How are you planning to create an ethnostate without resorting to violence...

How are you planning to create an ethnostate without resorting to violence? Deporting such a massive amount of people is impossible and unconstitutional, so it's not going to happen. And even if you hypothetically did it, it would leave the US as a social pariah and make China the next superpower by accepting those refugees bolster their economy. Anyway you look at it, it's a dumb idea.

That's about all. Peace out.

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this is how


Build a Native American Ethnostate and a White ethnostate side by side in the untamed wilderness, one will have the other's back.
Racial purity must survive.

I honestly can't wait for some dumb ass Democrat to be president again just so all these dumbass E-celebs will have to get a real job. Fuck off shill kike lolbertarian.

find a place without people and take it
coincidentally most places without people are cold and we're fine in the colds
if liberals are right Antarctica will thaw just in time

Bro, styx is /ourguy/
he legitimately wants to know so he can participate.

Why is violence off the table out of curiosity?

>prioritize European immigrants over the rest of the world
>slowly over time america becomes an ethnostate
It's that easy, no civil war needed

Suspend the constitution, revoke Haebeus Corpus, and start executing people.

because it's against the US constitution.

>How are you planning to create an ethnostate without resorting to violence?
By leaving the non whites behind.

Violence will be absolutely necessary, which is why it won’t happen. Whites are too scared to fight, and are especially scared to fight nonwhites because muh (((optics))). But really has there EVER been a state that was created without violence, and a lot of it?

if millions came peacefully, millions can leave peacefully

He's just shilling even if we were to try it he wouldn't have anything good to say about it. He made his point where he stands.

Implying the constitution of the US can't be changed and implying that working with the structure of the US is a good thing. Learn from mistakes don't make the mistakes the USA made again.

You create an ethnic enclave then creep outwards. It's never going to be a full ethnostate, but a special administration zone kinda works.

if a democrat becomes president again,their will be no real jobs anymore

you can bet your ass he'd be on his way in a heart beat if we established the ethnostate, it's just too dank for any white man to resist.

Ethnostate is idiotic larping. Skin color and race do not determine culture. Liberals hijacked American culture and turned the Cosby blacks from the 80's and 90's into weaponized race tools so they could leverage power.

Destroy liberals, and you save America. Save America, and you save the world. Liberals are the cancer infecting all of humanity.

Listen here spoonclank man.


Styx is a utopian peacenik faggot


Funny, I thought Jefferson was in favor of violence against a tyrannical government of JEWS.


You can't. Political power, at the end of the day, comes from the barrels of guns wielded by men who are willing to use them. However, in the event of Balkanization of the U.S., a small amount of 'pour encourager les autres' would mean that a lot of people would get the message and flee.

>tfw styx has literally had enough of centrists and leftists giving him shit for no reason and pledged us his spoon

I knew he'd come through

"WHatabout whatabout whatabout" - Styx "let the white race go quietly into the night as long as those replacing them do it's legally it's alright" Hexenhammer666

same, styx reminds me of a wizard from ancient times, no doubt has aided many knights in battle

We're planning on violence, faggot.

with lots and lots of violence.


honestly a little bit of this. i'd say triage some of the southwest and give it to the mexicans. southern california especially. northern land west of the mississippi goes to the NDNs, east goes to the whites. the blacks go back to africa, the muslims and poos, i dunno, die. the asians can chill out with the natives but only if their numbers do not exceed 1/4 of the NDN population (same for spics and whites who don't want to come east, leaving some miscegenation, yes, but phenotypically it should even out in favor of the NDNs). then, wait for the reconquistas to attempt to take a mile for their inch, and blast them six ways to hell and retake their land down to the panama canal.

OH i forgot. that mississippi dividing line? yeah that extends north through canada. sorry leafs, the time has come. assimilation or annihilation. your choice.

you don't turn the entire country into an ethnostate

you start in the upper north west which is already mostly white

and give the blacks an ethnostate in the lower south east which is mostly black

the states in between can be multicultural zones that operate as usual and where people from the new ethnostates can move before deciding if they want to join

peaceful population transfers have been done in Europe following WW1, when the map of Europe was redrawn along ethnic lines

Styx has his shit together man. Most coherent and logically solid "e-celeb" of them all.

