Hitler predicted today’s era with laser precision

Can you recommend me other red pilling books?

Other urls found in this thread:


His spirit is rising from the grave and soon enough the entire world will know he was right

Is that not what Sup Forums does? Base everything off of race?

Hitler was right.

We don't hate niggers because they're black. It's just that almost every single solitary black, with a list of exceptions in the entire country you could write on a single post-it note with a sharpie, just happens to be nigger.

What book is that OP?

Which he also predicted.


Mein kampf

The gulag archipelago by Akeksandr Solzhenitsyn

oh golly gee i dont know, what book could Hitler possibly be the author of?

you fucking brainlet, obviously its mein kampf

The communist manifesto

nigger thats nonsense

Who the hell would think these are wise words? This is a shit author and OP is a retard.

This passage is pretty vague, name something specific Hitler predicted, like trannies

Is anyone else having trouble posting pictures?



>> "impugns the teaching that nationhood and race have a primary significance"
so jews are against identity politics? Sweet.
>>"denies the individual worth of the human personality" I'm sorry, is it individual worth or nationhood? make up your damn mind, hitler. this is why Germany lost ww2 and "communism doesn't work" - you can't build an empire on doublethink.

What need is there to predict trannies when the weimar republic was leading the tranny charge in the 1920's?
You heard the nazi's banned and even burned books. Did you ever research what those books WERE?

Hitler 'predicted' the modern world so accurately because he fucking experienced marxism first hand in Germany itself. Before he came to power, Germany had devolved into the jewel of jewish states. Incest, pedophilia, transgenderism, bestiality, and so forth. All common. The nazi's put an end to all of it, much to the chagrin of the jews.

Wealth of the Nations

A instruction manual for ovens

Adolf Hitler. it says it right on the top of the page ffs

>Who the hell would think these are wise words? This is a shit author and OP is a retard.

the translation is very stilted

I thought Hitler wasn't Christian though.
Or is he just saying that stuff at the end of the chapter to get christfags to read his book.

He's responsible for the deaths of millions, of course he wasn't an actual Christian.

>Hitler wasn't Christian

Hitler was very christian. God Und Country.

>Before he came to power, Germany had devolved into the jewel of jewish states. Incest, pedophilia, transgenderism, bestiality, and so forth. All common.

wait, actually? do u have a source buddy?

>Christcuck cuckservatives
>getting anything right

Atlas shrugged

YouTube documentary Berlin before Hitler

Oh FUCK. I think I just had a revelation. Hitler's rise to power and subsequent genocide of Jews was a punishment sent forth by God for them losing their way and spreading degeneracy.

Fire and Fury

ill check it out, thanks

Redpilled Jews have been saying this for decades.

The diary of Anne Frank
abriged version

Guns, Germs and Steel

the pervertedness of berlin during the weimar republic is very well known, berlin was the premier destination for sex work

Excerpt from the newest dead sea scroll

>he does not know about the weimar republic

Nietzsche says in "anti-christ" that this is BS.


nazi/pol/ in total denial that a hundred years ago there were real communist parties in many countries, and millions of enthusiasts and activists

people actually read Marx, discussed Marx, gathered to learn about Marx

it's an almost-dead ideology, mostly kept alive by ... right wing cranks like nazi/pol/

That's some of the most incoherent, rambling horseshit I've ever heard. It's a mouthful of folksy talkaround that no sane person could ever extract an ounce of actual meaning from.

Your man Hitler was a psycho

>This view of things remained an ideal for a long while, even after it had been robbed of validity by tragic blows: anarchy within and the Assyrian without. But the people still retained, as a projection of their highest yearnings, that vision of a king who was at once a gallant warrior and an upright judge—a vision best visualized in the typical prophet (i. e., critic and satirist of the moment), Isaiah.—But every hope remained unfulfilled. The old god no longer could do what he used to do. He ought to have been abandoned. But what actually happened? Simply this: the conception of him was changed—the conception of him was denaturized; this was the price that had to be paid for keeping him.—Jahveh, the god of “justice”—he is in accord with Israel no more, he no longer vizualizes the national egoism; he is now a god only conditionally.... The public notion of this god now becomes merely a weapon in the hands of clerical agitators, who interpret all happiness as a reward and all unhappiness as a punishment for obedience or disobedience to him, for “sin”: that most fraudulent of all imaginable interpretations, whereby a “moral order of the world” is set up, and the fundamental concepts, “cause” and “effect,” are stood on their heads. Once natural causation has been swept out of the world by doctrines of reward and punishment some sort of un-natural causation becomes necessary: and all other varieties of the denial of nature follow it. A god who demands—in place of a god who helps, who gives counsel, who is at bottom merely a name for every happy inspiration of courage and self-reliance...

