Kraut Sup Forums - too many parallel cultures edition
EU foreigners are working just like Germans, but foreigners from outside Europe are not working at all.
Volkspartei AfD, even the Spiegel now says that Schulz is making the AfD to a new large party in Germany while killing the SPD in the process.
No cap on illegal migrants EVER with the socialists. Caps on illegals are the worst.
Young socialists want you /polsters/ to sign up to the SPD as a member and make sure that you vote against the Groko. You can do it, only 100,000 or so right wing new SPD members are required to sway the vote!

Other urls found in this thread:

Muh niggas, this took a while to bake new bread


Anime > Afd





New Poll by INSA. Another >20% for the SPD


Yeah that weirdo shows up every now and then and posts the same pic.

I saw him like five times or so posting juicy children.
Dont ask me what's his deal is or why he's flaunting his "research"-folder.


A month back we used to be 7% apart from the spd (best value of afd was 13 and of spd was 20)
Now only 4% are apart from the SPD and AFD.

Let that sink in, Brother.

>those 3 dots on the far left
Jesus christ how horrifying.

Three achmeds have learned how CAMPUTORS work and rubbed their hands after the deed was done.

It is the remaining left wing “everything is fine” Greens.

Turk? Refugee?

I think it must be braindead Grüne party members because even the local Dönermann told me he hates all the fucking new mudslime immigrants.

it will be too late the genetic contamination will not be removed by the time AFD gets total power

Total power? that's unlikely.
We are in a parliamentarian democracy, which requires a MAJORITY which means 51% of votes. last time we had that, it was the NSDAP and i think those times are over. ever since we have such a diversity of votes that it never had singular party rule over all.

This is what coalitions are for.

My money's on both being fugees.


I have a few foreigners in my workplace and except for one who is a refugee as well as Sup Forumss wet dream are all opposed to what's happening now even when they weren't in the beginning

turk vs kurd
or north african dealer beef

something in that vein.

Or just some poor Sören who stood up to some muslim thug and ate a blade.

actually you need 51% of the votes over the 5% threshold

Kek. Rich coming from the united states of mulatto.

ernsthaft? ich dachte "absolute mehrheit" war 51% ... isses 56%?

happening in NRW. Schüler von Mitschüler erstochen. Please tell me it was a muzzie. (who else?)

Maybe a bit of a misunderstanding. Votes for parties under 5% or less than 3 directly won constutiencies are discarded.

From what I heard it was a syrian

letztem 22 oder so stunden nicht gepennt.
entschuldigung falls ich gebildet wie ein ami rüberkomme.

No information out yet anywhere

just wait but it probably was a muzzie.

read the fkin thread.

I think it was more like a Gerangel

mach mal halblang Hans-Dieter. Du hast mir gar nix zu sagen!

That's actually true. Most old "immigrants" who work hate the new ones. It's just braindead leftists and human garbage who never worked a day in their lifes that want more immigrants.

>Schule ohne Rassismus
If my source is correct this is hilarious


eine Schule an der wir gut und gerne lernen

They are also all racists. Ever heard of a Turk liking Asians or Africans? Me neither.

Everyone is "racist", only self-hating and brainwashed westerners feel bad about it.

It's always a classic when this dialogue with politicians
>I love living in such a great multicultural city such as x but I sadly have to move somewhere else
>why do you have to leave?
>because my children are almost old enough to go to school (and I don't want them to get beaten up every day for being a tiny minority among literal animals)

Ich bin selber mal auf eine Gesamtschule in der Ecke in Dortmund gegangen, die ebenfalls den Titel "Schule ohne Rassismus" trug, daher weiß ich was das im Grunde bedeutet.
Einer meiner Klassenkameraden war Schulsprecher und ihm wurde der "Ghandi-Friedenspreis" oder so verliehen. Nachdem ich ihn fragte, für was er den denn bekommen hätte, meinte er nur "Lol, hab kein Plan".
Je mehr eine Schule versucht sich äußerlich von negativen Zuständen zu präsentieren, desto wahrscheinlicher ist diese Schule von diesen Zuständen betroffen.
Bei mir ist das nun 10 Jahre her und ich will nicht wissen, wie schlimm die jetzigen Zustände vor Ort sind. Die Kinder tun mir leid.

However, considering turks: Their third generation is desintegtrating. Same can be said about other species, too. It's a trend.

Immigration is not the solution.

I'm not racist in the sense that I think that people are inferior because of their ethnicity. But people are most definitely inferior because of their culture (or lack thereof) and socialization.

Wo krieg ich eigentlich verlässliche Infos (Zahlen, Herkunft, etc) über die Flüchtlingszahlen, die wir und andere Europanationen aufnehmen?