Dude is doing circles around you white-supremacy-brainwashed neanderthals.

In my life I've never come across someone who is consistently and repeatedly vindicated.

Y'all Nu Nazi R-tards could learn a thing or two if you stopped living in the past.

t. le ebin plebbit (((right-winger)))
Go back to the_donald you fucking kike slave

styx is a fence sitter that doesn't contribute to the conversation at all

shyaddup bitch

>expect neo-Nazis to have pragmatic solutions to anything


Damn that looks violent, he must really want to go home.

Nice try at changing the subject

>Hispanics (18% of the population [most have at least 50% European ancestry]) get BLEACHED into Castizos
>these Castizos get bleached again into full Whites
>America in the year 2065 is 89% White now
>adding to this is exponentially growing breakthroughs in bio-medical engineering via cosmetic genetic manipulation therapy via A.I. help in research
>along with covert sterilizing and feminization of 3rd world male population
>finally, culling most of humanity via weaponized nanotechnology

>make China the next superpower by accepting those refugees bolster their economy

>implying non-violence is a prerequisite
>implying state formation is ever nonviolent
>implying politics = / = violence
Nice chatting kike

Its not a matter of if their will be violence. Its a matter of if you want it to be visited upon your children or your grand children. The jewish media is already openly supporting violence against whites, taking your freedom of speech, and taking your guns, Politics is merely a prelude to violence

>China would take in millions of niggers
>Somehow they would boost its economy and not be a huge financial drain as they have been in every single other countries

Do you think for a minute before writing dumb shit ?

The ethnostate is only possible when the U.S collapses.

Preppers are mostly white. I'm surprised survival companies haven't hit up Spencer to shill their products.


Don't you have somewhere you ought to be starving right now?

It's been done before, India ejected the British colonialism in 1947, despite inviting them in some 150 years earlier!



>Deporting such a massive amount of people is impossible
If Hitler can transport 6 million in 1940's, burgers can do it today easily.

Styx is a dopey looking civcuck with stupid ideas. He should marry razorfist and fuck off

Essentially this. When the currency inevitably fails, it's game over and we start playing a new level, with different rules.

This. China is basically a fucking ethnostate in of itself with practically other places like Africa, mexico (its in their constitution no really) and the middle east but nooooo whitey can't have a homeland anymore.

HAHA China is an ETHNOSTATE genius.


Bunch of negresses stutter their way through a 'takedown' of that stream with Spencer and Sargoy, accompanied by Kevin 'potato' Logan and some interchangeable cucks. See how much you can listen to

>WHoooooooa! Based!

I was one of the few white kids in my college course. There were less than 10 of us.

We probably wouldn't need to resort to violence. Segregation happens naturally.

>Communism is a welfare state
>Communists are authoritarian and the people are constantly starving
Make up your mind

>segregation is deportation
You were really in college?

I didn't say anything about deportation, you illiterate, cum-sucking commie cuck.

But still, segregation will happen naturally whether you want it to or not.

>Guy who calls himself styxhexenhammer666 looks exactly like you would expect of someone who calls themselves styxhexenhammer666

Christ, I don't even know what his stances are, I can't get past the absolutely autistic way he presents himself. If soyboys aren't ok, then this isn't either. Is it shtick? Is it part of his "thing"?

It is a welfare state that doesn't produce enough money within the state, and has too many failed policies to feed it's people.

We will give up none of the continental United States. Come up with a new plan. This land mass will not be allowed to turn into Europe

I'm not a fan of him but he's definitely not as bad as thought he would be.
But yeah, he really does.

Damn shame. I probably won't be looking into his shit then. I listen to Hard Bastard's stuff on youtube all the time because I appreciate his no-nonsense approach to all the stories he goes in on, and I know that styx is a regular fixture in his audience and streams. Too bad he can't stop looking like a retard.

it will never happen

>start video
>tab out and listen without watching
>problem instantly solved

One of the first acts of the US government was to mass deport Crown loyalists to Canada. If mass deportation is unconstitutional then why would the people that wrote the US constitution do it?

The whole system you live under now is unconstitutional anyhow. It far exceeded its constitutional scope a very long time ago.

It's too late. I've already seen his pigeon chest and his granny hair and his stupid fucking glasses all incomprehensibly stuffed into some YMCA locker room glory hole leather bar getup.

