Bullying is great

I'm tired of seeing this soyboy femnazi propaganda. Kids have been bullying each other for eternity. Kids that are bullied grow a thick skin and become strong and resistant adults. They are more apt to face life, because there is nothing that will fuck you harder than life. Today, we've weakened the mind of bullied people by ostracizing bullying. If a soyboy beta loser even feels like someone is looking at them the wrong way, they feel bullied.

Look at what's happened to our society. We've become the biggest bitches civilization has ever seen. No wonder why testosterone levels have dropped drastically.

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You do realize the bullies today are the soyboy fags that lobby the school to continue their Orwellian indoctrination of the masses, right?

When it comes to physical bullying, just knock the shit outta the bully. I'd congratulate my son for standing up to one... If I ever actually put him in Public school to begin with. kek

Then how come I'm still a little bitch with social anxiety issues?

They ought to teach stoicism and not to give a damn what others think. Instead we teach kids to take every comment and remark about them seriously. This leads to them being more susceptible to bullying and to becoming whiny faggots on social media when they grow up.

Oh no. Someone called you a bitch. How will you ever recover?

Yes, ganging up on a single kid is great.

The bullee develops mental problems and the bullies still maintain low iq.

this so much this.
>When it comes to physical bullying, just knock the shit outta the bully. I'd congratulate my son
this in particular

Exposure therapy. Start small and work your way up. It's the only way. There's nothing wrong with reading up on how to have a conversation either.




I was bullied by a guy two feet taller than me when I was like 11, and his friends.

I had them all sued and he couldn't join the navy as a result.


School shootings are a direct result of the anti-bullying campaigns.

I was bullied when I was a kid.

People at work tried to bully me and I chased them with a knife, being bullied made kind of psycho defensive. Tbh.

Bullying is nigger-tier behavior and because of rampant liberalism, bullying victims end up quite to opposite of "strong and resistant adults". They end up suffering from a litany of emotional disorders, traumas and severe social disfunction.

Back in the day, parents actually taught their kids that when they are being bullied to just KO the faggot. Teach your kids to fight back and stand up for themselves, have confidence, etc. Now, because of regressive liberalism, kids are taught not to stand up for themselves. They're taught to stay quiet, don't fight back, ignore them and hope they go away and then tell the teacher or somebody else to come rescue them everytime they have a problem. Why do you think Millennials and Gen-Z'rs all suffer from record rates of anxiety and panic disorders, they're all on psych drugs and desperately need their safe spaces? Why do you think they're all offended and terrified of everything? Their boomer fucking parents raised them all to be pussies. They were raised to be perpetual victims. So now, bullying isn't just simple shit like it used to be. It's kids ending up totally fucked and defenseless, nobody in authority gives a shit to actually step in and now we have an entire generation of utterly FUBAR people and kids offing themselves to escape the torment of bullies.

Bullies need to get fucked with the long dick of the law, and victims need to be raised to punch back.

They're a direct result of parents not paying attention to their own kids.

there's politically incorrect and then there's just being contrarian.

this in combination with

I was bullied extremely hard as a kid. I have a mutation that is quitw apparent, yet harmless. But you know kids, they'll bully you if your hair is one inch too long or too short. Even though I was bullied into oblivion, I am still for bullying, as it helped me so much to learn what is normal and what isn't. That's what bullying is about, it's to make sure you learn social norms and stop being an autistic faggot. It's basically a safety net against terrible parenting. The reason why we're witnessing an "epidemic" of bullies is because parents don't raise their kids anymore, so they go out to socialize with barely any basis. Honestly, anti-bullying campains are a jewish plot based on muh feels.

>Bullies need to get fucked with the long dick of the law, and victims need to be raised to punch back.
Exactly. Bullying back in the day led to the kids that were being bullied to fight back. Today we cry foul and further encroach on their misery. It's fucking pathetic. When life fucks you in the ass, you fight back. You don't cry like a whiny little bitch about it.

Sure, bullies should get fucked, but our way of dealing with bullying is a recipe for disaster.

So what you're saying is when a huge kid attacks a very small kid that's a good thing? Do you beat up on small children OP?

I was bullied throughout most of high school, got into a fight with a piece on the hockey team who constantly ragged on being for being the backup goalie and never playing, despite the only reason being: the top goalie was there on an athletic scholarship, I was simply smart enough to attend the school on grades alone. Long story made short, after a game in the locker room, once most of the team had left, he smacked me in the side of a head with his stick and told me to "do something faggot", so I did. He was smaller than me so I simply jumped on him with my skate and began beating him with it until I slashed the side of his neck with the blade. He went to the hospital crying and calling me a psycho. So yeah, if you're getting bullied just draw some blood and they'll back off after that usually.

I have social disorders, anxiety and PTSD thanks to many years of violent bullying. I was raised to be a pussy, never fought back, ended up emotionally FUBAR and it has taken over a decade to overcome the bullshit created by my parents.

