The ride's over

The ride's over.

Time to go home.

good riddance

I want Nakano-san to read my mind while I fantasise about fucking Mana.

I hope shimizu hook ups with mana.

Seems like it could go either way.
On one hand they don't have enough moments to go off of. On the other the pairing is telegraphed from the moment she saw him; straightforward autist who doesn't know what he wants and the socially conscious girl who dislikes him.

In other news, at least Nakano admits she likes Toda now. I just want this particular plot to wrap up unless she tells him about her telepathy.

Nice fresh carton of tasty milk.

>she falls for this pervert
Glad I dropped this shit somewhere after chapter 100.

Honestly I don't think anyone besides Mana is going to find out about her telepathy. At least not any time soon.

Ugh, seriously this. I mean what the hell, how can anyone like that gross guy?!

This is it.
This is the new Sup Forums.
A place where people who have lewd thoughts you'd never realistically know about are considered gross.


Fuck off retard.

I know right? Having sexual fantasies about the girl you have a crush on is disgusting. Eww.

Yeah how dare a series have progress.

It's gonna take another 47 chapters for her to admit it.

Did they finally make up? I remember some anons posting raws of Mana being mean to Nakano.

Now that Aya isn't in denial and after Mana had to put up with the other people talking shit about Aya at karaoke while Aya was working on the festival on her own. Also Aya telling her she loves her (non-romantic) after admitting she does love Hayato.

Also Ayako is annoying in a different manner now.

Does Toad get any development?


What part of my post was mad?

