Why are subhumans moving into the countryside?

Why are subhumans moving into the countryside?

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go back to discord/leftypol shaun faggot



those arent submarines

excuse me? Show some fucking respect newfag

Awww I hope the cows were alright after.

they violated NAP by strolling on the private road

>Ancap right wing truck death squads:Hitting 90 on highways 24/7 looking for degenerates to run over

>cyrillic letters
Ok, not the US. I still feel bad for the farmer, cows are $$$$$

i loved that episode. series 2 of Mad Maquieisha gets better. Beyond Niggerdome.

How much does cattle cost anyways?

>getting run over for violating the NAP
>the true truck of peace

>Russian military truck
>Russian farmers letting cattle open graze
>Citizens not taking care of the resources and property of the state


wew that guy lost nearly 10k in that collision

Some of them looked like dairy cattle too, so that's lost milk, cheese, butter, cream, basically anything produced from a car.

>produced from a car
Technology is amazing these days.




I read the military fined the guy for letting his cows walk on the road.

>get your cattle killed
>and have to pay for it.

Did you know butter doesn't have to be refridgerated?

Thanks for the link, user.

You're not looking at the opportunity cost user. Now that those milk producing cattle are dead, they can no longer produce milk. Now that farmer can never gain any more profit from the milk it WOULD have produced, along with any derivatives he could have made from it.

Legal or not, this was a net-loss of capital for the country.

The cost in potential losses for navigating around the cattle likely doesn't outweigh their value.

Nations should preserve their value, not destroy it like an angry kid that doesn't understand inanimate objects have value.

Neither does cheese.

That's not the point user, the point is the cow can no longer produce more milk, to be turned into butter and cheese. It's like if a refrigerator factory blew up, I mean sure the fridge's you have in stock will work just fine, but you can't produce anymore.

Hmmm I never thought of it like that. Good point.

Nor do eggs.

>all that investment: lost