This, except in high school. Ironically, this is how I discovered that violent force is the only thing that stops bullies. I was always taught to be nice and ignore them. It never ended until I was so fucked up I started pulling knives on bullies. Poof. It stopped. Never bullied again.

Bullying may suit your agenda but karma is coming at you.

Bullying is thug behavior.

Shooting them is fair.

didn't bully lead to some school shootings?

Its great if youre trying to turn whites into blacks.

It would be fine if schools (and you) didn't confuse social pressure with genuine bullying, and things will never get better until people start looking more closely at reported "bullying".

I was 5 and a tiny kid, they were 10 and twice my size.
Teachers did nothing. "there is no bullying at this school.!"

Parents focus on making their kids kind and agreeable rather than resilient and assertive.

Another thing they don't teach is learning to walk away. Some kid gets treated like crap by his supposed friends but still hangs around with them because he doesn't want to be alone.

>HAHA look a that nerd,getting good grades...what a loser!
If your kid is surrounded by retards he will most likely join them.This will have a massive impact on his future

>High school
bullying in High school ends up with a fight and that's about it.

>We've become the biggest bitches civilization has ever seen.
But the anger is bubbling below the surface, user. You feel it.
>Parents focus on making their kids kind and agreeable rather than resilient and assertive.
>Another thing they don't teach is learning to walk away. Some kid gets treated like crap by his supposed friends but still hangs around with them because he doesn't want to be alone.
so true, I was taught that being kind was the most important thing
when I found out that not caring about other peoples opinions makes you feel a lot better it was over for that weak shit

So? You still helped the local creeps to stay in line. A little karma is fine.

>someone is physically stronger than you, son?
>just punch him in the face and start a fight lmao what could go wrong
This is why school shootings happen

And another thing: social media and being in constant contact with school friends. That, in combination with them wanting to be liked, is going to ruin this generation.

This. I also believe this is a major reason why most women are the way they are. Boys were usually taught to be assertive and fight back. Girls were and largely still are taught to be kind and agreeable but to an extreme. But now because of pervasive leftism, both boys and girls are being taught to be total babyish pussies.

This. I used to bully the fuck out of this fedora bro in middle school. Every single day. To the point that he threatened my life. Now he has a cute girlfriend and got into a great school, has a perfect head of hair, and is in good shape.

Me I am in my early 20s, a virgin, almost completely bald, NEET, and hate my life.. I wish I was making this up, but its true

This is why you teach your kids to be athletic, so they are fit and teach them how and where to throw a punch. Get your kids into a martial art like MMA or Judo.

This is the fucking problem. Stop raising weak victims. Raise alphas.

Oh look it's another "Sup Forums larps as a tough guy Chad" thread. Every single day with this crap.

You're so insecure about being bullied you've internalized it as acceptable behavior because you have no actual ego to speak of. Bullying is *wrong* PERIOD, it's not some great endeavor of kindness displayed as cruelty that you're trying to meme it as. It's literally little insecure kids finding some other more insecure kids to pick on to make themselves look better. That's all it is.

It's not good for the victims, they just have psychological problems that manifest later in life in anti-social behaviors since the social system has cemented itself as a hostile enemy in their minds. Usually they were getting bullied because of jealously of their idiot peers too, so we take some of the smartest people with the highest potential to alleviate us all and treat them like shit to the point where their self-esteem will never recover and any good we could have gained from their minds won't happen.

So we all have a self-interest in eradication of bullies, bullying leads to shit people destroying good people until their shit too. Stop bullying and so you stop the spread of degeneracy.

I've been physically and verbally abused through the entire middle school by a gang of thugs, most of whom were much larger and stronger than me even by themselves.

It indeed made me somewhat insensitive, but it also irreversably fucked me up in the head, it pretty much killed me inside. I don't think it was a good tradeoff.

But hey, if bullying is a fair game, so should be shooting or stabbing the bullying bastard(s). Unfortunately, only one is punished by the law.

Bullying and getting bullied is one of the big parts of growing up. We make our children less when we shield them from the world.

when I was at school (brit fag) there was bullying but it was only on fags and pussies, made you grow a thick skin. If you picked on any of the disabled kids you were in trouble with the 5th year lads.

The fact is, you were always a beta male. Nobody taught you to be kind, you were just a bitch. People can just sense when someone is different. It is your own fault. Even this comment is extremely beta because instead of accepting personal responsibility, you want to blame someone else for you being a bitch. Suck it up faggot

>oy vey I got PTSD because the other kids were mean to me because I am a sperg
Fuckin pussy


It's shitty parenting indoctrinating kids to be this way, you fucking retard. When your entire life is nothing but your parents teaching you how to be, this affects your development as you age. Liberal ideals are a disease infecting the minds of kids. When you raise them to be that way, you are setting them up for serious problems in the future. Go look at society right now and tell me this isn't the fault of the last 40 years of boomer parents fucking up raising their kids, now they're all on drugs, rabid lefties and crying for safe spaces. It's a cultural cancer.

