Finland's defense budget is about 3 billion € per year...

Finland's defense budget is about 3 billion € per year. At the current rate of US dollar a B-2 Spirit stealth bomber could be acquired for about 1.5-1.8 billion €. Finland would thus be able to acquire one or even two stealth bombers within a year.

Why B-2 Spirit stealth bomber?

B-2 Spirit's stealth properties are top-notch, so for example, it would not be detected by the radar system that Finland's neighbouring country Estonia uses. Stealth bomber can carry about 18 000kg of weaponry. Thus, each flight a stealth bomber would be able to drop 18 000kg of horse shit over Tallinn, the capital of Estonia. After that it could turn around and fly to Hyvinkää airport for refilling its shit load and redo the maneuver. Within a few years the defense budget to achieve a situation where the flight rotation was it would be nearly constant and Estonians would not have any idea why their capital is given tens of thousands of pounds of horse shit every day.

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>it would not be detected by the radar system that Finland's neighbouring country Estonia uses

That's not how stealth works, doofus. Stealth planes can very well be detected, just not with the neccessary precision to launch countermeasures.

radar to SAM base:
>point your rockets towards that plane flying between 300 and 30.000ft, with a speed between 100 and 1000mph, located in this area of roughla 500 square miles

SAM base:

I'm pretty sure your army would be happy without a salary for a year

They would be happy with the results this operation would give.

Seems like Brussels needs some horse shit too.

>18 000kg of horse shit over Tallinn, the capital of Estonia.
Are you terraforming Estonia for the indians??? what the hell is the plan

same shit as f-117 which was dropped by s125. I mean soviet missile form 60's got the "stealth" bomber.

We haven't built those in 25 years and the tooling was destroyed.

The plan is to drop horse shit to Tallinn. There is no more to explain.

SAM base:
Fire ALL the missiles

You still have them stored in hangars.

this made me laugh too much

Poro shit is stinkier. Plus, you have many poro, but Finland is not known for their horses.

Poro shit is hard pellets, might accidentally kill someone.

You forgot to factor in that the US won't sell them.

We use all 21 on a daily basis. 2 are conventional bombers and the others are armed with ALCM rotary launchers filled with nukes.

Who would fly over our baseball games during he National Anthem if we sold you the spare ones?

Once Trump hears this plan he will give us a nice discount too.

>18,000kg of horse shit over Tallinn
Having seen Tallinn once on my uncle's illuminated globe, I doubt they would notice.

Based winland

I had a conversation about this with a dutch nationalist, this is what he had to say:

"You inspired me to do some calculations myself. You see, the Netherlands have one of the most efficient agri-industrial complexes in the world. Despite our small size and large population, we have a large surplus in food, both fruits/vegetables and meat/dairy. This last category gives us a nasty problem: all the animals shit a lot and all their manure is too much for us to use in fruit and vegetable farming as fertiliser. Therefore, our livestock capacity is limited to the amount of manure we can process.

Pic related is a diagram of Dutch manure production. As you can see, we produce almost 80 billion kg of manure each year. Now, if we don't count the ~10bn kg which is made up of cows shitting outside on their grazing fields (weide), which would not be worthwhile to collect, we have about 70bn kg of manure which we could lose.

A B-2 can haul 18000kg per load. At 70bn kg a year this means 3889 loads a year. Which means somewhat in excess of 10 loads a day. Now, if we would have 10 B-2s, which would take us 2 years of full defense spending (7,6bn/y) to acquire.

Imagine that, a veritable torrent of shit, just falling from the sky, 10 times per day. Cars being washed away by streams of pure shit. People being squashed by a load of shit landing on them. People dying from asphyxiation because of the high methane content in the air. Disease spreading like wildfire from all the manure rotting in the streets. You could wreck an entire city in a matter of days.

The only question is, who could we choose for this treatment?"

Please don't hurt the qt Eesti grills with stealth poo.

pic related

Pics dont work burgerbro

Neither do Estonian women!

this is how black death is reborn.

Scandinavian fucks dropping shit on other countries via stealth bombers.

This is the ultimate way to win wars, not nuclear weapons. Think about what it does to the morale of the people getting showered with shit day after day. There is only one country on earth that this tactic doesnt work against and thats India.

Is rather you drop 18k kg of horseshit than 18k kg of your average Finland city resident. Seriously your country is lousy with niggers and Muslims. Tallinn is super comfy

I was almost run over by 3 different cars during a 5 minute walk to superalko, all with eesti license plates.

Russians can't drive

>Are you terraforming Estonia for the indians

11/10 Underrated


Get 400 or 500 of them F-35s. They will make you invade Russia and drive to Moscow within a few days. Russia can be Finnish in a few weeks!

Just... BUY... the ... F-35, Mongol-lad.

>shitposting: the thread

>Falling for the F-35 jew

Genius plan. You are no doubt the preeminent military strategist of our time. Genghis would be proud.

Finns are hilarious. 18k kg of horse shit KEK

>implying Grumman would sell one to any country other than the U.S.A

If you were the head of Grumman and a finnish general would come asking you about selling some B-2 bombers so he can drop 18 000kg of horse manure to Estonia, would you say no?

No you wouldnt, you would sign the papers immediately.

I thought Finns and Stonies were buddies though, why not drop the shit on Stockholm.

Poo Bombing a NATO Member enacts Article V and we would be required to nuke your Espoo.

What if that is our ultimate goal? And show me the statement where getting manure dropped on you is considered as an hostile action?

They wouldnt notice the difference.

How would you propose to deliver the payload ... as one concentrated load of crap or do you imagine some kind of submunitions/bomblets?

