Daily Reminder

The "he's a crazy idiot" meme is based on the premise that Trump just accidentally succeeded every time he ever tried anything in his life. Leftists, being universally failures, genuinely believe that this is how success works. To the leftist it is random chance, therefore inherently flawed, and thus confiscation and redistribution of the fruits of that success is perfectly justified. This mental deficiency on the part of leftists is why they must be removed from society.

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>but Colbert said drumpf 37 times last night so your argument is invalid

>just accidentally succeeded every time he ever tried anything in his life

it's based on his high failure rate

the long list of bankruptcies and projects ended as unprofitable

all those failures that make his success look more like luck than talent

Leftists are cancerous. Success is not a democracy

I do love the brainlet memes

stay on reddit you fucking worthless cocksucking puke

That Trump can be so fat, yet extremely confident and social is pretty inspiring.

This only proves he's undeterred by failure and a fighter. You commie fucks wouldn't understand this good leadership trait.

Commies are mentally retarded

You are quite right - he is a thief and con man, and an arrogant narcissistic bully, who started out with a huge pile of money and fantastic contacts, and has manged to nearly keep up with inflation, but no the Dow Jones index.

He isn't very smart, but he is cunning and ruthless and charming

Fuck off drumpfbot. I can see your activity here.

Like their unwittingly illogical dual hatred of Reagan...

He's a senile, napping, jellybean eating old alzheimer's fool!

He's the nefarious criminal mastermind behind Iran-Contra!

Well, which is it, tard?

And again, so many tards don't understand how a savvy businessman works the bankruptcy/credit game. Way more often than not, he won...his creditors/lenders lost.

>it's based on his high failure rate
>Becomes 45th president

Okay, dumbass.

Does anyone know how to the stats on how many people in the year 1970 or 1980 had as much money as him, and how many do now? Because that is the relevant comparison really, that tells you how easy it is to do what he did

to clarify- say he had 10mil in 1980, how many people had 10 mil then. If he has 2bil now, how many have that? Then work out the percentages

Actually the premise is you can be a crazy idiot, but if you're born into wealth that doesn't matter.

Trump didn't "accidentally" succeed at anything. His fortune was large before he worked a day in his life. He could have literally put his money in a mutual fund and be wealthier today than he is now.

Why is this important to argue how much money he started with vs. how much money he could have made?

That was never how Trump measured his success in life. I'm sure he could have just invested the money somewhere safe and faded into obscurity. There are many people with more money than Trump, but none of them became the President.

There are about 500billionaires in the US right now right? Trump is estimated at 3bil which puts him above the majority of them who have only 1bil.

Let's just say there are 200 people who are as rich or richer than him.

So in 1975 were there only 200 people in the US with 10million(or 15million or however big his loan was)

surely some part of you must realize that in order to succeed, you must also fail?

I mean, have you never attempted anything in your life? this is the only way you could have avoided learning this lesson.

Because the media keeps saying 'oh hes an idiot he could have just invested in x' but I dont believe it. Being a billionaire is incredibly rare, it's like 1 in a million. Having a rich father is not that rare

Logical fallacies... so many logical fallacies

1- Leftist don't associate success with random chance. That's a plain lie.

In this case, Trump, they simply point at the "Small Loan of a Million Dollars". The argument is that anyone can call themselves a business man, if they had free access o a million ollars that their dad basically gave them. And also say that most people would be successful investors if they started with a full million dollars to invest however they pleased.

Dig deeper into the Trump business and can see the said Success of Trump. What Donald Trump did was turn his father's a and grandfather's real-estate regular suburban housing business into a real-estate luxury building business. His strategy can be simplified by pointing to the big gold letters TRUMP on each of his buildings, some of which he doesn't even own. He basically did brand marketing.

Also saying that "Trump succeded every time" is a blatant lie. He failed many business ventures, most of which outside the real-estate business, and a few were real-estate. Trump Vodka, Steak, University... some of which he is getting sued for.

-2 "(Success) To the leftist it is random chance, therefore inherently flawed, and thus confiscation and redistribution of the fruits of that success is perfectly justified."

Nobody believes that. Get your head out of your ass, degenerate retard.

People ln the left, mostly use Keynes to justify redistribution:
-The market is governed by demand, not by businesses(offer). Therefore we should encourage it. Since poor people spend 100% of their income, and rich people spend 25% of their income, and put the rest, 75% to freeze and stagnate in the bank, it hurts the economy. Money that could be used to consume and generate weamth is intead being locked away by greedy people who don't that much, so if we take a small portion, a few percent, and give it to the poor, it will imediately go back into the economy.
In the end, helping the businesses.

>4 bankruptcies
>at least 400 separate business ventures

1% failure rate, gah what a loser

There are other arguments that user has said but 9/10 businesses do not survive 5 years or at least give the businessman enough credit to start yet another business (meaning that business didnt only fail, it left the business owner destitute). Trump has a 1:3 ratio of success in a field where 90% fail. Even then, it doesn't matter, because he managed afterall against 98% chance of failure to become POTUS.

lol What a loser. He keeps getting kicked in the teeth but he keeps starting new ventures. It's much edgier to be a fat loser shitposting about successful people in the middle of the day

He went bankrupt mostly so he didn't have to pay any taxes. Declaring bankruptcy absolves you of taxes for years to come.