I got fucked with relentlessly as a kid and I have to say, it straightened me out and toughened me up. It even helped me get in shape.

I'm not necessarily for bullying, but there needs to be fucking challenges for kids these days. None of these "everyone gets a trophy" bullshit.

It's extremely difficult to actualize as an individual during the early schooling years. Nobody is an alpha or beta in that sense since all are at the behest of their parents, teachers and other such authority figures including their senior peers, essentially dependents. Adolescence and young adulthood are abundantly influenced by your upbringing and the social context of that upbringing. If your parents taught you to hold doors and some dipshit decides to slam that door into your face because it will be "funny", that doesn't make the victim a bitch, it makes the attacker a borderline deviant headed for criminality. The propensity for violence almost universally falls upon the bully but the blame consistently goes to those who refuse to lower themselves. It alone falls upon those who failed to integrate their off-spring (i.e., bullies with social autism so severe they feel the need to lash out at others to fit in). People typically disregard that the bully is also a form of social outcasting, in that this person simply cannot ignore the compulsion to attack others. We put down rabid dogs knowing it';s the right thing to do, meanwhile we let these little wannabe thugs wander the schools targeting otherwise innocent children.

Oh no, little timmy broke your arm when you were 8. Grow up.

If that's the best you can do I feel sorry for you.

bullying is the reason you beta cuck incels are on this board the first place, rofl

I'm not trying to bring you down, I'm trying to get you out of this retard autist mode you're in.

You've just said you got fucking ptsd from bullying. Do you not realise how that fucking sounds?

Really, I said that? Do you know how IDs work? Fuck off, you don't even know who you're responding to.

Right. You're obviously not that user. I mean, pretty much everyone is so terrified of his grade school bully that he desperately needs to see them shot.

Implying all the successful people were bullied and all the unsuccessful ones were not.

You can get PTSD from a lot of things you fucking autist. It's not just a war veteran thing. Child abuse, terrorism, rape, natural disasters, kidnappings, hostage situations, hell even major car accidents can cause symptoms in varying degrees and severity.

Yeah and I bet you are a real bad ass tough guy.

Once again, not something I said. I simply implied that bullies are far more dangerous than those they bully. Your IQ is too low to drag this conversation on any further, you can't even read what I wrote.

>but there needs to be fucking challenges for kids these days.
Yeah like sports or academics.
Oh no wait some cunt pushing a kid around is the challenge that matters.


I'm fine with bullying if I can fight back, problem with bullying today is that the bullies usually never get punished and are more popular among other students.

It raises people to believe that it's better if you're a cynical bastard that only cares about themselves.

>literally stockholm cuck syndrome

i bet you naked wrestle bears tough guy

When I was fifteen, the school bully shouted allahu ackbar and blew up the cafeteria. There was screaming and blood everywhere.

He totally did not hit me and start a fight.

>We put down rabid dogs knowing it';s the right thing to do
>meanwhile we let these little wannabe thugs wander the schools targeting otherwise innocent children.

My bad, euthanizing is much preferable to taking them out back like old yeller.

You faggots keep saying this but all the real chads have never been bullied. Just shows the kind of faggots who are on here.

>The fact is, you were always a beta male

The fuck do you think you are exactly? Post a picture of yourself, lets see how tough you are when people make fun of the way you look. Oh wait, you won't even have the balls do to that while you're acting tough over the Internet over a computer screen.

>Fuckin pussy

Prove you aren't a pussy and post a picture of yourself for everyone to see user. Otherwise you're a fucking pussy.

The truth is it's a fine line between teaching your kid to be assertive/not a pushover and teaching your kid to be polite and kind. Especially when the social dynamic in school/society is so warped. We are considering homeschool but also don't want to shield them from the kind of shit they're going to have to inevitably learn to navigate in life. It's a tough call.

I'd go one step further. Men are taught to be soft, agreeable, submissive pussies while women are taught to be strong tough leaders. Both genders are being pushed into the mode of behavior that they are unsuited for and that makes them unattractive. It's no wonder there is so much social and relational chaos.

>little insecure kids finding some other more insecure kids to pick on to make themselves look better. That's all it is.
Exactly OP's point. It's a child's first exposure to the brutal power struggle of life. It is a major impetus for people to learn how not to be a weak pussy and how to stick up for yourself and fight back. Do you ever wonder why millenials are so soft these days? It's because they were never made to fend for themselves

This is the correct one.
When I see one of (((those))) commercials, y'know the ones with the dramatic piano music and slow-mo shots which are trying to tackle a "pressing issue in today's society", when they're directed at children's issues, it's always "we need to teach little girls to not be afraid, stand up for themselves and assume direct leadership".
But all the boys issues are coming out of the closet as being a little girl or a faggot.

