What's the current state of Freemasons and other secret societies?

What's the current state of Freemasons and other secret societies?

How much control do they really have?

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They're losing it though
Because they're faggots

Increasingly dwindling numbers, I sent an email to them about joining and they were willing to waive the “you have to know/be recommended by someone,” caveat, but I decided against it anyways

>Because they're faggots
Why the homophobia?

We don't know,. That's why they are secret. Otherwise we will know. Dumbass

Because they're faggots
Are you?
>Hurr durr why care about the future live for the present buy dumb shit and buttfuck

less then you would think at this point. I mean they are going to hang with jews and niggers.


Are zionist Christians. But there's no point now since 99% of politicians are the same.

Now they're just a men club. Degenerates that have property around the globe.

>Because they're faggots

It's pretty insensitive and rude of you to describe gay people that way. The elite aren't "faggots". They produce offspring to carry on their legacy you dumb fucking homophobe.

The heat of their power seemed to be late XVIII century and they are in decline ever since.
Existence of secret societies should be abolished anyway.

they always seem to be right around the corner from the happenings. I'm sure it just a coincidence.

Just sweet business connections more than anything, or so I've heard. :/

why do you always see freemason stickers on the shitties dindu cars on the road?

the only time I see Freemason iconography it's on some stinky nigger's dirty jacket or a cadillac hoopty from the early 2000's

Only confederate statue on Federal land yet you have never heard a peep about taking it down

Also the Masonic symbol is basically the star of david(remphan)


>Are zionist """Christians""".
Bingo. That's what I heard as well.

prince hall masons

All the noteworthy ones have been infiltrated by Talmudists ages ago

>Existence of secret societies should be abolished anyway.
Let's go for exterminated ,Polefriend

8:00 Nixon talks about Bohemian Grove


Anders Brevik was one.

In his manifesto he goes into how Israelis are taking back their homeland. But they're the very definition of foreigners coming in and kicking out/murdering off the native population.

He rages against foreign brown muslims coming into the country. And what does he do? Murders a hundred native born white kids. Free Masons are cancer.

they're looking quite satisfied

may be of interest to burgers
@ 53:26
@ 2:25:05
also interesting that both churchill and fdr were masons

list of UGLE grand masters

>Anders Brevik was one.
Really? I was unaware of that.
Gosh, I wonder (((why))) it is never brought up.

there was that happening during New Years
>an autistic 16-year-old teenage boy is accused of shooting his parents, sister, and a friend to death with a semi-automatic rifle right before midnight in a family bloodbath that unfolded on New Year’s Eve in Long Branch, New Jersey.

the first person to make facebook post about how great steve kologi (dad) was. Made me laugh

(((Hitler))) is trés cool
Check his hip aesthetics and occult insinuations
He definitely didn't aid in bulldozing
Europe for (((their agenda)))
No sir
Poland should set up their own church independent of the (((Vatican)))while you're telling the rest of (((them))) to BTFO

"Freemasonary" are just an excuse for elderly men to gather and fuck each other

Meh, cell phones and the internet killed all the secrets...

It’s all larping now

>Only confederate statue on Federal land yet you have never heard a peep about taking it down
It's actually being taken down. Just has to get approved by congress first. It'll be given to the House of the Temple when it does.
>Also the Masonic symbol is basically the star of david
Might need to get your prescription checked.

Breivik murdered scum who were directly involved in the planned Muslim horde invasion AND demonization of opposition. There is no need to Harambe Muslims if we don't take them out of their Africa habitat.