So according to the "reasonable" people on the Alt-Right

...the fair and aimed solution to the browning of Europeans is setting up a system where non-whites are bribed to leave the country. However, how will this be implemented and will this not be taken with hostility by the ever-increasing radicalized left and minorities?
>Umm, elect representatives to do it right?
If you falsely assume the democratic system works that is.

According to these people in the Alt-Right, "liberal" democracies and the ability to fatten up on McDonald's is supposedly the epitome of western civilization. However, everything disastrous about the modern world, whether it be immigration, corporatism, hypersexualized culture, and literal brainwash of youth via forced institutionalization have not just been the result of Communism, Socialism, and Jews, but the recent revival of the "progressive" democratic process. The last time democracies became an enveloping international force, it collapsed under the pressures of its globalistic outcomes and corruption so horribly that it plunged Europe and the scientific, artistic, and pragmatic world into 500+ years of darkness.
>B-b-but I want to go to Mars under the Amerimutt flag

According to these people in the Alt-Right, different people have different religions so we should agree to disagree. However, no society in human history has existed under the guise of semi-atheism, semi-paganism, and semi-Christianity except in the degenerate overtaced shitholes of city-states or the underground gutters of Rome at its end. A country is nationalistically demoralized and weakened without the presence of a state religion. The reason why some people may think the "just be nice" culture of the past 50 years is viable is because of forced government institutionalizm that coincidentally also promotes race-mixing and self-genocide. More evidence against their weakness is the fact that Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world, whether that be beneficial or not.

According to this kike bitch the Holocaust happened.

Anyone have any more ideas for discussion beyond these useless e-celebs taking 20 years to have a one-sided conversation about their useless opinions while stroking their egos and begging for Patreon donations?

The alt-right is a jewish operation. You can't trust anything they say.
Most of them are degenerates and most of them are not even white to begin with.

From left to right
>kike ancestors
>70% white, 9% Italian
>"everyone in Quebec has native blood" "I don't even care about there being minorities, I'm a moral nihilist"

They will be forcibly removed. We don't care about leftshit opinions.

>anything less than a violent civil war that kills lots of whites is anti-white


The aims of the alt-right are not going to happen democratically any time soon. The goal of the alt-right is to lay the groudwork for a cultural change within white consciousness. We're not very concerned about the logistics of how the minorities will leave, but humans tend to self sort themselves anyway. We see this in gentrification and white flight. When you leave humans alone without intervention they naturally form areas where they interact with their own race. Sorting will not be as difficult as we think. As far as America goes; I am fine with multicultural America continuing to exist, but several US states need to be reserved for us as the white ethnostate.

But unfortunately they're taking too long and hogging up the "pooblic spayze" derailing their audiences and not actually investigating any realistic answers for what's going on and how to fix it.

Whites peacefully went from being a majority to a minority. Why not reverse the trend through policy change. Give me a reason why Whites cannot go from being a minority to a majority without violence.

the "alt-right" is a term used by the MSM to lump anyone young and rightwing into the same group.
>Sup Forums is not one person
>Sup Forums is a board of peace
>Sup Forums is satire
fuck off with your e-celeb faggotry
>in all fields

When things ramp up, no one is going to put Tara McCarthy at the helm to call the shots. Her value isn't in setting long-term strategy, and anyone who matters understands that. She exists as one of many stepping stones between Fox News and 1488.

It doesn't matter if she knows that's her role or not. Let her keep saying these things, so long as she's at least a step-and-a-half to the right of center. People will be roped into identitarianism by her softened tones on ethnonationalism, but the only people who matter will--like yourself--come to realize her solutions don't go far enough.

But cutting her off right now is a bad move. She's valuable not for our sakes, but for the sake of people in transition mode. If you cut her (and others like her) off, you'll be asking many people to make too great of a leap all at once.

Cut her off in the future if, but only if, the the center keeps moving to the right, but she insists on staying put.

