Mueller is going to crack trump like an egg

Mueller is going to crack trump like an egg

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>CIA trainee vs a well educated man

He had moobs back then the obese narcissist.

Why don't Libs call Donald, like, Donald Draftdodger or something? That's all I'd call him. I'd make sure everyone in America remembered every day.

they're big guys

>attorney general versus WWE clown

>not even loaded
how did he even win those medals?

Holy shit he can bowl to???Truly the God Emperor

>well educated man
Pfffft. While he may have received a diploma, he didn't do the work required. The man is a vapid sociopath.

can you into gun safety?

>Awarded medals of honor

he got one fucking bronze star, he's not fucking Chesty Puller.

I do actually admire Mueller.

Doesn't mean he isn't a globalist, Jew shill.

>American revolution- lasted 8 years, resulted in an independent country
>Catalonia revolution- lasted 8 seconds

kek donald looks like a sheltered boy what the fuck

>medals of honor

Real play on words there mega faggot OP

Lol he didn't Dodge through draft u stupid fuck. Also when do rich people go to war? Only the uneducated and poor do that.

vets are retards

Shouldn't talk shit about anyone when u cant even properly arm yourself sir.

They've been calling him a draft dodger for a while. It's an empty tag though because he didn't dodge the draft as his number was never called for selective service. He's also rich so he'd never voluntarily go to into the military unless it was family tradition.

he looks like Elliot Rogers

>Not even loaded
Imagine being this retarded

Are you dumbfucks still thinking Trump is going anywhere?? fucking lowwwwwwwwwwwww iqs


he's the archetypal trust fund kid

You pathetic Trump hater, you are a pile of excrement who has done nothing for the white race. And now you're denying that Trump is a successful business in who contributed to the economy.

Trump has access to more intel than Mueller.

>medals of honor
Nice try. I guess that will work on some people.

Rob was never awarded the Medal of Honor, though. He only got 1 Bronze star w/ a V device for Valor.

pic related is an actual war hero
>2 Silver Stars
>3 Army Commendation Medals for Valor
>1 Soldier's Medal
>1 Air Medal
>7 Bronze Stars for Valor
>1 Purple Heart

wow some dumb fuck faught in vietnam? WOW BIG FUCKING DEAL. I'm pretty sick of military faggots acting like they did special things for the US. fuck off you fought for kikes ever since ww1 all off you fought for kikes. Dont tell me this bullshit about faggot service.

Show your flag faggot.

>>Trump was more swole even then
>>Mueller still a skinny betavirgin

I like Mueller and hate trump, but op's picture isn't Mueller. Mueller did serve, and got a bronze star from combat, it's just not him in the picture.

Please tell us how he didn’t do the appropriate work if he got the diploma?

>consider themselves the anti-war moral authority
>presented with opportunity to call Donny a draft dodger

That's why

>meme flag

>meuller v Trump
I like Meuller, but I want trump to fire him. The meltdown would be so epic my sides would shoot into orbit

It is commonplace for the monetarily able to at least purchase papers if not outright have a ghost writer. Test taking by a proxy is also a tactic. Many a wealthy dolt has graduated from prestigious universities by the largess of their fathers, not with them actually ingesting and synthesizing knowledge.

>now the left loves Vietnam vets

Wow, what a stunning reversal.


Art of the Deal was written by a ghostwriter (Who has said in interviews Trump is a terrible negotiator)

Marines are called Jar Heads for a reason. The only one whos head will crack is Muellers.

>libtards whine about war
>complain about Vietnam atrocities
>now praise a Vietnam war "hero" because he hates DRUMPF
I swear that liberals will love guns and Christians if Trump denounces those two things.

That's because politicians on the left actually went to Vietnam, and politicians on the right were draft dodgers.

It's sort of like how rich people who earned their money are left wing, and rich people who were born into wealth are right wing.

So Mueller is a low IQ zogbot tricked into fighting wars for Jewish finance, while Trump is a high IQ who faked bone spurs to dodge the Jewish draft and bang supermodels instead.

>medals of honor

really faggot?

