Kraut/pol/ & AfD General - Rage Edition

Groko coalition talks are sealed.
Majority of Germans prefers now a re-election over a Groko coalition or minority government.
Parliament uniting against AfD, the only party whose members are actually present.

>news in german

>english language analysis

>AfD rekking shitlibs in the Reichstag (english sub)

>AfD speeches in Bundestag (german)

>Jewtube videos (commentary, AfD shitposting and aesthetics):

>Kraut/pol/ OP dump

>Einzelfall map,11.303021784765633&z=6&mid=13VaJa8XDU1vklF9xamz2kVQNJxk

>Meme Collections 2.0
postimg org/gallery/18y2lj7ka/

old thread:

Other urls found in this thread:

Good evening kraut/pol/.

Jemand beim JF Presseball tonight?
> Ich wurde nicht eingeladen
> tfw unimportant fag


Die Staatsanwaltschaft Dessau-Roßlau hat Anklage gegen vier Männer erhoben, die nacheinander eine 56-Jährige vergewaltigt haben sollen. Der Vorwurf gegen die Männer aus Eritrea laute auf Vergewaltigung in besonders schwerem Fall und gefährliche Körperverletzung, teilte das Landgericht am Mittwoch in Dessau-Roßlau mit.

Einer der Beschuldigten soll der Frau bei der Tat im August 2017 eine zerbrochene Bierflasche an den Hals gehalten haben. Er habe der 56-Jährigen gedroht, sie abzustechen, falls sie sich wehre

>Pic unrelated new happening in Cottbus

>JF Presseball
Never heard of it before

fug i didnt even notice the reply count

Ich auch nicht, wurde mir heut erzählt, weil das mit einer anderen Veranstaltung clashed (die sonst fast immer ausgebucht ist).

just imagine it was your mother who was degraded and used by those subhumans.

In Cottbus wird der Rassenkrieg erst richtig anfangen.
Und irgendwann werden da auch die Polizisten nicht mehr mitmachen. Bzw. sie werden dann auf der richtigen Seite mitmachen.

Bring back the kaiserreich!

Hah wtf

>Fachkraft soll sich an Gürtel gegriffen haben

Good riddance, but that article gave me cancer


Well he left the party so who cares


helo frens

>Und: wer entscheidet bei KIKA was veröffentlicht wird
(and who decides whats getting published by KIKA?)

well this is the definition of cultural marxism and nothing less
thank you KIKA for adding lots of fuel to the fiery wrath which is brewing atm
the day of revenge will come and they will pay

Do your worst, Hans


Classic, best part @2:40
>not sure how many genders there are
>says the females in her party are here because they have quotas, 30 sec later says the females are NOT here because of quotas
>implies multiple times that afd politicians are stupid and cant speak english
>muh white men

She is really cute though. Watching these leftist idiots debate in the Landtag is so godamn depressing it ruins my whole day. How any man votes for these cunts is really beyond me ... i guess its because they dont actually care/know what they are voting for. MUH ARBEITERPARTEI

Don't panic.
Trixie will take care of it.

Evening lads, DOTR when?

There's a funny smell to the whole thing. That's his church from back when he was a protestant:

Invites Goering-Eckardt, contains lots of lefties (not terribly surprising given that Falkensee is basically a suburb of Berlin).

This whole thing reeks. Maybe he's a leftie sleeper agent who joined the AfD with the intention of smearing them later. Or maybe his church bullied him into doing this. They'd be able to. Somebody who takes up lay offices in their community is usually easily influenced by the church. I wouldn't put good, old-fashioned blackmail beyond them either ("Look at these pretty pictures we took of you exiting the whorehouse. We don't want somebody like this in our community anyway and a pious man like you should have a strong interest in them not becoming public. So do penance by leaving the AfD and converting to Islam").

Soon fellow Alpinite

not soon enough. We'll also need a whole lot of rope. We might need a better method...


THIS user!!! It smelled fishy from the beginning

Are you questioning the government's committment to free speech?
I hope this social meda platform will delete your hateful post or else we'll sue them for millions.

damn this could be huge
lets continue digging

Would smash with the force of an angry god. But god dammit this is hard to watch. So much nonsense in so little time.

You can count on that

>*loads luger*
>"and so do we"

i am itching to genocide the niggers and muslims in europe desu. if you need volunteers to work the ovens, even overtime just hit me up frens.


naja, zum Glüg sins keine Fugees :--DDDDD

The worst part about this is that it makes it look like rightwingers where correct again! If anyone is to blame its the goverment who failed to screen them at the border and poor welcoming culture and disdain shown towards the millions of invited refugees. The true victims are now the Eritreans who fled climate change and poverty caused by capitalism. Now is the time we must stand side on side with the Eritrean refugees. #openborders #refugeeswelcome #capitalismkils

>The worst part about this is that it makes it look like rightwingers where correct again!

The sad thing is that this isn't even a strawman or an exaggeration.
The cuck mayor of Kalde literally responded to the right-wing memorial marches for the murdered girl by saying "the worst thing is that this is being used by right-wing populists".

It's my hope that we will someday perpetrate the same shitty politics against the left.

Oh, you were elected, were you? Well, we're just going to ignore you, go after your members with creative interpretations of legislation, and create new laws just to fuck with you. And the fucking moment these treacherous pieces of shit throw one of their violent "protests" I'd send in the jackboots.

If they do not want a political compromise, we should not give them one. The left has shown to be unreliable and totalitarian. No democracy can function when you allow Marxism into it.

Hessen user?