Anyone that actually cares about getting rid of them doesn’t listen to them

>The alt-right is a jewish operation.
Shut the fuck up you retard. It's not even centralized, its a loose group of white nationalists. At-Right simply means white nationalist. That's all it means.

Nice damage control, Schlomo.

>solution to the browning of Europeans

easy: cut welfare to ZERO for non-natives.

"e-celeb" is a lingustic killshot used by jews to prevent right wing ideas from spreading beyond Sup Forums.


Oh sure, why don't you just swim over there and tell Merkel and her friends your great idea. Or better yet, wait for France or Italy to wake the fuck up 20 years too late and still be too cucked to do anything.

You're not white, why does anything you type or say matter? It doesn't.

This 100%.

Why not just purge them?

Just start with a couple dozen the rest will run away.

The frustrating part is that people like OP will talk nonstop shit while failing to suggest better ideas. And then when someone does come along and offer a better idea, they just aim their autistic screeching efforts at them because they don't actually want to be happy, they just want to piss and moan on the internet.

Yeah much of Sup Forums doesn't understand the value of having a spectrum of people with varying beliefs to act as an ideological bridge for people who are beginning to swallow the red pill. Nobody goes 1488 over night and even Sargon is an asset to us, (especially since he has gone to war with the alt-right and now his entire audience is very familiar with what we believe.)

>Public figure x doesn't name the Jew
>Public figure names the Jew

This is the state of Sup Forums today.

Yeah, Europe is fucked. And it isn't even the migrants, it's the pozzed natives. Only 25% of the population support the anti-immigration party, and that's with daily grenade attacks and mass Somali rape gangs. Whites are literally a minority in London, and these pozzed Europeans want to bring in MOAR. Every time I read that news I'm flabbergasted, how do you guys not have a Trump or Hitler? Euros deserve their fate. Live by the POZ, die by the POZ.

>The frustrating part is that people like OP will talk nonstop shit while failing to suggest better ideas.
That's the thing, I don't know if I have better answers. However, I know the answers they provided are shit and I'm asking you faggots for a real discussion for once.

My ideas:
>We all start being totally fucking honest about what we think is going on in our daily lives. If a leftist doesn't make sense, debate them then and there. Shut down their argument by knowing exactly what you're talking about.
>Avoid all Jewish people you know. Don't talk to them. Don't date them. Don't try to be involved with anything around them. If they're being a leftist kike, debate them.
>Collectivize the redpilled beliefs of the people you trust that actually make sense and start reforming religion. Make one that is based on these values and shill them.

It's not difficult to come up with ideas outside of "subscribe to my Patreon".

For the state, let it collapse and be reborn naturally. No democracy because leadership is a necessity for survival. No constitutionalized kikable parliament.

DO NOT racemix. Anyone you know who racemixes, let them know why they shouldn't (Elliot Roger). If you cannot confront them openly then joke them into understanding.

Yeah, I can concede that a 'spectrum' is useful, but at the same time, a lot of the 'talking heads' are antithetical to the overall success/cohesiveness of the movement. Tara, for example, is a feminist. MW is a homosexual. Spencer is a semi-autistic Duginist atheist.

Promote shitty people and you win shitty prizes.

My idea is better: Accelerate the atomization information age. More alternative news, more alternative narratives. Destroy the establishment's (or the Cathedral's, if you're more well read) hold on the narrative. Create so many parallel institutions that you flood the "marketplace of ideas" and bring about a "crash", a situation of late-Soviet hyperreality where the present order is no longer tenable or feasible. From there, it's all a matter of installing the proper Yeltsin to come in and offering a better life.

> Oh hey what's going on in this time li-

"It will probably be asked, Why not retain and incorporate the blacks into the state, and thus save the expence of supplying, by importation of white settlers, the vacancies they will leave? Deep rooted prejudices entertained by the whites; ten thousand recollections, by the blacks, of the injuries they have sustained; new provocations; the real distinctions which nature has made; and many other circumstances, will divide us into parties, and produce convulsions which will probably never end but in the extermination of the one or the other race."

