Shinsekai Yori

I have just ended it and damn it, it's the most frustrating anime I have ever seen.
It could have been a masterpiece easily but instead we have 25 episodes of wasted potential.

For example, we have great characters design, cloathes are cool and landscape beautiful but the animation is terrible.

The story is very good and original but there are too many big mistakes that make it ridiculous.
Too much incoherance with the psychic power potential and utilization.

For me it was a 6/10 while it could have been a solid 9.

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Nice blog.

I dropped it halfway when the romance started. Nothing against romance speciffically, but as far as i remember there was a lot of ntr going on.
5/10 maybe i should finish watching, if i still remember than its probably not that bad

>The story is very good and original but there are too many big mistakes that make it ridiculous.
>Too much incoherance with the psychic power potential and utilization.

I thought this was the most retarded post I've seen on Sup Forums today, but then came along.

Awful thread.

>The story is very good and original but there are too many big mistakes that make it ridiculous.
>Too much incoherance with the psychic power potential and utilization.
This sounds too much like 'I wanted my .jp X-men to behave differently and story to follow my fantasies' unless you can point out 'big mistakes' and 'incoherencies'.

>everyone who doesnt like what i like is retarded


Who are you quoting?

No, but everyone who fails to understand something as simple as SSY on even the surface level is. If someone were to dislike something and give legit criticism on it then I would even be okay with them disliking my favourite anime.

>this thread
Anyhow posting the ed since it was great.

Sounds like you didn't even understand the story

About the big mistakes :
1. Scientists were able to modifiy DNA of the non psychic part of humanity to turn them into Monster Rats, they were also able to implement Attack Inhibition and Death Feedback on psychics BUT they were unable and/or didn't implement something like this on Monster Rats to turn them into perfect slaves or at least, creatures unable to attack a human.
2. Why those scientists were unable to find a cure about disorders that turn pyschic into monster or demon ? While they were able to create another intelligent species
3. They have access to the knowledge of the old civilization thank to False Minoshiro but they refuse to use it.
4.They said multiple time a single psychic can purge all the Monster rats. So how they captured the child of Maria and Mamoru ? And kill them by the way

About the psychic power problems, it was mainly to increase the drama or create suspension like almost all scene into the old buiding/undergrounds in Tokyo

Maybe they developed them before the cats or something? They could still have needed for them to not have the inhibition and feedback so that they could be used to dispose of humans.
One of them is stronger psychics losing control of their power (and having psychic power still seemingly being random, no way to have enough reliable specimens), and the other is psychics being resistant to the conditioning or not being conditioned. Not something that can be cured or purged from humanity.
They kept what was convenient. From what we see they still have advanced knowledge of biology. And knowledge can destabilize some people.
The kid was captured before being able to consciously manifest powers and before it had memories, clearly (kids rarely remember anything from before being 3). Probably killed the parents as soon as the kid wasn't dependent on breast milk. And the kid developed the inhibition and the feedback, just directed towards rats.

>you dont like it because you dont understand it
Besides, i said i dislike it because of the ntr stuff. That seems like good enough reason


What a dumb, shallow reason.

What a dumb, shallow answer

1. Did you miss how carefully the whole brainwashing had to be setup through the whole childhood, constantly monitored, tested?
How the fuck would you do something like that with basically wild although intelligent animals?
Cantus users did it because they didn't have a choice, either that + culling the 'failures' or likely death of their entire species.
2. They didn't create shit. Normal people without cantus were intelligent before. Scientists just warped their physical appearance so cantus users can murder them en masse without triggering DF.
>Why those scientists were unable to find a cure about disorders that turn pyschic into monster or demon?
What kind of retarded question is that? It's part of the setting, part of the limits no one managed to overcome.
Whit these kinds of questions you might as well ask why didn't the scientist find a cure for cantus users condition and cured them completely so they stop being a walking nukes and return back to normal.
3. Taboo, explained in anime. Strict information control is integral part of brianwashing / conditioning.
4.Why do you assume rats had to capture renegade cantus users that were trying to flee and hide from the rest of cantus users?
All Squeeler had to do was offer them shelter and protection, then drug / lobotomize / murder them when Messiah was born.
Also cantus users aren't magically aware of everything 24/7. Murdering a sleeping child that trusts rats is easy.

>About the psychic power problems,
Could you be more specific, what was the problem with Tokyo power use?

>For example, we have great characters design, cloathes are cool and landscape beautiful but the animation is terrible.
>The story is very good and original but there are too many big mistakes that make it ridiculous.
>Too much incoherance with the psychic power potential and utilization.


It was a masterpiece.

1. Did you miss how those rats were used to get rid of unwanted humans? How are they supposed to do that if they have some sort of death feedback? It was intentionally left out because you still need some way to kill other humans. That's where those rats and cats come in.
2.They never created another intelligent species. They modified an existing one to a point where they were barely recognizable. One major point about the whole story is that those rats are in fact humans. Also their psychic power don't make them gods, which was clearly pointed out. Most of them do very basic shit. Remember how that red haired girl was proud about simply being able to fly? Yeah, so much about "why don't they just cure cancer already!".
3.Not really a problem. Maybe it was part of their ideology to not use any advanced technology. They basically live like in feudal japan but with magic.
4.Hitler also said that he would conquer the Soviet Union within a couple of months but that doesn't make that true. It doesn't mean jack shit what a character says, they can lie or exaggerate. Also again, being psychic doesn't make you god, they were still vulnerable while sleeping.

None of your criticism has any legitimate points.

good post