WHY doesn't Sweden legalise Cannabis even tho they know it's not harmful and is used as medicine for people with all...

WHY doesn't Sweden legalise Cannabis even tho they know it's not harmful and is used as medicine for people with all sorts of problems.

Fucking Swedish läkemedelsverket always try to skip that question if it's ever brought up and telling us they need more scientific evidence...

Atm Norway and Germany have legalized the use of cannabis.

It makes slaves lazy af

cannabis is haram

Because you should be pissed off about your immigration problem, not content, slow, and stoned.

Sven, get a job m8. Really it's for your own good

>le you have to work for the poor immigrants so they can get their 10 million kronor villa for tax payer money
Fuck off, tax is theft.

Sweden will be the last country to legalize weed. It was decided 40 or so years ago that Sweden would adopt American drug laws. Since then, Sweden has spent hundreds of millions on propaganda to make the population believe that this is an efficient solution from all perspectives, to the point where a majority of the population believes in utter falsehoods about the nature of drugs, their use, and their legislation. Swedes trust the government and government propaganda so much that this will not change until the government decides it is time. This will probably happen after the US and every single other European nation has legalized or decriminalized cannabis and other "light" narcotics on a federal/national level.

Cannabis cultivation, manufacturing, processing, and distribution along with all the related industries creates millions of jobs.

Because every Swede in history is a fucking faggot except for PEEP.



Sven, I know things are majorly messed up at the moment, but you can't just sit in your room and smoke weed while fucking about online.
You need to work, even a shit job with immigrants. Your built for movement and interaction. Get a job and do the positive things you know you should be doing. Like working out, interacting with girls.

The occasional use of weed is fine, but it has a negative effect on you and society. You already know this.

You know we will all probably move towards legalization soon anyway. That will not make things better. Swedish men should be energetic, angry and motivated with new ideas. You know this already. You can't have millions of young men self medicating and withdrawing physically and mentally within themselves. Sweden and Europe needs you.

He isnt swedish retard

You could make that argument with regards to cocaine, heroin or the arms industry

Yes, and all the people employed creating and selling legal speed, opiates, and arms make that argument for you everyday, but it doesn't make your cannabis=unemployment argument any more accurate.

I didn't really make that argument, but we shouldn't really be doing the opposite which is to say that there are job opportunities to be made from it.

If you are living a healthy, happy and productive life and weed is not impacting on that then it's all good.
My point was it often has a negative impact on peoples lives which users often seem to be willfully ignorant of.

One of those seems to be that people withdraw and get stuck in routines.

We should be able to live without the use of drugs

He isn't what you little FAGGOT? HUH?? FUCKIN' SVENSK???? WHAT WAS THAT, PUSSY???

You really did, though.


Why wouldn't people withdraw from an incoherent society that is openly using their tax money to oppress their body and mind and control them with lies?

Everything is a drug, its literally impossible to live without multiple drugs such as dihydrogen monoxide, glucose, or oxygen.

I didn't. I suggested Sven should get a job.
I don't think smoking weed is incompatible with work or that an industry can not be got from its legalization. I haven't said that anywhere.

>people withdraw from an incoherent society that is openly using their tax money to oppress their body and mind and control them with lies?

I agree, I even already kind of said that. Things are completely fucked at the moment, but as I've already said
>self medicating and withdrawing physically and mentally within themselves
Is not the answer

>Everything is a drug, its literally impossible to live without multiple drugs such as dihydrogen monoxide, glucose, or oxygen.

Your being facetious. Would you want your children to use drugs?
I'm not saying that flippantly. Society is completely messed up. We can't just sit in rooms smoking weed or shit posting on-line or drinking to escape, or all the other negative shit we do.

You know what I'm saying.

>I didn't. I suggested Sven should get a job.
Why, what made you jump to the conclusion that OP is unemployed?

>Is not the answer
Then your answer is to keep fueling the monster that oppresses you and accept their toxic suggestions and work routines rather than your own personal self improvement.

Why would I want children and if I did why would I want to deprive them of antibiotics, water, or air?

Using cannabis and posting your opinions online isn't negative, though, and cannabis is much different than alcohol which leads to violent tendencies and physical dependency.

You are saying you are a shill and I should work for a corrupt government.

Fuck it. Let's just stay home and smoke weed then

Ok and we will use the extra land and our farming expertise to also farm food (we won't need so much pesticide since we are also farming cannabis which has natural pesticides) and sell the surplus to our neighbors.

Do you have land?

because it turns people into zero-ambition morons who think rick&morty is the pinnacle of genius

Whether or not he has land is irrelevant. You're making a terrible case against legalization. What is your opinion on alcohol?

Family land, why did your straight edge parents toil for the government without even acquiring an acre of land to pass down to the family?

I heard Sweden has the harshest view on drugs of Scandinavia

>Whether or not he has land is irrelevant

It's not. He's not gonna do any farming.

All these things can have negative consequences. Alcohol has destroyed many people's lives and health. I haven't made a case against legalization or even said people shouldn't use it.

I merely suggested, like others in this thread have, that there are negative effects for both the user and society.

>not harmful
BRB, cancer.

lots of religious muslims smoke weed
it's not haram

>jewish op found

The only negative effects you mentioned such as unemployment and withdraw from a lying society is a result of cannabis laws that violate the freedom of assembly of one's own mind, not direct effects of the cannabis itself.

Cannabis can't be patented or monopolized, they want to sell patented pharmaceuticals or wait until genetic modification of cannabis since the bar for growing your own cannabis is much lower than even brewing your own alcohol.

>unemployment and withdraw from a lying society is a result of cannabis laws


Takes away job opportunities and its an entry level redpill about lying government propaganda.

This guy gets it. Every time a politican even attempts to brings up a discussion of a different drug policy his/her approval rating drops like a rock. It's all incredibly uninformed and juvenile.

> Everything is a drug, its literally impossible to live without multiple drugs such as dihydrogen monoxide, glucose, or oxygen.
>Bottle feeding children with heroin is the same as breast feeding

You're either actually or mentally a teenager.

Unused to support weed and claim it is harmless but in the past 4 years I've smoked weed every day, been extremely unproductive compared to how I used to be and also suffered many panic attacks and avoidance because of it.

I used to say it wasn't addictive but for some reason I always smoked it even when I could've done other things.

I've recently stopped smoking it and also noticed my balls have gotten bigger. I heard that weed decreases testosterone so I figure that that's why my balls have grown and I'm much more energetic and lively throughout the day, especially in the mornings.

I smoke it when I need to relax and I stop smoking it when I need to feel like I have enough pent up energy to kill a horse with one punch.

I'll stop smoking entirely when the race war starts.