Why does Sup Forums trash anarcho-capitalism so much when it's the only form of anarchism that isn't complete leftist...

Why does Sup Forums trash anarcho-capitalism so much when it's the only form of anarchism that isn't complete leftist trash?

Because the free market won't actually fix it.

Free markets are the absence of a managed market. It's the natural state of man.

Anarchism in general is trash

>appeal to nature
Yes, letting literal psychopath CEOs control our economy won't fix the problems in it.

>literal psychopath CEOs
Who do you think the government is?

Anarchism is gay. You mistake freedom with your own selfishness. Without rules and regulations the whole system falls apart.

fuck off CIA transhumanist kike

>Why does Sup Forums trash (whites sodomizin children) so much when it's the only form of (sodomy) that isn't complete (muslim) trash?


Leftist trash anarchism is the only form of Anarchism that makes sense and has worked.

what about get the fuck off my property doesnt make sense?

free markets are the opposite of the natural state of man, a natural state is a tribe under which the elder male hunters moderate the distribution of resources

distribute muh wealth lol what type of cuck is this

It's fall out larping, fallout tycoon.

>has worked
No that's anarcho-primitivism. AnCom has never been tried.


Better version

this good shit

time for your meds

It's a meme ideology, show me an an-cap politician or political party. Oh wait that doesn't exist, but according to their blog it should?

fuck you! Pepsi Cola Police are on their way to resolve this dispute!

because all forms of anarchism are trash. and adding in freemarkets so that the rich can dominate the society does not help.

Ancap is a recipe for economic slavery


Because Sup Forums LARP as Nazis and blindly reject any other ideology

Ancom is the best form of anarchism but it’s still quite shit.


The spurdo one is better

OP is brainlet

anprim, ind. anarch, and accelerationism are superior