Explain to me how it’s moral to have kids when earth’s resources continue to rapidly deplete and overpopulation...

Explain to me how it’s moral to have kids when earth’s resources continue to rapidly deplete and overpopulation seriously threatens mankind

Because its only smart people that will stop breeding because of reasons like this, leaving the world to the most retarded humanity has to offer. Like burgers.

Explain how a nuclear conflict would be immoral under that priori.

It doesn't matter shit what the west does, China, India and the third world will pollute and breed us to apocalypse anyways.

It's not our population that is overpopulated, if anything our population is under what it should be, go preach that shit to the niggers who breed without regard to what they can support.

This is a African and Chinese issue more than anything else.
Whity is a global minority dude.

Thinking like this a nuclear conflict would be a moral imperative.

Pretty much that, if it wasn't for the Western induced population bom n the third-world we'd have been fine.

Altruism kills advanced species.

Think it this way, niggers fuck and have 9 children with AIDS
If you fuck and have a single kid or two, you're not making a big of a deal as you and your couple are asuring your DNA spreads enough but not in an exagerated manner. Like for instance 5 children.

In the end it's natural to wish for kids but inmoral to have over a couple of them.

Because overpopulation is a meme. There will always be either enough food for everyone, or a surplus.

Kill two black kids for every white one thats born. Problem jews?

Because the answer is clearly to nuke africa

204. Revolutionaries should have as many children as they can. There is strong scientific evidence that social attitudes are to a significant extent inherited. No one suggests that a social attitude is a direct outcome of a person’s genetic constitution, but it appears that personality traits are partly inherited and that certain personality traits tend, within the context of our society, to make a person more likely to hold this or that social attitude. Objections to these findings have been raised, but the objections are feeble and seem to be ideologically motivated. In any event, no one denies that children tend on the average to hold social attitudes similar to those of their parents. From our point of view it doesn’t matter all that much whether the attitudes are passed on genetically or through childhood training. In either case they ARE passed on.

205. The trouble is that many of the people who are inclined to rebel against the industrial system are also concerned about the population problems, hence they are apt to have few or no children. In this way they may be handing the world over to the sort of people who support or at least accept the industrial system. To insure the strength of the next generation of revolutionaries the present generation should reproduce itself abundantly. In doing so they will be worsening the population problem only slightly. And the important problem is to get rid of the industrial system, because once the industrial system is gone the world’s population necessarily will decrease (see paragraph 167); whereas, if the industrial system survives, it will continue developing new techniques of food production that may enable the world’s population to keep increasing almost indefinitely.

>a system with finite energy input can supply an infinite population
t. vacuum for a brain

this pretty much
lefties don complain about overpopulation in africa do they?

It's even more ridiculous how they have no problem with importing them to Europe to be new western consumers.

>>explain me how It's moral to follow your numero one biological imperative when [MEMES MEMES MEMES MEMES MEMES MEMES]


yeah, also.

European peoples (endangered global minority) are the only ones who protect nature and the planet. Global overpopulation is caused by Africans and Asians, not white people.

One of the worst things you could do for the planet is to stop having European children.

well, this, i didn't see your post

>believes the overpopulation meme

How. Have you ever driven across your country? Its fucking empty.

China is not the problem, Africa is.

This. It's like the arms race, only with babies instead of weapons.


Pure fucking kikery. It's the fucking Nog and paki countries that are the problem.

White People have kids, have lots of kids.

I'm about to have my first I intend to have a minimum of three to go beyond the replacement rate.

>thinks space is all people need
>forgets the amount of farming land needed to sustain one person

Burger plz

Theoretically it's moral to have up to two children because you are not producing a net increase in population. In practice that doesn't work, obviously, because other people have upwards of 2.

If you actually cared about overpopulation and resource depletion you'd be advocating culling humans in Africa and Asia before they destroy those environments beyond repair due to industrialization.

Your real goal is to guilt white people into using doggos as surrogates for children.

>resources continue to rapidly deplete and overpopulation seriously threatens mankind
none of these happen you mongrel


If you have good genes, you should reproduce and raise top tier offpsring. If you have poor genes, you should not reproduce.

>a system with finite energy
you mean a whole fucking universe ?
holy fuck you are cretin
we have enough space and possibilities to survive next 6 gorylion years
unless we keep pushing leftist memes

All current data is on an upward trend, but projecting that forward it's going downward? How did they arrive at that conclusion?

>Because its only smart people that will stop breeding because of reasons like this
>Not procreating because "smart people" are sold the idea they are nothing but consumers


>Explain to me how it’s moral to have kids when earth’s resources continue to rapidly deplete and overpopulation seriously threatens mankind

This statement is not true, and even if it was - you want third worlders to inherit the earth unoppossed?

What if it's God's will that white genocide is taking place? So we don't have to take
the burden of living in a post-broken world where resources are scarce, air is polluted,
garbage is everywhere, with whats happening in Europe; in 200 years time whites will
be a complete minority, and it's predictable that the world will be completely trashed by
then, so we just basically exited out of this existence at the right time, we've experienced
the peak, that's all to taste, no need to suffer the withdrawals of our actions.

>american intellect

>Infinite population

Exactly. Anyone who tells you it's immoral to breed has no problem subsidizing Africans, enabling them to have 8 children apiece that they can't take care of. These same people will also turn around with a straight face and tell you that your country is suffering from a lack of population growth so you need to import 3rd worlders who will pop out a dozen kids apiece or your society will collapse at the seams.

If you really want to go down the rabbit hole of population control, do humanity a favor and start chemically castrating south americans and africans

because we'll make room by gassing cunts like you

Starting a family is now a bad thing?

Tell that to third world shitholes.

