Why are the Japanese such scumbags?

Why are the Japanese such scumbags?
Why do they feel it's okay to abandon their child if they think it's an inconvenience?
How are they allowed to do this?

Other urls found in this thread:

manga.madokami.al/Manga/B/BA/BALA/Balance Policy

They hate non-conformity. This usually manifests itself in xenophobia, but it extends to hatred of anything that isn't "normal" or makes you stand out. Disabilities are seen as shameful and those that have them are at fault for any "problems" they cause to "normal" people.
As such, society doesn't shame people for treating those with disabilities badly, since society believes they deserve it.

What irks me more is the submission to the parents some characters have. Asians in general are pretty crazy with that, and think they must always do what their parents tell them to do.
And of course a lot of parents are huge cunts

>Disabilities are seen as shameful and those that have them are at fault for any "problems" they cause to "normal" people
In Shouko's case it did cause "problems" to her classmates and teacher - or rather inconveniences - which is why they went full ham on her. People in wheelchairs for instance don't get nearly as much shit even in Japan.

No surprise why older generations and younger generations don't connect very well in recent years. The latter is beginning to rebel and be inspired by the wider world they're exposed to via Internet.

They hate Non-Comformity but 95% of all their media depicts government as worse than the Devil

>95% of all their media depicts government as worse than the Devil
Does it really? Granted, the only Japanese media I'm really exposed to is Anime and Manga, but I don't really see that there.

Similar things happen in the West, but they're usually much more subtle.
Disabilities tend to drive families apart or remove any sort of normal interaction, which leads to a lot of divorces and dysfunctional households. While the disabled child is still technically living with the family, they're still treated more as a problem than an actual member of the household, and can feel just as isolated as if their family completely ignored them.

I wonder how they deal with ADHD.

Most everything I've read, watched, played that has a major government also has it as corrupt.
I'd list them but it would take too long

Why is kawai such a massive bitch?

To be fair, most countries fucking suck at dealing with ADHD. My teachers used to openly mock me in front of the class because I got extra time on exams.

The crazy school pressure in Japan might actually make it worse though.

Ritalin and the like used to be available for people who'd been diagnosed but not anymore.


Does one really need more time in an exam setting? Though I guess I cannot guess at this.

I wonder if sipping a glucose-based drink'd help.

Adderall and practice are the real solution. You just have to learn how to deal with your style of attention. A lot of people don't have that skill by high school, so some school systems give you additional time to sort of compensate for the diminished focus ability.

Teachers and classmates can tend to be real assholes about it though, cause they think it's a form of cheating. I actually stopped using it cause I was so fucking sick of people telling me my test scores didn't count.

I hate this scene. The cheap writing is huge.
Yeah, there are asshole parents who abandon their children, but this scene makes them look like they are villains from some stupid battle shonen.

A little more subtlety doesn't hurt anyone.

>In Shouko's case it did cause "problems" to her classmates and teacher - or rather inconveniences - which is why they went full ham on her. People in wheelchairs for instance don't get nearly as much shit even in Japan.
That's why KnK is a "victim blaming" series. In the end, it's the girl that needs to change.

I can't condemn this series for its lack of subtlety because it's portraying things that actually happen in Japanese society that most people over there are unwilling to admit or face.
Assholes like this exist.

What kind of shit did you pull?

That's usually because making the antagonists members of a corrupt government easily answers a lot of questions the audience might have, like "Where do they get their money?" or "Why aren't the police doing anything about this?". It's just the most convenient option from a storytelling standpoint. Do you also assume that Japanese people think that aliens speak Japanese just because most of them speak it in anime?

I feel like a lack of subtlety, especially in the second half, was one of the most notable flaws of the manga. A frustrating example was when the author gives an explanation of why Yuzuru photographs dead animals. It could have just been a unique character trait, it didn't need to be tied so blatantly to Shouko; it ended up feeling more like a heavy-handed attempt at saying "look how her deafness has affected the people around her" than anything else.

Unfortunately I never really gamed the system, I was too much of a moralfag in high school to take full advantage of what they were giving me. I think once I avoided finishing an exam by never showing up to take my extra time, but I can't remember too well.

Again, they exist, but portraying them as "evil" is just a lazy way to make the reader cry.

C'mon, he married her and had two daughters, but in the end, both he and his parents act as if they were unknown and cold creatures.

Real life is full of assholes, but real life is gray, not black and white.

I think it would have been less forced if he had run away or if his fights with his wife had been portrayed more often. Just a brief: "I do not want you anymore, your baby is broken, goodbye", feels too fake.

