Dark Ages

What really happened in the Dark ages?

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no lectric

Your ancestors were raped

In England it was supposed to be the time of King Arthur and Camelot, does anyone belive in that or is it just myth?

Progress of agriculture and technology.
Evolution of simple feudal structures into more centralized beings, later on developing into countries.
It wasn't Dark age, it was slow progress,but progress nonetheless.

>Your ancestors were raped
They were. We've been raped so many times, the Viking, the Normans, Romans.
Not been successfully invaded since 1066, though Spain, France, Germany have all tried.

Shit everywhere
Pure fucking filth.

The creation of music. the creation of guilds. The creation of nation-states. The creation of science.

"Dark Ages" is a stupid epithet.


Aye, Crop rotation in the 14th century was considerably widespread after... John.


People kept bumping into tables and hurting their shins because they couldn't see where they were going.

>Music didn't exist before the dark ages
Is it difficult to be this retarded or do you have to try hard at it?

A time to be alive ... Such discoveries to be made, a world to explore.. a shorter but much more simple life.


Thanks for the links, interesting

Watch the video, Maynard.

Don't tell me what to do, faggot.

So in short the Dark ages were the most bright ages of all time, holy shit, they gave us everything.

Check out the Monty Python guy who did an episode on it too.

I feel that we are entering a transition in our culture that is as dramatic as the one between the ancient, classical world and the early medieval world. We are leaving the world that came out of the medieval period behind - the family unit, the nation state, the corporation, the farm. All of those are disappearing int he forms that we have known for over a millenia. I feel an affinity to that time. I think ti would have been a very fulfilling, happy time to be alive. More human than our era. More warm.

I'm not your faggot, buddy

We will never know, because we could not see very well back then.

In approx 1535 the island/volcano Krakatoa erupted, or rather exploded... this led to a global winter and blackout of the sun for a number of years... the following happened, crops failed globally, the Yemen dam dried up and its people moved north and out of that came Mecca etc....

The Aztecs civilization collapsed due to prolonged droughts and never recovered....

The Avars who were the most advanced horsemen in the world were displaced because their horses could not sustain life on the steppes any longer, the Avars migrated to E Europe and conquered the region, finally collapsing an already weakened Roman empire.. These Avars later became Hungary and other new European states. ...

Meanwhile Back in Africa the Ethiopian basin dropped in temps and disease exploded, namely the bubonic plague/ Black death...Old African kingdoms fell as whole populations died... this was transported in trade ships, mainly for ivory via Constantinople throughout Europe....about 40% of the human race throughout Europe perished and civilisation imploded along with the vast majority of educated people, Europe literally regressed to barbarism ..... the dark ages had arrived.... The next 150 years became a slow crawl up again as civilizations of old collapsed and waned and new were formed

The Dark ages was the most recent mass extinction of man.

Dark Ages were a time when the jews didn't have complete control

king arthur reigned

Creation doesn’t mean invention, you’re the retard.

>African Kingdoms

Nice meme

It's a myth. In reality it rained blood

>What really happened in the Dark ages?
No bastard changed the bulb

Wrong, the secret is in tree rings ice samples and historic writings, the fallout was the dark ages.

the more intelligent moore's came to the rescue

The Dark Ages were the rise of the Arab and the Northern European and the waning of the Persian and the Mediterranean European. Tribes in Europe became kingdoms and empires. Power was decentralized and military tactics shifted from infantry focused to cavalry focused. The Church became a powerful institution of learning.

Modern academia varies in opinion on it.

>Some call it dark because a lack of central structures comparatively to keep records mean we have less information on it.

>Some restrict the term to the early middle ages on the basis that it was overall a step behind the Roman Empire during that duration.

>Others don't use it completely.

It's not the best name in some ways, but I'd agree with the second. It's meant to highlight that certain aspects of culture and development fell behind once the Roman Empire was gone.

Wh*te bois submitted to the BHC


>god i hate /nupol/ baka it was the kikes

Been taught in school that they call it dark ages because it was what renessaince people called it.

not really, at least not in ANYTHING related to our modern understanding of it (modern meaning anything from 1500's onward).

it's hard for the layperson (non-classically trained musician) to fully appreciate the development of music, but a hell of a lot went into it.

