Guys, this isnt funny anymore

Guys, this isnt funny anymore.

Stop making alt-right posts on Sup Forums. I go to Sup Forums to talk about movies.

does it hurt knowing liberal comedy is practically dead?

>he posts w/ democrat stamp

when politics get out of my movies, I'll stop bringing Sup Forums to Sup Forums

>Guys, this isnt funny anymore.
i disagree
>Stop making alt-right posts on Sup Forums.
make me
> I go to Sup Forums to talk about movies.
>post like this ruin my memories of good movies...
so you are admitting to the world that your mind is so fucking weak that all it takes is a few keystrokes to totally fuck you up
>... I feel like my inner child is assaulted ...
my special snowflake faggot detector just lit up like a christmas tree
>Please talk about movies in Sup Forums and stop destroying my love of movies with your posts in Sup Forums
or we could go to Sup Forums and talk about movies there
>Thank you
Fuck you.

/me opens Sup Forums in new tab
/me opens Sup Forums folder
/me is about to have a blast shitposting on Sup Forums

Refugees from Sup Forums are fleeing hardships and shilling wars on their board, and it's very racist, zenophobic, and bigoted of you to suggest that they don't have a place on other boards.

Thank you, and praise Kek.

yeah because there aren't enough liberal hugboxes on the internet

Movies and the industry overall are getting more and more political so don’t get mad that Sup Forums is posting more in an entertainment board:

How DID Raimi get away with that?
It truly was a different time.

>alt-right posts
Nigga, I ain't alt-right. I'm All Reich

Sup Forums and Sup Forums are allies and always will be


god speed



More like more and more people are noticing how political the entertainment industries are becoming. Not just Sup Forums.
People are getting tired of it.

I know I only came to Sup Forums after hearing shit like "Mansplaining" and White Characters constantly getting turned to Black Characters.

This, go fuck yourself you jerk

damn - i was on my way too

>dislikes Raimi posting
Tell me what's life like being the internet's biggest pussy

>be liberal
>write a thesis paper because someone said nigger on Sup Forums
The buttpain is palpable

top kek

Such digits. Savage.

The problem with that, is that you can't even say nigger anymore without someone freaking out and saying Sup Forums.
I almost never post on other boards and mostly lurk, but from time to time, I'll see someone say, "Nigger" or "kike" in a more joking way, and someone will instantly say "get back to Sup Forums".
They won't even be changing the subject. I saw in a thread on Sup Forums some guy talking about Diablo 3. They were talking about the Gem Woman where you spend rift crystals. Because it's largely RNG, an user said, "This kike bitch stole about 5000 of my Rift Crystals when trying to buy a new weapon". Still on topic, just using normal Sup Forums type dialogue, but someones fragile little mind couldn't even handle that. Despite saying shit like that being as old as Sup Forums itself.

Is Spider-Man /ourhero/?

It's a way to recruit, nobody cares about your chinese cartoons.