Where did it go wrong?

There were times when the word 'liberalism' had the meaning of as we today know 'classical liberalism'.

Today we understand the concept 'liberalism' as 'social liberalism'.

What happened goys?

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Women got the right to vote. It ruined everything.

unironically this

My eyes are burning.
I'll never forget this sight.

Wrong, women had the vote for 50 years before it went to shit.

Women should be treated as property but I reject this argument as it is wrong and I don't need a justification to rule over women because I am man.

Liberalism went wrong because it supports egalitarianism, democracy, capitalism, and everything else bad in the world which runs contrary to the Natural Order.

The strong should rule the weak, and scapegoating women for the flaws baked into your horrible ideology is weak.

Women are mindless children who vote however the TV tells them to. If men had not been weak, the TV would not have started whispering lies to women.

Your civilization falls because of you. European civilization was defined by the enlightenment which was defined by these horrible ideas. Your white civilization was always cucked and was always going to fail. Civilization is cancer, just like most of the White race.

You know what your right.


Liberalism means to demand free speech in spite of the chruch.

Modern Liberalism means to control speech in spite of common sense.

Damn i was with you till you said civilization was the problem

The true answer is we need to turn back to royal absolutism

kikes ruin everything

>. European civilization was defined by the enlightenment
What was the Catholic Church
What was the Roman empire
What was the counter Enlightenment
Who was Neiztsche
Who was Heidegger
What was Fascism
What was the Renaissance
Who was Thomas Aquinas
Who was St Augustine
Who was Origen
Who was Snorri Snurrelson
What was the medieval period
What were the Germanic pagans
What was ancient Greece
Who was (cba to list the classical lot, but you get you are a cunt right?)
What were high Tories
Who was Thomas Hobbes
Who were the Spanish
Who were the French
Who were the English other than a 100 year period in the late 18th to mid 19th centuries

Enlightenment my arse, you are a tosspot

It means a liberal or generous application use of the force of the State, i.e. an interventionist State. That's why taxes are so high, because the average liberal (whether he calls himself conservative Republican or liberal Democrat) wants the State to tell people as individuals or people as corporations what they can and can't do, see the discrimination lawsuits and monetary payouts for settlements inflicting on commercial enterprises, establishing a culture that infects non-commercial activity as well.

Normal people want the Church and other civic organisations to effect culture, and to do so with deliberate transparency, not some kind of legalistic bureaucracy that uses "the common good" to affect culture through "anti-discrimination" deemed proper by a liberal ly-applied interventionist (bloated into corruption) State, O.P.

God save the State! God save Estonia, God save the United States.

Pundits screaming to foment partisanship.

That is actually what happened.The word itself didn't change, people got dumber.

>What happened goys?
unironically led to idiocracy
the left became the ideological idiots trying to force the world to adhere to their simplistic virtues and their infantile emotional substitute for logic.
feminism and socialism also had important roles in destroying society.

We lost the cold war. We allowed the communists to take root in our country and grow. It followed the plan of seizing control of the media and educational system, and brainwashing the youth to adopt communism. Because we allowed it. Now, having flooded the country with shitskins, the communist power has grown. The solution is either a sudden increase in our numbers.....which is impossible.....or, sudden decrease in their numbers. Which IS possible.

Like this retard who thinks that shit he makes up in his head is true.

Keep in mind that when the west had the highest taxes and the highest level of interventionist policy was when Liberalism referred to the democratic west, and was usually spoken if as a contrast to the authoritarian communism of the east at the advent of the cold war in the 1950's .

Now read that fools post again.
This is how words are distorted; agenda-driven dummies chanting stupid shit until it drowns out everything else.

>vote for 50 years
but they didn't actively engage in politics before recent years, they didn't poison politics by forcing the general population to be subjected to their emotional dogma.

I remember when this redneck was on last comic standing. She only told church jokes, Schumer was a total hillbilly do gooder virgin. Hollywood are her lunch and sit her out degenerate

Europe didn't pull ahead until the (((Renaissance))). All of the inventions, exploration, and domination of other races for resources was just to feed the needs of (((merchants))) and their puppet emperors.

Any other race would have filled all their colonies with their own tribe. Only the cucked european leaves mud people alive in their lands.

European civilization is fucking gay.

Ate... not are her lunch

>Keep in mind that when the west had the highest taxes in the 1950's
But the lowest amount of people, jobs for everyone.

>and the highest level of interventionist policy
not a good thing, that interventionism plated the seed of the EU in europe. But the US is not to blame for the outcome, the responsibility for the authoritarianism of the EU lies in the hands of the European leaders.

>Liberalism referred to the democratic west
it no longer does, does it?
We're not the ones who changed these definitions. We're not the ones who claimed these terms.

You do know the Renaissance was 300 years before the Enlightenment, had nothing to do with the Jews (in the UK in our Renaissance which was after the Italian one the Jews were barred from the country completely and the Jewish population was 0), and I would argue European civilisation was at a higher point in the early Roman period and late Greek.

Also we did fill the colonies with our own tribe South Africa was a majority white nation at the beginning of the 20th century, the dog people just had too many kids because they are dogs. I'm assuming you are Asian from your perspective, so we both have the exact same birthrate problem and you shouldn't crow.

Millions of Chinese are converting to (((Christianity))). Of the gayest kind as well, no medieval faith for them. Lets see how that ends.

they had an opportunity to snag minority vote and went all in. The rest involves their understanding that whites are on a decline and will become the minority if nothing is done.

You're just a spic or nigger or some other abomination


China preps for war as liberals seethe!!!!

Easy. That way the modern right (which are liberal in many aspects) can disguise themselves more easily. They can just deflect the word.
Take a look at Macron, Merkel and Trump's golf course workers.

>*liberal in the economic sense

>muh retard
user., you should kill yourself.

It's infected