There have always been simple folk songs and simple dance music, but the following are almost certainly developments by Europeans before and during the Renaissance:

>WRITTEN NOTATION - this is a huge one. akin to the written word. it's almost impossible to progress past a certain point of understanding if you are relying strictly on verbal histories to pass down knowledge from generation to generation
>polyphony (two or more melodic notes at the same time)
>harmony (vertical construction of multiple notes into chords)
>complex forms (sonata allegro form, minuet + trio -- more complex precursors of AABA and modern pop songs structures)
>imitation (listen to some palestrina for reference)

>but b- b- but africa had music
not like this they didn't. they had, like everywhere else on earth, simple folk songs

china/india had some more complexity in their music, but still nothing like european developments

you are so ignorant its not even funny

rapin' each other innawoods and dying through some bubonic plague n shiet as you hallucinate from fever.

Shit was dope times compared to nowadays, all kinds of busting nuts and lucid dreaming.

early universities and other types of educational institutions appeared


Wasn't it the (((enlightenment))) commies that wanted to make themselves look smart?

(((christianity))) happened

weeeeell, they had numerous tactics, they usually loved to bash christianity so they praised renessaince for every single invention, leaving any kind of development done by middle ages unexplained.

Pretty sure King Arthur is a legendary figure who is semi-historical. Obviously the specific details are questionable but he probably did exist.

Kind of like how the Trojan War was probably real but Achilles may not have been.

Sorry made a typo mistake, the eruption/catalyst happened in 535 AD not 1535 as earlier stated...

Bloody imigrants took our land....

Pretty much.

This is exactly why my Magyar friend

Lotsa shit, we lost count of what year it is for example.

>being this bluepilled

So is the term Dark Ages just anti christian propaganda?

another round earth shill video. this meme got really old

i wouldn't say "just" but that probably plays into it significantly.

>early universities appeared in the Dark ages
University of Oxford was founded 1096
University of Bologna was founded 1088
Charles university was founded 1348
historian agree that the Dark ages ended with the coronation of Charlemagne as Roman emperor in 800.
What is it like being misinformed and wrong?

The Dark Ages involved slow progress sure, but the alchemical knowledge that evolved into chemistry wouldn't have happened without the dark ages.
People had a much more scholarly understanding of Christianity too. They weren't raised on children's books with cutesy drawings of a line of animals going into Noah's Ark.
The Jews were highly persecuted in Europe during these times as well.

I guess it's pretty shitty that they forgot how sewage systems worked and were more happy dumping their fuming parasite laden diarrhea on the streets.
You win some you lose some.

they were present in Europe and were already getting exiled and shieeeeet

pretty much
>pic related

This book rocks. a historical account (from records) of monks' journey through Dark British Isles.

some highlights:
- Norse invaders built their homes in the middle of the streets, because the rain runoff was better there

- Monks would travel by boat, using currents alone, from northenr britain to iceland. As expected, many were never seen again.

It's an awesome read.

More or less. Voltaire and his ilk certainly had an axe to grind against the Church and weren't above misrepresenting history to attack it.

Oh, just gothic stuff.

Nope Christianity became one of the new worlds control mechanisms, far more effective than gigantic standing armies like Rome had relied on and far cheaper too. The other one was Islam and they remain to this day two of the most effective population control mechanisms. we had Science, music and art long before that.

dark ages didn' exist they are a retrofitted addition to the standard chronology that is required to account for synchronizing the calendars of the world with that of the Julian Calendar which is based upon egyptian long chronology which is a mess due to the burning of the library of alexandria and Baghdad .

Arthur did exist as a two Welsh kings of Glamorgan and Roman Brittania proper there are documents confirming his existence , however the current Saxe coburg Gothe royalty are so far distant from the actual royal lines they cover up these facts due to their saxon/germanic heritage.

If you recall Arthur was at war with the Saxons.

but the Arthur you know is French romantic crap created during the Angvin Empire period

Dunno, couldn't see

based pragerU btfoing the cvckbois

Scroll down to his first one and get going


>the alchemical knowledge that evolved into chemistry wouldn't have happened without the dark ages.

false, alchemy and transmutation are real arts that have been suppressed and its practitioners burned which is why enlightenment science was represented in congruence with vatican doctrines

I think you misunderstood. Currently the average person will point to the Dark ages as a time in history when the church stifled scientific, artistic etc growth. This is not true, although the stigma remains, thus it being a propaganda term for anti church sentiment in modern society.


Frodo took the ring to Mount Doom where it was destroyed thereby defeating the armies of darkness once and for all.

Don’t ‘buddy’ me, sweetie.

did you even watch the video? why are you making a strawman caricature? the video never said anything of the sort. they simply list 4 or 5 distinct and significant contributions that helped shape and pave way for the success of the eventual renaissance and subsequent western world.

>round earth shill video
huh? did you even watch the video? he literally says right off the bat the earth is not round. are you referencing some reddit meme or something?

christians tried to destroy european culture

The Christian Church preserved as much history and literature as possible during hundreds of years of war famine and plague.

