Austrian economics debunked (redpill overdose)


>gold standard is unstable and not a viable currency, susceptible to fraud and dependent upon mining
>they are openly anti-scientific, rely on "praxeology", they are philosopher at best
>dumb ideology funded by koch brothers think tanks to convince ignorant armchair economists
>every prediction they had is proven wrong
>they business cycle theory is wrong
>they don't use scientific method, no maths, no statistics, nothing, just speculation
>only used as political rhetoric by ron paul to rile up his gadsen-flag hillbilly voterbase
>all of peter schiff's predictions are wrong, he has been preaching doomsday for decades
>mainstream economics agrees with less than half of their policy
>literally no respects austrian economists today, abandoned as early as 1950's
>only good thing to come out of it was Hayek, who wasn't even Austrian since he rejects praxeology. He contributed to price theory, and added to the socialist calculation problem. Also his philosophy is superior and way more nuanced compared to mises/rothbard.

Other urls found in this thread: economics&inTheLastList=6&queryStringEntered=false&searchRowCriteria[0].fieldName=all-fields&searchRowCriteria[0].booleanConnector=and&searchRowCriteria[1].fieldName=all-fields&searchRowCriteria[1].booleanConnector=and&searchRowCriteria[2].fieldName=all-fields&searchRowCriteria[2].booleanConnector=and&start=61&ordering=relevancy

want to learn REAL economics? no problem, open source PDF book

So, Australians are retarded. What else is new?

None of those are arguments.

Useful post. Thanks, Geert.

thank god this is a copy pasta, i might improve it though, got any tips?

>20 sources

>debunked 10 austrian main pooints

dont delude yourself kid

How is that at all a useful post? You wanna see something about as equal.
nationalism socialism debunked (bluepilll overdose)
>worker standard is unstable and not a viable currency, susceptible to fraud and dependent upon births
>they are openly anti-scientific, rely on "mein kampf", they are authors at best
>dumb ideology funded by krupp steel industrialist to convince ignorant armchair soldiers
>every prediction they had is proven wrong
>they racial theory is wrong
>they don't use scientific method, no maths, no statistics, nothing, just speculation
>only used as political rhetoric by Joseph Goebbels
>all of adolf hitler's predictions are wrong, he was preaching victory for decades
>mainstreme political analyst agree with less then half their policy
>literally no respects national socialism today, abandoned as early as 1940's
>only good thing to come out of it was Rommel, who wasn't even a national socialist since he tried to kill hitler. Contributed to the french campaign and added to the north african campaign. Also his philosophy is superior and way more nuanced compared to Hitler/Himmler

Half of your links are blogpost, wikipedia articles, or reddit pages. Why should I have any respect for your "sources"

Are Austrian economists people like Hoppe and other oft-touted economists?

> takes memeflags seriously

Most popular names are:Mises, Hayek, Rothbard, Hazlitt, and Hoppe, with Thomas Woods being a bit popular but not adding much to the theory as a whole.

>uses meme flags "ironically"

>be you
>get BTFO to the moon
>"haha but you have LINKS to WEBPAGES hahaha not even mail letters or fax lmao get rekt"
>"hahhahah but you have less than 100 sources hahaha you lose"
>"i get my views from think tanks and gold-selling scam artists like peter schiff ,im so smart"

1.The koch brothers intentionally separated themselves from Rothbard, that's why the Cato institute and the Mises institute are two different entities.
2.Your sources (literally half of which) were fucking wikipedia, reddit, and blogs, the bottom of the fucking barrel for finding sources
3.You obviously aren't intelligent, you can't grasp the basics of the English language
4.Someone whos country went into a depression over fucking tulips is going to lecture anyone else about economics.

Mises et al. had very good ideas and were eventually invited by Pinochet to analyze the economic situation in Chile. Their policies ended up being largely responsible for the Chilean Miracle of the 70s and 80s.
They have valid insights but of course you should take it all with a grain of salt. Most of them are armchair lunatics who understand nothing about realpolitik.