Our plan is not to kill anyone so you cant compress it to small subshitlets.

I would, in fact, say no.

the last thing we need is black death tw.......

I would say yes.

America should do this to mexico and canada

Mexico wouldnt notice the difference. Trudeau would welcome his new minority and wear a poo-emoji hat.

Bioweapons. And in all honesty, you're the last non-NATO country I'd want to nuke. If you could false-flag it to make it look like the Swedes did it, I'd happily send the fucking Skyking order myself.

I was thinking more in the way of bomblets that tumble or spin after release ... imagine the spray pattern if these then open their shit valves in mid flight. Might require a liquefying agent for the manure though so the valves do not clog ...

>>Falling for the F-35 jew
Just get it already. Mortgage half your frozen shithole country or let Hollywood make a life action TV show about Frozen and Elsa in Finland.

Then buy all the F-35s you can and freaking invade Moscow!

Why would u dumb inbreds attack Estonia u pathetic finngol

Literal shitposting

So that Estonia can enact Article V, forcing USA to nuke Helsinki/Espoo/Vantaa, thus getting rid of our liberal-leftist-immigrant-shithole. Isnt it obvious?

Estonia is nice, why would I want to drop shit on them? Drop the shit in sweden to make all the sandniggers feel at home.

Bring it to serbia, let us test it's "stealth" capabilities

>B-2 Spirit's stealth properties are top-notch, so for example, it would not be detected by the radar system that Finland's neighbouring country Estonia uses
I would be more concerned about the Rooskies detecting them and what effects spending 100% of your defense budget on on or two bombers will have for your nation as a whole.

You have an airbase in Rovaniemi. I *REALLY* don't want to nuke Rovaniemi, serkku.

Came here to post this.
Ask the serbians how "stealthy" the b2 they shot down was

>acquiring strike fighters

it was stealthy but stealth means reduced radar picture not invisible

That place could use some thermonuclear heat.

I would buy from the Soviets. Much cheaper. You could be dropping poop on Estonia every hour.

The B-2 and F-22 are not available for export. We always keep some of the more advanced tech for ourselves and only export mass-produced stuff like the F-35.

The last speakers of Inari other than my family all live there.

I would but they havent picked up the phone in 26 years.

pol believes in (((stealth)))

thats mainly because we hear retarded american civilians brag about their airforces invisible planes

f-117 not a b2

hearty kek

Still shot down by a old soviet anti air, and old old S-200 system by Serbia in Balkan wars, google it folks.

Inb4 Muh Stealth

That wasn't a B-2 it was an F-117 and was promptly removed from service after the shootdown. There was a massive oversight in its stealth capability when the weapons door would open making it visible to low wave-length radar.

Don't worry greatest ally, you'll be getting a lot more cheap costing arms sales from us in the next 3 years as shit with Putin escelates and Poland sits on it's ass.
Lauri will be proud I guarantee it
>Working tech
Choose one and only one

Again wrong plane you autistic rapefugee

US doesn't sell B-2's

Especially not to mongolians.

Actually we will sell literally anything to Finland and do almost zero modifications
Straya is almost the exact same except we underpower them quite a bit

>mfw I can't Korpi post ITT.

They'll pay you with memes.

Wouldnt be a problem if the F-117 bomb bay was filled with manure, you cant detect that in radar.

>he hasnt heard of multi-wavelength phased array's


Nigger we will never Nuke them
What part of closest military ally don't you understand?(inb4 muh Israel)

both a F-117 AND a B-2 was shot down in Serbia. They tried to cover-up the F-117 in order not to let everyone know.

The B-2 cover-up was pretty succesful though, but you can still find obvious evidence in the deep web.
And a Serbian war museum had the parts with tail number of the B-2 identity so it has been confirmed.

It was shot down by old soviet SAM SA3 (S-75).

I have seen the evidence posted on Sup Forums many many years ago

Our Navy also has invisible boats.
So suck it.

>>Falling for easily the most versatioe and advanced aircraft ever made by man
Go back to your Homeland Ivan and stop ruining Finnposter reputation

>Buying shit tech made by mongoloids who haven't made a single gke weapon in ovation in literally a century

Whats wrong with Tallin? Beautiful old town, beautiful women. I'm definitely going back.

Those are pics of the cockpit cover of an F-117A, not a B2.

God damn, we get stealth shot down by a country whose general can't even differentiate between 2 of the most famous aircraft of The Cold War.

>Hangs self in embarrassment.

lul visby class

f15 and su27?


Which were "sunk" by Hamina-class Finnish Missile Cruisers in the last two war games...


>who could we choose for this treatment?
Obvious answer.

Canada deserves nothing less than a French, English American and Soviet joint nuclear strike on every god damn inch of that fuck hole of a country.

It would be funnier if you dropped bird poop all over them. They will be like "stupid birds," but you Finnish people know exactly what's going on.

They'd be buried in 10 metres of horse poop before they realized people was poo bombing them.

I'm not saying Estonians are slow, but I once told an Estonian guy just that. He didn't say anything but kicked the shit out of me a week later.

just as with the plames reduced radar noise but not invisiböe

Bury the Somalians and Sand niggers. Take back the west by making them choke on it.
Finland is new greatest ally.

> a week later
That's a pretty smart Estonian

an B2 bomber was shot down also

B2 were used as can be seen here:

Yeah, he had a Doctorate in Vodka Distillation from Tartu Uni.

You are basically slave labor for europe, go clean my toliet you cucked faggot.

Spirit of Kansas is the only B-2 hull loss we have suffered and that was become someone left duct tap on a sensor and it crashed on take off from Guam.