Why do we talk about land taken from native peoples as "stolen...

Why do we talk about land taken from native peoples as "stolen?" You hear that all the time when people talk about colonization or migration. But surely natives must have stolen that land from somebody else first, right? Like I bet there's a tribe in Africa who raped baby skulls of their conquored enwmies, but had their shit pushed in by colonists and now get to be the victim. What's up with that?

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White people should have stayed in europe. They came to america and killed millions of people. God punished them by sending the jews their way to give them (((the mark))). T. Injun. We don’t take (((the mark))) only white colonists because they are a cursed people.

What does it matter? Whites and Indians fucked and made babies who then founded the united states of America. The end. No amount of Negro or Mexican hollering can change this.

Leftists decide to start the clock when it's convenient to push their propaganda of self-hatred and victimization of minorities. It doesn't take much brainpower to realize the absurdity of their brainlet ideology, I could very well be asking reparations from evil Italians because the Romans once upon a time conquered my Portuguese lands.

But natives warred with each other. This place wasn't a utopia, you fuckers were caving each other's heads in with rocks tied to the ends of sticks. Land changed hands CONSTANTLY, as is the nature of territory in a tribal society. Why is it only a bad thing when white people are the ones who take the land?

We don't the white hating marxists do

Are you talking about the mark of cain that all the jews have?

Then can we all agree that all land ownership is illegitimate and property should be outlawed?

>pic related
(((The Mark)))

Can you refute my point, leaf?

>In South America
Europeans teamed up with small native tribes to beat enormous, oppressive empires that ruled through terror. Europeans then controlled some areas, enslaved some people, and eventually left or blended into the population. They essentially took on the posture of a dominant tribe.

>In North America
Natives were mostly dead from disease before the first Europeans made any inroads into the continent. Later waves of Europeans found oppressive large tribes that ruled over smaller ones through terror. Europeans teamed up with the smaller ones to defeat the bigger ones. Settlers settled on empty land, Europeans bought more from natives or Europeans who bought it from natives, or won it in border wars between settlers and natives. They were a submissive tribe, then a dominant tribe, then replaced natives through demographics.

>In Africa
The continent was largely uninhabited. Early settlers coexisted with natives. Europeans introduced agriculture, which made the native population explode. Europeans were only in Africa for a short time save for a few holdout states.

That's the gist of it. If you want good guys, bad guys, and moral unambiguity, go to the movies.

You came here

Infected us with your vile diseases, raped our women, butchered our children, starved us by destroying our game & crops, desecrated everything we consider holy, and have the GALL to say you didn’t do anything wrong

Suck a donkey dick

t. Lakota

Lol are you a verifiable Lakota or one of the
>muh 1/16th Indian

I read once that "part indian" is a common explanation for having nigger blood in the family tree

the week souls fear the stronk

>all natives warred with each other
American education.
>this place wasn’t a utopia
Well it certainly isn’t any better now thanks to you faggots bringing the niggers and the jews over, you fag.

And I bet you want to check each and everyone of us for the mark with your mouth dontcha leaf ?

The injuns needed a good ass kicking and they got it - Enjoy your extinction

Find me a single source that verifies the idea that pre-Columbian North America was free from tribal conflict. One source. Just one, and I'll take it all back.

>all injuns got an ass kicking.
American education.
Yeah, it’s pretty easy to roll into a village with gatling guns and start mowing people down but the the entire north american continent is alot more than just grass. Whites would get fucking destroyed if they ever tried to take us taiga niggers on, just like every other time they tried to fuck with us. We’ve killed thousands of you faggot during the fur trade and the hudsons bay company did fuck all.

I’m 100% cree, we’ve been living in northern quebec for over 10,000 years and the only war we ever had was with some french faggot and we fucked their shit up. We cut them up into pieces and hung their flesh in the trees for the birds to eat.

Pretty fucked tbqh.Injuns will probably be an extinct people due to rampant drug and alcohol abuse. We fucked up their families and sense of community.

I highly doubt we’d go extinct before you guys since you’ve destroyed so much of your natural resources. I could get off my chair right now, put my coat, hat and boots on, grab my ice chisel and take a 2 minute walk down to the lake, bash a hole in the ice and just start drinking the water just like that. When industrial society collapses, niggers would kill most of you in a few days.

True. but it was their land they were fighting over among themselves, just like Europeans fought over theirs and the same with niggers in Africa. A people from other lands came and almost wiped them out. Should have just left them alone.

you snooze you lose

Conquered isnt Stolen.

Yeah no doubt. If society collapses and you faggots are still around, im going to try and befriend you guys to help me survive.

>niggers would kill most of you in a few days.

and you can suck my dick, faggot
t. Pawnee
it's all relative

Thats conquest buddy, you have no one to blame for your race's extinction than your own dumbass ancestors who are funnily enough, related to Asians yet were still somehow far more retarded than them.

>tribe doesn't have writing system until Europeans showed them how
>tribe has a word literally translatable to war chief
>I can say without any doubt that the Cree have never gone to war with another tribe in over 10,000 years

>T. Injun
You're a dipshit.
t. injun

>Literally ambush random traders and settlers
Very tough one you are, Pocahontas.

