Hitler was a vegetarian. Why aren't you?

Hitler was a vegetarian. Why aren't you?

Because veganism is better.

He was vegetarian because meat gave him gas. If you can eat a burger without farting you have no reason to not eat meat.

Because I like the taste of meat and it's a good source of protein. And if your only quarrel with eating meat is how the animals are treated, simply buy meat from responsible, local farmers, like I do (for the most part)

I am

“One may regret living in a period when it is impossible to form an idea of the shape the world of the future will assume. But there is one thing I can predict to eaters of meat: the world of the future will be vegetarian.” – Adolf Hitler

“The Fuhrer is a convinced vegetarian, on principle. His arguments cannot be refuted on any serious basis. They are totally unanswerable.” – Joseph Goebbels

“An extended chapter of our talk was devoted by the Fuehrer to the vegetarian question. He believes more than ever that meat eating is wrong. Of course he knows that during the war we cannot completely upset our food system. After the war, however, he intends to tackle this problem also.” – Joseph Goebbels
“The only God they can think of, if any, is a man-loving God who created no master race save mankind itself, to which he gave as a birthright domination over the whole scheme of life. … We cannot think of anything more disgusting, more vulgar, more mean, than this attitude.” – Savitri Devi

Magda Goebbels once said to Hitler: “I thought you ate fish, my Fuehrer? Fish isn’t meat, you know.” Hitler replied: “I suppose then, that fish, in your opinion, dear lady, is a plant!”

“One has only to keep one’s eyes open to notice what an extraordinary antipathy young children have to meat.” - Adolf Hitler

“Our ancestors were all peasants. There were no hunters amongst them — hunters are only degenerate peasants.” – Adolf Hitler

“We should treat animals as we ourselves, as individual beings, would like to be treated. Would we wish to be subject to pain? To suffer? Would we wish to be captured, and held in captivity, and experimented on, and bred for food and for slaughter? … Thus, there is no need to debate, for example, whether some or all animals are sentient, or whether they are “intelligent” according to some abstract criteria, for such questions are irrelevant, from the perspective of empathy.” – David Myatt

This. Everything in our brains, teeth, and guts tells us to be meat eaters. Instead of eating low quality meat every day, eat expensive high quality meat once or twice a week. You get any benefits of a vegetarian diet, plus you get to treat yourself a couple times a week.

well maybe if he bow hunted his own dinners whites would have won the war

He wasn't. He loved turtle soup and stuffed squab. He just liked to pretend to be veggie like celebrities do.

Cause I'm not a sensitive atheist artist who spares Jews when I have the power to kill them all.

Hitler was a leftist whose main opponents were actual right wing monarchy restorationists and you're all fools.

>if your only quarrel with eating meat is how the animals are treated, simply buy meat from responsible, local farmers
What kind of farm gets meat without killing animals?

Just because I agree with hitler on some issues doesn’t mean I have to emulate his fucking lifestyle


Obviously the animals are killed, but they aren't forced to walk into "slaughter factories" or purposely mistreated during life.
If the cows and pigs walked freely in nature, do you think the wolves and other predators would not eat them?

>turtle soup
from wikipedia:
turtle soup was one of Braun's favourite dishes and the interrogation notes do not indicate if Hitler shared the supper.
>stuffed squab
For stuffed squab see pic related, I think he became more committed to vegetarianism over time, or the English cook wanted to misrepresent him, one of the two.

When in a lineup, ypu talk to a man wearing a germany cap, about this nat geo on the nsdap and ufos,
and the virtue signalling bitch ahead , out of nowhere must comment to the the black girl behind you whom ypu had not noticed, to tell her she likes her shoes.
Then in a chat with the cashier she brags about workin for tge goverment to catalog "protein" across the border. She says this to a man who was E Indian, could have been Hindu and held cows as sacred.
Then regretting not telling the VS bitch that cows are sentient, emotion filled and do not belong in gulag concentration death camps, fucking bigot

He also had a micro penis and enjoyed being peed on by little girls, do you emulate this as well?

So fundementally, they're mistreated. Obviously then if you care about the mistreatment of animals, you wouldn't buy meat from any source.

This is not as simple as it seems.
You have to stop and ask yourselves are no slaughtered animals lives worth living?
Arguably if a farm animal has lived a good life and was swiftly killed at the end,
that's better than the animal having never lived at all (which is what would have happened if there was no market for meat).

Oh, and adding to this, they also walk freely on the meadows most of the year (at least here)

There's a stately gentleman we love so
One they'll right about in history


Because not everything Hitler did was smart. Like his meddling in weapons design and adoption.

We are are made by ancient aliens, half bred to eat divine hyper energised plant and mushroom foods.

This consumption of negative dense matter is Demiurge reality tier shit, to fuel Demiurge parasites in and on your body, to make you a more dense slave. Make people more into non emphathetic assholes to help archons, evil aliens and (((them)))

It says right there: the Hamburg chef served Hitler stuffed squab.

Also a fan amphetamine, so why aren't you all shooting that shit up right now?

that's some beta logic
offensive hate speech or some stank farts

>being born to live a short life as a commodity is better than not living at all
That's dangerous philosophical territory. Would you accept this for yourself, being given an artificially controlled life and then murdered around age 15-18?

