Why do millennials dislike capitalism?


Because they don't have and/or understand (mental) capital.

I'm a millennial and a capitalist.

Because communism is a broken system.

Is it still capitalism if you pay to take classes at the school, the teacher writes the book, and mandates you buy their book in order to pass the class? I had a professor once admit he changes up chapters randomly to call them new editions every year or two just so he can force students to buy his book every year.

Pic isn’t a capitalism problem. It’s a consequence of government subsidizing greedy college practices through undischargable student loans problem.

Then you should drop his class.

capitalism would make high education largely automated and dirt cheap.

it means work

how would that not be capitalism?

Why the fuck would you take that course.

This is what happens when people build the biggest echo chamber in the world. This attitude is in media, it's in government, it's everywhere and it essentially runs Western civilization.

And what does it do? Tell itself its powerless. because communism is a broken system that can only pretend to be functional by constantly misdirecting and misinforming.

because he has a government institution giving him a monopoly.
In a free-market university, he would have to compete with other professors who would offer the same service WITHOUT needing to buy expensive books.

This. Government has inflated the cost of college by guaranteeing student loans and liberal fuckwits are fine with it because not letting everyone go to college is meeeeeeaaaaan. Literally who the fuck actually buys the textbook anymore when ebooks and online course notes exist?

I'm all for the system we use, but college textbooks are just outright thievery

because natsoc is better

I certainly wouldn't argue that the current state of capitalist economy is healthy or sustainable or even very good but I wouldn't wholly denigrate the system either.

The Great Recession, increasing cost of college tuition, increasing cost of housing , lack of good jobs for recent college graduates, jobs being replaced by automation

Because they suck at it
A generation of lazy entitled pussies is bad at a system where hard work, perseverance, and mental cunning creates winners?
Imagine my shock.
Git gud or git rekt

When I went to university you loaned textbooks for the semester then gave them back at the end

>Still blaming anything but the Jew
Reddit has destroyed Sup Forums. Congratulations.

Like, both capitalism is kinda shit at times but it gives everyone a chance. Every time someone has tried communism its gone up in there faces.

Communism only works with the population being all in on it which nowadays would never happen. You'd get some special snowflake or rebel which would ruin it.

from personal experience, we were handed everything as children without working for it. once we reach the real world its a fucking rough adjustment. some man up, some just want gibs

>Every time someone has tried communism its gone up in there faces.

No idea but who the fuck pays for text books?

Like, both capitalism is kinda shit at times but it gives everyone a chance.
wew this faggot even types like a faggot

These. Capitalism while ensuring a free market would make education cheap

If you tell children they can have free stuff and lie about them not having to work for it, what do you think they're going to say?

This is normal
My chem 1 and 2 had a professor who wrote a "fill in the blank" book so that EVERY student who came through the class had to buy it. It wasn't hundreds of dollars though.

I’m 28 and most of my friends work shitty service industry jobs, with student debt and love pay check to pay check. They think capitalism “failed” them because of it.

Because Fascism is better

Is it really capitalism if it's commie professors charging so much for their books because they know most students are under the impression they've been given free money from the government to purchase them?

Least i'm not canadian.

Because they are uneducated and think that their countries live in a capitalist system.,. When in reality prices are manipulated by central banks and government regulations. And wealth is redistributed from productive to unproductive... and in the case of textbooks... the reason college is so expensive is because government makes it easy for everyone to get loans. Artificially increasing demand while supply of student spots at colleges remain the same... that is not capitalism.

Public school indoctrination.
Most of us grow out of it when experiencing the real world.

im starting to blame the samurai
all this anime manchild vidya yellowfever bullshit needs to stop
samurai and jew are the enemies

I don't see how capitalism is the root of the problems. Its the same (or worse) attitude being produced here, a social-democratic nation. I think comes from pseudo-intellectual universities teaching useless crap which, in turn, makes the students useless in most work fields cause they've been duped to study "human sciences"

You're either productive or you're not. The unproductive will find flaws anywhere but in themselves.

well you're posting behind a faggot meme flag, so there's a good chance you are.

