Copts deserve persecution by Muslims for betraying the Roman Empire to them...

Copts deserve persecution by Muslims for betraying the Roman Empire to them. They literally opened the gates of Alexandria and let the Muslims rape and destroy whatever they wanted, because they hated the earthly sovereign of Christendom that much.

Is this true?
I have a theory that every nation that revolts against the Roman Catholic Church gets fucked up in the end.

like the orthodox nations that became islamic or communist, or the protestant nations that are now mostly atheist and might become islamic in some decades, among others.

Didn't the RCC revolt against the Pentarchy cause they thought "first amongst equals" meant superiority?

When did this happen?

about 900 years ago?

that was not a revolt.

>They literally opened the gates of Alexandria and let the Muslims rape and destroy whatever they wanted
source: your ass

Well as what I read "the pentarchy was mainly a constantinople term and was never used or accepted by rome."
It was also not accepted by Alexandria and by Antioch.

yeah, that's why patriarchs of alexandria, antioch, jerusalem and constantinople are still united 2000 years later

"Just take a look at the statistics. Who made this modern world? Anglo-Saxons, Germans of Nordic descent, Frenchmen of Nordic descent and Swedes mainly. Google it, Google "inventions" by nation, and then look at the men who made them. Nordic. Nordic. Nordic 90% of the time.

And Hitler had blue eyes, in case you didn't know. A Nordic feature, that you too used to have, back when you created civilization. Today on the other hand, Southern Europe is a cesspool of laziness, unproductivity, sleazy behaviour towards Nordic women, crime and incompetence. Nothing works well down there. You can barely find a working toilet down there. And you know why? Because you are no longer Nordic.

And yeah: I have been around, so I know what I am talking about. The farther you get from the Nordic man, the more incompetent the whole society gets. Deal with it.

PS. Take a look at the newly found grave from Greece. They thought it might be Alexander the Great's grave even. All the people depicted in the grave are blonde, blue-eyed and fair-skinned.

PPS. South-Italian men today have more in common with Arabs than they do with other Europeans, genetically speaking. The other Europeans even have more in common with some Chinese peoples than they do with South-Italians. That's how mongrelized they have become. And the same is the case for the rest of Southern Europe." -Varg Vikernes, 2015

There are also patriarchs that are united with the Pope in eech of those places.
That doesn't mean anything.
And the Pope of the Copts isn't united with iether of both.

It's a bigger mess than you think.

you are aware that since that was byzantium pope couldn't have "patriarchs united with him" for a thousand years

I do not try to further the schisma but to say that it's way WAY more complicated than your meme knowledge implyies and meme picture implies.
The Copts went their own way with Chaldecon and the byzantines just made their own Patriarchate of Alexandria next to the already existing one. Occasionally they go in communion with pope and break it again.

Not less complicated is the Jerusalem and Antioch.

It's a giant mess.

try harder shill...all varg posters are shill faggots, no one could honestly promote this D&C faggot. In 50 years Greeks and Italians will be considered white when compared to Swedes.

Greeks and italians are already white.

No that's not true.
OP is not just a faggot, but also does not know anything about this part of history.


Glaub dem Spasten nicht! Wann ist es geschehen? So vor 900... Alter... Keine Jahreszahl kann er nennen... Der hat keine Ahnung weil es nicht passiert ist


Wieso kannst du denn deutsch mein Indoarischer Freund?

Entweder es gibt Inder die ein wenig mehr Bildung haben als du denkst oder ein deutscher mit so viel scheisse im Kopf dass er sich hier rum treibt ist irgendwie in Indien gelandet...

Welche Realität wählst du?

Das zweite.
Kein Inder der Deutsch als Zweitsprache hat würde so reden.

Meinst du? Selbst wenn das zweite richtig wäre würde dieser deutsche der in Indien lebt zugeben müssen DASS es wohl doch Inder gibt die genau so reden oder in manchen Fällen nur schreiben können.

Du hast keine Vorstellungen wie weit Outsourcing gegangen ist.
Ich habe Kollegen die Salesanrufe in Deutschland machen. In deutscher Sprache und ich verspreche dir... manchen fällt es nicht auf.
Oder Papierkram bei steuern oder Verzollung. Ein Inder der gut deutsch kann ist teurer als ein Inder der nicht so viel zeit ins lernen gesteckt hat.... Aber noch immer deutlich günstiger als eine Angestellte in Deutschland... und wir haben keine Betriebsräte

What does it matter? Who cares? What do you have against Copts?


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