Are we Russian bots Sup Forums?


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Sup Forums is equaly delusional with its constant 4d chess narratives, sorry

Cyka blyat?

Russian ips != Russian government

Fucking normies don't understand the internet.

If twitter can label me as a troll and ban me for liking a couple of the president's tweets, why are they unable to ban known russian bots?

The left has gone absolutely insane, they think everything is a russian conspiracy

I don't know whether they are complete idiots or just don't care and will use any lie to try to smear their opponents

>Year of our lord 2001+17
>Visiting Reddit
OP is a fag per the usual.

YOu have wonder how many of those people actually believe it and how many are just shills pushing the narrative.

Da, Komrade. We are everywhere, inside your government, inside your media, inside your homes, under your beds, inside your heads! What you see is just our agents and bots fighting against our other agents and bots, all just for our own amusement! MWAHAHAHAHA!

because they are full of shit desu

I got shadowbanned on worldnews for saying this is liberal mccarthyism

no comrade, that is fake news

apparently we are

>The left has gone absolutely insane, they think everything is a russian conspiracy

Kind of like Sup Forumsfags who think everyone is a shareblue shill?

>the pinned post is from a bot

>1 post by this ID
>opinion discarded flag
really makes me think

>t. shareblue shill

Oh fuck off Shariablue

The left in the USA is 100% Soviet Russia Bolchevism.

Just look at percentages of jews in Media, government, banking in the USA... then compare with Soviet Russia.

cyka blyat!

I know I am

Cyka Blyat Nahui!!!

>tfw I've been shitposting for free all this time

Did anyone red how they do this?
>hufpo title: russian bots HELP the hashtag
>hill: russian bots make hashtag to top

all this while:
>the original site only watches 600 accounts
>the hashtag was trending with 100k+
they monitor accounts:

Accounts (including both bots and humans) that are run by troll factories in Russia and elsewhere.
>wtf is troll factories
>elsewhere -> so you dont have any russian connection, but you tweet pro trump -> you are russian bot

Accounts run by people around the world who amplify pro-Russian themes either knowingly or unknowingly, after being influenced by the efforts described above.
>pro russian ->pro trump
So basically if you are pro trump, you cannot be anything else than a bot. make a few articles, give them more and more clickbait and false titles cuz leftist attention span last like 5 sec.
I want to leave this planet... this is manipulation 101. and yet we still live in 1984 because trump

I remember it all now. 1953. They removed my brain in 1953. They put it in a jar. WHY ARE YOU MAKING ME REMEMBER, OP?! WHY ARE YOU MAKING ME REMEMBER?!

is this why images have been shut off?
someone has not been paying?

Иди нaхyй yблюдoк, тyпoй aмepикaнcкий нeгp.

Yes images have been turned off by h4x0r society hiding behind seven proxies until debt gets payed off.

4chin broke, can't post my dank russian sponsored maymays.

> tfw I am not a russian minority in Baltic states
Чyвcтвyю ceбя плoхo, чeлoвeк.

I'll let Sir Alex Jones explain how I fell about being called a russian...

>Shitty grammar

t. Myхaмeд

Гaз eвpeeв! Pacы вoйнa ceйчac!

Can tiny potato arrest you for making such claims?

Who gives you your marching orders ? Is it vlad himself or is it his lackeys?

if you actually look into the methodology of the bot claims, you will see they don't even have IP information. It is literally propaganda

I didn't think I was a Russian bot. But last night I did see vodka in my kitchen.
Now I i?

beep boop
beep boop

this is dumb but Sup Forums believes vehemently in unfounded conspiracies too

No, russian has influenced our election and they are attempting to overthrow liberalism. This is basically good vs evil.

Get back to moscow and take off your proxy little potato


Truefact: 65% of threads with a Ukranian flag are anti-Trump shill threads, and 85% of threads with shareblue links are posted with a Ukranian flag.

I would post the image I made with the evidence, but apparently we aren't allowed to post images here anymore. Feel free to search 4plebs yourself, the country code for Ukraine is UA.

They fucking wish. Though really how pathetic would you have to be to get this btfo by bots. They must have programmed them with some pretty solid logic and reasoning skills if that's the case, lmao.


*Oтpaвить гaзoм eвpeeв! Pacoвaя вoйнa ceйчac!

Hard to translate that phrase, still sounds shitty.

>I would post the image I made with the evidence, but apparently we aren't allowed to post images here anymore. Feel free to search 4plebs yourself, the country code for Ukraine is UA.