How do you feel about the ending? Do you think it was fair of the mangaka to imply that forgiveness is always the right answer? Did it belittle Shouko's character?

I can understand the importance of moving on and letting go of negative emotions, but I don't know how realistic of a message it sends for a bullied girl to become romantically involved with her former bully.

It is a shonen manga, remember.

Yeah, everything was too easy to believe. I mean, forgiving is a handsome gesture, but after all she suffered, make her fall in love with the guy was weird. And considering what Ueno did and the fact that she had not even apologized, ending everyone together got weird too, like "see, shoko, if you had not been so weak and antisocial from the start, none of this shit would have happened, glad you changed!".

But it's drama, not battle.


handsome? wtf

Not him but I found the romance compelling and convincing. The MC works hard to atone and actually changed a lot. He's not the same person and deeply regrets what he did, so forgiving him makes sense.

Where I disagree with the author tho, is the place given to the other former classmates. Ueno, Kawai, and so on, don't apologize, nor really regret what they did. I know that in the place of the MC, I would have told Ueno to fuck off the first time and avoided all contact with my former friends, to focus on Shouko.
On the other hand, I understand what he's saying. Forgiving is noble, and keeping grudge for a long past event can be idiotic. But I still disagree. Sometimes there is no point in that, and there is simply too much pain to try anything but forgetting.

>Why do they feel it's okay to abandon their child if they think it's an inconvenience?
thats pretty much how it is everywhere.

>oh boy, time to put my SJW degree to work on this Lebanese Engineering forum!
The real answer is that when it comes to disability, the Japanese are less idealistic and naive. They know the end result is that someone with a disability wont be able to fit into society properly without being cared for perpetually.

The "worth of the individual" doesn't give Easterners a hard-on like it does in the west. Probably because Western culture has the an ingrained "value of a human soul is all equal" breed into us by centuries of Judeo-Christian belief. In Eastern cultures the whole is more important than its parts, and anything that isn't fulfilling the great needs of society is shameful.

Also you shouldn't take a narrow perspective from a manga as dogma. Plenty of Japanese people feel sorry for disabled people and there are lots of charity and volunteer organizations that subscribe to the same "abloobloo muh precious angels" mentality you would find in the west. Its just not the the social consensus for the regular family.

Yes, but it's still a shonen manga. You can't reasonably expect subtly.

You seem to know a decent amount about this. Does bullying/poor treatment toward disabled people really occur that frequently in Japanese society? How exaggerated would you say the manga's characters are in comparison to the average person in Japan?

In the early chapters, I was really struck by how willingly almost everyone in the class participated in tormenting Shouko. I know the story is written to be dramatic and emotional, but you hear those stories about really intense bullying in East Asian countries, so I'm not sure.

I didn't like the romance because it came out too fast, but I'm also ok with the forgiveness for Ishida because he struggled for it, he had clearly expressed regret.

Ueno hit the girl, cursed her and all that shit. And did not regret it. And yet everything went well in the end? I don't buy it. Forgiveness is noble, but it is not something that comes easy, especially for someone who humiliated you. End like this gives the impression that Ueno was right after all.

I agree, that's why the story is weak. This kind of "lack of subtlety" better in battle shonen, not in drama.

It's not the first time I've seen this sort of trope before though
And usually they don't have the excuse of 'broken baby'
For example in Itsuya-san the mc's mother remarries and sends him to live with his grandmother suffering from dementia because she didn't want to 'complicate' her new family

you clearly know jack shit about what you are talking about, they are of course some dissabilities that will require constant care, but deaf people are sure as shit not one of them, with actuall training and education of them and their family and friends they can become pretty damn good funcional members of a society

I would have prefered if the romance had been built more steadily. We didn't even get a kiss ffs.

>Ueno hit the girl, cursed her and all that shit. And did not regret it. And yet everything went well in the end? I don't buy it
Yeah Ueno is a cunt, but is there is one message going on in the manga, it's also that the present counts more than the past. You have to let some things go and judge people on what they are now and what they do now, not who they were yesterday.
So yes, even now Ueno is still a cunt, but she gets Shouko to finally stand up to her, so there's that. Again, I'd have severed any ties with that bitch immediately, but I'm not a fucking saint

The wider society hates non-conformity but anime is quite often critical of Japanese society at large.

>Does bullying/poor treatment toward disabled people really occur that frequently in Japanese society?
Its a complex question. The best I can say is that outwardly/obvious disabilities would be almost taboo for anyone outside family and close friends to draw attention to, let alone bully/abuse someone over. Japanese people are painfully obsessed with appearance and politeness so I can't imagine that happening in normal circumstances.

