Invasion Day March Australia

Is that a neo-nazi or a cancer patient?

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These people all look alike everywhere they exist. It's weird. Like a virus spreading from one end of the planet to the other.

>Face paint
>Ugly signs
>Shitty rhymes

Are they zombies?


This guy trims his armpit hair. Kill him.

They live through the group because they have no ego of their own.

Australia was arguably made better due to colonization though. Do these dumb fucks honestly think Aboriginals were creating civilizations before white people arrived? They were too busy looking for shit to get high on. Also what do the chinks have to do with this?

I didn't know this country was so bad :(

Aussie btw was using the blm flag earlier to mimic some retard

what are they protesting / marching for?

They LITERALLY could not invent music beyond a drone pipe and banging sticks together. No drums. They could not stretch a skin over a thick tube.

Crying about Australia day being a celebration of stealing the Ogga Booga's home

Don't know what these people want Aboriginals already get to claim land and tell white people where they are allowed to go.

They are marching to change the date of Australia Day, they call it Invasion Day, and say that celebration it is celebrating genocide



Fuck sakes. Sorry ausbro
Chugs and their pussy white pets are the same anywhere you go I suppose.
Do they get a lot of gibsmedat
Here it’s unreal here

But what’s the significance of all the Asian stuff too?

Bunch of ugly losers virtue signaling with retarded arguments.
Why is it spreading in Australia so fast?


When will you cunts finish the job of conquest?

They've managed to find some useful idiots: chink edition

guess it's just because nearly all of Australia is Asian now haha, i have no idea

We need another Cronulla and fast

They sure have.
>After they knock you out of the way they'll fuck the abos out of their land and resources like you should have done 150 years ago.

Son, given how things have gone for you over the last few decades, I have to say I would rather I'd cut you off at a young age and left you to your own devices.
Your overbearing mother has had a strongly negative influence on you, and I should have realised that quite a while ago.
All this "immigration" hasn't done you any good at all, and I think if you'd been left as a nation without being part of the commonwealth or under any of your parents' sometimes wayward political influences, none of this would have happened.
It seems like only yesterday when you were a young lad, in the 80s, and most of your population was really australian, and happy with it, proud of their nationality, despite speaking like drunkards.
Now it's being taken over by chinks, pakis and other oddments who feel they have a right to change the demographic to such an extent where they can demand ownership of your culture.
It's a disgrace. It comes from your mother's dementia, she let all these strangers into our home, and now we're stuck with them and she's too far gone to know anything about it. Never should have happened to you though, son.

I agree, but when will you finish the north?

>unite + fight
the peaceful left

>all those white females

our races greatest enemy

Based Britbong

The commie makes me want to die, she is marching with the Aboriginals, but if she had it her way all the Aboriginals marching would be in gulag or straight to the ditch.

they're trying to outcuck us

Where is a truck of peace when you need it?

Isn't this what high powered water jets on the backs of riot vans were designed for.
Put the technology to use.

that's rite

I've been pleading for it since '94 when Kim Il Sung died. Should have carpet bombed the funeral.
>Instead the gov't relocates about 4 million people in satellite cities closer to Nork artillery.
>Fucking progs due stupid shit, a concatenation of one capitulation followed by an even bigger investment putting more people's lives at risk
>"What can we do?! Millions will be bombarded!"
>'Cuz you moved them there, asshole

kek nice digits

>Aboriginals marching would be in gulag or straight to the ditch

Sounds like Australia could use some good ol' fashion Stalinist Marxist Leninism.

Milo is a faggot but that's a pretty funny post

It ain't about "stolen land". They're out there because they want free shit they didn't earn.

If the Brits didn't come to Australia, they'd be a fucking shithole country (well, more than it is now anyways). Let's not kid our selves, the Brits did more than just colonize, they civilized Australia too.

You sir are my new favourite



what the fuck.
demented fat tranny with a fetish for bestiality sits beside a couple of two homeless gremlins chattering and banging sticks

They will never stop.

