How can you hate another human just for their skin color? In fucking 2018, you hate someone...

How can you hate another human just for their skin color? In fucking 2018, you hate someone, due to the fucking melenin in their skin. Disgraceful. Literaly if you spent 10 minutes reading wikipedia or some basic book you'd see the truth, but you'd rather spend 10 years stewing in hatred. There's only one race, the Human race, and basic edeccation says that we all came from Africa two. I hope that one day, you all see the light, and realize how preceous each human happens to be, because your beleifs, are what cause pain, intolerance, and genicide in our world, that I'm forced to share with you. Shame.

Other urls found in this thread:

>How can you hate another human just for their skin color?

>hate thread
>0.2 shekels deposited in your account

No one hate someone else because of their skin colour they hate them because of the other difference that ethnic group has such as low IQ and higher disposition towards violence in black people.

>Just their skin color
>Implying the IQ gap isn't a thing
>Implying Black people aren't more aggressive both because of their hormones and because of crime statistics
>Implying Black people don't have the facial morphology of chimpanzees
>Implying Black people have even contributed to science (and hard sciences, no social bullshit)
>Implying Asians from mainland Asia aren't litteral bugmen that feel no empathy for their own kin or the other
>Implying (((they))) aren't over-represented in every media outlet pushing degeneracy, any governmental administration pushing degeneracy, or any banking system funding both of the above
Shoo shoo normie

Die, nigger.

It is completely rational to hate jews that try to eradicate whites by popularising race mixing.

>reframing it as being just about skin

I actually agree with you, OP. Everyone should be able to live together in peaceful coexistence.

The problem is that this isn't possible when other people threaten you. And the truth is that multiculturalism, including the most violently oppressive Islamic cultures, is threatening to our social unity.

Week bate, two meny speling missteaks.

We hate them for their behaviour you apocalyptic nonce

We don't hate people *just because* of their skin colour. That would be absurd to hate a colour. We hate other humans for disrespectful and violent behaviour. And for lack of values and morality. Luckily these traits can often be identified by skin colour.

>the immediate answer to the JQ

Stereotypes are based on observation.

ie. If blacks in the US were stereotyped as a proud and noble people, then people would observe this, and perpetuate that stereotype.

Since it is observed through statistics that blacks commit a majority of the crime in the US, this stereotype is learned instead.

t. Based black guy

this is true. there is a lack of trust when different cultures mix.

>Day of the rope is coming
>Leftists should be put against the wall
>Gas the kikes now

>It's the niggers who are violent


>thinks racism is an aversion to specific colors and not an aversion to specific behaviors.
>corrected on his childlike misunderstanding of race relations
>will post the same shit tomorrow because OP is unteachable and can only comprehend things superficially.

No one hates anyone just for their skin color.


>implying there have never been successful black lawyers
>implying there have never been successful black doctors
>implying there have never been successful black inventors
the saddest part is that this is what Sup Forums actually believes

>if you spent 10 minutes reading wikipedia or some basic book you'd see the truth, but you'd rather spend 10 years stewing in hatred. There's only one race, the Human race,

LOL fuck off normie. Wikipedia? really? KYS

>basic edeccation says that we all came from Africa
mmkay good for you if you came from africa, i surely didn't.

Do you see the small portion of blacks in the high IQ range? No one is implying they don't exist.

People don't hate skin color, they hate what the skin color signifies. It's like a swastika. Nobody literally hates swastikas, there's no reason to it's just a simple geometric shape. What they hate is what the swastika represents, the history and tendencies associated with it. Just like with nigger skin.

Niggers and the Irish do not have souls.

I do, I hate everyone who isnt a mongolian.

Low IQ religious cucks need to be exterminated

this is a slide thread, sage

Too many big words in that thread for me.

>le faggoty plea to humanity
Nigger I lived in Dallas TX for over a decade I have plenty of reasons to hate niggers that have nothing to do with the color of their skin. Go live amongst them faggot before you go preaching your faggoty we are the world bullshit.

> what is the mean in a distribution of scores?


Pic related.

I don't hate anyone because of their skin color.
However, I'm aware that skin color is not the only genetically determined attribute in humans.
We are indeed equal in that we are all human.
But we are certainly not equal in our traits.