-Thomas Jefferson

Exactly, (((((democracy)))) is a cancer.

Yeah I wish we had better horses in the race. I think some of it has to do with the social suicide that comes with publicly voicing these views carries today. i'm sure there are many people willing to bat for us who won't because they're afraid of getting doxxed and losing their jobs and being shunned by their families. Consequently the people brave enough to speak for us are weirdos in some way. I predict higher quality people emerge soon. I really love Red Ice they should be way more popular than they are. Classy, great optics, no vulgarity like Enoch and no Smarmy Lex Luthor vibe like Spencer.

This can be helped by what I said with confronting people. If you're afraid of getting stabbed by a nigger, have a non-kike buddy with you who understands and will back you up. Slowly as every schnozzy bastard autistically screeching into a microphone gets shut down by logic, society will be open to understanding. We are in face getting closer. Trust in the MSM is at an all time low. This is the time to strike. We don't even have to do real activism, we hijack the idiocy of others like with "my borders my choice" or "it's ok to be white". Let them shill us themselves and we should all be shutting them down harshly.

>Lex Luthor vibe

Exactly, I always ask the pro-Spencerites this question: Why is it that Spencer has a platform to present his views, but Jared Taylor does not?

It's because Spencer is tangentially controlled opposition - i.e. he may not be funded by any anti white groups/feds and he may not even realise it, but his aesthetic and vibe are that of a fucking cartoon villain. He's so very easy to dismiss.

RedIce is alright, though, just not a fan of the Pagan slant - I prefer someone like Nick (inb4 he's not white).

Actually, I'd rather just kill them.

>the most pro-Iranian, pro-Assad group in the western world is controlled by Jews

do you think about things before you say them

>Why is it that Spencer has a platform to present his views, but Jared Taylor does not?

Exactly. Jared Taylor got banned from twitter because he's a much better spokesman for white nationalism.


That's no more beneficial of a solution than keeping with the status quo. You will turn people against you and everyone you agree with. Unless civil society declines significantly enough or a majority of people openly hold your viewpoint that's a wasteful blip on the radar of "ebil crazy radicalized whites".

So then why didn't VDare get banned? Why didn't IE get banned? Why didn't Allsup get banned, or Jazzhands McFeels, or any of the other spokesmen?

Stop attributing malice to what is most likely incompetence. Taylor and AmRen was just a paltry gesture, because twitter has always half-assed their banhammer mechanisms and always will.

I don't think it's possible for an organic social movement to succeed in the modern era like they did before. leftists took almost a century to bring their plan to fruition, and it involved completely hijacking the courts, k-12 education system, universities, and bureaucracy. 100 years later and their agenda is still resisted, albeit by a deflating minority of people. Immigration has ensured that.

I'm of the position that it is almost impossible for the right to properly collectivize to fight the internationalist destruction of the United States. The internet allows for too much information to be available at once, creating few shared experienced for people to create common ideological outlooks. You read a book by Sowell, I read Dugin, he read Nietzsche. We get nowhere. There's little common ground even amongst those on the harder edges of the right. Pagan, Christian, Atheist.

Think of what the internet has done to music. There is little commonality in taste in the modern era, spotify allows you almost unlimited customization in musical listening preferences. The internet is doing the same for politics.

So how do you succeed? You'd have to boil the right to the purest essence that will get the most people on board without destroying its message. And that means dropping fringe issues, and I'm going to include unfettered libertarianism and white nationalism in that. For my fellow Ameribros, WN is a numerically impossible game. We cannot win a majority being 55% of the population, when 1/3 of us are basically communists, we need coalitions. And right now Donald Trump is doing just that, uniting so many different brands under one umbrella, its amazing actually. Once the internationalist are defeated, we can argue other things. But I don't see that happening.

tl;dr: The left has consolidated for 100 years, we're just starting. Spoiler, we do not have 100 years to do the same. The right must unite, ALL OF IT, but it never will. America is doomed.

