The real life meaning of scientific theories

Essentially what Quantum Mechanics and the uncertainty principle boils down to is that "nothing is really true, but some things are truer than others". This should sound familiar to those who have read Orwell's 1984.

Is quantum mechanics pseudo-science meant to brainwash us into thinking that certain political ideologies such as communism and fascism are principles inherent to reality?

Other urls found in this thread:–Vaidman_bomb_tester

No. Also QM claims nothing about the world's "truth". That is up to philosophy and metaphysics.

Source: I'm a physicist.

its a predictive model.

> "nothing is really true, but some things are truer than others"

when does QM lead to conclusions like that?
not really true != uncertain


The quantum heisenberg cat requires them to cling onto the flimsiest of analogies in order to avoid confronting the absurdity of their existence. How will they cope otherwise?

people can't handle "why should you expect to know, you didn't fucking look" as an answer.

By rebelling, obviously.

You've just been decieved about the meaning of quantum mechanics. Science popularizers lie/misunderstand and spread a meme version of QM.

Schroedingers cat was an example which was invented by a scientist to show how absurd the idiotic interpretation of QM is.

Really; it's not as crazy as it all sounds. You just have to remember that you're talking about probabilities, not physical objects.

No, the principles behind QM aren't mainstream enough to be a psy-op.
That said, anyone who thinks that superposition is anything more than a mathematical device is kidding themselves

the real life relevance of QM is that you're immortal user. you cannot die. or rather, you are very mortal and can die however i cannot. because as i'm writing this i'm the sole conscious being in this (my) universe.

anecdotal evidence: was studying in city A while living in city B. 2 hour drive one way. every day four hours of driving on the highway. been having massive sleeping disorders my whole life. totally fucked sleeping patterns. i cannot count the times i fell asleep behind the wheel. but i would always wake up JUST in time to pull the car back on the lane. countless, literally countless times i would micro-sleep but wake up right before anything really bad happens. ever since i read about quantum immortality it became obvious to me what happened there.

amen, read physics, not metaphysics

No it doesn't.
Quantum mechanics has more religious than political implications, because it more closely reflects neoplatonism or dataism as a true reflection of reality.

>religious implications
It doesn't, though. It explicitly doesn't have those. It JUST talks about the prediction for the outcome of a measurement.

>nothing is really true, but some things are truer than others"
not even remotely. QM "boils down" to the fact the momentum of a particle is not able to be determined prior to measurement

>Essentially what Quantum Mechanics and the uncertainty principle boils down to is that "nothing is really true, but some things are truer than others"
Please don't try making meaning of physical theories of reality that are meant to be discussed in mathematical language
t. physicist

Sauce on that?

>religious implication
Yeah, nah, faggot, open up a book and read that QM is very close to high end math, so you're talking shit like "neoplatonistic mathematics". Eat a bag of dicks.

Gotta say
Interesting topic OP
Hmmmmm, maybe having the OP being the only pic will bring some level of quality back to this place

>one can dream right guys

I hope it stays this way lad

Or perhaps your reality is just a projection from your own mind and has been tainted by your consumption of 1984.

What are you going to complain about post-modernism next? You right wing cucks are mental midgets who only complain about things of which you have no understanding or only a very cursory understand. Maybe you actually studied quantum mechanics you wouldn't have to ask such a dumb question.

>Is quantum mechanics pseudo-science meant to brainwash us into thinking that certain political ideologies such as communism and fascism are principles inherent to reality?
I bet you cant even solve a simple integral

Where you 'are', versus where you're 'going'.
Who you are, versus who you're trying to be.
QM does its best to explain; and it is mostly correct 'here'. But it is not correct elsewhere, unless standard model is constant; which it isn't.

>you right wing cucks
You know that cuck is a defined term, right?

>Essentially what Quantum Mechanics and the uncertainty principle boils down to is that "nothing is really true
This isn't true you stupid nigger. Quantum mechanics says nothing of macroscopic world (hence "quantum") and the uncertainty principle tells us that we the more precisely we know the position of the particle, the less we know about its momentum, and vice versa. The impact on concepts like "truth" by QM is a metaphysical question.
>This should sound familiar to those who have read Orwell's 1984.
Physics and political matters aren't comparable you massive retard.
>Is quantum mechanics pseudo-science meant to brainwash us into thinking that certain political ideologies such as communism and fascism are principles inherent to reality?
No, idiot.

This. You can't properly understand this shit without mathematics

there is nothing to "understand"; it IS mathematics.

people fuck up and arrive at bogus conclusions when they try and 'understand' or map the mathematics onto analogy.