>Do you ever wonder why millenials are so soft these days? It's because they were never made to fend for themselves

No it's because they're bullying fucks and when someone stood up to them, that person got in trouble instead because bullies aren't about owning up to and taking responsibility for their aggression. Because that's how the female ran school system handles things.

That's why any time millenial doesn't get their way, they try to get someone fired or in trouble instead. They're used to passive aggressive attacking of anyone they don't like and the rest of the normies will join in. Like bullies.

Yes... instead of sticking up for themselves face to face, they use bureaucratic methods or "call a teacher". This is what the school system incentivizes instead of allowing children to stick up for themselves.

>It's because they were never made to fend for themselves
It's not even that. They are being thrown to the wolves unarmed and told to be nice to the pack and they won't get mauled. Then they get mauled.

It is a parent's duty to TEACH their children to survive, to fight, to build a mindset for their offspring so when they do encounter the wolves, they know what to do to deal with it themselves. Today's parents have completely failed.

It's both, my dude. Women are raised to be all soft and submissive and we wonder why they get taken advantage of and easily exploited by the (((Weinsteins))) of society. They're not raised to be strong enough to do anything for themselves. They don't even have the level of assertiveness to tell an old pervy Jew to fuck off. Nor enough self respect or sense of honor to tell nogs to fuck off. This is what happens when you raise your kids to be retarded pussies.

Seriously. The ideal woman today is a strong brave tough soldier, CEO, or blue collar worker. The ideal man has literally castrated himself or fucks dudes in the butt.

bullying builds character. there is nothing that proves otherwise

Lack of "assertiveness" is not why people get bullied. In the adult world assertiveness means having confidence in marketable skills and being able to negotiate your pay. As a kid the only way to stop bullying is to be physically dominant and beat them up.

this, no seriously this

Most bullies aren't usually that much stronger then the people they're bullying
Renember that Casey Heynes shit in 2011?

In the schools I went to if you called a teacher you got the shit beat into you even more. Unless it was stuff like a serious injury or something.


No, the (((corporate world))) has coopted the word assertive. Assertiveness is really just general confidence and forcefulness in personality, and yes, it's definitely a quality that can deter bullying.

>be a social rockstar and make enough friends to not be bullied
Chats aren't bullies and they don't get bullied. Bullies are losers picking on other losers

>not teaching your kids to beat the living shit out of him regardless so they know better than to fuck with him

Bad idea because that won’t be the case for most people.

Bullying is when someone unequally treats you in a malicious way and you want this to continue?

You are either unaware of way bullying truly is or you're just an utter imbecile nu facefuck fag.

this was what happened to me after being bullied for a while
it just turned into exactly what this user said

at the end of it i didnt turn into someone with anxiety, depression i just turned into an anti social recluse whose bordeline sociopathic :/

let me just KO a guy who is likely much tougher than me geeez youre delusional

That goes until you become one of the creeps needed to be kept in line.


which i could say improved me that im not a beta bitch anymore but it definately fucked me up for years in social situations which to this day i always try to avoid even if its with friends.

Modern schools punish people for defending themselves or standing up to bullies


That doesn’t surprise me at this point.

If a fucking chihuahua can stand up for himself, why arent you able to do the same bitchboy

I've never been bullied or known anybody who was bullied although i was kind of a cunt to a kid in elementary school because he had the gay (i mean he still does) and was pretty obvious, can anybody confirm It makes you "grow a thicker skin"?

I'm coming to Canada and bullying you now you fucking faggot

Bullying isn't the problem, it's the handling.
>1980 - Punch your bully and he respects you
>1990 - Punch your bully and you both get in trouble
>2000 - Punch your bully and you get in trouble and he doesn't
>2010 - Punch your bully and get shanked
This is why kids are stealing their dads guns and shooting the fucker. It's the way they're being taught now by indifferent faculty that just want to get paid and maintain diversity quotas.

I'd rather teach my child to deal with bullyers than just shove it under the rug. It's not gonna go away because we wish it to. Kids are always gonna be little shits until we teach them to be responsible adults, and that is an eternal act of growing the fuck up.

you realize the most prevalent bully culture is among blacks and arabs right? Good christians dont bully as children

You are lucky to not live around minorities. If you want to get bullied for the first time in your life go to a ghetto and niggers will immediately put down your ego and harm what you take is your self esteem image when they ignore everyone else and just pick on you

Teachers aren't allowed to do shit. If they get involved too much then they get in trouble for picking on the bully. Bullies get a lot of free reign these days. And it's all done online now anyway

Niggers change lanes when they see me, i couldnt buy weed if i wanted to. Not trying to be an internet tough guy, just being honest