Is it actually the jews behind everything or is jew just codeword for something else?

Is it actually the jews behind everything or is jew just codeword for something else?

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The Jew-Vatican Syndicate

Ots actually jews, but only a very very small percentage of them.

I think of it like a codeword for modernity
but also jews

No its not code word. They have been subverting and corrupting since the beginning. Jesus was the first famous person to call them out on their shit

It's a codeword for mindful, predatory people. The vast majority of humanity are completely mindless drones that prefer to let others control them like a sim or rts unit.

Well you have to look at the Talmud and the Elder Zion thing. Sure there are Jews who are ok but the enemy ideas are Jewish based and anyone really can run with them so it is both a Jewish thing and a 'Shabbat' thing. This is also why it is suggested throughout history that traitors hang first.

What if you're like a nigger to a Jew? Like how niggers complain about a giant white conspiracy to keep the black man down, if not for the white man, they'd be kangz n shiet.

but the opposite is true, Whites saved the Jews. And now the jews are literally trying to destroy whites by genocide

Synagoge of Satan owned by

He still is alive due to dark magic/rituals.

El goblino strikes again

based on nation/race/religion the (((international jewry))) does not consist exclusively of jews for centuries, tho they are still a majority.

that's why whenever you see a neonazi dog pointing to you some retarded schlomo as a reason for world downfall you can be sure he's employed by (((them))) to throw smokescreens

I guess Satan is ordering him to destroy the white race for some reason?

So... *smacks lips* you waz sayun *eats a watermelon* tha, tha we wuz KANGZ bein all benevolen n shiet *smacks lips, robs a store* but then, but then the jewz were ungrateful n turn agains us *buys a pair of jordans* shieeeeeettt mang *smacks lips*

The Jews literally control:

>Social Media
>The Music Industry
>The Banking System
>The Porn Industry
>High Powered Jews like Soros Controll Large Portions of the Government
>Jews Admit to be Behind Multiculturalism
>Jews Have Effectively Convinced Evangelicals to Support them
>Run the Media
>Control education (colleges)

I don’t know user. You tell me.

People are influenced by entertainment and the media. The Jews run both. Through entertainment, education, and the media the Jews have been successful in:

>Ligitmizing abortion
>Mocking Christianity
>Celebreting Adultry
>Destroying the Traditional Family
>Promoting Atheism
>Feeding Feminism
>Criminalizing Police

You tell me...

Jew is a mindset, not a race or even a religion, just like kike cernobitch's gorillian mindset. Can anyone be a jew? Yes in the sense that you choose to be a satanist and do whatever you wish regardless of the law or morality, but officially you marry into it.
The mindset has been in play for probably ten thousand years and is the reason every civilization since Egypt has collapsed

Whites saved the blacks too but they dont seem to realize that sooo.....

Sort of this. It's a catch all. Don't get me wrong, Jews play a big part in it, but there's a lot more to it than just them

It’s time for us to stop pretending saving animals will make them stop being animals. The natural order of things exists for a reason.

Not a code word. Read Kevin MacDonald.

JIDF is out in full force on /pol

Jews and blacks spitting in white's faces when the vast majority of whites alive today have been indoctrinated from birth to put minority groups on a pedestal accounts for a good 95% of the resentment that fuels Sup Forums and the new right. If minorities played by the same rules almost all of is would have been fine been civnat cucks but no, leftists can never pack it in and call it a day even when they achieved all of their aims before most of us ITT were even born


I don't believe it's a conspiracy of organised Jewlluminati, but rather that the Jewish archetype seeks out these positions in society and so they end up controlling key positions.

Remember, this is Christianity's fault for granting the Jew a monopoly on usury.

The biggest red pill is that the enemy is yet to reveal him self

(((totally not real jews but it’s also Christianity’s fault because of what they did concerning real jews)))

Thank you for the confirmation, Shlomo. I guess it was real jews after all.

they were never more than money lending slaves until the protestant reformation happened

>Remember, this is Christianity's fault for granting the Jew a monopoly on usury.
Keep telling yourself that kike

the rise of the international jewry goes hand in hand with rise of papacy, and later protestantism and british empire.

Atheists, of which Jews are a sizeable portion.

Oh bullshit. The Catholic Church is anything but pro-Jew. I’ve never heard “pray for Israel” at mass... but at evangelical churches? Every Sunday.

There may have been some popes along the way that we’re friendly with Jews, but by and large The Church was never “pro” Jew or “pro” Israel.

Fucking arrogant atheists don’t know half of what they think they do. Go watch some more YouTube videos... don’t forget your fedora and Hotpockets.

Stop the "NOT ALL JEWS" shit
They endlessly post here about how it's "ALL MUSLIMS" and "ALL BLACKS"
Don't give them a pass

Dagon Hat Man cuck spotted
Go blow your priest, bitch

Spotted the 15 year old edgelord. You should turn your phone off and listen your teacher, Caleb. I’m sure you don’t Ms. Jones calling your mom’s new husband again about your fucking off in class. Remember what happened last time.

Protestantism was the cause of Jew worship.
Laymen do not have proper education to read and understand Bible. And if they nevertheless read it, they tend to take the Jew-praising in Old Testament literally. And from it there is only single step to Jew-praising in society.


Topkek. That was good. Have a (you).

Jew code word for 'i am'
Jew code word for 'sit down, I am'
Jew code word for 'worship me, I am'
Glad I can serve you

they weren't granted a 'monopoly on usury.' self respecting christians just didn't engage in that sort of activity back then


This. 100%.

The idea of Jews is only propagated by modern, often American, evangelicals who’s understanding of the Bible is limited to their own person interpretations of its verses.

The mitre is from the eastern Roman Empire, they got it from the Greeks. Only the worst king of fedora lords and Jack Chick belive that Dagon shit

I wonder what evangelicals would say about the early church's views on jews?

Nothing. They discount early church teachings or writings. They only concern themselves with the teachings of the Reformers (post 16th century). They don’t acknowledge the early Church Fathers. And, for good reason... they’re quite aware their false theology would crumble if they did.