What's the difference between nazism and stalinism?

What's the difference between nazism and stalinism?

>Both were anti-capitalism
>Both hated jews
>Both were anti-christianity
>Both were socialist dictatorships
>Both were nationalist and engaged in "socialism in one country"
>Both were collectivist
>Both supported social engineering
>Both used biopolitics
>Both silenced opposition
>Both nationalized private industries/businesses
>Both had a central bank

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What's the difference between apples and oranges?
>both are fruit
>both are grown in trees
>both are widely produced and consumed by the world
>both are healthy for you
>both taste pretty good!
>both need sunlight to grow
>both need water to grow
>both have seeds
>both have skin
>both have a wide variety of types

Communism denied science while the Reich elevated science

So you admit stalinism and nazism are significantly similar?

see! you only got to 44 because of all the factual mistakes you made in your statement. better luck next time.

I admit. That you are stupid.

Also, apples and oranges don't claim the other fruit is evil and fight each other

"it would be better for us to go down with Bolshevism than live in eternal slavery under capitalism." - Joseph Goebbels

>Stalin hated jews
Stopped reading there

The Nazis supporting Zionism.

as long as it wasn't "jewish science"

which is not elevating science, it is picking what you believe based on racism...


>Antisemitism in the Soviet Union reached new heights after 1948 during the campaign against the "rootless cosmopolitan", in which numerous Yiddish-writing poets, writers, painters and sculptors were killed or arrested.


Hitler was not a socialist. Most ownership in Nazi Germany was private and for-profit, but highly regulated through totalitarianism. Socialism would completely remove private ownership instead of regulate it.

Holy shit, that's glorious. With "Two Centuries Together" we have the ultimate redpill.

Or it could be they took a long hard look at Jewish science and realized it was destructive garbage like Freud.

Hitler also was heavily in support of Christianity. and hated his pagan cohorts.


>jewish science
He did, why else do you think he had a (((stroke)))

(((They))) killed him for sure. But it was just a bit of infighting. When the political apparatus is run entirely by jews, killing your political opponents means killing some jews.

But the heavy regulation was de facto nationalization. You can't call it private ownership if the government exercises all of the substantive powers of ownership and not the private "owners". That's private ownership in name only. Lip service to pretend they're not like the soviets.

Nazism believes in race as the main political subject and believes in nationalism while soviets believe the worker to be the main political subject, soviets believed in world communism and global worker union etc, so the idea of race etc didnt go well with soviet cosmopolitanism.
Soviet philosophy is egalitarism while nazism was ultilitarism or darwinism.

Except (((capitalists))) funded communism. Communism is nothing but a smokescreen for jewish supremacy and the Talmudic dream of enslaving the goyim.

>"In February 1916, it was learnt that a revolution was being fomented in Russia and that the following persons and business concerns were engaged in this destructive enterprise: 1) Jacob Schiff; 2) Kuhn, Loeb & Co. ( Directors: Jacob Schiff, Felix Warburg, Otto Kahn, Mortimer Schiff, Jerome H. Hanauer); 3) Guggenheim; 4) Max Breitung.

>"It would therefore appear that the revolution in Russia, which broke out one year after this information was first reported, was sustained by Jewish interests.

>"In April 1917, Jacob Schiff publicly declared that it was thanks to his financial support that the revolution in Russia had succeeded. "In the Spring of the same year, Schiff commenced to subsidize Trotsky, who also received a contribution from 'Forward,' a Jewish publication of New York.

>"Simultaneously Trotsky and Co. were also being subsidized by Max Warburg and Olaf Aschberg of the Nye Banken of Stockholm, another Jewish concern, the Rhine-Westphalian Syndicate and Jivotovsky, a wealthy Jew whose daughter later married Trotsky. Relations were thus established between multi-millionaire and proletarian Jewry."

>A.Goulevitch - Czarism and Revolution

Stalin specifically believed in "socialism in one country" and strengthening Russia and not world communism.

Hitler despised Christianity, read Hitler's Table Talk.

Jews favored Stalin, hated Hitler.
The result: Nazi's are evil

It doesnt matter if capitalism funded communism

Yeah ofcourse, thats the reason he occupied most of eastern europe

Well the main difference is that you could own private property in Nazi Germany, whereas private property was outlawed in communist Russia.

>It doesnt matter if capitalism funded communism
Right, because jewish bankers really care about "workers". According to the U.S. ambassador at the time, only 10% of Russians supported the Bolsheviks.

pic related

You could """own""" property in Nazi Germany. See

>nazism and stalinism
Nazism had less interference in private endeavours and allowed for private ownership.
It allowed for state control over businesses in some situations.

Leninism Stalinism gave the incentive for the state to own all businesses / means of production. No vote was given, no peasant was asked. Everyone had to go through a ton of bureaucracy correctly and work for the state as well as for themselves in order to survive because the state provisions was dire if anything at all.

wrong on all accounts holy shit read a book

Your answer is starting at 2:34 of this video. The answer is RACE. RACE was everything in national socialism. Also many other economic differences. RACE, RACE, RACE. National socialism affirms race. Communism denies race.


The Third Reich wasn't anti Christian during its existence so I don't see your point. Just because Hitler or Himmler or whoever else you want to name who mattered back then personally opposed certain aspects of Christianity doesn't mean that there was in any way state enforced anti-Christian or anti religious law; which you know Is completely opposite to the USSR.

>they didnt openly kiss our feet like a untouchable protected class with higher rights like in modern western societies as we milked and used them
>they quintessentially hated us!!!
>dont mind jews still overwhelmingly controlled the soviets and stalin until he lost his purpose

>Hitler despised Christianity

Not his soldiers, Wehrmacht and Stalins red army used their own soldiers religion to their advantage, they introduced the idea of a joint leader/god worship.

Sounds weird but its supposed to be true.

Bro please kys nobodies buying what your trying to sell

>oy vey muh disproportionate impact
Seriously, I'm all ears if you have an actual argument. I'd like to know the truth.

Note that the American government was similarly empowered to tell businesses what to produce, control wages and prices, institute rationing, and more. It was WW2. There weren't strict rule books for anything.
The thread would do well to read more details about Nazi economic policies here: ub.edu/graap/nazi.pdf

You are wrong on many accounts.

>stalin hated jews
You would be sent to the gulag for that