The Jews

So I gotta get this one thing straight. All the antisemitism on this site is a joke right? Like nobody actually believes that the holocaust didn’t happen because you all seem reasonably intelligent but there’s clear evidence that it did considering the photographs and the concentration camps, also survivor testimonies. Surely you can’t all blame the things you hate about this world on Jews

Other urls found in this thread:

>falsified stories
>no actual number
>how long has photoshop been a thing
>the war was against communism, not jews, but since mostly all jews support communism it is seen as reversed.

If I would come to a comparison it would be like saying that poor people commit more crime and then associate it with minorities so you think that police attack poor people (minorities)

Communism was created by jews to implement mental slavery on people.

If you ever really read into Marxism then you would understand this.

Don't look at what (((they))) dictate as bad. Look at what (((they))) dictate as good in comparison to bad.

(((They))) will use hitler as a strawman for any argument because he was a creation of (((them))).

Which is why they were given Israel after the war. Because Hitler was a martyr THEY created.

Only a fool would take them seriously.

Now, go on Wikipedia, look at how many % of Jews in various countries fought WWI and how many % of non jews of the same country fought the war.


It really leads back to the whole "chosen people"

If your religion doesn't believe in equality then neither do you.

Its a joke. Most people don't know Jewish people or have never met them. Its a post modern meme that became half true through storm fags whilst starting as larp. Its another filter that Sup Forums uses to scare off newfags like the trap posting on Sup Forums. Sup Forums is anti consumerist and deeply sincere, ironic and distasteful in a generation looking for meaning. It is is totally against everything else we are forcefed in this degenerate saccharine PC SJW cuck faggot world

>be jew
>make up story about the Holocaust
>it still happened because it was real in your imagination




>be jew
>get gassed six times
>still live



We hate Jews.



>be jew
>avoid getting gassed because you're hungry

take all the times someone has been sabotaged
and see if the outcome would be different if jews were not involved
wayyyyyyy too many coincidences for .02 percent of the world thank you very much nigger

>be jew
>ride roller-coaster to the ovens

>survivor testimonies.
pick one

Stop lying. We really do hate you.

>be jew
>get masturbated to death by Hitler

Jews are "God's" chosen people because they have a little bit of the original Earth DNA in them "Neanderthals" the rest of us come from somewhere else or our DNA has been meddled with. They literally f***** with an alien entity demon thing and they think they own everything now cuz they're old men

>be jew
>get turned into Bratwursts by Hitler




Find one single autopsy report that confirms gassings in german captivity.

oh you can't?

so much for muh "most documented event in all of human history" so much for muh "industrial murder".

Without Jews the goyim would surely lose!

As a Jew, guys like Tim Wise provide antisemitism an objective basis. There's just enough of them among the Brahmin and in the media/academia class to bear out animosity towards Jews among American whites. The fact that non-Jewish whites make his existence possible, that they're the vast majority of people in the supermarket with him, going to school with his children, none of this goes through his mind. It doesn't matter. He's a pozzed liberal whose bloodrage against white conservatives is all that gets him out of bed in the morning. This quote is taken out of context together and misleading however.

"In forty years or so, maybe fewer, there won't be any more white people around who actually remember that Leave it to Beaver, Father Knows Best, Opie-Taylor-Down-at-the-Fishing Hole cornpone bullshit that you hold so near and dear to your heart."

His letter was directed against white conservatives, not whites, and the way that the quote is chopped up is misleading, but I'm not making any excuses for him. He, Sarah Silverman, Chuck Schumer, and Lena Dunham should be first in line to be put in the ovens. But Jews aren't "born evil," and there have been many Jews who have contributed a lot to the American right like Matt Drudge and Mark Levin. Hatred against Jews shouldn't be "blanket," but I can't argue that there's no justification for it in and of itself.


>There's just enough of them among the Brahmin and in the media/academia class (...)

Hi Moldbug.

If you dont hate jews you are literally braindead

But thanks for the remark. I won't use this misleading quote again.


There was no chimneyin 1945. It was built after. it isnt even connected to the delousing chamber


doesn't just mean JEWS

should be ANTI-JEW

oh boy here we go taking the bait in to mouth and coming out of ass :DD





so close

This has to be bait.

What antisemitism? Jews don't represent all Semitic people. Implying they do makes you ignorant and untrustworthy.

>be american
>regurgitate bernard brouhgam's fiction

last one i think

I really hate jews. I worked for jews for 10 years. I dated a jew one time it was horrible. The family was horrible and crazy
Sure there are some (not many) decent jews. i grew up in was mostly Jews. I really haven't had a positive experience with them. Ugly, smelly little kikes.

Camps were for relocation, and Jews died from typhus thanks to allies destroying camps supply lines. Allies tried to shift the blame to Germans that just lost instead.

Survivor testimonies are a mixture of lies and stories from senile old women all of whom worth noting resided in these so called death camps without being put to the death. Worth noting is that no one ever talks about testimony from people who say that the Germans treated them just fine and that there was no extermination. This is expxlained away as only some camps being part of it. Well guess what, only those camps that the UN never inspected were actually deathcamps. One wonders if they would be death camps had the UN inspected them....

The mental gymnastics required to explain a mass campaign of murdering civilians and hiding all the evidence is insane. And yet, it makes perfect sense to just consider that Xyclon B was created and used for the purpose of disinfecting piles of clothes, to kill lice specifically, lice that spread typhus. That one giant wave of typhus killed a ton of people at the time is already a matter of public record.

On the subject of Jews being forcibly relocated from Germany, Hitler was right to do this. They were interfering in his country and were responsible for stabbing Germany in the back many times economically especially. Despite this Hitler mustered up a huge technological advantage and a powerful war machine intent on retaking the lands that were stolen from Germany at the end of World War 1.

And on the subject of Jewish interference, have you SEEN the US mass media? Do you realize that many politicians also hold dual citizenships in Israel. This makes no sense. You keep calling it the "deep state." Just call it what it is. Fucking Jews. Always jews.

Hitler was fucking right. If anything he was a god's blessed SAINT because he didn't promote their extermination when he probably should have given all the shit they pulled in Germany.

It’s called inefficiency

Op here gotta say this was all very educational and certainly explains but doesn’t really justify all of your hate. Just because some gold owning greedy sniveling little likes decided to try and pseudo enslave the world doesn’t mean all Jews are bad people. Hate the individual not the race, but seriously the holocaust happened. It wasn’t even that long ago and you’re all claiming it’s a conspiracy already I could understand if it was during Ancient Rome but this was pretty damn recent people. Stick to debating sjws and poking holes in the lefts racist claims because I love that shit lol but hating a Jew because he’s Jewish is just as racist as claiming white privilege this is double hipocrocy

>Republicuck defending Jews
More news at 11!

Go kill yourself before someone else does it for you you useless piece of shit fuckin' faggot.

Wet dreams of stacks of dead Jews. Fuck yeah, bitches.

jew hate thread general