Feynman nobody understands quantum physics but you don't even seem to know what it is, let alone understand it

>people fuck up and arrive at bogus conclusions when they try and 'understand' or map the mathematics onto analogy.

Only when they do it wrong.
There IS something to understand, but you have to be careful.

There's a real question of WHY the schroedinger equation works. It's one of the famous asspulls of physics history.

>t. schizophrenic

But senpai F(b)-F(a) is really hard >:(((((

Quantum States are lines in the Hilbertspace (I AM INDIAN SPACE ROCKET SCIENTIST)

+C too. What the fuck is that shit even????

Required reading if you want to understand epistemology:

>+C on bounded integral
Engineer please
>WHY the S eq works
Honestly don't know exactly how to answer it. I looked up the derivation from Maxwell's equations in differential form. It works because nature obeys differential equations. Am I missing anything?

/thread sage goes in all fields
OP your ignorance is a disgrace to all other leafs

>WHY the schroedinger equation works
It's incomplete to this day, but this line of research is the closest thing I've seen to a real answer.

Bounded integrals weren't the necessary subject matter. Don't call me an engineer again, niggeR >:(

My understanding of SE (I only have a bachelors of physics) is that it's an effective predictor of quantum mechanical observations. The article you posted is maybe a little over my head in math (I've only take one course in algebraic geometry and I have never used it formally to solve systems of PDEs). Maybe I'll take another look. QM is pretty effective at predicting particle behavior for effective potentials.

You're asking why there's a +C in indefinite integration? Just look up Constant of Integration.

>I looked up the derivation from Maxwell's equations in differential form. It works because nature obeys differential equations. Am I missing anything?

Maxwell's equations describe the behavior of electromagnetic fields.

The Schroedinger equation describes the behavior of the probability amplitudes associated with all matter.

The schroedinger equation is more general than maxwell's equations.... I shouldn't be able to derive a more general concept from a more specific concept... it should only work the other way.

Should have mentioned Section 3 is the punchline and should be easy enough to understand for a physics type; the rest is definitely hard going without a course or two in differential geometry.

Quantum quackery in Sup Forums? Take this sophomore shit elsewhere where you can discuss movies like what the bleep do we know, with little black kids and ugly dead ginger bitches discovering the law of attraction.

Go back to your bbc containment thread

As far as derivations go it was more of a heuristic than purely mathematical

>WHY the schroedinger equation works

WHY do Newtons equations work?
WHY does water exand when it freezes?
Maybe the answer you're looking for is the 2nd law of thermodynamics.

Which isn't even a why, but a "this is the trend".

Why gets you into trouble.

Why does a watch work?
Eventually you're going to have to answer: because it was created that way.

you're either referring to hidden variables or quantum gravity.

Choose wisely

>Essentially what Quantum Mechanics and the uncertainty principle boils down to is that "nothing is really true, but some things are truer than others".
>being this fucking retarded.
Jesus fuck did you take marketing?
t. PhD Applied mathematics

to what? it matters. CFD brainlets can get the fuck out as far as I'm concerned.

Newtons equations come from a model of reality that newton imagined.

In quantum mechanics, there's no principle. There's no concept. It's just an equation... that's why we have all this speculation about wavefunctions and schroedingers cat and nonsense like that.

There's no model of reality that lead to the Schrodinger equation, so people are making one up "just so" that it predicts the schroedinger equation... This is backwards from how science is normally done.

Normally we get the principle first, and then the equations follow from that.

It just means that objective truth is an emergent property of collective probabilities.

>It works because nature obeys differential equations
I think its more appropriate to say that differential equations do a very good job of explaining the behavior of nature, but it is a description and not a definition. Reality has no obligation to obey math.

If I'm truly immortal and that you should have been killed several times already, then does that mean that our timelines are intertwined and that we'll eventually meet?
But of course, neither does you nor anybody else would have the ability to have to slightest clue about it. Only I.


The "it" I was referring to was the paper, not QM, which is only incomplete in that we can't quantize the Einstein equations and can't compute many path integrals perturbatively. Hidden variables are crap; cf. Bell's inequalities, Kochen-Specker, Hardy's paradox, etc.


>there's no principle
I got two for ya here:

the "quatnum leap" was the realization that energy levels are not continuous, but are in fact only at quanized levels as governed by Hamiltonian operator.

That's it. You realize that, you can reproduce it all.

>to what? it matters.
Chemical Engineering, some of our universities have weird titles

This is an example of hacking the mathematics we already heave to match what the schroedinger equation predicts.