>If we get rid of the natural order of hierarchy and replace it materialistic worldview and equality things are going to be bad
t. Hitler dumbed down for brainlets

>26. The concept of god falsified; the concept of morality falsified;—but even here Jewish priest-craft did not stop. The whole history of Israel ceased to be of any value: out with it!—These priests accomplished that miracle of falsification of which a great part of the Bible is the documentary evidence; with a degree of contempt unparalleled, and in the face of all tradition and all historical reality, they translated the past of their people into religious terms, which is to say, they converted it into an idiotic mechanism of salvation, whereby all offences against Jahveh were punished and all devotion to him was rewarded. We would regard this act of historical falsification as something far more shameful if familiarity with the ecclesiastical interpretation of history for thousands of years had not blunted our inclinations for uprightness in historicis. And the philosophers support the church: the lie about a “moral order of the world” runs through the whole of philosophy, even the newest. What is the meaning of a “moral order of the world”? That there is a thing called the will of God which, once and for all time, determines what man ought to do and what he ought not to do; that the worth of a people, or of an individual thereof, is to be measured by the extent to which they or he obey this will of God; that the destinies of a people or of an individual are controlled by this will of God, which rewards or punishes according to the degree of obedience manifested.—

>In place of all that pitiable lie reality has this to say: the priest, a parasitical variety of man who can exist only at the cost of every sound view of life, takes the name of God in vain: he calls that state of human society in which he himself determines the value of all things “the kingdom of God”; he calls the means whereby that state of affairs is attained “the will of God”; with cold-blooded cynicism he estimates all peoples, all ages and all individuals by the extent of their subservience or opposition to the power of the priestly order. One observes him at work: under the hand of the Jewish priesthood the great age of Israel became an age of decline; the Exile, with its long series of misfortunes, was transformed into a punishment for that great age—during which priests had not yet come into existence. Out of the powerful and wholly free heroes of Israel’s history they fashioned, according to their changing needs, either wretched bigots and hypocrites or men entirely “godless.” They reduced every great event to the idiotic formula: “obedient or disobedient to God.”—They went a step further: the “will of God” (in other words some means necessary for preserving the power of the priests) had to be determined—and to this end they had to have a “revelation.” In plain English, a gigantic literary fraud had to be perpetrated, and “holy scriptures” had to be concocted—and so, with the utmost hierarchical pomp, and days of penance and much lamentation over the long days of “sin” now ended, they were duly published. The “will of God,” it appears, had long stood like a rock; the trouble was that mankind had neglected the “holy scriptures”....

How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big.

So many butthurt fucks unable to comprehend that he was right

Oh boy, ain't you in for a treat.


In Berlin in 1931, Dora Richter, became the first known transgender woman to undergo the vaginoplasty[45] surgical approach.

This was followed by Lili Elbe in Dresden during 1930–1931. She started with the removal of her original sex organs, the operation supervised by Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld. Lili went on to have four more subsequent operations that included an unsuccessful uterine transplant, the rejection of which resulted in death. An earlier known recipient of this was Magnus Hirschfeld's housekeeper,[46] but their identity is unclear at this time.

On 12 June 2003, the European Court of Human Rights ruled in favor of Van Kück, a German trans woman whose insurance company denied her reimbursement for sex reassignment surgery as well as hormone replacement therapy. The legal arguments related to the Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights as well as the Article 8. This affair is referred to as Van Kück vs Germany.[47]

In 2011, Christiane Völling won the first successful case brought by an intersex person against a surgeon for non-consensual surgical intervention described by the International Commission of Jurists as "an example of an individual who was subjected to sex reassignment surgery without full knowledge or consent".[48]

As of 2017 some European countries, mostly eastern, require forced sterilisation for the legal recognition of sex reassignment.[49]"

Most of the degeneracy of this day and age, was first being pushed in Weimar.

Even the greentext you posted makes no sense. Go back and read your own wordturdage, then go take your meds, livewire

The Art of the Deal


Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets

I genuinely think that Hitler must have had at least a 140+ IQ. Reading his writings make that clear

Lel brainlet

>being this retarded
He grew up catholic


your parents wrote a lot of cheques to jim and tammy-faye bakker. jimmy swaggart, too.

and while they stared at the TV all those hours, you absorbed the cultural products of hefner & guccione & flynt...

and got drunk, again and again...

while goodgoys and jews built lives, families, communities

and the high ability goys who operate in the highest reaches of manufacturing & retail & real estate & insurance & telecom & energy & government & politics & academic research & finance & law & medicine & philanthropy & the performing arts -- the goys who creatively & productively interact with jews every day -- goys who, when not actually forming families with jews, see zero benefit to enforcing taboos against marrying jews -- these goys do not want you in their neighborhoods and workplaces

now here you are, on Sup Forums, day after day after day

your paranoia and vindictiveness and shameless dishonesty render you unable to mitigate the mutational load that your children will need to bear

>tfw I am as smart as the guy who thought flying ro Britain to sue for peace was good idea

>Lel brainlet

You literally defecate on your keyboard, hit "Post", and think yourself a profound genius. Go take your meds and then stick a wet fork in an AC outlet.

