You're in the club and this guy slaps your girlfriends ass, calls you a schlomo and tells you to gas yourself

>you're in the club and this guy slaps your girlfriends ass, calls you a schlomo and tells you to gas yourself

>wat do

recoil in fear and think to myself "i've been found out!"

They would push me to the front for good optics. The upper levels of party org would keep dogs like this at bay, leashed on the street barking at cars

Say hey what up GEEHVixc... internet crash again?

Aim for the stomach
Then keep pushing him

Degenerate filth, have you even read Mein Kampf?

Part of the core of national socialism is health and fitness. As well as keeping yourself to a standard of behavior and appearance. How are you a nazi with piercings and tattoos? Besides this you are fat and out of shape. Shave yourself for gods sake.

You would be looked down upon by the Fuhrer. Clean yourself up.

shoot him? pretty simple

Try as hard as i can to rip nose piercing out ...even take a few punches in doing so.....couple hard kicks to the ribs.....let him go we are low on numbers these days

kik in da balls and take flag away

he's a dumb larper


I'd go full Aaron Hernandez

Rip out his stupid nose ring. Fights over.


>OP assumes I don't have crippling social anxiety and frequents clubs
>OP assume I'm capable of getting a girlfriend
>OP asks what I would do?
I would probably recoil in fear and urge my girlfriend to leave with me. She would be so disgusted by my cowardice that she leaves me.
I then go home, jerk off, and cry myself to sleep.

I wouldn't be caught dead at clubs because those places are fucking trash.


Sieg Heil brother.

KO his ass then tattoo a swastika on his shill forehead no nazis have nose rings.

>standard of behaviour and appearance
>fat, loud-mouthed burger with no understanding of his political ideology
Sounds like he's got it covered

is that Jason Blaha?

Screech in pain as i strike.


probably shoot him with my concealed carry because he assaulted my gf

Get the bouncer to escort the gentleman outside so we may have an enlightened debate.
I'm in a club, I'm not a savage I respect my drinking establishment.

Then I will bootfuck the sad sack of shit once out of sight.

Shake his hand, double team gf with him and discuss politics afterwards. Maybe share a beer. n-no homo

Suck his dick probably

Punch a Nazi!
Bash the fash!
Fuck all you pussies
Wanna fight about it?
(734) 756-2059


Just looking to learn more about our lord and savior Adolf Trump

show him a pic on my phone and ask him : what do you think these guys would do when they see your appearance after you enter their room?