Now the rub is that family and close friends that have to deal with the disability on a regular basis might grow resentful for one reason or another and lash out on the person as a means of catharsis, because Japanese are very emotionally repressed but cannot release it in what we would considered a healthy manner.

The last exception are things we would considered a "invisible disability" like being autistic, ADHD, low IQ, homosexual, ect. which isn't even considered a real thing by regular people, especially kids in Japan and is fair game for bullying.
No. Deaf people are missing one of the most important human sensory experiences and although they can manage better than most, its obviously a huge disadvantage to anyone with more brain than bleeding heart. Also fuck the deaf, the ones in the west have an insufferable superiority complex and secret club mentality and downright shun and attack anyone who decides to get their hearing corrected by medical means.

Yeah but often times it gets to stupid levels.
Like in Fire Emblem Radiance Dawn where the corrupt government being outed for their corruption said 'fuck it, double down' and caused the entire world to nearly be destroyed because they didn't want to give up their slaves.
Or like the government in BoF4. "Yeah you have proof the bad guys broke the treaty...but it's easier to call you all traitors and kill you all."
Hell there's even a recently released game of a certain JRPG franchise where a single government official basically damns humanity to the whim of a God
Or you have situations like World's End Harem, where having a corrupt government is just a detriment to an already awful story.

There's also the dead baby trope

>fuck the deaf
Jesus christ user, didn't you read the manga ?

>which isn't even considered a real thing by regular people
Do you mean just homosexuality, or all of those non-visible disabilities? Do they just think that they're personality traits or something?

They only give a shit about their image and if you make them look bad they'll cut you off.

I'd say a family breaking up do to losing a child is pretty universal though.
Whereas abandoning a child to improve your own well being and not being seen as a total shitbag is something you really only see in the East.
As far as I know at least

OK, so?

Depends on how it manifests. I can see a lot of kids dropping out after middle school because they can't pay attention.

Both and yes. So did we not a generation or two ago. I have met so many autistic Japanese people who are just considered a certain type of personality in Japan but to me are clearly on the spectrum. Outside of their obvious flaws they seem to get on society well enough without attributing their quirks to a disability.

Homosexuality is starting to shift a bit in Japan with the much younger generations, there is a bit of SJW shit going on that front and its on TV a lot but its still in the realm of novelty and strangeness.

Most Japanese people just see it someone making a sexual kink into way too big of a deal and letting it jeopardize their social cohesion and family obligations. Putting yourself before others is never a good trait in to have in Japanese society for any reason.

On the flipside Japan is a lot more lax with the physical act of homosexual behavior and attraction, especially when its kept private and is a "phase" you grow out of when you settle down and get married. Its even acceptable to get married aromatically and have gay sex on the down-low, provided you make at least a few kids.

Western society on the flipside is more obsessed with the connotations of the physical side of homsexuality and sorting people into identity groups over it.

But I'm not complaining about the act itself, but about how it is portrayed in the narrative of KnK. It's more manipulative than realistic.
>Mom and Grandma are hardworking and careful people. Dad and Grandpa are mean and despicable people.

The mother was an absolute cunt in the manga I posted tho, but yeah, the death didn't help.

>abandoning a child to improve your own well being and not being seen as a total shitbag is something you really only see in the East.
It exists in the west too. My grandmother knew a woman who gave birth to a half black boy after the liberation (I'm french). She also hid her pregnancy with constricting clothes and belts, which led to difformities upon birth. She then gave the boy to her mother, and literally no one in the village knew whose child it was. The grandmother just said "he was given to me" or some shit like that.
Granted it was a long time ago, but holy shit, those fucking peasants.

To give an example on the gay side of things, there was a study done in Japan were the majority of boys said their first romantic kiss was with a male friend during their adolescence or teens, and a large number reported going farther than kissing. In the west that would automatically be grounds permanently label you as gay or bi no matter what, where as there its just something natural that occurs that has less stigma then the alternative of having "real sex" with the opposite gender before you are adults, which runs all sorts of risks like pregnancy and ruining a girls reputation and marriage prospects.

Japanese girls very commonly have romantic friendships that are super obsessive and borderline creepy, although its a lot less likely to manifest sexually compared to boys, but it happens. There is a common meme in anime/manga you will notice where the first time you best friend shows interest in the opposite sex, you feel like they are betraying/cheating on you and you've lost them forever.