TL;DR AnCap is a meme.

You sound so fucking desperate. It's repulsive.

>tfw keynesian masterrace

Considering that there hasn't been a crash in the last 10 years since the supposedly fake recovery started, and the supposed bubble that was built up by all the quantitative easing and money printing hasn't burst, it seems like the Austrian theory's been somewhat debunked. I think I'm leading more toward the more mainstream supply side/Milton Friedman take on things these days.

Your inability to study anything beyond Sup Forums infographics is repulsive. By "mises et al" do you mean the Chicago boys trained by Milton Friedman, chicago economist who had nothing to do with Mises? And your critique of a theory of economics is their lack of "realpolitik" 90% of the views on this board are entirely ideological (and let's not forget the wonder of "realpolitik" that influenced Nixon and Kissinger), while also relying on a pure strawman? Can you talk out of your ass any more?

Go look at Japan and tell me how well they've turned out with their keynesian policies.

And how long did it take for the 2008 recession to finally burst?

Sorry, I was reading your reply and got the names mixed up. Indeed it was Friedman but to say he has nothing to do with the Austrian school is pure intellectual dishonesty.

No one cares about Australian economy retard

>High standard of living
>Full employment
>Comparatively low inequality

Looks like it worked out well for Japan.

No it isn't, his ideas are purely unique from the Austrian school and trace back to Irving Fisher, who predated popular Austrian theory in america by decades/ Once again, keep talking out of your ass if you want.

Not sure I understand the question. What I'm saying is I used to follow Peter Schiff and believe in Austrian theory but he was saying for years that the economic recovery after the recession was a bubble that was soon to burst and it never happened. It was supposed to have happened several years ago and it didn't.

THIS lmao why would a frenchie care about australia???

Let me just post this here so people can actually make up their own minds.

High standard of living? What fucking universe have you lived in?

And lets not forget the lost decade ended almost immediatly as the global recession started, their government debt is off the fucking charts, and almost the entire country is controlled by government sponsored, basically feudal families.

One is a fucking quora link, the other doesn't even attempt to refute austrian economics, it just discusses the fact that they're not represented in economic journals. Are you even reading the shit you post?

entire country's economy*

Did Peter Schiff know that the fed would start the largest asset purchase in government history and keep the printing press rocking for 8 straight yrs of QE infinity?

I don't know but his predictions have been wrong for a solid decade now.

I didn't post those things.

Trumpism debunked (bluepilll overdose)
>floating currency is unstable and not a viable currency, susceptible to fraud and dependent upon foreigners
>they are openly anti-scientific, rely on "Crippled America", they are rapists at best
>dumb ideology funded by sheldon adelson the casino magnate to convince ignorant armchair rural and suburban retards
>every prediction they had is proven wrong
>they birther theory is wrong
>they don't use scientific method, no maths, no statistics, nothing, just speculation
>only used as political rhetoric by Steve Bannon
>all of Donald Trump's predictions are wrong, he was preaching victory for decades
>mainstreme political analyst agree with less then half their policy
>literally no respects dumpfkins today, abandoned as early as 2015
>only good thing to come out of it was Ivanka, who wasn't even a conservative since she tried to fuck her dad. Contributed to feminism and broke the glass ceiling. Also her philosophy is superior and way more nuanced compared to Donald/Eric/Don Jr.

Secondly let's check out this "full employment" claim.

Japan has an unemployment rate avg of 2.85 (rounding up 2.9). That makes the current amount of japan's unemployed at a whopping 3,556,000 people. This isn't including that rapid inflation, increasing cost of living in the cities as people flock there, and other factors at work.

Sorry man
meant for

okay I will now be finishing you off for ever: number 1 economics journal in the world, amount of Austrian articles:

ZERO. 14 results, all around 1920.

you're completely correct in your criticisms of Austrian economics

the problem is, the same arguments can be made against mainstream economics. Supply and demand curves don't determine price and can't even be drawn. The economy is never in equilibrium, consumer choice theory is wrong, nobody is rational, and keynesianism has way too many failed predictions and policy positions.