I was giggling when I saw the glue and crayons but my sides went into orbit when I got to
>do you have any jalapeno cheese spread?



Mueller's job is to keep the kike media permanently distracted with bullshit to keep them out of Trump's way while he gets shit done. It's worked better than expected.

Are liberals anything except mentally ill people mad at their parents?

he did not win the medal of honor, he was also an officer so he had a very different experience than cannon fodder enlisted.

>That's because politicians on the left actually went to Vietnam

>war hero
Pick only one, retard

hahahahahahhahahahahah you must be new to planet earth

He’s in a war zone you fucking mong

whats a catalonia lmao

lol young trump looks like my dad

>mad dog
>not the most based motherfucker to ever operate
he was actually a straight shooter. he was very charitable and spent most of his paychecks on the local Montagnard population who worked closely with SOG. His best friend was also his German Shepherd, Klaus.

>One night in the NCO club some recon men got the dog sick from feeding it too much beer. After it defecated on the floor, the men rubbed its nose in it and threw him out. A short time later Shriver walked in, had a beer, removed his jacket and laid a revolver on the table. Then he pulled its hammer back and his pants down, and proceeded to do the same thing.

>“If you want to rub my nose in this, come on over,” he challenged.

No one dared take him up on it.

This whole thread is very telling. The leftists attempt to raid this place, but only end up creating their own containment thread. I don't know how you guys but pulled it off, but I'm amazed. Not impressed. But amazed.

Bayonetted the gook, zipperheaded, yellow monkey, pie faced, ching chong, rice patty shitting, pet eating, coolie, dink assed, commies and their gook rat children

>no one does bowling like me.
Was Trump really a CIA trainee?

>spent most of his paychecks on the local Montagnard population
So he was literally a cuckold who gave his money to subhuman gooks. FUCKING BASED

>american hero vs trustfund baby
gee who will win

>So he was literally a cuckold who gave his money to subhuman gooks. FUCKING BASED
The Montagnards weren't subhuman gooks. They were the dudes who went on missions with MACV SOG recon teams into North Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, etc, to "out-guerrilla the guerrillas".

The Monties were some of the finest warriors who ever graced a battlefield, just like our boys running around in the jungle at their side.

seriously, the shills are way too obvious. You need better bait

>Commies went to fight commies

>The Montagnards weren't subhuman gooks
>The Monties were some of the finest warriors who ever graced a battlefield, just like our boys running around in the jungle at their side.
Amerimutts actually believe this kek

so very vapid that he has you, the media, and every single SJW enthralled and encapsulated into a metamorphosis microcosm of unclarity and pyscho-bullshit.
All while you degenerate fucks are espousing hatred against all of the things that you all claim to be so very tolerant of.
>calling trump uneducated
>calling trump a bafoon
>the drumpf has done it now
not really.
my sides actually do hurt user.

>left actually went to Vietnam
LMFAO fuck that's daft

read a book, nigger. I'd unironically take a single RT montagnard over 5 US marines.

You can't argue with someone who knows nothing about which they are speaking. I agree with you the Montagnards were the best plan for victory the US had aside from bombing the shit out of the North.

Wtf I love Vietnam now

>I'd unironically take a single RT montagnard over 5 US marines.
So would I, since at least subhuman gooks are better than subhuman ameriniggers.

Kerry's bitch

Which of these presidential candidates served in Vietnam?
>John Kerry
>Mitt Romney
>Al Gore
>George Bush

The senate, even with it's Republican majority, has more Democratic Vietnam vets than Republican Vietnam Vets.

The Republican members who served in combat roles like John McCain, are always more liberal than the ones deployed stateside or merely served in the national guard (like Bush). The ones who didn't serve at all are the most right wing.

you forgot to change your flag

>not real communism

>liberals in late 1960s
Fuck US soldiers who killed poor Vietnamese women and children! leave Vietnam alone! DRAFT DODGERS ARE HEROS!
>liberals in late 2010s
Ya US soldiers who killed poor Vietnamese women and children! DRAFT DODGERS ARE ZEROS!

>rank of Captain
Yeah, he's been following orders all of his life.

