One of my female friends is traveling through India alone

One of my female friends is traveling through India alone.


What's she in for? Should I warn her?

she should watch her step


If social media is anything to go by then she's most definitely going to get raped by horny, aggressive, creepy Indian men. Show bobs/vegene etc

Pajeets aren't really all that dangerous. The worst part about India is the smell, it's everywhere.

She's already dead.
Sorry for your loss.

gang rape

open bob

I know girls who have travelled India in pairs, but not alone.

I think the rape image of India is a tad overblown, but she still definitively needs to be careful. It sounds like she already knows that however.

>whats she in for
A reality check, that is assuming she isnt too far gone ofcourse. Some fags go there and listen to the sound of horns blaring, the horrific driving, and the stench and take it in as inspiration.

They won't do anything in Chennai. In a village further north they might rape you. Deffo gwt her butt or boobs grabbed.

She's in for getting seriously redpilled on poos.
Really though, raped at the first opportunity, and possibility killed. Keep us updated man

She seems like a massive idiot

Hopefully some Pajeet will rid the world of one more idiot

Let the body hit the floor


>what shes in for
Parasytes and diareah


>What's she in for?

>What's she in for?
Gang rape probably.

She’s gonna get abducted at the airport

>She was found with injury marks, including numerous bite marks, all over her body. According to reports, one of the accused men admitted to having seen a rope-like object, assumed to be her intestines, being pulled out of the woman by the other assailants on the bus. Two blood-stained metal rods were retrieved from the bus and medical staff confirmed that "it was penetration by this that caused massive damage to her genitals, uterus and intestines".[23][24]
That's what.

Most women are well aware of the dangers in India, they just won't speak about them or get more precise what dangers exactly they are. My mother works for a big company that has branches all over the world, including India. Every year she and her colleagues have to visit all their branches and she always tries to avoid having to go to India. Last year she complained a lot to me about having to go to India on her own. I tried to get her to just say why she doesn't want to go there, but the closest thing was something like "It can get uncomfortable for women there".

>What's she in for?
Rape, maybe gang rape too

death, lol

forced cultural enrichment

This is how a female Japanese tourist died.

Her bobs and vagene are 'bout to get CLAWED.

she's going to get touched/groped, a lot. she'll play it of on social media with a selfie in a market like- "zomg loike sooo much culture n stuffs aye" where in reality all the rest of her time was spent crying, locked away in her hotel in an attempt to stay out of the stench and to keep pajeet's hands off her.


60% chance of rape
40% chance of murder

Pro tip: India is NOT safe for women to travel alone. Ask any other Indian

you should stop hanging around with sluts
are you her orbiter or something?

She's Dutch, I met her whilst traveling. Rarely talk to her desu.

you should rape her so you can help her assimilate into the Indian culture early.

Always travel alone on the bus. She`ll be safe.

>dutch women

Of fucking course

Depends where she goes though, indians are also quite timid so in the “better” parts they would scare easily. But chances of rape are still high and about 100% if she goes anywhere near the bad parts.

Worst part is the sickness, she WILL get sick a day or two in. Water, food, something will make her violently sick. And being alone and half-dead in India isnt a great idea.

did you fuck her or something

'Woman found raped and covered in poo. News at 11'

Best post on this board rn

Search for "Las holandesas panama", find the story of two adventurous dutch girls who wanted to go for a short trek.
Half a pelvis and foot bones in a boot were all that was found of them 3-4 weeks later.
Girls should be told these stories at a young age, repeatedly. It is the reality of third world countries, and unfortunately the third world has been forced upon Europe now too.
The fairytales used to be about monsters living in the woods, the modern fairy tale should be monsters living in third world shitholes.

If any of you have younger female relatives, tell them these stories, from news articles etc, of what happens to girls who go to third world countries, especially alone. Put the fear in them young, or they will make these same mistakes based on the lies they see in the (((media))).

You should post her geo update more often maybe some poo bros meet her up and warn her.

>it’s an ‘oh when I was in India’ episode

20 year old woman are trash

Natural selection. She's obviously not disposed to have kids so let her die violently so she reprents from her way of life.