It's saying "the answer has these properties, how do I mess with my mathematics to get this property". It's purely a mathematical/experimental thing. It's a description of experimental facts.

There's no theory of the underlying reality.

>When I take a measuremnet, I can only measure quantized energy levels

>When I measure the "position", it interferes with the "momentum" of the result.

It doesn't answer the question of what we're measuring the position of. A "wavefunction" isn't a physical object. Newton had a model of a physical reality from which he DEDUCED the experimental results.

In quantum mechanics, we're starting with the experimental results and trying to deduce the underlying reality. It's the opposite process.

That's not remotely what it boils down to. The basic gist goes something like this - at extremely small scales of size, mass, and energy:

>Physical properties are discrete, not continuous.
This means things like mass, charge, energy, distance, etc have minimum values and can be measured as a finite integer of that value. Charges have discrete units of electron charges, photons have discrete energies of E = hf, etc

>Behavior is governed by probability, not trajectory.
In classical mechanics if I know where something is, where it was going, and what forces were acting on it I can predict with absolute certainty where it will be. In quantum mechanics I can only predict where it is most probable to be. The probablistic nature of matter and energy are what leads to things like tunneling, decay, emission, etc.

>Matter simultaneously displays properties of both particles and waves.
Matter has characteristic wavelengths and frequencies just like light, light doesn't have mass but it can still carry momentum and be affected by gravity, etc.

None of this means that "nothing is really true" or that we know nothing about the universe... it just means it's more complicated than we believed it was 200 years ago.

t. plasma physicist

Physics is a structure by which we may interpret the world. This is why post-structuralism exists.

The trick is realizing you need structures.

>Essentially what Quantum Mechanics and the uncertainty principle boils down to is that "nothing is really true, but some things are truer than others"
t. read an article in popular science once

>mathematics we already have*

yeah user it's Jewish plot, that's why based Aryan physics gave Hitler nuclear weapons...oh wait

Thoughts on alternative models like pilot wave theory?

In a nutshell, Schrodinger's Equation is applying eigenfunction/eigenvalue mathematics to Hamiltonian Mechanics. Your expression for total energy becomes an operator which acts on an eigenfunction (the wave function) and yields an eigenvalue (the energy).

>quantum heisenberg cat

No it isn't. Hamlitonian mechanics has nothing to do with probabilities. Nor do eigenfunctions.

Schroedinger equation has to do with probabilities.

Bro, it was a joke

Fucking this

I’ve had a gutfull of cunts using science for political propaganda

No, SE has to do with determining a generalized eigenfunction describing a system (what we call the wave function). This eigenfunction is then used in combination with operators describing other physical properties in order to yield expected values for that property.

HΨ = EΨ is an eigenvalue problem. It gives me a differential equation that I can solve to find the eigenfunction Ψ. Once I have Ψ, I can use in much the same way I would use a distribution function in statistical mechanics to find expectation values for large systems of particles.

will give me the expected value of whatever X is for a given energy.

The fact that the eigenfunction refers to a wavefunction is what demonstrates that there's something else going on besides merely applying an eigenvalue solution to hamiltonian mechanics.

I'm not saying that there isn't an eigenvalue equation... or that there isn't a Hamiltonian-like structure to the equation...but it's not right to say that you just combine the two things and you get quantum mechanics.

This is the problem when unprepared normie faggots try to interpret this level of science. They inject their own weird conscious biases and lunatic """theories""" into the otherwise quite clear and pure mix.

And end up sounding like fucking Deepak Chopra or some acid tripping hippie.

Either learn enough about QM to avoid looking like a retard, or just do yourself the dignity of avoiding it altogether...

The way the universe works doesn't have to appear to be logical to humans.

This is why I hate people talking about how much space there is in an atom. You show me where the electron is and I’ll measure it

there is nothig inherently physical about an eigenfunction/value.

You’re confusing quantum mechanics with metaphysics.

>>/x/ is thataway

Yes it does. If it doesn't, it means we haven't understood the behavior yet.

There may be a lot of the universe that we can never measure, in which case, the certain things are always going to appear logically impossible.

If they affect the results of some measurement, then we are measuring them, aren't we?

hidden variables; hidden slightly better

>Hidden variables

Can anybody here actually give me a detailed explanation on the logic of bell's inequalities and what they mean?

I've never been able to talk to someone who understood exactly what was being claimed.

You just jinxed your self, you will now die in a car crash unless you reply to this in your sleep.