>Magnus Hirschfeld
the proto-Kinsey, a truly disgusting pervert.


You literally can't understand your native language, fucking sad


At least here Hitler makes some fucking sense and isn't just spewing his usual folksy wordturdage everywhere

You know the translations deliberately fucked it all up. There are better translations. Think of how some translations of the Bible are incoherent.

He wasn't inherently wrong in his thinking the problem is Christianity is a cuck religion so deviated from it's orginal teachings that even Jesus would bulk at, why do Christians defend us when we don't even believe in heaven and hell, broke covenant and killed the one guy trying to help you out a little in his own way, Is it because most Christians are literal brainlets who haven't even read or comprehend their own book from cover to cover.

I have never understood it, it's like the scorpion and the frog story. It's something your boy Hitler caught onto.

T. Jew

We teamed up with the commies. We were the bad guys.

It's depressing once the realization hits. Whoever brought up solzhenitzen and the gulag archipelago is also spot on. Bolshevism has run global media for a long time and he called it out.

Well, you go find me a translation that doesn't sound like someone punched a goddamn egg beater through Charles Manson's skull and just blended up his fucking brains, and maybe I might be able to appreciate these ideas of Hitler's that you put on such a pedestal.

what a wasted effort (you) faggot

The Holy Quran obviously.

game of thrones

How to Gas Jews and Influence People

German cookbook


Bet you felt so witty while you were writing that lol

Oy vey!

Is that all the text describes though?

German is really hard to translate, Hitler sounds a lot better once you start learning German. There’s a reason (((they))) ban his writing over there

>Mein Kampf
Ghostwritten for Hitler by Rudolph Hess, who was a full blooded German.
uncle adolph was a mischling sent by marxist jews in austria to humiliate germany.

Perhaps 'Hitler's Second Book" you fucking obnoxious sheep shagging cunt.

kek they found a cousin with a rare haplogroup?
>Sent to humiliate Germany
Literally brought France and UK to their knees.
Took Germany from being a beaten down and cowered nation and turned it into a prosperous and orderly nation.
>Marxist plant
Literally executed communists

This has blown my fucking mind. It's like i'm watching at a documentary talking about the present time.

Darude - Sandstorm

I bet you're still chuckling to yourself. (you) aren't funny.

the high ability goys who operate in the highest reaches of manufacturing & retail & real estate & insurance & telecom & energy & government & politics & academic research & finance & law & medicine & philanthropy & the performing arts -- the goys who creatively & productively interact with jews every day -- goys who, when not actually forming families with jews, see zero benefit to enforcing taboos against marrying jews -- these goys ...

do not want you

in their neighborhoods and workplaces

so here you are, on Sup Forums, day after day after day

This should be stickied or posted daily.

Everyone poops

It's actually true. You don't even have to go to some obscure alt right youtube ''documentary'' to know this. I can even pull up a description of the Weimar Republic by something as left as Salon.

>A snapshot of Berlin between the world wars includes nudist magazines devoted entirely to children; glittering cabaret shows parading acres of sweaty, perfumed female flesh; and an endless supply of cafes, bars and private clubs catering to gay men, transvestites, lesbians and sadomasochists.

Inflation is so rampant that the local paper currency is good only for toilet paper. Cocaine, morphine and opium are peddled on every street corner. And more than 120,000 desperate women and girls of every age and stripe sell their bodies for a pittance, including mother-daughter prostitution teams and brazen streetwalkers well into the third trimester of pregnancy.

It get's so much worse. Here's the link to the rest:

This was no joke my friend. The only thing here disputed if whether this kind of society should be tolerated.

Atlas shrugged-ayan rands

How is it redpilled though? Isn't it just a book about peak individualism?

The little engine that could


It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, identity-less, subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.

In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and to discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the past and present in that effort.

The truth about immigration, by the numbers:

Why people are afraid of the facts about the Jews:

Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:

Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained:

Why are we in decline - Cultural Marxism:

The Jewish role in the refugee crisis:

White Genocide is real - In their own words

Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:

also see

The facts about slavery in North America:

Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:

The Jewish role in the porn industry:

Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)

The Holocaust:

>kek they found a cousin with a rare haplogroup?
Try 36 relatives they tested.
>Literally brought France and UK to their knees.
The allies won ww2, lad.
>Literally executed communists
So did Stalin. Communists eat their own as a matter of routine.

Start arguing anytime.

>analysis of a brainlet

Daily reminder that your grandparents were the best goys selling out their kids future


green eggs and ham

you fucking spastic.