It's just a sly technique to fuck the system.

My dad worked for a rich family. Neither of the kids had legitimate career paths. The son had a series of failed businesses, the daughter is a bullshit crystal/herb peddler witch doctor. When their father died they couldn't afford the taxes on his gentleman's estate. They were forced to sell during the recession (at a discounted price). They each walked away with about 1 million, and I wouldn't be surprised if they blow through it before they die.

Well, technically, he'd have had a much MUCH harder time getting to where he is now if luck and rich parents weren't involved.

I ain't a bot, you nigger

>He could have literally put his money in a mutual fund and be wealthier today than he is now
Congrats on making the most retarded argument

Only someone who's never really tried thinks it's embarrassing to fail. You seem sheltered.

To sum up this retard the Left believes that success is stolen from the unseccessful. "You didnt build that" and other evil crap fueled by greed and envy.

Niggers like this can get a million dollars handed to them and die the poor idiots they always were, yet Trump is a joke because multi-generation success is wrong?

People think hindsight makes them smart. ''He could have just invested in X'' is a completely retarded statement, why didn't they invest in X? There are plenty of older people who had money to invest, why didn't they invest? It's because no one knows where to invest.
Anyone saying Trump could have made more money by investing should be called out on it, why didn't they themselves invest in Bitcoin? If they're so smart, why didn't they buy a bunch of Bitcoins and become millionaires?
Where are all these millionaire journalists with big Bitcoin wallets?

Or the system is just fucked to begin with and he is smart to exploit it

>Niggers like this can get a million dollars handed to them and die the poor idiots they always were,
Like nogs in the NFL that get millions and fuck it all up anyway

>Trump just accidentally succeeded every time he ever tried anything in his life.
Except he hasn't

Solid post

Except that it's correct

He declared bankruptcy to avoid paying back business partners.
Because you think bankruptcies are the only indicator of a failed venture.


That doesn't change the fact.

don't forget their eternal defense of Hillary. Too intelligent to win.

It's not, though. It's based on retardation that assumes he had his father's fortune before he inherited his portion. It's also forgets to divide said inheritance among his siblings, and ignores that fact that he was already a billionaire by the time his dad died in the first place.


That what? That he could have made more money by doing things differently? Of course not. But to say "lol drumft is stoopid cuz he didn't do this exact optimal thing" is a literally retarded argument.

this is all true
the left can't meme
also they hate themselves deep down

Also, most "wealth" isnt in cash form, ever, so the argument that he should have invested the 200m his dad had and made more money is even less logical.

It's bullshit but I expect that from a meme flag shitholer who drifted in from reddit after the election.

Such arguments

>the long list of bankruptcies
>Zero personal bankruptcy, four chapter 11 reorganizations out of literally hundreds of companies
It's so hilarious watching you soyboys pretend like you understand business even though you've never left your parent's basement. The world is a lot more complicated than how it theoretically works in your head, kiddo.

the snekposter has enlightened us all with his devastating critiques

Yes. I saw this argument during the election and it rests on the premise that he had unrestricted access to his father's estate before he died and it ignores any divvying up among his siblings.

His dad died in 99, brainlet. Trump was already a billionaire by then.

I didn't say that at any point, you strawmanning dipshit
Except that it didn't. It was based on what he claimed his worth was in the 80's.

It's one part of a fact.
He could have invested and gained money, or he could have invested and lost money. It's like saying that tomorrow the temperature is going to be either warmer or colder than today.
When you only focus on the possible positive outcome and completely ignore the negative outcome, that's not a fact, that's a fallacious statement.

If I was an absolute faggot like you I could also suggest that Trump is a genius because if he had invested money, he could have lost money instead.
Woah, look how smart Trump is, he didn't put all his money into the stocks of MySpace. He would have lost millions and might not even be a millionaire!

You mean he could have sold his shares in the family company? Do you even understand what a share is?

Thanks for helping my point you fucking mongoloid.


>Except that it didn't. It was based on what he claimed his worth was in the 80's.
Post the source for your non-argument based on hindsight and assumptions, then. Dont forget that Trump literally values his personality at 1-2 billion (depending on his mood), which might not be as ridiculous as it first sounds.

He never declared personal bankrupcy, lying soyboy. There's a difference between personal bankruptcy and chapter 11 reorganization on four business entities out of literally hundreds. Seriously, read a fucking book so you don't sound so retarded.

Not an argument, faggot. Just admit that you don't understand any of these concepts.

you're dealing with a genuine Dunning-Kruger case here. HIs mind was strained so much by understanding the retarded argument he's posting that he assumes it must be difficult for everybody and we just don't get. He is literally incapable of understanding what you're trying to tell him

>Dont forget that Trump literally values his personality at 1-2 billion (depending on his mood), which might not be as ridiculous as it first sounds.
Which means that any estimate of his wealth given by him or his associates is equally inflated.