>where as there its just something natural that occurs that has less stigma then the alternative of having "real sex" with the opposite gender before you are adults
That's what I said to my bff last night before I sucked his cock

Is trans even an issue being explored in Japan at this point, or is it still invisible to most people?

The labels are shit but it's not surprising they exist the way they do now. My mum worked in haemotology during the original AIDS scare and they had an entire haemophilia ward infected from blood donated from San Fransisco. By pure coincidence, the dad of one of my friends in primary school was one of the victims, needless to say he didn't survive very long.
You can bitch about labels and stigmatism until you're blue in the tits, but the implications were and remain very real. Japan is just lucky it doesn't have that problem yet.

I've seen at least one intersex-orientated manga that was fairly sensitive on the subject, surprisingly.

What manga was it?

To prevent this from being a worthless spoonfeed post, I'll share a manga that I thought handled gender decently:
manga.madokami.al/Manga/B/BA/BALA/Balance Policy

Even though it's a sci-fi setup and not a traditional trans character, it did a pretty good job of exploring being uncomfortable in your own body.

I'm afraid I might have ADD. I even have trouble concentrating on learning to draw and I want to learn to draw.
I fucked up my mechatronics college becuase I couldn't move my arse to do learn and write that fucking homework.
Not to mention I was always ass with math, but sometimes I could come up with answer through intuition.
Just fuck my shit up, guys.

I'm pretty sure it was literally called IS (for intersex).

All these Asian issues is because the males have small penises.
Not even shitposting, there's a reason they worship the white European male in all their fiction.

Read up on Confucius for that.

Depends. If the person goes through the proper channels early like before they become an adult at 20 and are VERY discreet and secretive about it everyone is supportive and works hard to get all their surgery and hormones managed quickly and quietly and then they transfer to a new school or go to college as their new gender with no one being the wiser.

If you are an adult, its the opposite experience of you being labeled as a homo/transvestite/fetishist and being relegated to gay red-light districts as a drag queen or a porn star. Its a lot harder to actually go through the medical and legal side of things and if you are married or have a child the government forbids changing you legal documents and family registry.

What is all this retardation in the quote chain? Japs donti give a shit, they (the deviants) just don't it feel the need to flaunt it and dress in rainbow colors.

No, that's not ADD, you're just lazy, stupid and have low willpower. You don't have brain problems, you're just scum.

I should note that in the first experience, the situation is invisible. Most Japs don't know that this goes on, including the kid. Usually what happens is that its painfully obvious to the school staff and nurses when puberty is not working out right for a specific kid and they are becoming suicidal or have obvious gender issue. Its usually the nurses and doctors that explain the situation and options to them and their family who has to give approval for it to take place.

Besides the physical/hormonal treatment, is there any sort of therapy in schools for kids transitioning? I've heard bad stuff about the lack of mental health support in general.

>hurr, why don't primitive societies deal with the issues that they lack the technology to deal with

hello angry nip

They might have something during the process, but Japanese aren't big on therapy and psychology and I am sure the kid doesn't want to dwell on it after the process is over and they have started a new life.

Sometimes I wonder how it would feel irrationally hating everything that was different from you. I wonder if I would start to armchair physician and theorize a bunch of absolute bullshit then act like it was the truth. Would I post about it online in an anonymous fashion? Probably, who else could I tell my gross generalizations and horribly stereotypical thoughts to?

Go to Sup Forums, everybody is like that there

You reminded me of this

Maybe, I don't know. I already feel bad about the whole situation.
Thing is I'm capable of working, mostly when it's physical work, the problem is that I have shit memory and I feel anxious that I may forget something and fuck it up.

Yeah, because your analysis of myself is do unbiased and fair. Someone asked a question and I answered it, you can't think I am full of shit (and you should) but I can't help but wonder what your objective is to set out to undermine it via character attack on an anonymous forum. Who are you trying to convince?

You're talking from an assumed position of authority and people are actually taking the shit coming out of your mouth as fact when it is painfully obvious that it's just stuff you made up. Honestly it seems like most of your "knowledge" comes from fiction.

If you want to discuss your opinions and why they might be right or wrong, sure. But you're just talking out your ass and spreading misinformation.

Not him but can you provide proof why what he is saying is bullshit instead of just shitting on it?

I gave a social analysis (far from a comprehensive field) on Japanese culture as it pertains to this issue. Anyone is free to actually disagree or ignore me or maybe give a counter point. All you have done is say how wrong and convincing people of something that isn't true without supporting that yourself.