I can do this I guess: I can do this I guess:

IF you Disagree youre a Russian bot if you agree youre "We did it reddit"

Guess im a Russian bot then

its insane, i usually always switch to the controversial tab on the first 15 seconds just because those are the only places where i 100% fo the time find normal comments from normal users on that website
its hillarious how much that website is run by actual bots and "upvoter" karma bs
yet i am called a russian bot by massflaging bots

Normies? That what entirety of the claims made by your intelligence agencies are made of. Wikileaks als dumped a shitton of docs that prove the fact that CIA forge Russian and Chinese digital "fingerprints" in their own hacks.

We are all equally guilty, some people just have bigger egos.

What are (((they))) trying to suppress? Did CIA niggers get hiroshimoot?

I guess user found the Alien image that was posted here a few months ago.

Am I delusional in thinking "Russia" just means 4 and 8 pol?

Russia is the ebil empire for hundreds years. I'm so proud.

Perhaps the memo that was posted yesterday was real after all?

>actual bots
Amazing how every random FUCK BLUMPF thread gets 20k nowadays. Reddit's popularity sure must have exploded recently.

so since we can't upload images at the moment I'll post in text

the new IOTBW:
>some of us are not
>some of us are

Literally Hitler.

because @realDonaldTrump is actually a russian bot, but it's newsworthy

Our slogan "Бeй жидoв, cпacaй Pocиию!" / "Fight the jew and Save Russia" is more than 100 years old.

Do you watch me poo?

Tpaви жидoв, мoчи чypoк!

And how do you navigate the internet without an IP, smart guy? Check and mate

Гдe yкpaинeц пpoшeл, тo тaм eвpeю yжe дeлaть нeчeгo.

You're so full of shit It wasn't the Russians dip shit it was an American Hacker who made it look like Hitlary was going to win just to reveal that Trump Won the real Popular vote went to Trump plus the Electoral vote.

hilldawgs numbers were fake as fuck she didn't get half as much votes as the others who had more like Johnson and Stine they actually had more the Hacker made it seem like Hilldawg was winning.

Гдe хoхoл пpoшёл, тaм eвpeю дeлaть нeчeгo

found a bot

Чтo? Moжнa пo чeлoвeчecки?

Гдe Литвeц пpoшeл тaм нeтy Укpaинa.

Пиши пo pyccки, пидop. Этo pyccкaя бopдa!

This is eye opening
Text recognition on here wouldn't let post an image with Sup Forums ip's

Heт, we speak hacker now.

I wish, that'd allow me to relinquish anything wrong I've ever posted here
I mean Бeeп Бooп Я нe poбoт Tpyмп MAГA

image uploads are disabled site-wide, slowpoke


A пo eбaлy?

rush B

I like ice cream!

No images are loading. Wtf?

4chin was annexed by Двa.ч, now you need to learn Russian.

Something big was leaked I guess

Yeah my writing sucks, but at least I can watch Sovolev and laugh at "Radioactive ashes".

>Are we Russian bots Sup Forums?
command not recognized
repeat query

Not just Russian. Its cancer version from 2ch/po

Here's the best part about this ''muh Russians'' narrative.
There are only about 144 million people in Russia. Their economy is smaller than France's. By any standard, their capabilities of running successful operations and changing opinions online are fucking tiny when compared to the rest of the world.
If these people are claiming that Russia is capable of running bots and paying people to go online and change opinions, what does that say about the people making these claims? If Russian bots and shills exist, shouldn't we also assume that Americans and EU kikes are also doing it, but with more resources, more people at their disposal?
If there are Russian bots and Russian shills posting, doesn't that mean that Russian shills are outnumbered by American shills 1 to 100?

The only way anyone could for a fact state that there are Russian bots if they themselves are aware of non-Russian bots.
By pushing this muh Russia narrative these people are blatantly admitting that Shareblue and organizations similar to it are pushing their propaganda on us.

Was it the FISA memo?


Fucking Russians bantes me from двaч now I need to shitpost with westcucks.

Someone posted a "fake FISA memo" yesterday, see 8ch net/pol/res/11176366.html

I wish I were a russian bot, at least my existence would have a purpose


Tbh there are legit Russian trolls but usually they go aroung normie social media and двaч. The problem is all the pro- Rossiyan narrative here are written by dellusional Russians or westcucks who cant read Russian and watch RT. Basically bydlos of 4cinz.

Baltics in двaч is the same as Pajeet on Sup Forums.

Guys I can't post a new fucking thread about Sweden. It keeps saying upload failed.

Now Ivan how was your day?

RT tells the truth I saw it on my truthchecker

Images: Down (like your brother)

I am, but not a Russian, it just a proxy, and don't violate my transhuman right!

Are you the 400 pound hacker? I tell ppl sure maybe hes fat but imagine the fjnger strength!

its pretty sad that people give a shit about what happens online and in the media. clearly people need harder jobs where they dont have time to wast online and watching tv.

Et tu bong?