Oh but wait YOU should be the one to help raise another man's offspring. I hate the left

Current China pop is 1.39 billion.
They make projections assuming the current fertility rate will stay constant in the future.

Haha wow I'm so smart for not reproducing. All my friends are stupid and gullible this snarky political cartoon told me so.

>smart people
>stop breeding
Pick 1

that meme stinks of smelly cunts.

>We should stop breeding so we don't run out of food
>Smart people will stop breeding because they know about overpopulation
>We should stop breeding so we don't run out of food


Maybe that's true. If it is, only white people think so. Therefore, if you really believe what you said, you should promote the births of more white people at the expense of non-white people.

Is that the "I don't know what to do with myself when people aren't paying attention to me" dance?

We're experiencing a brown population explosion.
I think exterminating the brown people is a better option than to try and match their population growth.

If the world was a white ethno planet, this population growth wouldn't be a disaster. We would have several colonies on mars and a few bases on the moon.
The brown people are a fucking ball and chain, a biological black hole sucking in resources and focus.



>you will never have 3 sister wives that you can constantly breed.

My suggestion is the world needs to stop having niggers and shit skins.

End of true story.

we could fix overpopulation by just slaughtering all non whites

>you mean a whole fucking universe ?
No, the Earth.
You know, the only place we know of where humans are realistically able to survive for multiple generations.
It doesn't matter that the universe is (for all intents and purposes) infinitely large, given that the vast emptiness is currently very useless.
A human space empire requires scifi-tier breakthroughs in science and technology.

>there will always be enough food for everyone
>somehow doesn't imply infinite food and infinite population


It's the "I'm surrounded by filthy goyim" dance

>If she had just realized that overpopulation is a thing and not had kids at all, she would be smart

We need more white children for when the the population auto corrects. Gotta have more for that bottleneck.

Viral and chemical warfare would make much more sense.

> Giving a fuck about mankind
> Current year
No one wanting your rotten crotch fruit doesn't stop the third world from birthing their shit.

Because evolution exists and i firmly believe that I am a superior specimen to others. Its literally a biological imperative to reproduce, and if you don't then you lose at evolution. Living a life of hedonism is one thing, but guess what; your bloodline dies with you.

t. Some lefty who thinks they are smart

Rate of rate of change.

Its like deceleration of a home run ball near its highest point

The only place where overpopulation exists is Africa and India. Non-shitholes need more fucking people

t. A burger without an argument

>implying that it's not implied that actual overpopulation leading to strained resources won't keep the population in check

There will always be enough food for those who can afford it.


non-whites are the ones overbreeding, you fucking ape. you fucking idiot. come here so I can smack you one good you fucking cunt

2nd law says we have to deplete resources. "Renewable" energy is just fusion power based off of the sun. Only option is to harvest the rest of the solar system for minerals.

Because a competing race is doing the same thing. If shitskins didn't exist I'd be down for natural white depopulation but right now that's suicide.

>Your job is replaced with automation.

>I get a different job

>actual overpopulation leading to strained resources won't keep the population in check
Are you arguing that an animal population will continue to grow even in times of severe famine?

Even then, animal populations tend to fluctuate around their environment's carrying capacity.
If that is not 'keeping the population in check, you'll have to provide a more accurate definition.

>there will always be enough food for everyone
>there will always be enough foor for those who can afford it
*teleports goalposts behind you*
*unzips a non-argument*

Allow me to rephrase the latter statement.
>there is at least some food somewhere
Hopefully it'll be obvious how pointlessly banal that statement is.

Those who can afford it WILL be everyone because those who can't will die.

Because it's definitely peer pressure (and thus something negative) to do the very thing that has kept our species in existence over millennia...

Even the dumbest jungle dwellers procreate.

i ain't ending my 4 billion years old gene line motherfucker

The world is overpopulated, but Europeans are underpopulated. Sub-saharan Africans and Indians are over represented.


>claims overpopulation is a meme
>explains how overpopulation could occur

The world is not overpopulated.
Never in the whole human history has the percentage of humans without enough food to survive been smaller than today.

Overpopulated with shithole spawn

because the world still needs engineers and scientists to figure out and develop the solutions to those problems. there's no point in just not having kids. that's like burying your head in the ground, whilst most of africa and the middle east continue shitting out kids at a huge rate and sending them over here.

You have a biological, social and ancestral duty to further your culture, race and country.

Resources aren't a problem, just bio-nuke africa and india

Hitler and mussolini had this figured oyt. They encouraged their citizens to have 12 kids at least and celebrated mothers as heros of the patria

The babies have to be white, because white is evil and the cause of all evil. Fuck I would love to angry fuck a liberal Guardian "journalist"

I refute your premise. The Earth isn't overpopulated and we won't run out of a resources.

Africa is not the problem, jews are. Jews are trying to guilt trip Europe and topple Russia to let Africans swarm north.

If Africans stay in Africa the worst that will happen is famine and war in Africa, big deal.

where are the fathers of those bellies?

quality > quantity, for starters

second, general dysfunction still does not justify specific dysfunction. the pressure is higher, yes, deal with it


>overpopulation seriously threatens mankind
Citation required.

Overpopulation is kike propaganda.

>make a baby
>kill two niggers
>problem solved

Two kid max rule. Also stop this crazy shit of Women having kids at 45+. My wife works at a hospital and has Women who come to deliver after having IF in other countries at 50+.
You'll be 70 when your kid is 20.

>earth’s resources continue to rapidly deplete

Explain to me why we shouldn't genocide shitskins to save the planet from global warming?

It's basically just a meme way of saying: We need to gibs Africans our leftover food so they don't start farming cuz farms create global warming

Who else waiting for malthusian crisis?