Gesamtschule. You had it coming.
My school is in a former working class district, now rather workless class district, but since it was a "Gymnasium" the only foreigners we had were spanish people. The 3 or 4 turks didn't make it until Abitur

Exactly the reason I put racist in quotation marks; it's only natural for people to be wary of outsiders, i.e. people that are dissimilar in terms of history, culture, language and appearance.

Racist/racism is an often misused and poorly defined word imo.

>I'm not racist in the sense that I think that people are inferior because of their ethnicity. But people are most definitely inferior because of their culture (or lack thereof) and socialization.

That's what they'll call cultural racism nowadays, because remember, that no culture is superior. :->

Every Ausländer who gets a job where he can decide if someone fails or passes, he will smuggle through his landsmen.



just another tiny piece of the puzzle

dread wearing degenerate

maybe we should import sjw madness to europe after all? Imagine him beeing shouted at by 30 angry fat woman for cultural appropriation


that face
>Forgive me grandfather, this is not what I wanted

That is cultural appropriation. I just sent an angry mail to Sea-Watch about their employment of this insensitive person.

>its all fighting age males
glad I dropped learning German 10 years ago, that way I don't get as mad

A bullshit image. If that was the case, the only party outspoken against mass immigration from the third world would have more support.



SPD at 17%...when is Ralf gonna end it all with a murder/suicide?

Which one of you did this?

their culture, socialization is a result of their race (low IQ, high testosteron)


new poll

arab men (low IQ, high testosteron) need burka because they cannot control their feelings.

Immernoch zuviel rot/schwarz, allgemein aber nicht genug Parteien. Bin nicht unbedingt ein Freund der Gänze des Programms aber eine blaue Stimme jetzt ist eine Stimme für politische Diversität in der Zukunft.

Wenn man hundert prozent mit einer Partei übereinstimmt bräuchte man keine Parteien mehr

Wahl ist immer eine Prioritätsentscheidung

He asked for reliable sources

Press F to pay respects for Ralle



Okay happening in Lünen is cancelled. No shitkins involved

My best friend is German.. he asked me to ask you this :

Meinen Schwanz in Sauerkraut bedecken und eine Cookoo Uhr bis mein Arschloch rammen!

Sergej, no!

Sollen angeblich Deutsch-Russen sein. Am Ende Tschetschenen? Wir brauchen mehr islamische happenings für den Start der Endlösung.

it's just asking for the way to the library. in a very polite manner tho. cheers

Thats not a question and has some funky ass grammar.

Are you sure your friend isn't "German"?

>it's ok then name the ethnicity as long as it isn't nafri "refugee"
This just confirms that it was a refugee every time they omit it.

this is actually true

update on school, are future engineers and doctors involved?

einer war ein chirurg in ausbildung

Waren Russen

>im Jahr 2018


Foto mit der physiognomie der Gesichter schon gesehen? Dann würde ich mit sowas erstmal warten.

Literally all the others get sold as slaves in the way there.
These ones are also slaves, too. They must pay the toll to the mafia, or they get murdered and their organs stolen. That's why the government (who is not totally the mafia behind this) gives them gibs and free houses.

Laut Stern war einer ein Kasache. Hahaha die Medien sind echt so geil da nen Russen draus zu machen.

0.3 % more for the AfD after this

>Für ein Verfahren gegen einen jungen Asylbewerber aus Afghanistan hat ein Richter das Kreuz im Gerichtssaal abgehängt. Der 21-Jährige musste sich vor Gericht verantworten, da er einem afghanischen Landsmann mit dem Tod gedroht haben soll, weil dieser Christ geworden war und am Sonntag in die Kirche ging.

>Afghan Funghi wants to kill somebody for converting
>better take off the cross as not to provoke him

Is the judge a retard?

Kasache wie Helene Fischer?

Of course

REEEEE get out roach

negative religious freedom, I'm rather surprised they still have it afterall


/krautpol/ made me fear the future
No matter what government forms, were done for. The Damage done is to serious.
Beeing woke sucks
Any recommendations for saving money from the inevitable jeuwro crash? Falling for the gold jew?

kind of based BILD though

Well he has a toothbrush moustache and a swastika arm band so i assumed he was

An Austrian then? Never trust those Schluchtenscheisser.

Silver is better for trading than gold

Techncally a Kazakh could be anything from an ethnic german, chechen, russian or even a real Kazakh


>INSA: SPD 18% / AfD 14%
>FORSA: SPD 17% / AfD 13%

Both pollsters have SPD and AfD inside the margin of error (+/-2%)

Also reminder that FORSA regularly overvalues SPD by 1.5% while it undervalues AfD by 1.5%