JF Interview with Birgit "Muttertier" Kelle


>new city
>need WG
>nobody takes someone who stays for six months only
>only to respond is a vegetarian
>currently bulking and eating up to half an kilo of meat a day

kekd hard
just like that
thank you bro
just have faith in us and keep preparing


>currently bulking

everyone has these moments. worked for half the day, nothing to eat around, stressed, too many people around you... then you just pump that shit into you

how do you guys think the events in cottbus will turn out (same goes to other places like wurzen, bautzen etc.)
the major is a CDU guy
how could they possibly avoid a uprising in case the GROKO rules another 4 years?
they will surely try to deport fugees from there and continue to go on with their usual way

but the people are fed up now and reached the point of no return
this is the recipe for a revolt imho

I fear that a revolt would result in the government going after all right wingers with full force. I'd rather have a peaceful solution therefore.

nah, we are to wealthy. normies are trained to care about the money and nothing else. take the money, take their hearts.

>I'd rather have a peaceful solution therefore.
I honestly don't believe such a thing is possible

whatever, I have my axe ready.

We actually must fight for a peaceful solution. I personally think the New Right is on a good path in the Fatherland with the EinProzent, IB and somewhat PEGIDA.

This is just sad.

why doesnt afd use the fact that the other parties wont show up to government to their advantage, write and pass a new constitution, and rule by default?

Checks and Balance and such.

wtf I'm a muslim now!

i am but a simple right-winger, no alt-right or new-right, tending to my memes

>how could they possibly avoid a uprising in case the GROKO rules another 4 years?
They don't know.
They tried to shut down the internet with the NetzDG because Media lost a lot of credibility, but it didn't work. Even comments in shit papers like Taz are getting more right.
Next step would the judical system but they are overwhelmed with migrant issues.
Violence should be an option but police is not strong enough to keep Germans down and control migrant crime.
Ich bin echt überfragt.

Probably a good Idea.

Yes, but it is not out of the questions that if they get too big then the German government could do things which might not end up so great.

>going after all right wingers with full force
dont you think that this is happening right now?
that would even cause even more uprising imho
i think they will try "bürgerdialoge" and all of that crap
but they have to face western german circumstances right now which they never did before? i imagine the shock of the ordinary people there

"sie bedrohten einen Deutschen mit seinen beiden Begleiterinnen"

Das machen die extra. Sie wollen den deutschen Frauen zeigen das sie bei den deutschen Männern nicht sicher sind. Sie wollen den deutschen Frauen zeigen... kommt zu uns.. nur bei uns seid ihr sicher...

>no alt-right or new-right
These labels are incredibly broad anyway.

They can mean a million different things.

Jokes on you, I can go without them. Even knowing that this image is full of shit.

I thought soap comes from jews??



I'm pretty sure that concept was known before.
>arabian numbers
I thought those were Indian
>regularly washing
Why did they stop?

Fake News

Out of curiosity how difficult is it to establish your own private school? 'Internat' for example.

>I thought those were Indian
they are. the rest is bullshit too. coffee does hold some truth but it was stolen during the siege of vienna. not a gift or anything.


wie sehr haben euch die bösen ausländerkinder damals in der schule geärgert das ihr jetzt im internet hetzen müsst?

>but police is not strong enough to keep Germans down
I bet German police is already pretty redpilled, at least the ordinary German officers, since they have to deal with Achmed and Aishe on a daily basis.
The higher, well paid echelons and the advancing multiculturalization of the ordinary police force is an entire different story though. The time is running out!


War auf dem Gymnasium, da waren fast nur weiße.
Und die weißen Ausländer da waren ganz nett.

Aber guter Versuch.

woher dann der hass?

i don't need any of those

lass bleiben sören

ich geh jetzt pissen

Kek, it was the other way round.

"Hass" ist ein Mem.
Ich habe nichts gegen schwarz oder Araber oder Inder solange sie ausßerhalb Europas sind.

if youre the only people willing to handle them, shouldnt it be in your hands alone?

Damals hatten wir exakt einen (1) Türken in der ganzen Schule.

>The SPURDO is strong with this one

You drafted out constitution to make sure Hitler 2.0 would never happen.

somehow related article.

How comfy would it be to live on a Hallig?

What's the general consensus on this matter?

und den fandest du so schrecklich das jetzt alle leute ohne ariernachweis aus dem land geschmissen werden müssen?

finde es lustig wie sehr man die ganze sache aufblasen und sich an jeder kleinen nachricht aufgeilen kann

I only met three turks in my time school, but we had a lot of persians.

he never said that you braindead son of a whore

Nö, der war okay. Der hat sich ja auch integriert.

Ist ja nicht so als würden wir nur pöse Ausländers hassen. Leute wie dich, hasse ich noch viel mehr!

just finished my new project
do you like it guys?
cutting her hair has been my worst nightmare kek

>implying a leftist can actually comprehend such a complex statement

No thanks Mr. Cum Ron.

the sum is what matters you self-centered fuck.

I'm afraid it's the one from 2 days ago who won't understand any statement at all because of his single digit IQ.

>an jeder kleinen nachricht

hab die türken und albaner in der grundschule geärgert. auf dem gymnasium gab es kaum ausländer.

In meiner Gymnasiumsklasse hat ich 3 Türken, gab öfters ma ärger, wurden auf der Klassenreise von Engländern zusammengefaltet.
Und selbst im alltag oder auf dem Heimweg sind die in Gruppen auf einzelne Deutsche losgegangen. Stuttgart hat mich schon sehr früh geprägt, nur hat es noch länger gedauert bis ich die rote Pille auch verstanden habe.

Mit anderen Ethnien oder Religionen hatte ich nie Ärger. weder west noch ost.
Ablehnungshaltung gegen etwas ist die Summe der gesammelten Erfahrungen.