Including humans. If there is no demand for human meat, from reptiloids and africans, why bother geowing any?

If the alternative was no life, then yea, I'd take the short life.

Meanwhile fat fucking Churchill is probably raping kids, eating 10 species like a glutton, cigar chain smoking ,boozing and exterminating 100thousand people a day for kosher reasons

And I told you that that chef, an English woman, might have wanted to misrepresent him.

Killing an animal if your intention is to eat it is not mistreatment. There is a distinct difference between "lower" animals and humans; taste.
Animals eat only because they must, their instincts drive them to it.
Humans of course get hungry too, but taste is equally important and I'm not going to spend the rest of my life eating alternative protein sources that I don't like the taste of.

Just out of curiosity, what are your thoughts on eating fish that you've caught yourself, or "game" that you've hunted yourself?


Because I want to be strong enough to actually win a war.

he turned into a trembling crap

From the article, it sounds like he couldn't stick with it for very long. Hence he wasn't a vegetarian, even though he might've been sympathetic to animals. It was mostly propaganda that states Hitler's diet, because it looked good at that time to call yourself a vegetarian.

>Killing an animal if your intention is to eat it is not mistreatment.
Just because you like eating it? The animal isn't concerned about your enjoyment of a burger, it doesn't want to die.

Consider a scenario where cows are allowed to stroll freely on a farmers land (and not get locked in pens 24/7) and getting slaughtered never knowing it was coming.
How is that worse than an animal getting getting bitten by a pack of predators until it bleeds out?

This is one of those cases where I think reality just sucks.
It sucks that life-forms have to kill each other to eat, but that's sadly how it goes.
If there was a true alternative, like lab-grown meat and it was proven to be as safe and healthy as normal meat, I would switch.
But they've been promising that for years and it doesn't seem like it's going to manifest anytime soon.

>It sounds like he couldn't stick with it for very long
>>there is no record of him eating meat after 1942
ok kid

>it doesn't want to die
An animal doesn't have that level of sentience.
Unless you're talking about monkeys, and I don't eat monkeys.

Why do other cultures always shit talk our food saying it's bland just because we don't dump a million hot peppers into it? We literally have the best food in the world. I'll take this over horse meat from France any day.

Virtually all animals have the will to live. Maybe you're thinking of sapience or the ability to deeply ponder life and death, but animals obviously have the basic fear of danger and desire to live and be happy.

Hitler was a veteran,fighted against the Jews and Commies . Why aren't you?

Churchill was alpha af, mah dude

>caring about animal suffering but not caring about human suffering
red flag for severe autism

>people aren't perfect
what a surprise

at least he wasn't a Nazi when it came to veganism, it was his personal choice he didn't force it on others.

False. Our teeth are formed more like herbivores. Our bodies can't even produce our own vitamin C and we need to eat vegetables

meant vegetarian

I've never even saw horse meat but this looks greasy but délicieux indeed

>citation needed

Will =/= instinct
Holy fuck, this.
He even thought Hess was annoying for constantly preaching about it.

Why can't you psedosocialist soyboys understand that the human is the ultimate predator that can sway the life and the death of animals only by sheer will ? Homo sapiens grabbed the food chain by the balls thousands of years ago, and now you cucks want to socialise (politically, as in socialism) with species that don't have anything to offer you ?
Can animals give you a shelter, a job, a marriage, children, advice or anything else besides food ?
>hurr durr but they don't give anything, we take it by force
That's exactly how the food chain works.
I'll just disclaim myself the following fact before you screech autistically at me, I'm 100% against cruelty against animals, but (human) economy has spoken and imposed a free market on animal goods, we're trying to survive in our lifestyle the way we can, by dominating inferior species.
I'd kick meat and every single animal product if we could all live in peace, but that's impossible.
We've got an ongoing ideological war with our own species. There's too much geopolitical competition at this point and treehugging will only leave us bent over for the enemy. Druidism and nature-related spirituality can be truly enlightening but that age has not come yet, I'm afraid.


Because I don't like vegetables that much. If a few animals have to die to satisfy my taste, then so be it.

My taste > foodstock feefees

because i don't let my cousin pee on my face. Hitler was a degenerate who stole most of his ideas. He didn't even finish his job. stop idolizing this idiot when there are other leaders who would not have fucked up germany, europe- subsequently the world. his all out attack on the so called jewish conspiracy backlashed and made ((them)) stronger than before.

>Will =/= instinct
Everything is based on instinct. Your fear response is instinct. It doesn't mean it's not real.
I don't think you're dumb enough to honestly think animals have no thoughts or emotions at all, but if you're trying to portray it that way, you come off as feeling guilty about killing/eating them. You claim to be concerned about animal welfare to some extent, you claim killing animals is justified when it's for something you like but presumably not for other things, but your "beliefs" are limited by your actions. You're unwilling to give up eating meat, so you need a way to frame things where you're not doing something wrong, but also don't have to stop doing what you want. That kind of self-serving attitude annoys me, whether it's about meat eating or anything else.

Anyway, good chat

No, he hated how animals suffered.

Being vegan is the White thing to do.

vegetarianism cause suicide, look at hitler he killed himself