American english teacher abroad for a year shitting bricks because his government is pushing north korea to war while he's there.
Just go home chicken cry baby.

We must secure the existence of Australia Day and a future for our sacred white Australian heritage. #1788

Where exactly do these people want white folks to live? They are purposely flooding Europe with other races and are unhappy if whites live anywhere else. These people will be looked back upon as disturbed retarded racists. In a few hundred years everyone will look back on this shit and say "why didn't anyone stand up against this endless and baseless scapegoating?" It's really sad that these kids have been so indoctrinated that they will place themselves under someone else's boot just because they were told they're unworthy of simply existing with other cultures.

a nazi wouldn't be seen like that

They are fucking idiots, is what.
95%+ of people are followers and will do whatever they are told without thinking about or considering it in the slightest.
There is no thought behind it.
They see it as a fun day out, they see it as them being included in something.
Notice that most of them have dyed hair, are unattractive and have some kind of disfigurement or failing. The rest, about half of them are immigrants.
Those are ones with self interests, that if they can break the idea of australia, they can claim part of it for themselves and the rest of the chinks or whichever invasion force they are part of.
It is called, letting the lunatics run the asylum. In this case, it is deliberate, to undermine a homogenous society and make it utterly divided and controllable. It can then be used as a drone filled, characterless factory, with the sole purpose of producing and selling worthless items and services to itself, for the orchestrators of this abomination.

The simple question of "where do they want white people to live?" is never asked, and never part of the equation. You are entirely expendable and if you do not serve, they will import others who will.
They will import them anyway, to weaken the strain and create mistrust and a non-cohesive society.

>In a few hundred years everyone will look back on this shit and say "why didn't anyone stand up against this endless and baseless scapegoating?"

That's implying people will stand up to them in the time in-between. Unless that happens, more people will be indoctrinated into those ideas and society will become even more shitty because of them. You know what we have to do to prevent this, and it only takes one person to start the fire.

These "subcultures" have been promoted and funded with huge amounts of money.
The feminists, homosexuals, etc etc.
They are cultivated to feel victimised, when there is none, to feel entitled when they have earned no right to it. They then have friends who are half part of that subculture, or know them by other means. They either draw them in or those friends become sympathisers by personalisation.
The same with immigrants, a great deal of european blooded people with even one foreign friend will then defend all foreigners and immigrants, because otherwise they are betraying their friend or acquaintance.
It is intentional subversion, poisons injected at all major and minor arteries.

>"why didn't anyone stand up against this endless and baseless scapegoating?"

standing up is the whole point. you guys are so gullible. the new world order is not a world without whitey (not even jews want to live such a world). the new world order will be created by channeling the force of the eventual explosive backlash of white europeans against incited nigger hordes. That's the whole point. There will be war on the streets of europe and out of the ashes will emerge the new order.

Did I say you could post in other threads?

Honestly wouldn’t be surprised if he came out as a straight devout catholic after this shit show is over. Potentially the greatest troll ever.

How bad does this get? Has it gotten worse over the years?

Maybe it thinks its a German flag


There's no arguably about it

I HATE Australian people.

Worse every year

Cool !

I thought it was.
Next year, go along with a German flag and shout translated slogans from WW2, if they are vague enough, you might have a group of people chant along with you.
"The most important thing is your people! Not your country!"

The modern commie that supports ancient cultures are generally projecting their unconscious desire for primalness into reality. That’s why these cultures are revered by people who are most disconnected from their nature (soyboys, fags, feminists etc). In some way they are right because western industrialism is destroying nature and we have become disconnected from life and God, and if that wasn’t the case these people would not exist as a force that desires to overturn current social structures. The problem is that their lack of consciousness opens them up to external control and therefore makes them dangerous. The bizarre reality is that religion was our connection to understand our primal nature as well as our higher nature and yet they will reject religion at any cost (unless it is foreign and more base). The collective unconscious is mentally ill and probably a lot of people here suffer the same problem too just with a different manifestation.