That's a good summary of their tactics. Pretending to be some hardcore 1488 while countering people that are pro-white. Seeing people being called ''Jews'' is my favourite, they just throw that around like candy. A true polack is recognized from providing evidence when making accusing statements. The shill never provides anything, and they will simply shout louder.

A group full of degenerates consisting of mostly non-whites trying to get white men to do certain things for their benefit is most definitely controlled by jews.

>I'm of the position that it is almost impossible for the right to properly collectivize to fight the internationalist destruction of the United States
Why should we prioritize repairing this country if what you said is true? Should we not be doing the opposite? Should we not incite the people away from Jewish hypnotism and let what's left of our experiment of a system to crumble? If that's all we can do and if that's the best shot for our grandchildren then the state we have should be rightly abandoned.

>The frustrating part is that people like OP will talk nonstop shit while failing to suggest better ideas

doesn't matter, you don't need a 'counter solution' to dismantle an idiotic idea like giving shekels to blacks so they can go to a shithole country. If none of these solutions can stand the test of reason then it should be discarded. Socratic method nigga.

>Seeing people being called ''Jews'' is my favourite
Or maybe it's because these people tend to derail us and hold us back. If they really are wonderful then name one you want as your leader and know will do a great job.

You're too pessimistic. Violence is the engine of history.

I hope you realize your thread has been invaded by people pretending to be "pro white", and their method is to act sophisticated and "above" people like me and you so they then hijack the overall message and divert it from it's original goals so they can sabotage the whole thing.
You are being shilled, I hope you realize this.

Hmm. So does that mean you're going to go out tomorrow and shoot everyone? Are you going to make your motive clear? How far do you intend on succeeding, a block? If it really is the answer then I'd like to know.

So what is your fair solution? Tossing them in gas chambers while praising Hitler for the holocaust (which according to you never happened).
Stormfags are the cancer of right wing nationalism

Here are my ideas regarding Europe.
#1. Stop importing the infinitely replenishing supply of Africans and creating conditions that allow for that infinitely replenishing supply to replenish faster, this stretching out the system of suffering throughout the African continent you pieces of shit.
#2. Stop trying to carry out Hitler's backup plan to convert Europe to Islam in order to create an unstoppable driven army of global domination.

Of course I do, but I also hold the belief that to some degree we should logically confront then because some idiot out there is going to believe it.

see >#1. Stop importing the infinitely replenishing supply of Africans
How? Who's going to stop this? You? Are you just going to do it tomorrow? If you get enough people to agree, do you plan on signing a pitiful petition begging your kike overlords of a government to stop it?
>#2. Stop trying to carry out Hitler's backup plan to convert Europe to Islam
I didn't say that fuckhead. Do your eyes strain from reading two more sentences?

It's not going to crumble, the new communists are going to take over. If you think communism is dead, you are in for a rude awakening my friend. Internationalism is the new communism. Prepare for the enslavement of you and your descendants for the profit of a small cabal of internationalists.

People laughed at Alex Jones, but all the stuff that is happening now he predicted 20 years ago. Balkanization, divide and conquer, endless immigration. All we're missing is the world population reduction. The EU migration crisis was planned 70 YEARS AGO. This is all by design.

Like Dugin has said, the easiest way to divide people is by race and other tribalist affiliations. You think BLM, LA Raza, Femen, and Antifa are natural movements? No, they're funded by people like Geroge Soros. That's why I'm so suspicious of Spencer, he has all the hallmarks of a divide and conquer agent provocateur.

Basic story, this is much bigger then just white, antiwhite is a big part of it, but everyone is fucked. We need to collectivize, shutdown the UN and all these international bodies, and then take control of our country from these communists.