Asians are subhuman compared to us. Asians boil dogs alive. We respect animals. Thats why i use a gun. Subhuman whites like to play caveman in the bush. globalnews.ca/news/2883547/video-of-hunter-killing-alberta-bear-with-spear-draws-death-threats/

>The white man came and oppressed my tribe and stole our land that we stole from other tribes whom we oppressed

They found a white corpse that's hundreds of thousands years old, possibly a couple millions years old I forget exactly. So yeah the natives weren't even here first.

South Dakotan here, it's all bullshit. The Native Americans, especially those in the midwest, are largely nomadic peoples whose most sophisticated form of construction is a teepee or maybe slightly larger tent. These fuckers never built shit anywhere, never developed the wheel, never did jack shit.

Need any blankets?

you can blame ambition and emotions for it, people can't seem to face the fact that war and invasion was and still is a way of life.
They try to make this illusion that only one group of people are bad so they can fight for the little guy and get back what was stolen and feel like they made a change in the world when really all they did was widen the divide and cause more conflict over a past that no one on this earth can change.
Natives around the world, the Jews, the Indians and Pakistanis, China, there's always someone claiming that something's been stolen but the reality is that it belongs to no one, and fighting for any cause that justifies retribution for 'stolen land' is one of the problems causing the divides that we see all around the world today.

Whites invented justice and fairness. Stop larping like you have this higher intelligence, when everything you have learned has been discovered by white men. Whites are god's gift to Earth. If the natives wanted to keep their land, maybe they should have invented technology to protect them. It's their fault they jacked of with their dream webs and smoked their tree leafs. While they were doing that Europeans were inventing music, the arts, sciences, military strategy, and Christianity. It's evolution. Whites are more fit to live, because we exist now, and native americans dont. The end.

If you are a minority, best thing you can do is breed with asians. Do not breed with whites. Black men, hispanic men, and asian men. Breed with each other, don't breed with your own race, and don't breed with whites.

Paleoindians were killed off by the current native Americans who were the second group to cross over from Asia go eat a dick Blanket ASS.

Natives where a bunch of different warring tribes and they might not have even been the first here now. It's all a bunch of bullshit subversion

>im a Lakota
>i swear i am
Clean your room

>pic related
Already bought a few hundred of them for the collapse of industrial society, so i won’t be needing any of your shit-tier shartistani blankets.

Still waiting for that source, Leaf

Lol. No. Christianity destroyed all the evolved europeans. Witchcraft is real evolution, technology turned you into a bunch of sub humans.

>Natives where a bunch of different warring tribes
Wrong. libcom.org/files/Sahlins - Stone Age Economics.pdf


Native land wasn't stolen. Many tribes were nomadic, so a lot of the land was easily up for grabs. Not to mention there were literally hundreds of tribes scattered through out the continent. I don't know why people group every native group as one and think they had some formalized country when settlers got here.

But that's correct. The Aztecs were sacrificing neighboring tribes to the blood god long before Cortes got there.

I live up by Glacier in Montana. So when industrial society colapses I'll ride my horse named Fred to your village burn it down and take your squaw. You so-called first nations ""people"" are too dependent on gibs to survive anything .

Keep preaching that might makes right. Maybe one day on your old age you too will find yourself a minority in the land of your ancestors. Herded into small enclaves by forces outside of your control and have your culture be seen as primitive.

We'll be able to say this when the Mexicans take over :)

The Iroquois had a robust culture designed almost exclusively around warfare. They went to war to take land, resources, you name it. But when the same thing happened to them, they get to cry foul? It seems dishonorable to me, like quitting a game because you lost.

some people don't understand land ownership

Wow its almost as if race doesnt exist.

A fellow white man would probably kill you and fuck freds tight little horse ass if you did.

"God punished them by sending the jews their way..."

Your words, leaf. So which is it? You believe in capital g God or do you practice witchcraft? Or are you just larping like an insatiable faggot?

If you still believe the theory that natives were here first you need to joogle "Soultrean spear points" "Clovis spear points"and "Windover Bog Bodies".
You can thank me later.


Exactly. These tribes pretty much hated each other and fought each other just for the sole purpose of taking what they had. But somehow I am supposed to believe that the guy with the biggest stick is at fault.

Except those mogoloids intermarried with the Solutreans and have closer kinship with them than you.

do you have a albino fetish

I just wonder how the hell they had a continent to themselves and never invented the wheel, or writing, or domesticated any animals
any Civ player will know that's straight noob status

I doubt it we haven't had a violent crime around here in almost one hundred years and the that was ironically a blackfoot injun who ambushed a white man stole his horse and was later lynched and hung alongside his brother and father while his family watched. Drown in firewater red faggot

This is exactly my point though. Natives claim that the land was stolen from them, even in cases where they had stolen the land first. As if that's not the natural ebb and flow of all civilizations.

Mungo man.
Preliminary DNA testing of ancient remains at Lake Mungo in NSW showed no relation to the modern day "traditional owners". They demanded the remains back to stop further testing, then said the results were invalid because no confirmation tests were done.