Did you know that the model the Fed uses can't possibly predict a depression?


>they are openly anti-scientific, rely on "praxeology", they are philosopher at best
>>they don't use scientific method, no maths, no statistics, nothing, just speculation

because keynesian/fisherite economics actually is scientific hurrr

>number of arguments: 0

>all of peter schiff's predictions are wrong, he has been preaching doomsday for decades

yep, links are NOT AN ARGUMENT




Moreover, if you do the same for "The Economic Journal" (another prestigious economics journal) you find several results, skimming the abstracts of the last one, a few were assuredly austrians themselves when they wrote it. economics&inTheLastList=6&queryStringEntered=false&searchRowCriteria[0].fieldName=all-fields&searchRowCriteria[0].booleanConnector=and&searchRowCriteria[1].fieldName=all-fields&searchRowCriteria[1].booleanConnector=and&searchRowCriteria[2].fieldName=all-fields&searchRowCriteria[2].booleanConnector=and&start=61&ordering=relevancy

apologies for the shitty link

the articles presented here date from the early 2000's.

He really is a massive retard with an attitude problem.

So whats good economic theory? Rundown please

Wrong, they are about Austria, and some results about neither.

Ancap tries statistics, thinks n=1 is sufficient population size

Austrian economics is a meme. But you're still an idiot for believing mainstream bullshit.

is this truediltom from youtube? if so, im deeply disappointed in your lack of knowledge

>The fucking search que is "austrian economics"
>The article I specifically mentioned has fuckall to do with austria (discusses British gold exchange rates)
Can you be any more retarded? I thought your countrymen were trained to be merchants.

Enlighten us.

Evidence indicates that one of the schools of economics that promotes economic freedom is correct. That's ether the Chicago School or the Austrian School.

Chicago has yielded good results.
Austrian is sperglord material.

The Austrian Schools suggest that the gold standard is better for the citizens of a country. This data indicates that there is a connection between stagnating wages and going off of the gold standard. Makes me think that the Austrian School is closer to describing reality.

Another that indicates that the Austrian School is more accurate then the Chicago School. Remember that the Chicago School suggested that going off of the gold standard and promoting steady inflation was a good thing for the economy and everyone in it.

that book, and basically history super tl;dr

>1920-1940 hayek-keynes debate
>fiscal policy (spending inverse to business cycle) vs doing nothing
>keynes was right (although hayek has interesting philosophical insights, and developed price theory)
>1980 Keynesianism mild setback, milton friedman proved stagflation
>fast forward, [current year], 2008 crises, keynes popular again

also moderate-right but orthodox blogs

Another one

wow what a big shitload of crap to read
here. read this
>Humanity’s governing rule system has generated a fatal contradiction. There is a deep-structural contradiction between its life-means support-system requirements, on the one hand, and the global system of private money-sequence and commodity growth, on the other. It is not, as Marx taught, a contradiction between productive force development and capitalist relations because both grow in technological tandem while the world burns. It is a deeper contradiction of the ruling system with life and life support systems themselves. The meaning of this crisis has been tracked throughout this study from

>heritage foundation


>correlation is causation

Yes, because those Keynesian policies sure worked in america...Wait they didn't fix the great depression until WW2? Wait they didn't get proper economic recovery numbers until Keynes included government spending in GDP calculations? Really makes me think...And lets not forgot how quickly the UK recovered after WW2! Oh wait, it took almost a decade for them to do so...W-well there's always the japanese mira-...Shit.

True. Austrian economics is a joke created by Jews. Praxeology literally boils down to "I'm right, a priori." Most Jewish thing imaginable. Post-keynesianism is the economics of the aryan master race

>t.someone who doesn't understand praxeology.

>0 arguments

>0 arguments

So much this.

I understand it. It's a priori. No Austrian kikenomics adherent argues otherwise.