********FAKE PHOTO*******


wow you mean nobody approached the naked guy who just shit himself? what a badass legend

That's because liberals of the 1960s grew up to be Republican voting baby boomers.


It truely is astonishing to witness the endless mental gymnastics leftists will go to to attribute literally everything Trump has achieved to some underhanded act. Passed over for the Draft, a choice entirely up to the army doctor examining him? Clearly he contacted the upper echelons of the patriarchy and had them tell the doctor to pass him over. Took a loan of a million dollars from his Dad and turned it into billions? Clearly the billions vibrated into his pocket from the dosh dimention. He got a diploma? He must have bought every single paper and paid somebody to take all his tests.

All I've done here is a poor emulation. I think if I really tried to emulate the thought patterns of this pair of goblinos maximos I'd have a stroke. Though I'd probably only lose enough brain function to be half as stupid.

>All while you degenerate fucks are espousing hatred against all of the things that you all claim to be so very tolerant of.

Irony is you being triggered by someone you would knee jerk reactionarily scream was triggered...

>dwaft dawgin bayd
>why didn't he want to clean up Special Activities Division doodies out in a fucking irrelevant jungle country with the rest of the boys I don't get it, it's the tolerant intersectional Marxist thing to do

i m p e r i a l i s t
f a g g o t s

Mueller is an actor nepostist. His dad helped kill Kennedy.

What about clinton? Wasnt he a draft dodger?

>Recounting one such case, North Vietnamese Army (NVA) soldiers enveloped his Recon Team and it appeared on the verge of being overrun. AK-47 fire poured from all directions, and enemy moved little by little toward the team’s perimeter. A Forward Air Controller circling overhead realized what was about to happen and radioed Shriver the last words he might ever hear.
>“It sounds pretty bad.”
>“No. No. I’ve got ’em right where I want ’em, surrounded from the inside,” Shriver snapped back.
they didn't fuck with him because they know not to fuck with the guy who stuffs 6 revolvers in his webbing before heading out on an op

>Irony is you being triggered by someone you would knee jerk reactionarily scream was triggered...
so you admit you are triggered

aye, this too is true

>Took a loan of a million dollars from his Dad and turned it into billions?
The loan was more than just one and was not just once. How many times did Donnie file bankruptcy?

Just because a bunch of doofuses are conned by a loud mouthed new yorker into buying overpriced real estate does not a genius make. Confidence man, perhaps, but that only requires a lack of morals...

Nope. Just here destroying your judeo-nigger shit hole from the inside.

>kill babies
>become democrat
Makes sense.

Mueller is going to prison as the conspiracy against Trump is unveiled over the coming weeks. Even if he wasn't directly affiliated he's going to be pulled in with Comey and company.

>so you admit you are triggered
Reading comprehension is not a stong point? , is it?

You would knee jerk like a keyboard fandango ranger and call me triggered because of my understanding that Frump is a con man, not a genius.

>Passed over for the Draft a choice entirely up to the army doctor examining him? Clearly he contacted the upper echelons of the patriarchy and had them tell the doctor to pass him over.
Well, he got his most recent doctor to increase his height by an inch so he wouldn't be classified as obese, so it's not far from the realm of possibility he just paid off the army doc. Especially considering his disabling medical condition disappeared and never came back after the war ended.
>Took a loan of a million dollars from his Dad and turned it into billions? Clearly the billions vibrated into his pocket from the dosh dimention.
He actually performed poorer than an index stock fund over the same period of time. He literally made less money than if he did absolutely nothing at all with it.
What's more funny, he doesn't even run the companies with his name. He leases his name to other people and makes money on royalties.

>He got a diploma? He must have bought every single paper and paid somebody to take all his tests.
He bought someone to write everything else ever published in his name. Not surprising.

********FAKE PHOTO*******


>Gun safety in a war zone

>hippies became republican votes

>he killed gooks for israel therefore you need to praise him
nope. he hangs

gb2 /r/the_mueller

Wow, Trump was a soft batch cookie even in his youth. Disgusting, nipples protruding, very disrespectful.

Like the left prizes the Vietnam War.