Hey Sup Forums, good or bad?

Hey Sup Forums, good or bad?

pol isnt that much advanced to comment on this one.

pol is too advanced to comment on this one

I wish jews would just burn

Good! are you talking about student societies?

You have burchenschaften right? are they still with mensur?


OP is a faggot

OP does have to respond though

are you still there OP?

They do.

OPs always there...and observes


they are great, dorce you to finish your uni whilst providing free beer and almoast free accomodation

most burschenschaften still have to. But there are many fraterinties that dont have to or arent allowed to because of their principles like KV, CV and most other religious frats

Our frat doesn't do it but I saw it and I like it.

get a shmiss and be a man amongst wimps

Burchenschaften are a good way to get to know fellow conservative people
God knows I spent to many years in the wild before I joined one.
As a bonus they will teach you haw to drink and get wasted with manners.

>me kv
very important to conserve traditions
without no identity and no future

und jetzt schärf auf du buchse

>But there are many fraterinties that dont have to or arent allowed to because of their principles like KV, CV and most other religious frats
a real pain in the ass
but you can understand it when you keep in mind that people used to die quite frequently and duels to the death where still happening before WWII

how is that bandtrageverbot going for you?

Makes me wonder, how many buxen are there on / pol/?

Kinda wish mensur was a thing in norwegian universities

I've missed out on it to
makes me kind of sad that I've missed the chance to show that I've got the spine to stand and deliver
But life still offers us chances to prove our worth as men.

at a far higher rate as compared to the general (student) population
but a more important question for you is.
kannst du zaufen? and can you deal with having to hang over the papst day in day out because fuxen have to drink, a lot.

i am against band in kv. different approuch.
you can join cv for that.
>dont care
kv will selfimplode anyways in the coming years.
have no problem with it. nobody needs them. i mean the higher struckter.

is mensur a thing in belgium

Mostly Mopa....

If i want to get shitfaced, i'd rather do that with decent people.

i agree

every CV, KV, unitas and all of that will crumble over the next 30-40 years because they will habe to little youth.
they would need 5 new philister a year to pay for the houses and not 1 a year lile they mostly have.

a lot. most i know anyway

thats bullshit. it depends on the person. some can leverage a lot and some are fags. this is more a problem for chors who took to many ergo guys
cu later alligator

That's the main problem right here. Buxen and especially Curries but really all of the Korporierten are unsociable, uptight, arrogant shits who are a pain in the ass to hang out with.

sadly no
we only have a hand full of student frats that have the balls to do it anyways. And they are all part of the Catholic student frat union that forbids it
not that said interdiction against mensur has stopped members of some of those frats from spending a few years out east and coming back with facial scars.

But you have catholic burschenschaften right?

I might want to do that too. Can you even become a member at a Belgian/flemmish Fraternity if you are dutch? I am already in a fraternity here

>we only have a hand full of student frats that have the balls to do it anyways
Same here. Athough there are a few less extreme ones where people go. But the Corpora and some of the catholic fraternities are too extreme for most people.

Fraternities are a hotbed of right wing people here too lol

I am catholic btw

Can I come south and earn my scars as a non German? I am already in a very old traditional fraternity here


Sup Forums post how student life is in your country

Buy a gun, easier!
nice katana with a Wakisashi as a backup and a tanto if all else fails lol

You better have good earning parents or the will to take one or two jobs if you still want to have a worthy existence.

>good earning parents
I do. I get it. It's only for the elite and it will always be. So if you are a poorfag get out

just look around for a good rightwing Burchenschaft
they will probably take you as long as it isn't linked to a certain region = only people from this area of Germany

antifa is a good tool for this as they have entire websites devoted to spying and reporting on the Burchenschaften so you can get a good idea about them from there.
There is one in Marburg that has already allowed a few Flemings to get their shmiss.

Lol yes would be cool. I just have to find a friend from my yearclub or something to go with me. Where do you study? Hebben jullie jaarclubs of disputen ofzo?

kom eens met wat vrienden naar het zuiden. Dan kunnen we er een paar drinken op het Dietse vaderland.

Zeker maar welke stad? Leuven of Brugge of antwerpen? En hoe komen we in contact met wat leuke KVHV mensen? En wat is Lovania

niet echt neen maar je kan er wel altijd fux worden en zo een partij slaan.
Ik denk dat er volgend jaar iemand naar duitsland zal gaan. En er zit nu ook iemand.

Gent, KVHV heeft facebook, twitter ect.
De jaarlijkse Gravensteen cantus is zeker aan te raden en als je met wat vrienden komt zal er wel plaats voor je gezocht worden.

Lovania voor zo ver ik het begrijp is een stijl club. Al de oude stijl maar dan zonder de politieke bagage van het KVHV.

als je contact zou opnemen zeg dan dat Weeb je gestuurd heeft.
En je kan anders ook met je Nederlandse studentenclub een op de boemel gaan bij de Duitsers. Zolang je kleuren hebt kan je daar wel wat pinten af praten.

Kijk dat is informatie. Ik kom uit Leiden, zal wat vrienden van het corps meenemen en mss willen wat jongens van de katholieke vereniging hier ook wel.
Maar is dat gebeuren in de ridderzaal ook open voor externen dan? Dat lijkt me werkelijk onvergetelijk

Why do burschenschaft fags always wear stupid hats?

