had evolved to thrive in it and that was one of many that did.

Sanakan gets the job done!

>How many years passed since the first chapter
I'm on chapter 51, and in the Dorchevsky? arc alone I think we've lost 500+ years

The only thing I thought while she killed half of the village was please step on me too!

She's scary and cute at the same time!


To add to your point: the child appears, visibly, to be fully human; even as it killed the soldiers/bandits. No Silicon or Safeguard in the entire series can use their strength while appearing as a human. Sanakan is the only one of either who is shown to even have the capability of looking like a human, and she changes out of that form before fighting.

Just finished the manga. So does she die at the end after killy btfos the safeguard boss?

Maybe a mutated human like those asexual three-eyed humans tribe that Killy met before going to the City.

>heard you had Net Terminal Genes you little shit
>now get on the bed


You know, it's kinda weird knowing Cibo has a gentle and friendly personality even when she is a sociopath scientist.

maybe he just forgets shit as time goes by

That was only before he'd reactivated his safeguard functions, after he did that during the first debacle with Sanakan there was an immediately noticeable and vast improvement in virtually every parameter. Before that he was effectively little more than an average man who just happened to be insanely tough and had a fuckstrong gun and balls of steel, he even had to drug himself regularly to help recover his injuries. Afterwards he gradually shifts back into a nigh-immortal unstoppable death machine tanking nuclear explosions to the face, holding his own completely whenever he was alone against whatever mechanical abomination came his way, and even once when he lost his GBE he launched a heavily armed one man assault against the most powerful silicon organization of the level, slaughtered one of their top members and critically injured another. If not because of his physical abilities or his equipment, Killy is still one of the most dangerous safeguards ever created by virtue of sheer unstoppability. Nothing they've ever tried on him has worked, and they've tried pretty much everything like three times.

Nah, pretty sure it was a safeguard since he attacked the village with the safeguard horde next chapter before getting btfo.

>Killy is still one of the most dangerous safeguards ever created

I liked how he gradually became stronger. First he was no different than a normal human, just with a very powerful gun. Then, after her first encounter with Sanakan, he became more stronger and faster than before, and he could use his GBE more efficiently. Then, when he was obliterated and lost 60% of his body, he practically became a kill machine, with all his functions at maximum.
I think his peak was his fight against the Level 10 Safeguard, when he activated those weird eyes and he could nullify every force shield the Safeguard put on him.


He's not a Safeguard. Verifiable across almost every work in which Blame has been presented.

Not that user, but yeah, he was one.

And he helped Killy too

Kind of a hard sell especially now in the movie when Sanakan directly states he stole a safeguard body. You'll need to start shouting anime-only-fag all the time.

Sanakan doesn't understand all that is going on, she's (probably) the protag from Noise who is under contract with the Safeguard from before it went wacko. She sees what he has access to and thinks he must be Safeguard when his canon is that he's a predecessor to the Safeguard, probably a higher spec prototype sort that cost more to make than the final models except maybe the level 10.

Part of Killy's hardcoded mission is to destroy Silicon life before they can interfere. Once he completes his mission, he can save QT Silicon life like P-Cell 2.0 all he wants.

>she's (probably) the protag from Noise who is under contract with the Safeguard
Musubi would never help the Safeguard!

In the manga too sanakan says he's a safeguard, then Domo says they are a type of pre-safeguards or something like that

Wasn't it the authority rep who said that before he got shanked in virtual space?

You have to separate "The Safeguard" as an organization from "The Safeguard" as a type of organism. Killy does not obey the laws of the Safeguard as an organization because he's not part of them and technically never was one because they were formed after his creation. Killy responds directly to the Netsphere Authority which if it weren't for the Safeguard being in full lockdown autistic screeching mode the Authority would actually be in charge of them too. But as it is, the Authority is in conflict with the Safeguard and understands that Killy is pretty much their only hope of getting the Safeguard back under control because Killy's mission pretty much kills every bird with one stone as a human with netsphere access could pretty much stop every major problem in Blame!.

As far as his physical body, Killy is technically the same type of organism as the Safeguard. It would be more accurate to say that the Safeguard are based on Killy though. It's unclear if there ever were others like Killy before the Safeguard became a thing though but I imagine there would be, not sure what would have happened to them obviously.

>full lockdown autistic screeching mode

What happened to Sanakan between toha heavy industries and her reappearance after Domo's arc

Kinda related but I love Sanakan's design after she renegotiates her contract and gets to work for the Netsphere Authority instead of the Safeguard.

It's not like her word would make a difference.

人間だが、かなり高度にサイボーグ化されている。ほとんど確実に不老不死。すでに1000年以上は生きている可能性が高い。が、その自覚というか 「記憶」が、多分、ない。相当な過去、まだ、もしかしたらネットスフィアが完全に機能している時代に、警察官的な仕事をしていたのかもしれない。とにか く、後に「種族」化して「珪素生物」となる「人間が生物的な体を捨てた」犯罪者達や、ネットワークを介在して、複数の「体」を使用する者達から、ひどく恨 みを買うほどに対立していたようだ。


Maybe, now I'm not sure