When Nishimiya get nervous and tries to speak with that cute voice is when I recover the faith in love

When Nishimiya get nervous and tries to speak with that cute voice is when I recover the faith in love

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>want to start learning sign language just so I can meet cute deaf girls

There are cute girls, there are deaf girls and there are cute deaf girls, but there aren´t Nishimiyas in this world. They are too pure and perfect for this bullshit.

Do you think that Ishida actually deserves being forgiven?

You will quickly learn that there is an over-representation of assholes, male and female in the deaf community. This film will make it worse because you are going to have all these idealist weeaboo tourists learning to say "hello" and "you are cute" and going all assertive "I'll save you" stalker on the teens of the community. They in turn will become even bigger assholes and you all will become jaded "nice guys" talking about how they are all whores anyway. Just don't. If you weren't involved in the deaf community before the film came out, don't start now. Give to a deaf charity if you care that much.

/had a couple of deaf friends growing up.

It's going to turn into the harry potter owl thing or the Halloween black cat/kitten thing. "Adopt a deaf" (then abandon them when the shine wears off).

Any Deaf user's out there reading this can back me up?

And if licantropous would exist you would tell them to respect thir mothers because of Wolf Children. It´s a fucking flim, don´t think about it too much. It tries to give a cute message, that´s all.

Don't, it's not worth it and real life is not as cute as your cartoons.

Yes, he was just a braindead child.

Yeah, kids are cruel and dumb as fuck, did some awful shit myself when I was kid.

>liking a worthless, spineless little girl with no actual character agency other than acting like a timid mouse

This actually. Kids like her mostly turn into bitter cunts towards people who bullied them (for good reason, lol), she on the other hand has no character whatsoever.
Keeping the thread alive with some quality humor.

This movie isn't going to do anything, but I've heard some really shitty things about the so-called deaf culture. Individual deaf people are the same as everybody else, but those into the "culture" can be real assholes.

The fuck is a "deaf culture"? Being serious about ironic deaf jokes?

Nobody here said they liked Kawai, user

>Yeah, kids are cruel and dumb as fuck, did some awful shit myself when I was kid.
Maybe you don't deserve being forgiven, either?

Don't deaf people speak like retards? Why did she sound perfectly normal in this movie?

Best girl

I lost my post-movie boner for deaf people when i looked it up and found out that deaf people don't sound cute like shouko, but extremely retarded when they speak.
Aside from that i sort of caught an interest in sign language (purely for self amusement, not trying to get laid with disabled girls) and have been learning some basic stuff, but it's not really worth getting into seriously.

>Why did she sound perfectly normal in this movie?

>w-watachi ga kirai de
>the gibberish she said when she tried to speak with Shouya
>accents put in the wrong places
It was cute and semi-understandable, but definitely not normal, notably different from any local or foreign accent

I prefer to consider myself a decent person nowadays.

Nishimiya´s voice was done for being cute, true, but Deaf people don´t sound like retards, you sound like a retard when you insult someone that try to comunicate with you when he/she haven´t ever heard his/her own voice.

>when you insult someone
truth isn't an insult. And if you actually think about how a disabled person feels, you'd know that you shouldn't tell them that they speak normally when they don't.
That's not to say i would tell them to shut up or demean their effort for trying to communicate with people. Respect their efforts, but be honest and don't treat them special

That's bullshit.

First you have to realize that the vast majority of the deaf community does not consider being deaf to be a "disorder". Yeah, they can't hear, but they've coped with it so well that they actually don't care and it doesn't bother them, so much so that they don't consider it a shortcoming anymore.

That said, they aren't any different than you or me, except that they can't hear. There are dicks, there are awesome people, there are smart people and retards. The only seeable difference, personality-wise, is that most of them are super willing to talk with you if you can speak sign language because they have A LOT less people they can talk to, so they want to give anyone at least a chance. I signed "H" and "I" to someone deaf before and they were ecstatic that I could sign the alphabet (horribly). Beyond that, nope, they're the same.