Paying non whites to go away is just like how the Roman Empire tried paying the Huns to go away during the collapse of the Roman Empire. It didn't work.

We should learn from the mistakes of the Romans and just take swift, brutal actions to deal with aliens rather than rewarding them for intrusion.

If you think you’re going to go around killing brown people and impress some aryan white girl and marry her you’re smoking crack. The reality is giving blacks or Hispanics a juicy check to leave the country gives them incentive to actually leave but if they are like they will do whatever they can to cause the country discomfort (Mexican btw)

>you want as your leader
Why the fuck do any of them have to be a leader? The point is to spread the truth or lead people to it. They're doing well at that so far.

All of those ideas do not exclude raising awareness and lobbying for political change from within the system.
We should do both, hence why the alt right is useful.
The only thing I disagree with in your post is the "collapse of the state is good". I a western state collapses you can bet foreign powers will move in, either overtly or in a more subtle way, to take complete control

>Prepare for the enslavement of you and your descendants for the profit of a small cabal of internationalists.
Like that hasn't already happened.
>but all the stuff that is happening now he predicted 20 years ago
Interesting, as just a few generations ago understood before him. He must be psychic. I definitely will buy his merch.
>Like Dugin has said, the easiest way to divide people is by race and other tribalist affiliations.
This is an inevitability. We only claim to hate it because we're brainwashed into loving multiculturalism.
>That's why I'm so suspicious of Spencer, he has all the hallmarks of a divide and conquer agent provocateur.
It's already understood by me that he's a shill.
>We need to collectivize, shutdown the UN and all these international bodies, and then take control of our country from these communists.
That's not gonna happen with picket fences or machine guns. Think of Vietnam war protesters or Waco.
>We should learn from the mistakes of the Romans and just take swift, brutal actions to deal with aliens rather than rewarding them for intrusion.
Great, call up our military and tell them your plan. Or better yet, make easy martyrs of them to alienate your beliefs from society.

You need to think about collecting more people who agree with you first.

Soros is dividing us from migrants by bringing them here? These people were on the other side of the world up until very recently. I never even saw a non white in person until I was a teen and I'm only in my 20s.


These boobie streamers are almost all unmarried and childless. No idea why edgy 16 year olds give them money and attention. None of them practice what they preach and many are degenerates/ coal burners.

>Ethnostate yeah! Give me just $50 a month and I'll pretend to be waifu material.

There are no reasonable people on the Alt-Right. The movement will eventually devolve into white "purists" telling other white people who support their movement they aren't white. The only people "white" enough to be in the ethnostate are a very small group of people who nobody would probably want to live with anyway.

We're being drowned with third world immigration. The people who come here end up not caring about the country and just want to fleece it, they have no skin in the game.

If you agree that those internationalist powers are the real enemy, then you see how these splintered right identities are a problem. Whoever is willing to take arms take arms, that needs to be our attitude. Every corner of the Right tribal affiliations are being exploited to weaken the fragile allegiance we have under Trump. What about if he doesn't run again? He's an old man, he might not want to or be able to. What will we do then? Get some POZZED Republican? Or drown under a million different candidates of a split right? UNITE THE RIGHT. Smash communism.

Nick is pretty reasonable, but he's disavowed the alt-right label. I think he sees what I'm saying in this thread, we have major issues facing us as a country, and we need to unit over them. Real nationalism.

>They're doing well at that so far.
They have succeeded in convincing a massive amount of people to agree with them, not in entailing an argument that can carry any weight. If these people are to be understood as exceptional within our circles then they need to improve what they're saying.