>Prager University


I absolutely abhor the term as well. There's a very nice documentary from the beeb (I know, commies, cucks, etc.) it's called "The Dark Ages: An age of light". It really is great, lots of artwork from Scandinavia to North Africa, the Balkans to Iberia. The only thing I disliked was the obligatory Muslim ass licking, it's the BBC, so I suppose it's part for the course.
Here's the trailer if anyone's interested.


dark ages was the wild west. Western Rome falls & leaves giant power vacuum. Everyone has a ton of fun. and that is what really counts

Actually the current AD year system was developed a few centuries after 0 AD by some church dude. He used
It's not that we lost count of what year it was, rather we started an entire new system based around Christ hundreds of years after he already died.

historians don't even agree that the Dark Ages is an appropriate term for the period.

the progress wasn't slow at all, it was in fact a time of rapid technological advancement in Europe since they had to supply their own materials like glass and steel which required much innovation without the resources of Rome. A decent analogy would be comparing colonial america with independent america, you lost materials and so rapidly developed to fulfil your own needs.

>What happened?
Cool stuf

My ancestors were raped, meaning that my ancestors were rapists. Balances out nicely.
King Arthur is based probably on an amalgamation of different people, like Robin Hood was. However, there was most likely a period where the Britons gained the upper hand over the Anglo-Saxons.

Musical notation you stupid

well compared to classical times & roman times, a lot of information gets lost & no one bothers to keep records or write things down, so you end up getting shit like King Author legends. The same thing happen during the bronze age disaster with the sea peoples

>dark ages was the wild west

flase most kings of the supposed dark ages are hard to account fr, simply because they eren't really local powers and in fact magister miliyums under the authority of the Byzantine Emporer(roman)

The Byzantine empire was a technological annd scientific haven so much so they lasted uo to the 15th century, ironically close to the rennaissance when grecoroman art and architecture was brought back, meaning brought from Constantinople which was sacked by Ottomans

there is no year 0

well I was just speaking for the western areas like France. East is different story!

The Dark Ages is a meme. The Rennaissance was started because they were bored of the art at the time. Specifically one guy said it all kinda sucked and they needed to make art great again and everyone was like, “honestly dude kinda has a point.”

tl;Dr: the dark ages meme is because art sucked

>The Christian Church preserved as much history

and eited much as well

for instance the donations of constantine which is forged to present the bishop of rome as the successor to the offices of the Western roman Emporer

that's the myth

fucking kek
not saying the dark ages were a sterile ragnarok but everything you said is so wrong.

Christians burned down all the libraries and schools and killed the elders and priesthoods. Then they burned all the history. They're exactly like Moaist Chinese.

Then rats spread plauges through shipping routes and there was global cooling.

Then endless brother wars by Christian monarchies who had enslaved their own people for gay-pedo Vatican gold (see peasants/slavs)

>The Christian Church preserved as much history and literature as possible

There was technically no 1 AD either. Nobody actually ever lived through it thinking it was 1 AD.

lol wtf is this shit? is this like the jap's religion

>Half of population died from wars, famine and plague
>Wtf why no science and art

*tips fedora

People use the dumb term "dark ages" to describe anything in the middle ages (900-1400 BC).

People act as if this whole 500-year-long time period defined by the Black Death (1346 to 1353 BC).

By that logic, the only important thing to have happened in the 1900s was WWII.

It was surprisingly chilled for a peasant so long as you weren't involved in an invasion or raid. Just farming away in some isolated farmstead, paying the odd bit of tribute to your local warlord.

This is true, if you're interested in this sort of thing, I would highly recommend this book, "How the Irish saved civilization". Truly a fascinating read.

>western areas like France

gaul before the frankish kinsh kings were established under Charlemagne( or pepin) was a subject of the Roman Authority attempting to reclaim territory from the western Migrants and revolting generals,Charlemagne in fact didn't exist, he was cooked up by Otto the III to justify his right to rule as HRE which was essentially claiming authority in congruence with the Bishop of Rome as Temporal Head of State with matters pertaining to Pontifex Maximus, while he held secular authority as Magister Militum, if you look closely Otto I was the same as Charlemagne

*period is defined

The ancap dream came true.

>muh lead into coal is real

History according to Liberals
1) Racism
2) slavery
3) FDR and the birth of the DNC
4) WW2
5) Evil GOP being created
6) Nigger elected president
7) Global Warming
8) Evil white man in charged

From one of the "Anglo-Saxon Chronicles". Saxon historians weren't the most accurate (or maybe they were and Saxon England was fucking crazy)

You mean we could be very well living in a 1AD of sorts when future peoples adopt a different calendar??