>>they don't use scientific method, no maths, no statistics, nothing, just speculation

In order to use the scientific method you need to isolate variables and the experiment needs to be repeatable.

Also this is one of the reasons why pharmaceutical tests only on prisioners instead of rats or dogs would result on inconclusive results as you can't isolate variables on them.

How can you isolate variables on an economy, you can't. How can anyone do a peer review and repeat an experiment? Not possible.

on the other side of the token
heres a video on it
>the extinction of man

this totally isn't propaganda for the rich you guys

What you fail to realize is that Keynes was right for the short run. Lowering interest rates and bailing out companies keeps an economy from collapsing. The problem is that the Austrians are right in the long term. Keynes is the reason we have a massive culture of consumerism by the way.

Correlation is evidence, not causation. It's also very ironic that you'd bring that up. Do you know one of the main differences between the Chicago and Austrian Schools? The Chicago School treats correlations in statics as more concrete data that equations can be made from, while Austrians are much more skeptical due to the chaotic nature of an economy and the infinite number of changing variables. In this argument, the Austrians are actually following the scientific method while the Chicago is only sorta following it (kinda like the soft sciences do).

t. 56% mutt

If you have any clue how austrian arguments are actually structured (I:E by logically infallible axioms, built within the context of the real world) you'd probably have a better argument then "muh kikez"

People always ask me, 'user, how do you post in so many threads on Sup Forums???' and I always tell them 'well, you see, I use a highly sophisticated Enterprise Grade proxy service called'. It lets me post on Sup Forums, and other websites, as much as I want - without getting banned! I've been banned over 894 times and yet I can keep posting! With I have the confidence to get back to what truly matters: shitposting whenever and however I want! *FUCK* the mods. They're a bunch of faggots who can't do dick to stop me!

Ask your doctor today if is right for YOU.

What's your opinion on the Chicago School?

They are bringing up that is you have a monopoly in a free market, that means that the monopoly is catering to it's customers so well that nobody is competing with them.

>Is so retarded he has to resort to literal memes just to keep posting in his own thread.

One of the things you notice when talking to someone about economics, an amateur armchair LARPer will talk about "schools" which there are none, there is 90% consensus cuck

learn some basic economics and get back to me

>dependent upon mining
thats why it works, very hard to expand supply

>by logically infallible axioms,
So, exactly what I said. "I'm right, a priori."

And there is no such thing as "logically infallible axiom." That's why they're axioms, since they are not logically deduced from previous statements.

>other side of the token

If there is any gap in the logical reasoning of any austrian theory, it's refuted because of that. That's the entire point, they can't just hold up like a retard (much like yourself) and say "muh a priori". The austrian school literally wouldn't fucking exist, because there would be no standards, anyone could say whatever they wanted.

And the consensus is with free market economics in general. Plus this is a logical fallacy argument.

>gold standard is unstable and not a viable currency, susceptible to fraud and dependent upon mining
Stopped reading right there. Say what you will about the gold standard, it still beats constant empty inflation.

>my ideal society is objectively the best
>said every society ever in history

I like Friedman, but I wont ride his dick, he was wrong about some stuff, ie:

You realize natural monopolies would exist in any system due to the scarcity involved with them? Their existence doesn't refute anything relating to monopolies formed via competition.

>hello, i’m an ancap

Fucking shill to the max. Do you have a fucking clue about Keynesian economics?

>at least they had the balls to try it
>unlike ancaps

Is everyone just going to ignore that the great intellectual behind this thread, obviously has no clue what he's talking about, and half the time posts shit without having read it in the first place?

What's keeping people from competing with that monopolies? Obviously if there is a lot of money in that market then investors would love to back someone who wants to compete with that monopoly. This is a retarded Marxist belief that isn't taken seriously by economist by the way.

>i asked my mom (who likes gadsen flag and is proud tea party member) what she think, she b sayin "gobmint get out, gibs me dats welfare" also i read muray royhberd, he b sayin lik breedoms n shiieet


I know right... Because fiats are so fucking stable....