I still think learning sign language is cool though and nobody should be taking your horror stories seriously, EXCEPT the fact that they shouldn't be white knighting deaf people. You aren't a hero and deaf people aren't damsels in distress. UNLESS YOU SEE THEM ACTUALLY BEING BULLIED, DON'T DO THAT PATRONIZING SHIT.

He tried to make amends and understood where he was wrong, he deserves it more than Ueno or the blonde one.

Is it a Japan thing to give garden ornaments to someone you're confessing love to?

>found the weeaboo nice guy

>require others to make a ton of accommodations for you
>not a disorder
And this is exactly why the deaf community can be so shit at times.

>when you're in campus and you see a group of weebs trying to talk with Japanese sign language because of Koe no Katachi

Yeah because he felt the full pain of what he did.

It's the same shit as people getting AE-86s after Initial-D.
It's the same shit as people trying musical instruments after K-ON.
And now this.

You have to realize. Your life will not change like this. There isn't some magic MacGuffin that will make the suffering end. It fucking sucks, but that's just what it is.

>with Japanese sign language
isn't it almost the same all over the world?


JSL and ASL are different.

People can say shit. She´s lovely and charming

Yes, she's basically telling him to plant his seeds inside her.

i did not like the end of the movie , or the characters.
But it actually did the job.
now im interested in sing language(not to get deaf gf actually)

OP here. I´m not saying that now I´d like to meet a deaf girl, but i think that the character of Nishimiya is cute. But it´s a character, one of my best firend´s parents are both deaf and they are nice people, but i´m not into deaf communities or something like that, I´m not making a judge of them. Nisimiya is not nice because of being deaf, she´s nice because her behaviour and his personality is cute, but she´s fiction

Your are wrong: "SADLY she´s fiction". Now the sentence is okey.

Saying that Deafness (with a D) isn't a disability, just an alternate way of life. Sign language isn't just english but with signs, but a completely different thing. They don't support teaching deaf children written english and oppose infant hearing aid implants

i want to have sex with her with her weird moaning voice

the whole movie Ueno being ignored is golden

I cried way too much during this movie, especially when she said she hated herself, I'm pathetic

No joke, seek professional "help" - not that you specifically need help, but you probably have something undiagnosed that needs to be seen to if you were crying multiple times during the film.

But that's fucking retarded

I hate myself, I have low self esteem, and my family makes me feel like shit, I know what's wrong with me senpai

All of those things are actually symptoms and side-effects of the undiagnosed problem. - Hence, get diagnosed. If you are in school or college there should be free services for you, especially in College. I get wallowing in self pity isn't just addictive but also easy - but that's not the smart move by anyone's calculations.

what if I just cried a lot because I thought the film was sad

I cried the whole way through millenium actress aswell does that meen I've got undiagnosed autism too??

where do I go
not me


The guy that runs that website isn't even deaf, he's just hard of hearing """deaf""". It's a good resource though.

>I don't know what a disorder is

If you are in college, start with your counselors office and ask them about what facilities are available on campus for mental health.
With highschool it would also be through your counselor but they probably don't have anything on-sight - they will probably refer you to somewhere. I believe you can ask them to not involve your parents and they need to comply. -may vary by state.

Don't you mean cue dead girls?

Pick a hobby or interest and stick to it. Better yourself for the real world as much as possible and enjoy your passion. Watching Anime isn't really a passion you can cultivate into something you can share with others - that's like suggesting watching Law and Order is a passion you can cultivate into sharing with others. It's passive entertainment.

>Sign language isn't just english but with signs, but a completely different thing.

Isn't it though? British Sign Language and American Sign Language aren't even mutually intelligible.

Good job. You summed up what he was saying

>but extremely retarded when they speak.

That's nothing, you should search for videos of deaf people having sex.

This one doujin isn't realistic at all. In reality, Ishida would be terrified the first time he had sex with Nishimiya.

I don't hate Nishimiya and I liked the movie, but I agree to this sentiment to a certain extent. Nishimiya felt more like a moeblob and a plot device than an actual character.

Pic related is a better deaf character ever