Anyone else here unironically think that in today's insane political climate...

Anyone else here unironically think that in today's insane political climate, trump is the best president ever in america?
45 yo here too. Much tougher than reagan. His balls will be in the Smithsonian post pardem.

Agreed, 44 here and this guy Trump has exceeded all hope, truly GEOTUS

>post pardem
fix that op.

I support President Trump.

why? he's a womany jew fag

95-year-old here. Best president I have seen


Are you a wizard?

We need to save a spot for him on Mt. Rushmore.

Checked em

Unironically this

we'd have to allocate more stone above current mount rushmore to make the presidents' heads trump's four balls

At 45 I'd be a traveling nomad or some shit, not posting on some damn internet board lmao

Oh lol massive

i wonder what you tards will say in a couple decades when everyone looks back on trumps presidency in embarrassament.

"y-ya haha i never supported t-trump, what an idiot he was!"

Obviously you haven't looked at Bill lately

I get it user. I wfh. Slow time.
You insane maniacs make me laugh and actually keep me sane.

That phrase will never be said outside of New York Cidom and Califomorrah

is that like grabbemsville and hoovervilles and Bush leagues?

Absolutely. 62 year old government worker for 30 years before retiring with a paid off home and annual family vacations to Hawaii.

Trump is God. Youngsters have no idea how easy they have it. I had to work 20 hours a week at McDonald's to pay my way through college, buy two cars outright AND rent an apartment.

Now you kids can buy a SmartPhone for 300 dollars. It's unbelievable how spoiled you are.

Oh that's kinda nice to hear



Pull yourself up by your bootstraps and make your own way

Congrats dad user! Enjoy your time. You deserve.
He is amazing. Reagan was more scripted and calm. He would never have said what djt did. He also never could have singlehandedly destroy the media, leftism, the liberal euro countries, the establishment reps...... ALL IN FIRST YEAR.
the man is a machine. Period. There is NOTHING ever like him nor will be.

The sacrifice this man is giving is simply for one reason- his pure love of America and her people.

He is a god - like being. I truly mean it.

All boomers really just need to be drawn and quartered already

Nice larp

Come try it youngster. You drink too much soymilk to tangle with me. I raped gooks tougher than you in Hanoi.

He worked for what he has user. Also he is based. Relax on boomers. Like blacks... not all are niggers.

Nice pick off user. Dam u good.

It's not the biggest or the most girthy but it gets the job done. Ask your mother.

Old man, you’d be on your back gasping for air, wondering what went horribly wrong before you had time to raise your hands

just start using meme currency and stop respecting the dollar
that's when all their pensions and social security becomes worthless

Yes, just for saving the kids. When this is all said and done DJT will go down in history as a saint.

Agreed user. I have skin in the game. A 6 yo girl and 10 yo boy. I like the direction of the country.
8 years ago i was seriously terrified - for my kids. I can give 2 shits about me. I would actively battle to the death against the progressive liberal scourge.

>bragging about a war you lost
the absolute state of boomers, if you didn't die in that war you're a pussy straight up.

>A matching ID
How's Hawaii this time of year Barry?

53 here. I think he is on track to be the best in my lifetime. I'll reserve judgement until the end of his term(s).

he needs to double cross the jew for him to become the greatest ever
right now he is sucking them off with billions of our tax money

not going to happen. he did more good for this country in his first 10 days than obama did in 8 years

Whatever it takes to make america amazing again.
Living in the 80s then 2000s was pokar opposite. There used to be american pride.
Walk thru Woolworths and dad would complain 'all this shit ia starting to be made in china and japan'
Nope only American products.

Now that is coming back. King nigger set us back decades with his anti american, anti white, anti police SHIT. FUCK THAT POS BOON

course he is

Those foreskins?! Lol

I agree although I was born in the 91 and was too young to appreciate a pre 9/11 world

I think JC, AH, DJT, (missing others) that have fought against the same enemy.

Big Banking Money Changers trying to rule over the Common People.

They Kill Trump, they will start another Religion that will Hate them till the End of Time.

your mother will be thrilled your leaving her basement

Best since Coolidge for sure.


i am 37 and Trump is the best thing to happen to this country in my lifetime

It is nice, but this new ankle bracelet Michael got me itches and does not come off.

>Republican's Obama

you are a jealous weak faggot

how fucking gay are you seriously. i bet you day dream of donald filling your mouth up with his dick. Servitude to politicians is the fucking hallmark of a beta bitch

Literally the Best.

Trump is GEOTUS
we know this user

Agree but djt is going against a massively lying media which is trying to change people's minds and in turn make america STAY BLUE.

I don't think the youth have a true understanding of the gravity of trump winning to reverse this mess.

If clinton had won, america could never go back. Why? Voting block consisting of millions of new illegals, women, and blacks with the immense aid of the media and leftists shitholes like our retarded neighbor up north.

And how does losing feel user?

Trump is my nigga

Can't wait to vote for him again and watch liberals kill themselves in rage

Lmao fuck off

All the pedophiles he has taken down in his first year of office is INSANE. Tens of thousands already. And the media is completely silent. Truly telling. Trump is saving the kids while people call him the worst names imagineable because they're too brainwashed to see a hint of what's really going on.

Kinda sounds like what jesus went through.


He‘s a fucking genius don‘t you see it retard?

Please do this Ameri-bros

Really makes you think

>44 here

I knew it, Obama is tsundre for Trump all along.

I have deep respect for your prez.
He is self made millionaire.
I first knew about him from mad magazine.
My father used to take me the news agent shops to buy them.

I do not understand this retarded hysterical hatred of him or white men.

Hip hop artists used to sing songs of praise about him back then, now these very hip hop artists bash on him just like the mentally retarded left and most the less intelligencia of the third world.

lets remove the tyrant in place of Trump

>post pardem.
Unless you know something about Trump that we don't, I think you meant post mortem.

48 here... Trump has not disappointed. MAGA

The left is insane user. Literally insane. They make no coherent sense. They constantly contradict. They constantly engage in the hypocritical. They only have their IDENTITY politics with no facts or truths to back them.
They honestly need to be culled and we have Don the Culler.


Oh man. Just dealt with sister with posy pardem.

We'll see. DACA/amnesty gets voted on in a few weeks.

He should
Send them to those FEMA camps
Jesse ventura keeps taling about.


fuck off Russian bot

I'm 18 and I'm falling for divisive Hebrew tactics. Even though both the young and the old love Trump, I now hate old people because they misspelled a word. Fuck you OP. Now maybe I don't like Trump. I love Israel.