The past is the past, and "reparations" are muslim level of barbaric justice.

they should have fought better

Everybody eventually gets their land stolen from them. Look at the United States today. We let in hordes of immigration, many of which are illegal, and only 8% of them are from White majority countries. We are having our country taken from us without a shot being fired. Do you think some Asians are going to weep in the future about how fucking weak and stupid we were? No, they will fucking laugh at us.

Abbos btfo'd

I bet this is the case in a lot of places

After General Sherman declared Total War on Southern Women, Children, the Elderly & Infirmed, he set his sites on the Western Plains Indians.

General William Sherman bragged of "racial cleansing of the land,” beginning with extermination of the Indians.

Sherman announced his objective as to fight the Indians until the Indians are obliterated or beg for mercy. Sherman gave authorization to slaughter as many women and children as he felt was necessary when they attacked Indian villages.

Sherman called the “final solution of the Indian problem” involved “killing Indians and segregating their pauperized survivors in remote places.”

It is estimated that Sherman killed 45,000 Indians, mostly women & children.

Sherman, who was self-admittedly crazy, is often quoted for saying, “The only good Indian, is a dead Indian”.

Next time you’re in St. Louis, piss on his grave.

Sherman Married His Sister.

>making random assumptions about anonymous posters on a cuban cupcake decorating forum

>drown in firewater red faggot
Nah, i think i’ll stick to adrenochrome, semen walker.

Because liberals think Indians were singing kumbaya and blowing each other in tents like they'd do during Woodstock. They don't realize that everyone needs was fighting for control over land and the only way to claim it was through force.

I hope we end up in that same situation again, because the liberals won't own anything.

Anyone got the picture of the dinosaur telling the native american he stole his land?

i have never seen truer words typed in my 12 years of frequenting this cesspool. you are a good person, and my friend.

Literally everything in this post is wrong


All the tribes that natives that used to torture and slaughter and rapes and murder each other reached a super-quick and easy settlement with each other where they basically said, "Oh sorry about all that! OK, it's all good!"

But talks and negotiations with the government drag out decade after decade after decade....

It's happened in every culture around around the world since the beginning of time and continues on to this very day. Its in our dna to conquer and expand

Well it wasnt interracial crime.....cuz that same arguement can be used to justify taking white lands after all europe has seen the bloodiest wars ever

No its to jusify its ok to take from whites since they too took land. Itll constantly change hands so dont cry about it

This.....dont worry the Muslims n blacks will get ur revenge...just breed as much as u can bro

Maybe if you natives didn't attack our settlements you wouldn't have been deemed a nuisance and killed. No one is "owed" the land. Plus, how are all those giants that your people killed off?

Don't be a bigot. Multiculuralism is the way to be, user.

>semen walker
your play on skin walker? Those lucid moments in between shots of whiskey help with creativity don't they?

History now admits Europeans were the first Nations. Solutreans-Clovis.
The Pauite admit even today for killing the earlier red haired people and stealing the land. Skulls in lovelock and Spirit caves confirm this.
The problem with Indians is they refuse science and think their turtle island bullshit has to be accepted by everybody else.
Canada and Alaska are corporate cults and they use this narrative to control mines, fisheries, timber and oilfields.
I guarantee the NPS is going to fake a grant funded Archaeological dig in Alaska 2018 to magically make a date older than the current 12K year date. Screen cap just so this summer when they are bragging about some ancient Indian mammoth kill site you know its fake.

We conquered it

Now they're conquering back, being slightly white in America is illegal now.

Literally everything I said is 100% correct.

It wasn't stolen it was put to use.

Germ genocide theory is a lie. Most of Canada and America was uninhabited. Early explorers describe going days without even seeing any sign of human presence.

Most of the devastation to these tribes happened cause of cultural collapse. Euros had a worldview (universalism etc) that easily made sense of the Indians. The natives on the other hand were living with a premodern Stone Age culture that imploded with contact. Some tribes basically dissolved andthe lucky ones survived to have their own nihilist rez.

get fucking civilized
t. Cherokee.

These tents are maximum cozy. I stayed solo in one while doing some geological exploration in northern Canada once. I could stay in my boxers laying on my bed in the evening watching shit on my laptop. Only downside is the stoves leave you feeling a bit greasy.

The Indians that were killed by small pox was carried on shore by one of Hernando de Soto’s slaves in the early 1500’s. A nigger is literally responsible for killing millions of Indians.

"Soultrain" hahahahahahaha niggers dancing

>History now admits Europeans were the first Nations.

Im sorry what? Can you be more specific please?

It's settled science

>They came to america and killed millions of people.

Speak for yourself. My french ancestors traded fairly with them, married them, assisted them with their feuds and still ended up giving them reparation money when there's nothing to reparate.

Whoo tribal warfare!

The left doesn't understand taking land by conquest.

What is? Please be specific

Yeah i know. All my posts were bullshit except for the adrenochrome thing, and by “we killed thousands of whites” i actually meant thousands of mohawks.


Sure they do, it's called eminent domain. They take the land "for the greater good".