Modern humans left Africa much earlier

The Cro-Magnons never left Africa, they evolved in Eurasia. Humans never belonged in Africa.

This! Out of Africa was a Jewish plot to make us all think were are humans.

modern humans never came from africa, idiot.

HAHAHA Sup Forums BTFO again. We are all descendants of the negro. Deal with it racialfags.

(((bbc))) sage
>out of africa theory is wrong

what sorcery is this six-toed footprint ?

That's a jawbone. The "toes" are teeth. Dumbass.


The term 'modern human' is somewhat racist. Africans are not 'old fashioned' humans, are they?

halle berry is a nehpilim?

They aren't human, and have the IQ of lesser primates, so yes, they are.

im a dumbass too, thought it was a petrified foot


That #1, Dr user, is a bunion. Note lack of an extensor tendon to this "toe".

Hey knock it off a notch nigger . "Dumbass" wtf
you nigger N I G G E R nigger yellow fucking kike

I am waiting on a proper DNA analysis on that one piece of bone. The teeth might still contain some encapsuled DNA although extraction is kind of tricky. Bet my ass these bones are from an early H. sapiens/neanderthalensis hybrid...

>Modern humans left Africa much earlier
Literally who cares lmao just blanda it up
200-300, hell even 400 thousand years of divergence, whatever. doesn't mean shit.

One Species nigga

Africans are mostly pure H. sapiens. Everything else has hybridized with Neanderthals or Denisovans (except Aboriginals, those have fucked with H. erectus in the past). Actually, the original H. sapiens was kinda lame...

I have the same thing. Thats a tailors bunion. Fucking painful as shit, wearing shoes sucks, and it costs too much fucking money to remove to be worth it for poor fucks like me.

modern human is just a term for 'homo sapiens' and means we have a particular morphology, the main features used to identify modern humans compared to archaic humans are the skull and limb morphology and dentistry. Africa was home to both archaic and modern human humans.

homo sapiens, neanderthals and denisovans diverged from a shared recent ancestor, and there's no evidence any of them bred, it is purely speculation until we have full genomes sequenced from this ancestor. Also homo sapiens is so diverse within the species that it can't be 'pure', and since most this diversity is between modern Africans it's safe to say most the interbreeding happened in Africa. So the ancestor of humans, neanderthals and denisovans was some mixed hominid species that could be a combination of erectus, heidelbergensis, antecessor and god knows what else.

My ancestors are monkeys... but at least, I'm not a nigger.