People can decide and believe what they want, why are you so triggered by this? Its almost like you are more butthurt against it not fitting your personal narrative. And then we have shit like which is absolutely irrelevant.

Asians are soulless subhumans, theyre incapable of emotions external or internal. They value kissing their ancestors asses and muh honor over being a human interaction. Even niggers are more human in this sense

>So yes, even now Ueno is still a cunt, but she gets Shouko to finally stand up to her, so there's that.
So Shoko should ignore the public humiliations, the wounds and be grateful for Ueno to make her face reality? I really can not understand this mentality. Sorry. This is blaming the victim.

Violence and arrogance are not good things, but I see that many here are relieving this simply because Shoko has changed.

Maybe I'm too old-fashioned, I don't know.

How can I provide proof against people abandoning their children not being considered peicess of shit? When I was in Japan I saw many special Ed helpers walking around with disabled kids during the day. When his knowledge is coming from manga it seems pretty clear that he's got no clue what he's talking about.

You gave a gross generalization based on a stereotype that the Japanese people shun people with disabilities. Then, when someone pointed out that there are many services in place to help take care of those people, you brush it off and act like everyone looks down on those people. The only people in Japan that would care about "normalicy" would be old people or people living in the past. You also say that this is a quality specific to Japan which is also highly inaccurate. The US treats people with disabilities like garbage and no one cares. They throw them in public schools with no assistance and turn a blind eye when they fall behind or are bullied.
I wonder if you can substantiate any of your claims?

> irrationally hating everything that was different from you.
noone does this.

Homosexuality has been prominent in some manga and anime for a long time now, how did they get away with it?

fiction doesn't have to obey the laws of social expectations, that's why its fiction. They wouldn't allow that sort of thing to be taught as non-fiction though, they would gloss over people and history that would be considered scandalous like Nobunaga being a huge faggot

He had a wife it's fine.

Buy I thought all ancient warlords and samurai were faggots

Half the shit you are accusing me of was other anons, not me. Stop straw-manning me as the sole villain in your crusade to sway the hearts of Sup Forumsnons to drink your SJW anti-American coolade.

Fuck off back to tumblr or Sup Forums, Based on your incoherent and emotional rambling I am 90% sure you are female, so tits of GTFO.

I always wondered what the divorce was supposed to accomplish?

Does Japan not have child support laws or something? Is he not looked down upon by society for abandoning his child? Does divorce remove him the the supposed shame of having a disabled child? Or is the child's lively really only ever the mother's responsibility in japan? Does Japan look at the mother as being at fault for having disabled kids and not the dad?

How does one tell if you have it versus lazy?

Not the same user,
>accusing someone of being female
>telling someone to go back to the boogeyman communities
Not an argument.

I don't give a shit about you or the other anons here. I'm just calling bullshit bullshit. My main goal was to call you a fucking idiot and make the point that you shouldn't blindly believe whatever dumb shit you read online. Especially on an anonymous image board.

Where the fuck do you think you are? Respect board culture or kindly fuck off forever you insufferable shit.

You shouldn't just flail around and ruin the thread because a few people disagreed with you. You're not even backing up what you said earlier.

ur a faget

There are child support laws, it depends who you're talking to but divorce is treated similarly to how it is in the West. Generally not seen in a good light but excusable. There's no joint custody and they favor mother custody (similar to US). In the manga the father blames the mother but there's no social custom or anything, he's just a peice of shit.

The dad will probably never mention the child again and pretend as if he never had a former wife.

you dont

You see a doctor and have them test you.

Why would it matter? If there's a problem, then there is a problem. A different cause doesn't suddenly make a problem okay to ignore.

I had a honors roommate with diagnosed ADHD who did the same thing (not using his extra time) . I always assumed he just didn't need it. Never considered people might've been shitting on him for it.

>stupid and low willpower
>Not brain problems

>I have met so many autistic Japanese people who are just considered a certain type of personality in Japan
Aside from the bullying aspect, that just sounds better to me. Better at least than america where kids are pumped with drugs if they act unusual. I'd rather be ignored and/or shit on for being different than for people to try to "help" me by destroying my mind and converting me into a submissive slave.

KnK is a very stereotypical version of how bullying works in Japan. Real life is not that simplistic and manufactured.

> Real life is not that simplistic and manufactured.
It basically is though. People are not all that unique, nor are their ways of acting. Especially in collectivist societies people generally follow predictable patterns of behavior. Even if something is stereotypical it doesn't mean it isn't a close enough approximation to real world events to hold more than a kernel of truth.

thank you for posting this