Watch out nazi scum

watch out nazi scum

people say the alt left isn't a threat but I disagree these fuckers are feirce

Name my band thread?

Jabba and the Max Rebo Band

Big Red and the PlenTPak

They are truly turning into orcs



The Red Planet


>Name my band

Jesus Christ wtf am I looking at !

And God granted it.

Somebody assign them super powers


The Mutts

56 Hits


From left to right
>Tranny Tyler: Can disguise itself as any living person on Earth, and can even match their voice
>Chris-cuck: can manipulate any gaming console to his will, can also screech at about 150 decibels
>Tank-quisha: the tank class, is stronger than an elephant, but due to its hulking size its mobility is limited
>Bingo: can talk to animals and summon them at will
>Drummer boy: his identity is as much of a mystery as his ethnicity. His war drums are known to strike fear into any enemy, and can be heard from miles away

From left to right
>Shape shiftier, can transform into whoever he wants by wearing their clothes, but will be an uglier fatter version of his target
>Nazi detection, whenever zer gets near an evil Alt-Right fascist, one of the necklaces glows
>Super strength, makes the Hulk looks like a faggot
>Can summon an army of abos, but they have to find a way to get their from Australia
>makes sonic booms with zich's drum

I am so scared... Please don't sit on me. I need to breathe.

Great argument for eugenics right here.

Anyone know what they were protesting about?

It's not like any of them would have kids anyway.



They were protesting Gravity.


What are those things?


This isn't a protest..they are a cheeleading squad!

best post yey

* yet

Can someone shoop this to be a character select screen?