Man spreading is actually an epidemic

So i was on the bus yesterday and i was literally just mindin my own business and i see this shit.
Honestly sometimes i wonder if it's the fact we live in a trumps america and that men can assume that they can do what they please. It's so infuriating. YOU ARE TAKING THE SEAT OF A PREGNANT WOMAN OR A PERSON TAHT NEEDS THE SEAT WHY. Idk its just so sickening that we live in a culture like this just becuase of Mr. Trump

imma eat yo mama ass

fuck off nigger

Women are thoughtlessly harridans who are much more guilty of the crime of purse-spreading then any man displaying a warm, inviting crotch.

Its called mosogyknees



fuck drumpf bro

Fake and gay

Do a U-turn with you head in the steering wheel while going 90

quad get

The pregnant lady has an equal right to the seat as the man. And he was there first.

dub get

Proper stance towards feminism cancer, or feminine bagspreading


just protecting his private space, nobody should be sitting within 10" on either side of another person unless they know each other well enough to be comfortable within the 10" area.



literally the only "people" i see do this are niggers

quite convenient that we can't see the skin colour of this "man"


quad get

I don't sit with my legs this wide apart but some extent of "man spreading" is necessary if you don't have testicles the size of raisins, otherwise they get squeezed between your thighs and that's very uncomfortable.

Is op a nigger? I don't think they can type.
Hey op, you 56% fuckface shitskin: nobody cares what you think.

that's literally from buzzfeed you fucking pleb. stop sliding this board.

Does this place have mods anymore?

what you mean

>I see unfair things that pissed me off, I keep quiet because I'm a beta faggot who can't fight for justice, but I can fight in the internet