FBI secret society silence by soy enraged wahhman and buychilds

>change g with s and we have GOYRAGE

You're an actual moron who doesn't understtand bell curves, nor do you posess the basic ability to read a simple graph. As you can se there is a small portion of blacks in a high IQ range. These blacks will obtain high end positions. However, white people on average have a higher IQ, and therefore moree of them meet the requirements for the higher IQ range, thus a higher percentage of white people compared with the total population of whites are eligible for more complex jobs, than black people.

This is just sad.
I want the old France back.


Lol... libs don’t believe in god, but believe in souls...

Get better debate skills bro.


Just read:

>god created beautiful variety of skin tones
>which is why you should mix all the races and create one big 56% mutt race

god created jack shit
different tones of skin, different tones of hate

>basic education says that we all came from Africa

Yes, but that doesn't mean that we haven't changed and/or evolved independently ever since we left Africa.
Some tribes never even left it.

Our skin wasnt created by god for beautiful tones. There are evolutionary reasons for skin color.


actually there are 3 races: Negroid, Caucasoid, Mongoloid.

there are 2 species of human (by DNA): male and female.

there is 1 collective universe though

Should i bud in? Beacuse i hope we all know race is not skin Color right? You guys gotta pass the skin and look at what makes us human which is genes and DNA. Skin color is due primarily to the presence of a pigment called melanin , which is controlled by at least 6 genes. Both light and dark complexioned people have melanin. However, two forms are produced--pheomelanin , which is red to yellow in color, and eumelanin , which is dark brown to black.

Go ask blacks why they hate us so much.


The only sucesfull blacks are Mulatos raised by their sucesfull white dads.

1 post by this ID.



I don't know, why don't you try asking niggers?

They have the same amount of hatred for us.

You're completely wrong. Those aren't races you fuck those are groups that have adapted to the environment and climate. As a result they have genetic differences from that but its more individual differences not population differences and the population differences are slight

Race is not the same thing as heritage or ethnicity or population genetics. Genetics show pretty clearly that there are no clearly bound human types that neatly line up into categories such as white, black, Asian, etc. Population genetics is looking at particular alleles and tracing them back to which regions they came from. So if you're a carrier for X allele and we know that allele is frequently found in Northern Ireland then we can make a soft claim about where some of your ancestors likely came from. Knowing that Irish people are categorized as white in America today, we could go further and say some of your ancestry is white. Of course, the Irish weren't always white in America. So if we're trying to understand historical race categories for your family white might be misleading. Racial categories change over time and across cultures so that forensic anthropologists have to take local ideas about labels into account for any categorization to be meaningful.

In other words: I dont hate this cake because of its color, i hate it because it tastes like shit

Understandable, have a nice day

1 post by this ID
slide thread

I don't, it's about their behaviour.

I think you should watch this video

>In fucking 2018
>for their skin color
>you hate
>melenin in their skin
>if you spent 10 minutes reading
>only one race

Here are the strong triggers of the OP

Subsaharan niggers are a different species though.

I second that

is this true?

I don't watch anti-science propaganda.

>Quick, line up in order of IQ, highest to lowest

Doesn't trigger me at all because i approve those valid points.

Well than thats on you lol

Slight, but important.
A population with an average IQ 10 points lower than another is significantly weaker.
Even one point can make a huge difference.

because the african race never mixed with neanderthals, thus didnt get the IQ benefits.

Tell it to the MSM, kid

>let's sit here forever and take the violence like cucks

>1 post by this ID
Opinion discarded.

As far as I know the left is the anti-science faction.
E.g.: Foucault, (((Kuhn))), (((Critical Theory))), postmodernism etc.

>There are no perfect thre-

Well mabey you should watch this video i linked

Tell me. What is "white" according to you?

>posting the sjw version
Post the original OC created in huehue chan you piece-of-shit-self-hating-White-guilt-cuckold-faggot-nigger-loving-suicidal-cum-eater-human-garbage-left-wing-nutjob

I strongly disagree with OP, but a user's ID is one of last things I would judge them by.
Anonymity is one of the best things about this platform.

