Strike and Mike

Any paycucks out there uploading?

Pic is unrelated, but is a guaranteed mistake.

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Fuck me. There's never a copper around when you actually want one.

Paycuck here, not going to share. It’s $10 per month you cheap kike. No one cares if you pirate (((Hollywood))) or something, but if you actually agree with a platform then at least don’t steal from them

Nice try GCHQ.


Nice try, Goldstein. Now make with the stream.

If I can’t get a constant stream of ethno nationalists propaganda I’ll probably just start making mulatto children.

if that is pushing the box against the front of the truck It is probably fine...

Found the mestizo.

Pay denbts

pweeease paybros

looks like some retarded flat as fuck place too.
but i wouldve used my knife to cut notches in the box corners 1/2 way up. or used the higher slots in the bed rails unless the straps were shitty and had no rubber left on them. if i knew i was hauling something id have had more than 1 strap anyway.

Stop being cheap kikes. 10$ monthly is nothing unless you're a nigger.

You from Colorado?


It's a good episode, really digs into the mentality of the jew, and why it is such a twisted creature.
I don't care if it's bad optics, the American jews need to GTFO to Israel or expect that all of them are going to die for the historical debt they owe.
All debts will be repaid.

the virgin paycuck vs the CHAD pirate

Best podcast around at the moment. Better than the Shoah

Thanks brah

r8 88/88 m8