Its all I would be able to picture the second I learn that his voice is similarly as nasally and grating as I expect.


Herees what you do.

>acquire land rightfully the common law way
>Establish your earthship homes/greenhouses/warehouses/tool shops
>create a work economy on site along with setting up internet tower for online employment/work
>When you establish a mostly closed resource loop you then can either declare your own juris diction or wait until cops/govt come to YOUR land seeking payment or property for the old ignorant and evil reasons.
>then when the armed infantry invades you for refusal you are not violent when you respond to their violence with force, superior or not

>how are you going to create a new nation, with self independance, which requires a revolution involving a certain ethnic group, without breaking a few eggs? YOU CANT, therefore it wont work. And if you say we need to break a few eggs and use violence, just like Israel did, just like British colonialists did founding America, just like Russia did recently retaking Crimea, then you are MORALLY CORRUPT SIR AND I WILL NAHHHHTTT CONTINUE THIS DISCUSSION.

Why are people, supposidly intelligent like Styxx, such almighty cucked, history and human nature denying morons when it comes to something as simple as establishing a new nation, or shrinking its borders/receeding into an ethnic state.


the problem is I think Richard spencer didnt reply with my points, he just "um ahh'd" about it cause he didnt want to say violence is neccessary and use direct examples throughout human history, including modern ukraine/russia crissis and israel/palestine conflict etc etc, USAs history being founded on displacing natives.
So styxx managed to have a smug victory based on appeal to emotion, or appeal to the fact the alt-right are cowardly faggots who havent actually thought this simple discussion out and plans on how to establish their ethno-state (Which i totally approve. Cant have whites being spitroasted into extinction by every undeserable mud race on earth flooding their nations)

Yes, cant make an ethno-omelet without cracking a few nog and kike skull eggshells.

See for visuals

Thank you for your understanding. Have a nice day. God save the Queen wot wot.

Not even a white nationalist, but why exactly is genocide impossible? Because it's 'unconstitutional'? I thought Hitler has already shown how much regard these types of totalitarian movements have for constitutions.

HUGE difference between force and violence. Diametrically opposed terms

This. People have been genociding each other since the dawn of time. Not really sure what would stop them now.

Apparently the Constitution (that is treated like a rag by American governments since at least the Civil War and has been mostly replaced by so-called constitutional law) will magically stop any violence.

>How are you planning to create an ethnostate without resorting to violence?

>Deporting such a massive amount of people is impossible and unconstitutional, so it's not going to happen.
A constitution is a piece of paper. It has no real world implications.

Pretty much the same reason I don't bother with him. I mean, I won't avoid him, but I don't go seeking him out either.

If only he'd cut his hair, lift, and stop looking like an edgy 14 year old, I could forgive his physical appearance. You can't completely help what you look like, but the things you can, you should.

yeah he made his point and that is him being ok with a white ethnostate...he sees no problem with it at all, the ethnostate itself that is

styx will join us in the ethnostate

If they don't believe that only whites can be naturalized citizens then them invoking the constitution is just ignorant.



Make a socialist shithole out of your country, let them leave but force your people to stay, close borders, bring back capitalism (but real, private schools ect...) profit

How long can he get away with it by simply denying?

He's our guy now, shill.

>China the next superpower by accepting those refugees bolster their economy.

Then they will slowly change from communism to a decadent society and fall until they kick the deadshit weight out.

>taking worthless zero-skill refugees
>taking ANY refugees

>How are you planning to create an ethnostate without resorting to violence? Deporting such a massive amount of people is impossible and unconstitutional, so it's not going to happen. And even if you hypothetically did it, it would leave the US as a social pariah and make China the next superpower by accepting those refugees bolster their economy. Anyway you look at it, it's a dumb idea.
>That's about all. Peace out.

china accept refugees? china goes to great lengths to maintain han superiority and homogeneity

first step is to amend the fair housing act to allow for legalized ethnic enclaves. from there, diversity itself will make top down rule impossible. you end up with something of a swiss canton system with pockets of ethnic homogeneity with mixture in between. at that point, without top down rule wealth redistribution would be eliminated, and then white people just be white people.

why is styx and other lolberts so concerned about the nap against people who want them dead

Why would an older Constitution matter when forming a new Government?