How do we convince Americans not to fight in the military?

How do we convince Americans not to fight in the military?

There is an ever present economic draft going on in the Rust Belt and Appalachia.
Most of the guys where I live who fought in Iraq just enlisted for the gibs and veteran status, they never believed in it to begin with.

your country is nothing but military op
its why you keep fucking shit up for everyone around you and even sell arms to sandniggers who will then come here to fuck shit up in yurop
thanks for that


We need a strong standing military if we want to remain a global super power
We absolutely have too get out of these goddamn sand-box proxy wars and just mind our own damn business.

Speak softly and carry a big stick as it were.

Every American should serve in the military. It would make for a more nationalist society. Look at the effects it’s had on Israel the most nationalist country in the world.

What kind of dumb ass bait thread is this if you can't answer?


You never will. Something like 90% of forces don't actually fight anyway.

Americans are and will always be a slave of the Jews. This is their culture and their destiny.

who gives a shit about europe?

Marine no !

By letting the "invisible executives" of your country to build this image of your country around the supposition that it is the beacon of FREEDUMBS and then implement it through education from primary to university level and through media, literature, etc etc. So when a new batch of humanoids matures, there will be some machines available to execute what they are programmed for.

the american military will save us from the establishment. i honestly believe they will save the world. police too. the establishment is illegal and killing children so right there thats enough to justify the military and police to legally exercise actions to remove the cancer. i'm sure when they wake up they will, and they are waking up faster then the general population

Whens the last war you fought health pack? Where is your Patriotism that is bordering on Nationalism?


>How do we convince Americans not to fight in the military?
Why would we want to do that?
Do you think it helps our cause for the soldiers of America to be drawn from the ranks of our enemies rather than from our own?

Shall we allow the Left to continue their Long March through the Institutions even further so they dominate the rank and file of the military in addition to academia and the judicial system?

Whites, mostly. I see why you don't understand.

>Americans are and will always be a slave of the Jews. This is their culture and their destiny.

Well a lot of people need jobs man, the military provides that as well as other benefits like paid college/dental.. all that shit. And like i said around 90% of forces don't engage in combat

>the police

Daily reminder that police recently gunned down a guy for opening his door during a fake raid. Cops aren't your friend, cross them and they'll gun you down like any nigger

Legalize killing sandniggers, niggers, spics, riceniggers and chechens as a sport. Boom, I solved two problems at once.

And who was behind mass immigration to drive up labor supply, and the globalization that induced outsourcing which cut down domestic labor demand?

yeah, many people are asshole, including police. generally speaking though they are human beans and they're not down with child sacrifice so they're gonna smack down on the establishment elite at some point. having this naive worldview that every cop is some faceless monster is ridiculous.

I guess the US/Israel for destabilizing the middle east. But the leaders of western Europe are also at fault for allowing Africans and other people that didn't even flee from syria into their nations without any form of background checks. Lets be real though the US military will always have tons of active members.

Smells of shill.

1) liberal hate the military because it takes taxes away from goverment freebies.
2) Left hates the military because it stands in there way of a communist revolution.
3) leftist elites hate anyone beneath them. Military is composed of mainly thier "lessers" that have no "merit"

So... we're keeping our guns and loving our military. Fuck off fag.

Since you need to be spoon fed and won't stop slapping your chubby nubbies on the table:

1) Founding fathers made it clear citizens are responsible for forming their own militias to keep the gun pointed at our government, not to willfully join a centralized and non representative military force that will mindlessly attack people from other states they don't know/don't care about.

2) Jews. Don't fucking come to my board and act like an ignorant know-nothing. The answer to your feeble 'Why?' is the jews. Look at the catalog of pol right now. Joining the military will see you go off and fight wars that benefit global banks, the military industrial complex while beating the shit out of shitskins that should be ass raping curly haired jewesses in Tel Aviv at this very fucking moment.

Yes on keeping our guns.

Tell me how much you love our centralized minority-majority military when they are ass raping your wife when our country collapses into civil unrest.

I'm talking about the 1960s immigration reforms in the US that was driven by the jews.

>When the most patriotic nation in the world is not patriotic enough.

Start paying kids to join the militia instead.

you can't, it's the most successful scheme for welfare queens ever. soldierboiz can lick their comrades' dicks and get paid for it, then they get to come home and waste taxpayer money on 4 years of tuition for some stupid fucking meme degree, ride the VA gravy-train, get lifelong healthcare, get asspats and discounts from every dumb hick "patriot" and pretend their opinion matters because they spend a few years laying around and jerking guys off on a base in bumfuck nowhere
fuck them all, it's disgusting how free these mongrels are to siphon my money for being literal cannon fodder

I'm not worried about the military devolving to African level. They make quick work of anyone disobeying orders.

And that is why you keep losing wars.
Your soldiers have no conviction to a cause, they're just there because someone told them to be.

Stay jealous

I tried to convince some of the guys I work with and they give me the dirtiest look you would imagine, I would tell them that the military (as well as the foreign policies) are controlled by other nations like Saudi Arabia and Israel and corporations and no matter how much I tell them it boggles my mind how people are blindly loyal to the military.
Just welcome the inevitable collapse and enjoy the show.