These are the most iconic heroes of Jump. How does this make you feel?

These are the most iconic heroes of Jump. How does this make you feel?

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Pretty good line up. Surprised Naruto isn't there.

No Nart or Detergent. Shocking, really.

Amazing lineup.

I am okay with this


I don't see a problem with this.

Good, they are all very iconic.

Reeeeeeeee where's Kenshin

fucking nobody knew about jojo until facebook and leddit memes



pretty good actually luffy is goku's true successor so of course he should be the one in the front even now that goku is back

jojo raised a lot in popularity in recent years and the most well know of them is jotaro so of couse they put him in promotional art

and well gintama is gintama

How's your first week on Sup Forums going? I think you'll have a better time in reddit, because they can upvote your witty retorts. For the time being here's a (you).

did you not play the psx or the arcade fighting game? or watched the ovas

how young are you user?

Happy nardo isn't there.

>not naruto


I'm surprised Naruto and Ichigo aren't there

Jojo was far more influential than Naruto.

ichigo is a massive faggot and a failure

he will never be on any promotional material

>nobody knew about jojo

Wheres BnHA and Naruto? Jojo and Gintama shouldnt be here

More people would recognize Rurouni Kenshin than Gintama though.

Pretty good.

>Gintama made it
Holy shit

pretty good, i've enjoyed at least 3 of them, never touched one piece though.

these are the jump manga that have their own rides in universal studios

Gintoki has nothing to do here. As much as I hate it, Naruto not being here is weird.
You are retarded. Westerners are the ones who didn't know that much about it. JoJo is extremely popular in Japan and Stardust Crusaders influenced a lot of things.

Glad to see my nigga Jotaro here.

>No Naruto
>No Seiya
>No Kenshiro
Call me when the planet starts spinning again.

Naruto is already done.DB, JoJo,Gintama and OP are still running on Jump

>No Naruto
>No Kenshiro
>No Seiya
More like most iconic for the 00s and 10s pleb generation.

Shit you beat me to it.

>Ginfaggot instead of Kenshiro

What the fuck?

The dumbest thing about this is that HnK established far more shounen tropes than Gintama which I don't think contributed anything other than maybe parodies but those were already a thing before its existence.

>still running
not for long

>Reddit meme
>skinny pirate Goku

yeah honestly putting in ichigo would be like putting in Yoh or Allen Walker, it'd be kind of awkward at this point after how each of their series declined (whether it be in popularity, quality, or both)
even naruto can at least still say it's the 3rd best selling manga of all time with a narrow gap between it and dragonball

>Goku, 2 literal whos, and a meme character

>literally who
I could understand Gintoki but Luffy?

we're talking about iconic here


For all the autistic "no ichigo, no naruto and no bla bla" it's because this is from currently ongoing mangas. Please cry no more.

as a newfag, even before I knew a damn thing about anime I had at least seen ROADROLLER and ZA WARUDO memes

Naruto is way more influential than One Peice (of Shit)

Jotaro is one of the most popular character in japan since the 80s
the reason for this is lineup is quite easy to get (if you are not retarded like most people in this thread)
>Universal Jump
Gintoki and Jotaro have movies going out this summer
tHE OTHER 2 are the most famous character ìever, in goku case, and of current generation, in luffy caSE



Gintama is nowhere near the other three sales wise. Lol, nice pushing shueisha.

Gintama is love

>no Kenshiro
Not very good.

Gintoki: "Oh shit what am I doing here, better look serious too"

who's that white haired nobody?
I JUMP trying to promo a new manga again by blatantly putting it next to real heroes like they did with Toriko?

> Moonrunes literally says "Legend, Jump out"
> All characters featured are from >10 years old series
> Legend = Old but still recognizable characters
> "Most iconic"
Way to go OP, here's your (you) for a job well done

>tfw recognize everyone but Taluluto on pic related
Should I leave this place?

i can understand goku and luffy but is jojo and whatshisname really more iconic than kenshiro or light yagami or any other characters i am more familiar with?



Jotaro isn't in anything ongoing.

>New Manga
>635 chapters
>65 Volumes

There is a line between newfag and idiot, and you just cross it.

Like user said this is for ongoing series with >10 years

The only thing that's ever been positively influenced by Naruto is BnHA, which is just doing Naruto right.
I bet he said that right before the picture.

Replace Gintoki with Pegasus Seiya

Soon Giorno will be in this picture over Jotaro

Makes sense

Where's Toriko?

Jotaro maybe. Gintoki, no.
I remember when Jump tried to push Toriko as the next big thing.

Gintama is much more popular in japan

Pretty damn good.

>narutofags calling others plebs

Why is Hokuto no Ken so forgotten among modern shounen fans despite it setting more tropes than Dragonball?

While the print count for Jojo and Naruto are about equal, Jojo has a lot longer history and exceeds volume count by 30 over Naruto. I'd say Jojo is more iconic.

I would also consider Kinnikuman to deserve a spot there, it definitely had a bigger social and cultural impact than most, even Jojo. Hell the massive emergence of Gyudon fast food chains in the 80s across Japan is even credited to it, and that trend continues to this day. It's also contributed to the massive popularity boost of Pro Wrestling in Japan.

The person out of place in the picture is Gintoki, not Jojo.

>all these people crying about no Naruto
Jesus christ, was there an influx of posters from gaia online or something?

Wasn't as big in the west as the others. I'd imagine it's a different story in Japan.

Who the fuck is the guy on the far left?

>Luffy Above Goku
I love how western DBZtards still deny One Piece is the king of Shonenshit.

>tfw I dropped Naruto shortly after watching episode 20
Feels good lads, looks like I missed out on nothing but a bad time.

I feel like Naruto had some high highs and some really fucking low lows which gave genuine reasoning for its hate on this board. Regardless, you dropped it during the Chuunin exams which was pretty decent overall.

As someone who doesn't read Jojo I can say that the only iconic Jojo character is Dio "za warudo" Brando.

but you're not a Jap

Taluluto wasn't bad, but the author is the biggest fucking cunt in the industry and hated by practically everyone.

>Not Luffy, Goku, Kenshiro and at a push Naruto/Jotaro


He may be not, but I am.
As iconic as Kenshiro is, he wouldn't make the top 4 or 5.

We still have to address the fact that one of the biggest iconic face of Jump, Officer Ryotsu is not in the pic. He's more an Jump icon than Jojo, Kenshiro, and Naruto combined. Easily on par with Goku.


nurutu and bleach didnt made the cut cause they ended up turning into a fucking mess. True story.
Also Kishimoto lost a lot of respect in the mangaka community.

For the people who ask why gintama is here

because Naruto's done and anyone with taste knows Boruto is shit.

>2,596,513,416 My Hero Academia
Better than I expected.