Stop eating food

Stop eating food.

S-sure thing comrade Stalin.

*blocks your path*

Stop destroying cultures and economies

Ok, I'm getting fat anyway

Don't be a cucked foodboy, you goys

Stop being jewish.

I actually haven't eaten anything today. Normally by 2 PM I would have had two meals and a snack, but I need to train my fat ass to eat less.

*makes your country collapse*
Nothing personal kid

Shave the stache, cyka. Only good things you ever did we have Trotsky killed, and dying yourself

Controlling hunger is one of the best ways to build will. Better than cleaning your room.

Cold showers during winter are even better. If you aren't taking a cold shower every morning you are a weak-willed faggot.

I actually need to clean my room too but one thing at a time

>If you aren't taking a cold shower every morning you are a weak-willed faggot.
I love boiling ass hot water though senpai. But you're right, I'm pretty soft atm. I should probably stop ingesting so much poison too. It hurts so good.

Hot water is also shit for you, sure it makes you feel better for a while but it harms your skin and hair and makes your body absorb insane amounts of Chlorine. Hot showers are the biggest Jew blue-pill.

Stop seceding

Oh user-kun, will you please take a heli-tour with me? I love you senpai

>stop being a mutt


>Stop eating food.
Stop being a jew


Stop rebelling