Oh en hebben jullie ook een das in de paapse kleuren? Dan kan ik de protestanten hier een beetje pesten


Yes we have.

het dragen van een das hangt of van het evenement
maar word altijd aangeraden

heb je discord?

For what I know, you can become a member in several austrian Corps, despite being austrian. Most of them also have mensur.

Cuz they aren't afraid to show their faces, to the public.
Not like those antifags...

do you have a lot of trouble with antifa? We have a lot of outrage over initiations but no leftist violence

I just made it. How do I add a friend?

All the time. This friday we have Akademikerball in Vienna. It's the official Burschenschafter-ball in Austria. Lefties go completly nuts, every single year. They come from all over europe, not only to protest, but also to destroy.

antifa is een pak meer actief in de Duitstalige landen
vandalisme is er gebruikelijk en ze zullen mensen die hun kleuren dragen op straat aanvallen als ze kunnen.
antifa is er wel niet gewend aan rechtse studenten die terug vechten dus als je ooit eens met je maten wat dreadlocks wil jagen kan dat in Duitsland.
Een man voorop met kleuren aan en een paar er achter die er uitzien als het gewone plebs en wachten tot er een het initiatief neemt.

HOW CAN YOU UNDERSTAND THESE PEOPLE???? Look I love how it is here, we drink in suit and tie with a lot friends but your aesthetics are better :) I don't get how you can despise something that is about friendship and traditions!!!!!!

aryan space marine
voeg me toe aan een privaat gesprek

Shit the fuck up weeb

Christus, wat een toestanden.

>aryan space marine
Haha prachtig

Take away a lefties possibility to call someone a nazi.
Their will be nothing left, for them to so.
They want to ban ALL frats, not knowing that thats the thing the nazis wanted too.

Moet ik niet je tag hebben?

It's indeed retarded. Most of these clubs were founded either as a place for catholic students to drink or in the nationalistic european tradition

>european tradition
19th century nationalistic liberalism I mean

Hoch bitte!
Bei unserem letzten M-Tag adH gab es bei der letzten Tiefen Partie einen Wangendurchschlag

Can you add me or something? I am TimotheusHenri24

Hängt achtfach auf Spiel du elendiger Saufverpisser

Why is the austrian wearing german colors?

hahahah Ihr Kv seid doch der allerletzte Dreck.
Ihr saupht nicht, ficht nicht und macht keinen Sport, ein glorifiziertes Wohnheim

Ich verstehe ein paar von den Wörtern. Aber der Sinn entflieht mir.

t. Asta



german cucks.jpg


In was für einer Art Korporation bist du aktiv?
Ich kläre danach auf, auch wenn du Zivilist bist

In gar keiner. Ich bin ein dreckiger Zivilist, Herr.

This. Most people have at least middle class parents, that pay for their food or clothes or so. The rest goes to large amounts of debt. If you're poor, be prepared to work full-time, go to uni part time, and live in poverty.

Hope you understand it.

Ficht ihr Bund mit oder ohne Nasenklemme?

M-Tag = Mensur Tag, da werden auf dem Verbindungshaus zw verschiedenen Bünden mehrere Partien ausgetragen
adH = auf dem Haus, also auf unserem Verbindungshaus
Tiefe Partie = im Gegensatz zur Hochpartie darf man auch unter die Paukbrille schlagen, es gibt 10 Gänge mehr und man schlägt gleichzeitig statt abwechselnd
Wangendurchschlag = Die Wange wurde volkommen durchschlagen und wir konnten alle bei geschlossenem Mund seine Zähne sehen. Dabei handelt es sich so ziemlich um die schlimmste Verletzung die man davon tragen kann, da man knapp ein halbes Jahr keine feste Nahrung mehr zu sich nehmen kann und ein Leben lang gezeichnet ist.
PS: Zivilist und Muggel zu nicht-Korpos zu sagen ist eher interner Scherz als ernstgemeinte Beleidigung

Mit natürlich!
Ihr Ösis seid natürlich eine ganz andere Liga was sowas angeht. Man munkelt hier in DE, dass ihr noch auf manch dunklem Paukboden mit Säbeln ficht

Those guys are assholes. I wish they would use chainsaws


Of course. Helps a man to keep from hesitating.

the fuck is all this hogwartz shit

Bei uns fehlt der Schutz seit 1920. Hat aber nichts mit hart drauf sein zu tun. Der Schläger hatte sich manchmal darunter verhedert und eine Gulaschnase beschert.

Und was wenn man so einen auf die Nase kriegt?

Fencing is for queers

Annähen. Haben einen verflucht guten Paukarzt.

Frag mal deutsche Currys, da haben viele AHs das Prinzip "Was ab ist ist ab".
Aber ich möchte den Mund nicht zu voll nehmen, da ich Fux bin und mein Bund nur Hohe Partien schlägt

They are largely a meme and the members are autists. The only good thing is that they pressure eachother into finishing their studies. But more often than not, they are just a bunch of degenerate drunkards with no notable skills.