>All of those ideas do not exclude raising awareness and lobbying for political change from within the system.
Man I truly wish I agreed with you but it's not gonna work my friend. When was the last time our governments listened to reasonable judgements? If they listened have they passed or done anything that has actually helped beyond mild repairs or besides drug laws to enrich federal agencies?
>I disagree with in your post is the "collapse of the state is good"
I don't think state collapse is good, but as a realistic future I don't in my mind foresee any other option for us. All I know is there is no taking back of positions in leadership or getting the reforms we need. If you can address this then feel free.
>Every corner of the Right tribal affiliations are being exploited to weaken the fragile allegiance we have under Trump.
He's not enough. No matter how united the right will be what we need will not occur under this system itself.

The alt right is gay. It's a gay name and it's populated by gay people. Some of them literally gay.

Not modern history, there's a reason MLK was able to spread Marxist ideals throughout 1960's America.

Smart (((people))) propped him up..
Funded him
Stirred the shit to produce social backlash
Inevitable violence occurs, good thing we wrote his speeches months ago preaching non violence(same as your Jesus white man!)
Kill him using the violence you told him to condemn
Effectively martyrize a Marxist and affix him to US history

> What about his obvious connections and concerning track record?

Don't worry, by the time it's public knowledge we'll have already won

>setting up a system where non-whites are bribed to leave the country
No it's called gas in enclosed confinements.

I disagree, I think what you'll find is less white flight and more white influx into shit areas. There's more fight and less flight mentality emerging slowly.

>The aims of the alt-right are not going to happen democratically any time soon.
bollocks, Israel will be extinguished within a decade if they continue their bullshit.

"Blah blah blah Alt-Right. Blah blah blah muh sciences."

Good God, you sound like me when I was a fucking liberal in my early twenties and you make me want to strangle you. Go outside in the real World and actually find something to bitch about! Loser!!

Saving that shit. Will post it constantly.

Genetic modification will make the Alt Right obsolete

Nigerian mothers will give birth to 300 IQ Eurasian super men

Great, then we won't be needed anymore. Shitskins can build their own successful societies instead of having to leach off of ours, and everyone will be smart enough to see through the Zionist plot so they'll go down as well. Literally no problems with this.

>Genetic modification will make the Alt Right obsolete
The alt right?
I think you mean the full right. And no it would cement it, not make it obsolete. It'll become the majority at that stage.

Which is why I think our individuality is becoming increasingly threatened.

>...the fair and aimed solution to the browning of Europeans is setting up a system where non-whites are bribed to leave the country. However, how will this be implemented and will this not be taken with hostility by the ever-increasing radicalized left and minorities?

thats what you tell the normies, its reality you just threatnen to genocide them once you are in power. and actually do so if they don't fuck off. (then much later you conquer their land anyway for lebensraum for your people).

in 5 years SURLY we will be living on mars, why care for current europe anyway, am I right bro?!?

>However, how will this be implemented and will this not be taken with hostility by the ever-increasing radicalized left and minorities?
I could ask, how the fuck is multiracial democracy going to be fucking implemented in a way that works? It's not. And yet, we're forced to eat that up, so, yeah, we don't have to have perfect solutions or account for every what-if contingency.
How will we implement our plan of incentivizing nonwhite flight from our territory? Imperfectly and in a manner that is adaptive to changing realities on the ground. Does that answer your shitty little gotcha bullshit sufficiently?
>According to these people in the Alt-Right, "liberal" democracies and the ability to fatten up on McDonald's is supposedly the epitome of western civilization.
Uh, no, that's not what the AltRight says, you're full of shit or you're just retarded and enjoy fighting strawmen.

>According to these people in the Alt-Right, "liberal" democracies and the ability to fatten up on McDonald's is supposedly the epitome of western civilization.
Pretty sure Richard Spencer in particular said specifically that this was the problem with Western civilization, not the epitome of it. Problems with democracy are widely acknowledged so the premise on which you build your argument is just total shit.

Most fascist states where very secular and only attacked religions institutions hostile to it's existence.

>According to this kike bitch the Holocaust happened.
She is not the leader of the alt-right so don't use her as a strawman to attack others.

>call everyone a jewmutt, that will work