Sup Forums recommended literature?

I want to know many things, many useful things. What do you recommend I read fellow Sup Forumsacks?

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Culture of Critique

On mobile so don't have reading list handy some user can hook you up.

2 of top of my head
Sowell: basic economics
Clauswitz : on war

The power of now, by echart tolle
The war of art, by steven pressfield
The art of war, by sun tzu
Sperm wars, robin baker
Millioner fastlane, mj dmarco

I really recomend reading in this order, especially the power of now first

Naturalist, romanticist poems.

>mexican intellectuals

You can read the ten-year reading plan of the Great Books of the Western World in less than a year if you focus on it. It'll teach you many things, many useful things, and also show you what interests you most in the corpus, whereafter you're free to devote yourself to the subjects of your choosing. Don't waste your time with audiobooks and YouTube videos like manlets, these may help you parrot key ideas, but give you no understanding of them.

Then ten year reading plan:

sowell's basic economics is a must read for every citizen.

I would add John Stuart Mill's On Liberty

perhaps also Robert Nozick's Anarchy, State & Utopia

Is that all you can mutter user? You cannot phase me.

Gulag Archipeligo, Alexander Solzhenitsyn

sholtynichin, dostoyufski and yung's what intelligent people read.



Catcher in the Rye
Death of a Salesman
On the Road, anything by Jack Kerouac

Mein Kampf

that's what jordan peterman reads.

>Catcher in the Rye
>recommending a book about sexual abuse and child rape

Basically anything by Evola.

>Catcher in the Rye
They made you read this in high school. IIRC it's all about muh poor oppressed blacks.

>On the Road, anything by Jack Kerouac
Garbage book first of all, but that's a matter of taste so just my opinion. What's not though is the fact that it's postmodern literature. The Beats were the precursors to the hippies. From this spawned all the SJW shit we see today.

You're the kind of leaf that gives all leafs a bad name. You probably live in Toronto and let your gf sleep with black men.

>it's all about muh poor oppressed blacks.
close. it's about a kid that's in a mental institution that raped his little sister phoebe and was himself sexually abused.


Been meaning to throw this out there- if you appreciate Peterson's work you should check out the work of Joseph Campbell.

He taught comparative lit and mythology and his lectures have the same sweeping breadth and level of insight as Peterson's.

He was a race-realist and was vilified posthumously by the Jew York academic establishment as being an anti-Semite.

His seminal work, The Hero with a Thousand Faces, inspired Lucas in his writing of the initial Star Wars film, as well as countless other filmmakers and writers.

The Power of Myth documentary series where he's interviewed by Bill Moyers is a good intro to his work. He wrote extensively and broadly so there's any number of directions you can follow from there. "Occidental Mythology" is worth checking out. He's definitely worth looking into.

Somewhat annoyingly, the Joseph Campbell Foundation, which publishes most of his work today, tries hard to sanitize it, make it conform the politically correct zeitgeist, but you'll find little gems here and there in his writing that reveal his adamant opposition to the Left and recognition of the general superiority of Western Civ in most respects.


this is the first book you must read if you are a pollack
basically the summary of Nationalsocialism
secondly, what do you want to know of? History? Philosophy?.. how much do you know? If I were you I'd start with the sumerians but idk what you want to get into, give us more details
otherwise ppl are just gna recommend a book they liked

someone should also post the recommended reading list, i dont have it but it refers to books of philosophy mostly

Art of war is pretty shit desu. It's full of simple, common sense proverbs boiling down to "don't be a brainlet"
obligatory pic

Part two, honestly, reading a couple of book from each category should be more than enough, also I've found that the order in which you read them isn't really that important

>the order in which you read them isn't really that important
Let me rephrase that; it is somewhat important but don't obsess over it.

I agree up to a certain extent, op didnt clarify what he is looking for so I put very day to day usefull books, and well you only really need not to be a brainlet to succeed on most things.

In regard to the list you composed it is quite good for political and philosofical matters.


I'll add Hoppe, Spooner, Nock, Mencken, Chesterton, Lewis, Dickens, Huxley, Bradbury, and Orwell. Start at the end and work your way to the beginning.

Atlas Shrugged, Ayn Rand






>one of the greatest coming of age stories ever
So you're saying it's about rape?

The Iliad


The Gulag Archipelago

"200 years together" by Al. Solzhenitsyn.
Links to English, French and Russian version in the pastebin.

Fucking right wingers and their low IQ and typos.
Holy shit can someone properly edit this so it doesn't have 350,00,000. Seriously fucking triggered right now by you low IQ apes.

Yeah, maybe for pic related.

Your pic related tbqh.
12 Rules For Life
Memes aside it's a good book. Each chapter dives into paths you didn't think they would. It's not just "clean your room" it's the reasoning underneath that. It references a lot from the bible in a way that isn't pushing Christianity and alienating non-Christians. It's a good book if you want a different perspective on your life and others. It's $20 in maple bucks, you can't really go wrong.

>cumming of age
child rape no less

Starship Troopers. Movie doesn't do it justice.

I have three books to recommend:

1. The Bible
2. The Bible
3. The Holy Bible


Henry Kissinger

10/10 great books will read again

This guy gets it.

100 questions about fascism!! Oswald Mosley.

I'd recommend the following philosophical treatise and book archive. Choose whichever books interest you, all that I've read were worth reading.


my diary desu

Can we make our own version of this please? And not have our tastes dictated by the most Marxist leftist board on Sup Forums?

200 hundred years together

>So you're saying it's about rape?
it is most certainly about rape. holden rapes phoebe and was sexually abused himself. why do you think he's in a mental institution? you dumb as a stone boat, boi.

>The Iliad

Also, if Plato's Republic is too dense, I recommend Gorgias. Was a huge redpill for me about democracy.

Why is anti-semitic, and racist, under one category? Do you not understand that anti-semitism IS anti-racism, because the Jews are the racist, tribalist ones? You are either ignorant, or willfully perpetuating Zionist ideas.

48 laws of power
you will learn a great many things

Ammianus Marcellinus' History of the Later Roman Empire
David Goodhardt's The Road to Somewhere
Sir Roger Scruton's Fools, Frauds and Firebrands: Thinkers of the New Left

Man and his Search for Meaning