>Literaly if you spent 10 minutes reading wikipedia or some basic book you'd see the truth

Also Social Constructivism, Lysenko in the URSS etc. All the real opposition to science came from the left.

A bunch of retarded creationist neocons never posed any threat to the advancement of science.

If that's the case then why don't gingers have soul?

Shill thread.

For me, "white" is the leftmost skin color on the image above.

What are you talking about? I never said anything like that. Im talking about the construct of "race" on a biological level

I've seen this same image with a similar caption before. stop shilling.

>skin color = race

Race never existed! Even from the beginning of humanity


Interesting beacuse the original Europeans were dark skinned with blue eyes. But anyway, yeah sorry but geographical ancestry or location does not equal race, nor does this "DNA of light skin" equal race either the reason is is beacuse for example see these guys? CONTRARY TO APPEARANCE: The genetic distance between some groups in Africa, such as the Fulani of West Africa (above) and the Hazda of Tanzania, is greater than supposedly racially divergent groups such as East Asians and Europeans.Raquel Maria Carbonell Pagola / Contributor / Getty Images
Simply stated: Overall genetic variation tells us less than specific differences that matter. Imagine a group of humans that had a mutation in the FOXP2 gene—often called the language gene—such that this transcription factor (a gene that helps stimulate the expression of select other genes) was nonfunctional. These humans would lack the ability to communicate through language. In fact, this gene’s significance was first discovered through the study of an English family in which half the members across three generations suffered from severe developmental verbal dyspraxia—they could not communicate orally. This family could be 99.9999 percent genetically identical to their neighbors, but what a huge difference that 0.00001 percent makes. This criticality of particular genetic differences, as opposed to global similarity, is not unique to humans. Through genetic manipulation of just four genes, scientists in the lab have been able to turn a mustard weed into a woody tree. It sounds like a genetic version of the 1970s game show, Name That Tune: In how few notes (or genes) can one radically alter the phenotype of an organism?

Highlighting the fact that all humans share the same genes ignores the fact that much of evolutionary change and biological difference is less about the development of novel proteins (i.e. genes) appearance dosent prove anything or DNA beacuse if someone has more genetic

If someone has more genetic similarities to Europeans but be african than is he white?

>1 post by this ID
>this many replies
Congratulations, Mr Bait.

You know perfectly that it is not about skin color AT ALL

>Talk about violence in response to perceived behavior and abusive tendencies.

>Actually actively commits a massively disproportionate amount of violence and crime and social upheaval.

Totally the same thing I can't tell the difference no matter how hard I look at it goy. Open borders and race mixing will surely fix everything. Trust me.

It does, and our genetics determine what race we belong to.

He is white the more his skin color resembles the color white, not more, not less.

I don't hate the skin color. It's just that the color is associated with a group of people.

neck yourself,nigger

how old do you reckon humans have been walking around on the planet?

race mixing has been going on for a long time. "race" in a modern construct where youd say like hispanic or indian or arabic or jew is a race, but in reality, it is just a percentage of the original 3 homo sapiens species mixed along with other humanoids.

that being said, your spirit has control over your mind and body and in theory regardless of your form, you can conquer your surroundings with understanding of thought vibrations

> The genetic distance between some groups in Africa, such as the Fulani of West Africa (above) and the Hazda of Tanzania, is greater than supposedly racially divergent groups such as East Asians and Europeans


I do not hate, I just analyzed statistics and observed the types of communities and countries that blacks build. I have come to the conclusion that on average they have lower IQ, more testosterone, are more violent, commit more crimes, and have less empathy for other humans and animals. The white races had already sailed the world, erected and overthrown vast empires, works of art and science. Africans never came up with the wheel.

>Interesting beacuse the original Europeans were dark skinned with blue eyes.

There are no 'original' Europeans. Europeans are a result of three main populations that migrated into Europe and mingled, hunter gatherers, neolithic farmers, and metal invaders. The HG are the first group in Europe and they came from MENA, NF came from the Levant and introduced agriculture to Europe, and MI came from the Steppe. Also less significant genetic contributions from other groups, but that is irrelevant.