………………„-^*'' : : „'' : : : : *-„
…………..„-* : : :„„--/ : : : : : : : '\
…………./ : : „-* . .| : : : : : : : : '|
……….../ : „-* . . . | : : : : : : : : |
………...\„-* . . . . .| : : : : : : : :'|
……….../ . . . . . . '| : : : : : : : :|
……..../ . . . . . . . .'\ : : : : : : : |
……../ . . . . . . . . . .\ : : : : : : :|
……./ . . . . . . . . . . . '\ : : : : : /
….../ . . . . . . . . . . . . . *-„„„„-*'
….'/ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '|
…/ . . . . . . . ./ . . . . . . .|
../ . . . . . . . .'/ . . . . . . .'|
./ . . . . . . . . / . . . . . . .'|
'/ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .'|
'| . . . . . \ . . . . . . . . . .|
'| . . . . . . \„_^- „ . . . . .'|
'| . . . . . . . . .'\ .\ ./ '/ . |
| .\ . . . . . . . . . \ .'' / . '|
| . . . . . . . . . . / .'/ . . .|
| . . . . . . .| . . / ./ ./ . .|

Its the discover of limitlessness.

>there is nothig inherently physical about an eigenfunction/value.
By the time Schrodinger came along we already had evidence of the discrete nature of matter and energy (Planck, Einstein) and the physics community was already starting to discuss the wave-like nature of matter (de Broglie).

If something behaves like a wave, it follows that it must have a wave equation, and if something must have discrete solutions, it follows that the solutions to those wave equations must be eigenfunctions.


>poo in loo?


Muh hidden variable that we have no idea how to use isn't very useful.

What are you talking about?

If something affects the outcome of a measurement, we are measuring it.

>Muh hidden variable that we have no idea how to use isn't very useful.
That's what i mean when I say "If it doesn't make logical sense to us, it means we haven't understood it yet."

you figured it out

QM bs

Electricity Eric Dollard

Gravity & Black Holes

Today's scientists have substituted mathematics for experiments, and they wander off through equation after equation, and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality. Nikola Tesla

Watch this, a computer programmer corrected the information error in the double slit. It has to do with the 4 possible spins of photons, polarity causes the patterns. Not "observer effect". The double slit is what the entirety of the theoretical bullshit is built on, and its a fraud.

QM bs:

There are 5 people.
Adam, Bill, Casey, Dick and Emily.

Adam is the leader of the group so by default, people believe what Adam says.

Adam and Emily has an argument. Adam tells his version of what he think happened. Emily, being an autist, tells the literal interpretation of what happened.

Answer these questions as truthfully as possible:

1) Is Adam lying?
2)Is Emily telling "The truth"?
3) Which is more correct? Adam's interpretation of Emily's actions, or emily's 1 to 1 description of Emily's actions?

Lets assume that the others believe Adam.

4) Are the others wrong for believing someone who, to their knowledge, has never told a lie?

Bill tells a 6th person, Frank, his interpretation of Adam's interpretation of what happened. From Bill's perspective, he is making a truthful statement.

5) Is bill lying?

Bonus round:

6) Do you believe that it is possible to unintentionally tell a lie? That is, is it possible for someone to unintentionally make an intentionally false statement to deceive someone without an intent to deceive or even knowledge that there is an interpretation of reality where this person, had they known "the truth", could be lying?

Even metaphysics isn't this retarded.

Metaphysics is just more of a human-oriented categorisation system.

You could argue any claim put forward by science is a truth claim, but science assumes truth exists and doesn't question it.
Well it's more complex, truth is a loaded term. Let's put it in very simple terms quantum physics is another perspective one can use to examine our universe. The "spooky"/conter intuitive stuff comes from the notion that according to quantum physics space and time aren't the most fundamental "principles" of our universe. Quantum physics says information is "truth". Locality and realism are just artifacts/informations humans use to deal with the universe.

>Really; it's not as crazy as it all sounds. You just have to remember that you're talking about probabilities, not physical objects.


That's a cool experiment, but it doesn't invalidate what I said.

Quantum theory has predicted the results of millions of individual experiments and thousands of different experimental settings correctly, if it wouldn't describe something going on in the "real" world we would no by now. The guy in the video doesn't "debunk" quantum physics at all he just comes up with his own interpretation. Currently we have likley more than fifty interpretations, which line up with the experimental data. He just says he dislike the Kopenhagen Interpretation particular, but doesn't disprove it; the Kopenhagen Interpretation is still vaild as it's presictions line up with the experimental data.

I think QM is more like a range of probabilities in which nothing is really nailed down until an observation is made.

Without a bit of training it can be tricky to grasp but physicists have a pretty good idea of how it works and it's a real thing, not some BS magic like some people want you to believe.