That's not to say his persona isnt worth 2 billion dollars, but it's not liquid wealth to invest, most of Trump's wealth is not liquid cash.

Then why bring it up

Apparently you're the one with the difficulty understanding.

Look at him squirm. Fucking pathetic.

What I hate most about this retarded liberal "fUn fAcT" is that it doesn't take into account any of the spending and lavish lifestyle he's been living. Arguing that he'd be richer had he put every dollar available to him into stock and not ever spent a dime is quite literally the most retarded argument you could make. You just saw this little tidbit of information plastered on some occupy democrats post and took it at face value. Never once trying to look into it further or think of what that would mean. "If only he had put every dollar into X and never withdrew any of it over the last 30 years," how fucking stupid are you?

Wasn't he hording gold at one point, the constant fluctations of golds worth might be a reason he changes his figures.

>high failure rate
>Multi billionaire and President of the USA

Pretty possible, but his main thing is real estate, which I dont fault him for.

Though he does literally value his persona at over a billion dollars and he's said it changes on his mood. I used to think that was silly before he charmed his way into the white house.

>"If I got a million dollar loan, I would be a billionaire like drumpf!1!!"
>Says the basement-dwelling soyboy with a liberal arts degree, zero business experience and a maxed-out credit card.

Are you looking in a mirror?
So you understand the point is correct.

Yeah, give a retard a million dollars, and he's probably going to eat it. But here's the thing. The world runs on money. Some people are born on the wrong side of the tracks. Fewer still, are smart or cunning enough to use nothing to get something. Most people are really stuck in the class they were born with, unless given a little push money wise or whatever, to escape their wage class. This is to be expected in a society where corporations have seized the economy from the people, and consumerism is the unofficial religion.

Comfy trump interview from 1998. He’s a fucking sweetheart! Could even call him a feminist ffs! I suggest sharing it with anyone who dislikes him.

>>at least 400 separate business ventures

counting LLCs to payoff pornstars as business ventures

Does someone have the "i accidentally slipped on my loan and it turned into billions of dollars" comic?

I'm looking at you trying to avoid having to provide proof to your claims.

He sure succeeded in kissing kike ass. When will you Trumptards realize that he's Israel's lap dog like every other president

>it’s easy to do what tumo did

If it’s so easy why don’t you take 500 dollars and turn yourself into a milllionaire.


LOL, you guys are still pushing that one? Just seeing what sticks, huh?

lmao she was paid to write that u moron

The NFL provides an interesting dataset. They test players with an intellligence test. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wonderlic_test#Average_score_in_the_NFL_by_position
Then if you look at the retired ones, their score gives an indication if they blew all their money on drugs and the 8 different mothers of their children.


>my opinion is fact
>I got my opinion form the funny guy on tv

It doesn't matter who these freaks are, it doesn't matter if it's some /leftypol/ shill who put on a snake meme flag to try and look like he fits in, it doesn't matter if it's just some fag trolling, it doesn't matter if it's Dunning and Kruger shitposting.
I am glad that these fags post. Even if they're playing devil's advocate, they're forcing people to confront ideas outside of their bubble.
I would never had thought of the hypocrisy of people who didn't invest in Bitcoin trying to criticize Trump for not investing in something that would make him a trillionaire if not for this thread.

These people should keep posting. No matter how retarded their posts are, they make me think about things I would never think about.

Or he really is just a giant asshole that had a ton of help from his wealthy family as he grew up, and that surrounds himself with people that value others based on how much money they have instead of their character.

What is it like waking up every day knowing you're a genuine failure at life and arguments?

>Even if they're playing devil's advocate, they're forcing people to confront ideas outside of their bubble.
That's how I've always felt about it. Sharpen your arguments on these twits.

lol no i dont get my opinions from trump

>Though he does literally value his persona at over a billion dollars and he's said it changes on his mood. I used to think that was silly before he charmed his way into the white house.

so did Bush

doesn't mean he's worth a billion

>and that surrounds himself with people that value others based on how much money they have instead of their character
Is that why a caddy working on one of his golf courses ended up managing his presidential campaign?

Go google something like 'trump wealth mutual funds' and you'll get a dozen articles in a second. I'm not going to spoon feed you something that easy. You refuse to do something that simple because you don't have the mental strength to. You're so weak minded you think typing "meme flag" is an argument.

>so did Bush
>doesn't mean he's worth a billion
That's because he doesnt believe he's worth a billion.

Trump does, and he's right.

>go read propaganda
Why dont you just make the case yourself? Post a fact or two and prove it to us.

I'll wait. And I'll wait a long time because you're going to find out that what I said is true.

What's it like resorting to ad hominems because you're a triggered snowflake?

Trump has been a winner all his life. There's no doubt about that. He has no place in American politics though.

>go read math

Sorry I forgot. He values people both on how much money they have and how eager they are to suck his dick 24/7.

Why dont you resort to an argument, then resort to providing facts and data to back it up?

Or is that too desperate for you?

post the math here. shouldnt be too hard, no?

Surely you wont find out that my claims about those numbers being bullshit are true. No way!

You forgot to switch back dipshit.