>textbooks are expensive
no they're not

Because it's a broken system

I just think it's rich that left leaning, supposedly anti capitalist professors are charging an arm and a leg for their book, the contents of which likely teach your average brainless liberal arts fat that capitalism is to blame for the outrageous price of the book.

Pretty jewy

that just means colleges need to be regulated

The professors don't charge that. How do you think publishing works? You actually think the professor themselves is getting rich off that?
The textbook company charges hundreds of dollars and gives the professor a few pennies

>take engineering program
>Books rarely even needed to pass class
>If they are the professor uses some book from 1990 that you can get for $10

welfare state will fix all your problems goy

It did

yup, 100% this

Text books are expensive because they price off the fact that most students have some kind of Federal Aid. That means that no matter what, they can raise the prices and know they'll get a large chunk of sales because the tab is being picked up by the Government. This leaves students who can pay with less dosh in their wallet because now they have to pay the higher costs out of pockets. They don't realize that Socialism is bringing people to equality, and that equality is in poverty.

Because the definition of sexuality changes every year and they have to buy new books or be labeled CIS scum

>The textbook company charges hundreds of dollars and gives the professor a few pennies
Not only that but these days a lot of them are sold as ebooks but for the same price as the physical copy, its ridiculous

Because the education system and trendy online social media propaganda told them to dislike capitalism.

Permanent welfare does not eliminate poverty. It exacerbates it.

Because Capitalism is really bad.
The problem is - it was only ever defined by Marx.

Calling yourself capitalist unironically is the equivalent of calling yourself Yakub descendant.

So a system of government backed loans has pushed up the cost of education and therefore the books for said education are all ridiculous prices because the student basically has an unlimited government faucet to draw from and it's some how capitalism's fault?

>Stealing is good if it helps people
Robin Hood is a communist

>Is it still capitalism if you pay to take classes at the school, the teacher writes the book, and mandates you buy their book in order to pass the class?
yes, absolutely.

> I had a professor once admit he changes up chapters randomly to call them new editions every year or two just so he can force students to buy his book every year.
Planned obsolescence, a capitalist invention

actually Robin Hood stole back taxes from the Lord and gave them back to the people. If anything he's an anarcho-capitalist

raised & taught by liberal commies

Very few people will learn from this post. Capitalism is literally a socialist meme.

People this generation do not manage to become adults and remain teenagers
And what teenagers do is to be contrarian against their parents and the establishment
The establishment is capitalist (and chances are their parents don't like communism), so here they are.

Steam from the working class and give to the welfare class.
Welfare is no longer a safety net, it's a hammock.

What if all the professors forced their students to buy their books?

>because he has a government institution giving him a monopoly.

American colleges are privately owned and are operated to obtain profit. Capitalist, by definition.

Thank you for the correction

When a system does not benefit the majority, then it's time to change it.

>a memeflag trying to flagpost

Restricted supply in a niche market and often of better than average quality construction. Haha, if you had to shell out big buck for a paper back. All the paper backs I bought in college were better than average paper backs. Books don't grow on trees you dumb millennials. That have to actually be constructed and checked for errors. That takes time and money. Combine that with the usually low volume compared to a cheap construction "straight to paper back" romance novel and the price goes way up.

trumpcucks are a special kind of stupid, though in fairness some professors do publish textbooks and use said textbooks for courses they teach. my financial accounting professor did this.

seemed to work longer than any alternative ever given in human history... so its doin something right.

I literally came here to post this.

So what's your plan for when automation takes all the jobs?
And slavemasters were capitalists

Because taking six months and $2,400 to raise cattle, grow wheat, process it all, and make a burger is better than paying $2 for one right now at McDonalds.

>seemed to work longer than any alternative ever given in human history
No, that would be feudalism

>Pic isn’t a capitalism problem.
Yes, because capitalism allowed that a small group of people accumulate so much power (by accumulating wealth), that they are now able to remake the system to suit their needs. Government student loans is one such example of capitalists engineering the system to get even richer. The fact that student loans are the only loan you can't default should speak volumes.

Hang every capitalist and their minions, democratize the means of production

Oh, so more government is the answer?


This reminded me of a groupme chat for one of my classes. Some autistic spic replied to someone complaining about expensive books, and he replied "thanks capitalism."

Are you sure you menat to reply to me? I'm don't know what is your point. i'm not defending going back to stone age or anything like that.

Hegelian Dialectic. This is how most people arrive at all their conclusions about all things political. Its the easiest way to manipulate people on a mass scale. The general thinking is- "All A's are good. All people who disagree with us are B's. Not only are B's bad, they are the cause of all suffering in the universe. Eliminate/Kill/Disempower all B's, and the world instantly becomes utopia."

Almost anything fits into this- scientists vs. religious people, socialists vs. capitalists, Sup Forums vs. normies.

It gives people the good feelies of thinking they have everything figured out without having to put in the hard work of trying to figure things out.

>they are now able to remake the system to suit their needs
you're saying that the endgame of unregulated capitalism is corporatism, which I agree. But capitalism without government power is perfection.

Because consumer-capitalism is a system of mental, social and spiritual slavery. It can provide no real meaning to people so they're desperately searching for that meaning and identity. They're just searching in the wrong places, for the most part.

If you disagree with this you are a liberal. Capitalism is liberalism.

text books are expensive because of demand and also because a lot of them shits are in color and also use fancy symbols and shit which requires better machinery. The pages are also not traditional paper, they are this glossy almost plastic feel.

No, removing the immense clout capitalist have on the government is the answer.
You can do that by removing the source of the immense power capitalists have. Their Wealth.

What is your solution? Letting the same people that keep on fucking us in the ass (reminder that most billionaires are liberals) have even more power room to maneuver?

Because the faculty choose those books. Blame your Marxist profs.
>t. textbook executive

because the textbook is a racket.

College professors can force a $400 200 page textbook on their students and a mandatory $40 code for homework web access while releasing a new edition every 2 years which only changes the homework problems.

As for K-12 it is just a corruption thing where you give kickbacks to the right person.

Sauce me up sampai.

Also, following up on this, my clients experience double, sometimes triple, the amount of theft compared to similar retail outlets. Another consequence of flooding the campuses with useless nonwhites.


Threadly reminder that what your describing isn't capitalism.

Thanks friendo.

Because its trendy to do so

>gives the professors a few pennies
Standard commission is 5% ya cuck.

>not buying older editions or renting for a fraction of the cost

Because idiots like them allow for the prices to stay. Same way video-games are being partitioned into dlc and loot boxes. Because people are stupid.

because they havent started to earn money yet, then they will start hating socialism because taxes

It's the inevitable and logical of your fantastic dream of "real capitalism".

logical conclusion*

text books are expensive because most people are guaranteed a loan they can never discharge through bankruptcy to pay for them

Bro, capitalism cannot exist without government. For capitalism to work, property rights need to exist and need to be enforced. That is why capitalism cannot and never was able to thrive without a strong state.

>text books are expensive because
Teachers are greedy fuckers. It's disgusting that a teacher uses his position of power to get rich on the backs of pennyless students.

Disgusting system. If the book is mandatory, then the teacher should be forced to make it available, like they do in my University.

or buying used from elder semesters



This is a fucking lie, Milton Friedman did suggest the idea of a UBI but ONLY in the absence of the welfare state, do you honestly think they will get rid of any government programs to bring this in?
Do you think Sandanistas will support free market healthcare and education?

oh you sweet summer child

capitalism can easily exist without government, it'll just make your little european fee-fees hurty :(

>guy who has never been forced to buy a textbook to get an access code to online extras that come with the book

If you anons wanted to have some fun, 30-50% of US professors are in violation of the Higher Education Opportuntiy Act. If they require a book that’s hundreds of dollars and you weren’t notified of this at least 8 weeks before the start of classes, you have an easy lawsuit on your hands. Just call DoJ and file a formal complaint for Title IV violations.
You’re welcome.